Become Stronger

Chapter 410: Become Stronger in the Empire (3)


The visitor was dressed plainly and looked like a random person on the side of the road. If he hadn't appeared at the gate of the Imperial Prison, I'm afraid no one would notice him if he was thrown into the crowd.

This deliberately reducing the presence of the dress and the content of his mouth is equivalent to telling him his identity, this person should be the person who gave him the key card and the note, and now squatting here at this time is In order to pick him up, this person was afraid that he did not expect that so many criminals would escape from prison at the same time.

It stands to reason that Silent Yan should just follow him like this. After all, behind this person is the object he needs to relieve, and from those people, he can dig out more clues, but he can't follow him directly.

He will not forget his current situation because he is too anxious. Apart from the incident of encountering the system, he is a young man whose life has been shuffled overnight, betrayed and lost all of his relatives, and he was fifteen years old in the empire He was not even an adult, and he was suppressed by the most unbearable environment in the entire empire in the imperial prison. Under this background, he should not believe anyone after escaping from prison.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Looking back on himself at this time, Silent Yan was not happy or grateful because someone tried to rescue him, so even if he escaped now, he should not follow him casually. The man goes.

The man who was sent to bring it back had no idea that things would go so badly.

I thought it was just a simple job, but I just went to the Imperial Prison to pick up an ignorant young man who was imprisoned. At this moment, he was isolated and helpless, miserable and helpless. Everyone knows what the Imperial Prison is. What crime did he commit, and what would be the consequences of entering a brat who has never killed a rabbit? It's almost the same as crying if I'm afraid of being bullied.

According to the request of the adults, he has made all the preparations in advance to appease the other party, including warm hot water and thick blankets, to ensure that he can feel the warmth that cannot be experienced in the imperial prison along the way.

So what's going on now? Look what this stinky bastard has done. He let out all the criminals!

Although I know intellectually that there are more criminals in the prison, but looking at this number of men, my heart still jumps in panic, even if I know that I can't blame myself for this, but if such a problem occurs, in the end, the adults will definitely You will also think that you are doing something wrong.

What the hell was this kid thinking? Could it be that the family members are dead, so they want to release these criminals to take revenge on the empire

A man has seen a lot of people with crazy methods. It is rare for a kid to do such a thing at his age. He is not sure whether this kid knows his current situation or not, and it is possible that he could have escaped by himself. Because this kind of action can't escape in the end, it's too messy.

However, this kid is also naive. The Imperial Prison has its own system. Even if these criminals run out of here, they will not be able to run far. It is just whimsical to want to make a big noise.

Thinking like this, the man involuntarily looked at a terminal that was also equipped on his wrist. It can be said that as long as there is this thing, then no one is free.

"Okay, come with me?" The man took advantage of the chaos around him, grabbed the hand of his mission target and was about to walk in the direction of the car.

But as soon as he turned to one side, his hand was thrown away.

As soon as the man turned around, the teenager who was arranged to be picked up by him ran away without turning his head, but a juvenile who was malnourished and worked in the imperial prison for a long time had never run away from a normal healthy adult man, the man responded. Come and catch up right away.

"Hey, don't run! Don't be afraid! I'm not a bad person!" The man didn't expect that as the one who saved this young man, he would have to prove his innocence first, and he suddenly became angry, but considering that this was a party from above When he came down to the task, he still patiently said, "I was sent by the Jing family, do you know the Jing family???"

This time, the man was afraid of letting him run away again, and held his arm tightly, not giving him a second chance to break free.

After he finished speaking, he saw that the young man in front of him was obviously quieter, but he didn't express any thoughts based on his words. He was obviously still in the stage of doubt.

When the man thinks about it, it is true that somehow someone came out and was willing to help him, and the person who helped him was still the Jing family. I am afraid that anyone would feel uneasy, but these things should not be explained by him, so he could only comfort him as much as possible: "It's our Patriarch who wants to help you, or else you wouldn't be able to get out of the Imperial Prison at all. Would it take so much trouble to harm you with the Jing family's abilities?"

"You don't even know how much trouble you've caused our family owner." The man sighed, "Now go back to Jing's house with me? The prisoners will soon catch up, and no one will provide you with anything. Asylum you can't hide at all."

"You don't have to be too nervous. After listening to what our master wants to say to you, it doesn't matter what you want to do next. We will not restrict your freedom."

Maybe it was because the time was really tight, the man hardly gave him a chance to refute, and after saying this, he pulled the man and wanted to leave. This time, he obviously felt that the young man's attitude was loosened, and he was willing to follow him to leave. The man couldn't help but relax. Take a breath.

He felt that the one he brought back was not a young man, he was clearly a wolf cub, and he was willing to follow him after explaining all the pros and cons to him at this time.

What he drove was an extremely ordinary transport vehicle. It was quite normal to park the transport vehicle at the entrance of the prison where nutrient solution was needed every day, and it was also the most convenient to hide from the public.

When Silent Yan got into the car, he found out that the car was equipped with a lot of things, the most conspicuous of which was a bowl of hot porridge on the table in the car.

Most people in the empire have no appetite, but for the upper-level big families, nutrient solution will not be the only choice. If they want, they can get some things that ordinary people can't eat.

A bowl of porridge was nothing to the Shen family in the past, but it was especially precious at this time.

Silent Yan got into the car and said nothing to the hot porridge on the table in front of him.

He could almost think of the good intentions of the Jing family's arrangement, but he was very surprised that they were the ones who extended a "helping hand" to him at this time.

After experiencing other worlds, Silent Yan clearly realized how bad the empire is. In this world where he was born and raised, people have almost no privacy of their own, and the terminal embedded in the wrist since birth is not An identity authentication is actually more of a supervision.

The former Silent Yan had little understanding of these concepts. After all, for him at that time, the terminal was used to authenticate identity, consumption and communication. Without a terminal, it would be impossible to count on the empire, so the terminal was more of a kind in his eyes. Very convenient stuff.

But when he has the ability to think independently and has seen more things, Silent Yan understands what it means for everyone to be equipped with such a highly intelligent terminal.

He has no doubts whether the role of the terminal includes tracking and positioning and data analysis, but as Duan Ze revealed to him before that, Duan Ze once tried to violate the rules in the Imperial Prison and was taken away. The other party didn't know what method to use to make the terminal emit a current that was enough to make people faint instantly, causing Duan Ze to lose consciousness directly.

It can be seen from the fact that he has released so many criminals, but this man who is obviously not a high-ranking man who is only sent to run errands is only verbally condemned but not worried at all. I am afraid that these criminals will be born because of the terminal soon. The electric shock lost consciousness, and all of them were taken back because of the positioning of the terminal. Unless they can cut the flesh and take out the terminal from the terminal, it is impossible to really escape.

In such an era when the whole people do not have any privacy, there will naturally be some people who are disgusted with such a situation. The partisan disputes in the empire are generated around this matter. Among them, the independent factions are opposed to the idea of using the core of the empire to monitor the citizens. Among ordinary people, there is a lot of popularity, and the Jing family is the leader of the independent faction.

Silent Yan didn't know much about the imperial faction disputes. No one in the Shen family tried to let him contact them, so what he knew was only some well-known information in his class at the time.

But even so, he knew how good the people of the Jing family were. In a place where most people were cold-blooded and only seeking to protect themselves, only the Jing family would be willing to spend time and effort to rescue some helpless people and give them to them. Bringing hope of life, for those who cannot survive independently, they will even arrange jobs for them in the Jing family so that these people can live on their own labor.

It can be said that they are a family of good people, and they can't find any faults. If it was the former Silent Yan who heard that it was the Jing family who saved him, I am afraid that he will only feel at ease after realizing it. After all, they are such good old people, and they are. Being wronged, they must know this before they come to save him, he must think so.

"The owner said that you suffered in prison and that you might not be able to eat ordinary food for a while, so he prepared hot porridge." The man was afraid that he would not know it was prepared for him, and pushed the porridge forward. " There are only the worst quality nutrient solution in prison, which will put a great burden on people's stomach, so drink some porridge to support them first."

"Even if you are unwilling to accept the help of the head of the family in the end, you still need physical strength to leave the Jing family, don't you?"

After the man finished speaking, he saw that the boy seemed to have listened to his words and held the bowl. Then he stopped his persuasion. He noticed that the fingers of the boy holding the spoon seemed to be shaking, thinking that the temperature in the car was too low. So I adjusted the temperature inside the car.

It didn't take long for the whole car to warm up, and it was very different from the outside.

Through the surveillance camera installed inside the carriage, the man sitting on the soft leather sofa looked at the image projected in the air, and when he noticed the scene where the boy seemed to be unable to hold the spoon, he couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at this, if the enemy appeared in front of him, he would probably rush up to bite the enemy's throat recklessly.

In the end is a young man, can't hold back.

But this is the best, the greater the hatred in the heart, the better the control.