Become Stronger

Chapter 411: Become stronger in the empire (4)


The residence of the Jing family does not match the overall atmosphere of the empire. In the empire, there are more high-rise buildings like steel. As one of the strong enough families, the Jing family occupied an area and built it. It became a livable manor.

The outermost door lights up when it senses the approach of the car. After scanning the electronic license plate of the Jing family on this car, the door will automatically open. Situations that require humans to wait.

The vehicle drove into the manor smoothly. The overall land area of the empire is not large. Outside the empire, it is more of an unbearable area, where there is pollution that ordinary humans cannot bear, which also makes the land area of the empire unable to be expanded. The fact that such a territory can be monopolized within a limited territory is enough to show the strength behind the Jing family, but because of the good reputation of the Jing family, no one is targeting them. Ordinary people hate the conservatives more. of those families.

But how could a family that treats people so kindly, stand out in the environment of the empire and achieve its current status

Silent Yan leaned against the car window and looked at the gray sky of the empire, and suddenly had an unreal feeling that he really came back here.

The man next to him saw him staring out without saying a word, just thought he was indulging in sadness. Considering that this is only a 15-year-old boy, it is normal for him to be unable to accept this kind of thing for a while. , so it was rare to be considerate without speaking, and the carriage remained silent for a long time.

Until the car drove to the door of the mansion.

The car door opened automatically. After the man got out of the car, he wanted to give the fragile boy a hand, but the boy was very alert and didn't want to accept his kindness, so he got out of the car himself.

The man shrugged, and he walked towards the mansion with the man. After the man pressed the control button of the terminal, he spontaneously closed the car door and drove to the garage along the road in the manor.

Silent Yan followed him. He saw the driverless car driving away, and saw the man in front of the mansion using the terminal's identification to open the door. Only then did he have a sense of reality of returning to a familiar place. It was the environment he had been exposed to since he was a child, and everything he was most familiar with.

The man took him into a reception room and prepared him a cup of hot cocoa.

After entering the mansion, the surrounding temperature has been kept in a state that the human body will feel the most comfortable, which will make people feel extremely relaxed, coupled with a cup of hot cocoa, it is really more comfortable than the prison environment. Sigh, even if it's not real cocoa, it's just ordinary hot water whose taste has been changed by imperial technology.

He didn't wait long for the person he wanted to see.

He was a man who made people feel good just by looking at him. At the age of about forty years old, the impetuousness of young people has faded, and he has become a little more mature and stable.

Silent Yan recognized at a glance that this person was Jing Zhao, the current head of the Jing family. Even if his memory was not so clear, he still recognized it at the first sight with a sense of familiarity. The head of the family had a relationship once, it was at a high-level party in the empire, he didn't know the specific nature of the party, only that the people who attended at that time brought their children and family members, and he was also at this time. There was a contact with the Jing family.

"Uncle Jing, thank you very much for your help." After going through the thoughts in his heart, Silent Yan did not pretend to not know the other party, but thanked the other party very politely and restrained, "I can't do anything now, But I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity in the future."

Jing Zhao was not surprised that he recognized him. Even the younger generation who didn't care about the outside world would know a little bit about the head of the Jing family.

His eyes fell on Recoco, who had never been passive, and when he heard his thanks, his smile became more gentle and kind: "Don't be so polite, your father and I are close friends, and I am very sorry for the Shen family to encounter such a thing."

"This incident happened too suddenly. It was too late when I realized I needed to help them, but at least I shouldn't let my friend's children continue to face such a result." He sounded very sincere, and when he mentioned Silent Yan's sister, he showed great self-blame, "I'm sorry about Xiaojing, even I can't manage the prison matters so quickly. It was too late to save you all."

After he mentioned Shen Jing, Silent Yan didn't speak. He could even say that he was calmly watching the man's repentance, even if it was a topic that would offend him, but now he is calm enough Sit here, listen to these words and judge the purpose of this person.

The matter of the Shen family was finally settled after a trial by the upper echelons of the empire. How could the Jing family not realize the seriousness of the situation? Considering that they were able to send the key card of the prison into his cell, it would be impossible to manage the imperial prison. It was so difficult as he said.

"It's nothing, it's not your fault." He followed Jing Zhao's words and lowered his head, for a moment Jing Zhao couldn't tell what kind of look he had in his eyes, "The Shen family didn't do anything wrong to the empire, what was wrong was Those who planted it indiscriminately."

Jing Zhao sighed: "Then what are you going to do next? If you want to find a place to settle down, I can provide you with a place to live and prepare for your work. The Jing family will take care of you so that you can spend your time in peace. this lifetime."

"This is also some compensation for my shame on Mr. Shen. I will take good care of you on their behalf."

Jing Zhao patiently asked for his opinion. The hot cocoa on the table was always steaming, and some small devices in the cup were operating to provide it with heat. It was a bit like this empire, which operated on the core of the empire. , If there is no core, I don't know how long it can last.

"Uncle Jing, if you really want to help me, can you answer a few questions for me?" Seemingly moved by the gentle attitude of the person in front of him, the young boy realized that he might be able to get some useful clues from the other person's mouth, so he After changing the original silent attitude, he said anxiously, "What happened to the Shen family? It's impossible for parents to collude with foreigners. The Shen family has never coveted the core. How could they possibly want to take the opportunity to take it away?"

His series of questions made Jing Zhao silent. The man seemed to have expected him to ask these questions, and was troubled by the fact that he actually asked. Jing Zhao leaned back on the chair and said after a while: "You're still young, these things..."

"I have no way to forget these and live alone." The teenager interrupted the elder's words impolitely, and he firmly expressed his thoughts, "As long as I am alive, I will seek the truth and avenge my family, so please tell me."

"Even if you die, it's better than living without knowing anything."

Jing Zhao wanted to laugh, wanted to laugh for the ignorant and foolish recklessness of the young man, but his face was still frowning, as if he was very worried that the only surviving child of his best friend would die because he went to find the truth that was too dangerous.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind and sighed: "I know, you do have the right to know these things."

Jing Zhao's compromise made the boy's gloomy expression a little more joyful, but Jing Zhao then stood up from his chair. He used the terminal to contact the servants of the mansion, and after a while, he turned his head and said to Silent. Said: "I will tell you, but not now."

When he was anxious to say something, Jing Zhao shook his head and continued: "You are too tired now, I am very aware of the labor in the Imperial Prison, and your body will not be able to bear it in the long run, so it is better to take a shower first. Take a shower, change your clothes, and have a good rest."

"When you have enough rest, I will tell you everything you want to know. Before that, you have to make sure you have the energy to listen to it."

Jing Zhao is like an adult who really cares about the younger generation. He has decided without a doubt that these tough but gentle arrangements are revealed. When he walked out of the reception room, the servant who was waiting at the door early in the morning walked in.

"The master asked me to take you to wash up."

So Silent Yan knew that Jing Zhao was a very patient person. He was using all means to increase his trust in him. He followed the servant to the bathroom of the mansion without resisting, and put on a clean one after grooming. After getting dressed, he asked the servant if he had any reading equipment.

After the servant brought him into the room that Jing Zhao prepared for him, he quickly took the reading equipment he wanted.

After the face-to-face meeting just now, Silent Yan can at least confirm that Jing Zhao is definitely not Duan Ze, and Duan Ze's possible identity in this world has been ruled out.

It wasn't until there was silence left in the room that he picked up what looked like a glass plate. After he opened it, the originally transparent glass plate immediately showed text. These reading plates were like e-books. Connected to a shared terminal, it is possible to read all public works, and some of the works that need to be purchased are stored separately on the buyer's terminal after purchase, and the identity information needs to be unlocked on the reading version.

But this is enough. Silent Yan was not prepared to watch some private content. He grew up too comfortable, and many details about the empire have become blurred for so long. All he needs to do is Complete these in one night.

Not to mention that there must be surveillance in this room. Even if there is no surveillance, the e-book reading records he uses with Jing's family's equipment will also be transmitted to Jing Zhao's terminal through the information network. Every move here cannot be concealed from the other party.