Become Stronger

Chapter 415: Getting Stronger in the Empire (8)


Ji Yonghui's words were undoubtedly a heavy blow, and they happened to coincide with some of Silent Yan's previous conjectures.

It's just that at present, Ji Yonghui may know more clearly than he is about some things. At this time, in Shen Siyan's eyes, Ji Yonghui is not only an enemy, but also a person who can solve his problems. Confused answer since.

Although Silent Yan made it clear that the system is likely to have a previous owner, but he did not show it. He seemed to know nothing about Ji Yonghui's statement, and at this time he still said with a cold face: "I don't understand. What do you mean, you mean to say that the system was transferred to me?"

His ignorance of this did not seem to be a fake. Ji Yonghui's expression changed at this time. He observed the young man with a calm face, but he did not see any disguise on the other's face. This kind of discovery made Ji Yonghui involuntarily squinted. At first glance, I changed my mind about the content of the next conversation.

Originally, this was just a very ordinary transaction. It would be a waste of resources to hand over something like a system to a kid. He would provide what he needed, and what Silent Yan needed to do was to hand over a system that would not be useful to him at all. themselves, then both parties can reach a satisfactory result.

But if Silent Yan knew nothing about the exchange of the system, things would be different.

"You really don't know?" Ji Yonghui raised a rare rhetorical question. He clearly knew the answer to this question, but he couldn't help but emphasize it again.

Perhaps it was because Ji Yonghui really cared too much about the system and didn't take him seriously, so he made such a low-level mistake in the negotiation process. His rhetorical question exposed his ignorance of the system. net.

It was because of this sentence that he realized that Ji Yonghui didn't know the system as well as he showed. At first, with Ji Yonghui's firm tone and attitude, he thought that Ji Yonghui had a clear understanding of the existence of the system, at least he should be better than himself. Know more, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

Just realizing that he might not know how to transfer the system to the other party, Ji Yonghui showed a visible impatience.

Such a discovery did not make Silent Yan feel any better. Instead, he felt dissatisfied because it was very likely that Ji Yonghui could not give him a clear answer. It is still difficult to ascend to the sky, at least even the God of Light has never discovered the system.

Silent Yan was disappointed that the amount of information Ji Yonghui knew might not be much, but he still did not forget to try to extract all the information from him, starting with what he mentioned in his words.

Rather than getting all the truth about the system from Ji Yonghui, he was more interested in what Ji Yonghui mentioned, the transfer of the system to him and the transfer of the system itself. He intuitively believed that this information was extremely useful to him. It also allowed him to increase a lot of patience in this conversation.

"I don't know, no one has transferred the system to me." Silent Yan answered Ji Yonghui's question, but disagreed, "Why do you think the system was transferred? In my opinion, it just appeared suddenly, it is very possible It's just the system's own choice."

This was the thought that Silent Yan had in the first place.

After all, there are so many people in the entire empire, and there are countless people who have encountered unfairness. After knowing that the system can easily cross different worlds, it is impossible to estimate that there are people similar to what he encountered, but this system appeared when he needed it most. .

At that time, Silent Yan felt like it sensed the unwillingness in his heart and knew that he wanted revenge, and only then did it find him, and it was indeed a feeling of being "selected".

Although now he can be sure that the system is likely to be handed over to him by another person. He was not "selected" by the system, but "selected" by that person, but when facing Ji Yonghui, this rhetoric is also Still comes in handy.

Ji Yonghui's reaction also confirmed Silent Yan's guess. He did have too much uncertainty about the system. After hearing what he said, he didn't speak for a while. He reached out and took the hot tea on the table and drank it. One bite.

His movements seem very leisurely, a little casual and unhurried, but in Shen Siyan's view, this is obviously evidence that he is shaken. Ji Yonghui is shaken because of his statement, which proves that he has not really been in contact with him. The system, at least he has not obtained or used the system, then his understanding of the system can only be obtained from another person.

When Shen Siyan came to this conclusion, Ji Yonghui also seemed to want to understand. He said with certainty as before: "No, you were not selected by the system. Before you, the system was on another person."

Silent Yan appropriately expressed his surprise at the fact that someone else had the system before him, and then he said: "Who is that person? You say it's impossible, but how do you know if the system has abandoned him? ."

"The system can't abandon him, it's only possible that he gave the system to you." Ji Yonghui's attitude became firm, "You know that person, and since I'm going to cooperate with you, then I won't beat around the bush."

"Do you still remember the boy named He Yi?" Ji Yonghui slowed down his speech. As he spoke, he observed the expression of the boy in front of him. When he mentioned the name, he noticed that the boy's relaxed shoulders were stiff in vain. After a while, the palms tightened unconsciously, and the whole body subconsciously exudes a defensive posture.

He Yi was sent by Ji Yonghui to the Imperial Prison to approach Silent Yan, so of course he knew what they had experienced in the Imperial Prison. Jing Zhao might think he was very good at winning people over, but it was still a step too late, because in Shen When this child in the family was the most embarrassed, a boy of the same age entered his world long ago.

Ji Yonghui is very sure that he is silent enough to care about He Yi, even if he never expressed this in the imperial prison, but Ji Yonghui, who has been following his movements, is very clear that in order to support himself and his sister's daily supply of nutrient solution, Silent Yan is extremely economical, because he knows that at his sister's age, it is impossible to earn enough nutrient solution by simple labor, so he has always shouldered the burden of two people.

And under this premise, he still fed him his nutrient solution when the boy named He was lacking in physical strength and lost consciousness, and he never even mentioned it afterwards. Even when he died, he didn't know that someone did this for him, and even gave him everything he had left.

Ji Yonghui believes that this is the biggest shortcoming of the Shen family, and it is obvious that their son has fully inherited this shortcoming. The return, weak and naive.

The empire does not need such weakness and innocence, the Shen family is destined to be eliminated by the empire, and they just put this matter on the agenda.

Ji Yonghui thought about it this way, it is a pity that Silent Yan is also a full Shen family member. I am afraid some things in nature are not so easy to change. Even if he has experienced such a thing, he will still trust a complete person in a place like the imperial prison in the end. stranger.

"I'm not going to hide this from you either. Now, meaningless concealment will only waste our time." Ji Yonghui told him the facts frankly, "He Yi was sent by me to get close to you, and Your system is his 'gift' to you."

When he said that name from Ji Yonghui's mouth, Silent Yan's mood sank to the bottom. He has always been very good at digging out the meaning contained in other people's words, but at this time, his thinking has become stagnant.

Until the wind outside the window broke the branches, the crisp sound of the branches made him suddenly come back to his senses, and he realized that he had to get more information from Ji Yonghui's mouth, which was an absolutely necessary behavior and would be very important to him.

But what Ji Yonghui said has some very strange points.

"You said the system is his, so why don't you grab it from him directly and send him to do this kind of thing."

Ji Yonghui originally thought that Silent Yan would question the authenticity of his words, but he did not expect that he would believe it directly, which made him more and more sure that there must be some special relationship between the two.

He Yi is a native of the Empire. The records of his birth are in the hands of Ji Yonghui. Ji Yonghui can be sure that with the birth of this young man, it is impossible to contact the Shen family, which had not yet fallen. There is no chance for people to contact. Ji Yonghui wondered why He Yi paid too much attention to a person who was completely stranger to him. Now, I think that the two people had been in private contact in a place he didn't know about.

He Yi has a system, so it is entirely possible to avoid the core monitoring.

Thinking of what the system can do, Ji Yonghui couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. As long as he got the system, what would the core of the empire be? The competition between the two factions of the empire is nothing but a competition for a country, and as long as there is a system, then he can get more, and even be able to see the technology of higher planes other than the system.

Now it seems that the young man in front of him does not understand the usefulness of the system. It seems that he has only obtained the system for a long time, and he does not know how amazing the things the system can do.

But that's fine too.

"Of course I want him to give me the system, but the most basic thing about the transfer of the system is to be willing." Ji Yonghui explained.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh that it is worthy of being a product of high-level technology. Even the core of the empire cannot use human emotions as a judgment standard, but the system can.

It is precisely because of this that he needs the complete consent of Silent Yan to let him hand over the system willingly, and in order to win his trust, Ji Yonghui did not hide some worthless information.

So Silent Yan got a story from Ji Yonghui that he never knew.

At first, He Yi was just an ordinary child in the empire, living a simple and difficult life just like all the people born among the commoners.

But one day, there were suddenly many people wearing imperial uniforms in front of his house. Those people were all sent by the Ji family. They asked He Yi to go with them, because after so many years, the Ji family suddenly discovered that this was a mediocre person. Qi's boy turned out to be the left child of the Ji family.

Ji Yonghui doesn't care about his own children, but it is impossible for him to let his blood wander at the bottom of the empire when he clearly knows its existence. This is a shame for Ji Yonghui, who is firmly seated in the management of the empire.

He quickly brought the biological son who had been investigated through the imperial system back to Ji's house. Ji Yonghui didn't even investigate who the child's mother was, even if it was only data that could be retrieved with the touch of a finger for imperial technology, But Ji Yonghui didn't care.

He Yi has lived a life he never dared to think about since he was brought into the Ji family, but the personal information recorded on the terminal is not so easy to be tampered with. The core is monitoring everyone and also managing people. , even the powerful Ji Yonghui cannot easily tamper with what has been recorded in the terminal managed by the core.

Ji Yonghui always thought that what he brought back was just an ordinary child, He Yi's surname could not be changed, Ji Yonghui would not let him inherit the Ji family, and it happened that Ji Yonghui had no shortage of heirs, so he thought it was an optional extra. A transparent person, and has not had any thoughts of making up for closeness because of the loss of his biological child.

Until the conservatives started working on plans to deal with the centrists.

This whole process is not easy. In order not to make mistakes, the conservatives have done a lot of work. The hardest part is to get in touch with the aliens, so that they can attack the empire when necessary, so that they can sacrifice a little Under the premise of damage, sufficient defense work can also be done to prevent the empire from being really broken.

Among them, pushing the actions of interracial collusion to the neutrals is the focus of their entire plan.

It can be said that for them, the existence of the neutral faction family is very unfavorable for both independents and conservatives. As long as they exist, there will never be a winner between the two factions, no matter how hard they fight. , at the time of the meeting, there will still be free votes belonging to the neutral management, and their votes are enough to directly change the results of all decisions.

Say the empire is run by independents and conservatives?

No, it has always been the neutrals who can really decide the future direction of the empire. When the independents and conservatives are evenly matched, neither of them can control the future of the empire. In the case of equal votes, the decision of the neutrals will be Equivalent to an imperial decision.

Why didn't they see it as a thorn in their side?

Dealing with the neutrals is arguably something even the independents tacitly acquiesce in, so this entire operation by the conservatives went extremely smoothly, with few errors.

But only almost.

Ji Yonghui is rigorous in his work. He is used to doing the final inspection after all matters are completed, but just after he checked the data about the Shen family, he found that they had relied on stealing the internal terminal of the Shen family to enter the data related to the alien race. All disappeared.

But when Ji Yonghui thought it was the Shen family who discovered it, when he re-read the terminal records, he found that even the input records had been deleted.

This is absolutely impossible in the empire. As I said before, the core of the empire monitors all the imperial people, and the terminal inlaid in the wrist of the imperial people at birth is directly connected to the core, even if the conservatives privately The input is the internal terminal of the Shen family, not the individual, which cannot avoid the monitoring of the core.

As long as it is monitored by the core, it is impossible for these data to be changed. Even some records with open permission to change will retain the traces before the change after the change. This is why the independents believe that the people of the empire need privacy. Under the core supervision, people have no way to hide themselves, and any behavior will become traceable.

Such traces are bound to exist and cannot be deleted artificially. However, under Ji Yonghui's inspection, he was shocked to find that the records were really gone, and everything was deleted. If he hadn't really seen it before Once the information was entered, he would probably suspect that other conservative families were not doing well.

what does that mean? This means that someone can tamper with the terminal content to avoid the core supervision!

This matter is extraordinary, and its importance is much more important than killing a neutral faction. All decisions and trials of the empire are based on existing data, and when you have the ability to tamper with data, you will also gain control over the entire The ability to wind direction of the empire.

So Ji Yonghui began to find out who did such a thing, but he never found it.

But after a period of observation, Ji Yonghui found that almost all the records that were modified were about the Shen family. As long as they manipulated the data of the Shen family, the data would be changed back soon. The people are protecting the Shen family.

Ji Yonghui didn't think it would be the Shen family who had the ability to tamper with data. If it was them, then they wouldn't watch the conservatives' actions do nothing, and after finding out that they had secretly tampered with their own data, how could it be? Don't do anything to calm people down?

Fortunately, Ji Yonghui already knew the purpose of that person, so it became much easier for him to investigate. He recorded the time when the data of the Shen family changed, and by the right of the management, went to the Empire Terminal to carry out the investigation. Data check.

The ones who can do this are almost certainly their conservatives, otherwise it's impossible to be so aware of their movements.

Of course, since the other party can do this, it cannot be ruled out that the other party can also easily obtain their data, so knowing their actions becomes a matter of course.

However, Ji Yonghui still followed his own thinking and took the lead in investigating his own people.

Ji Yonghui had never doubted He Yi at all. He didn't think that the child who was picked up by him would have any ability, but he couldn't bear that Ji Yonghui was an absolutely careful person, not to mention his biological child, even the servant in the manor. Not a single one was spared.

And just when he was investigating everyone through the core of the empire, he finally found a clue, and that clue was He Yi.

In the picture displayed by the core, the data of all the imperial people is a string of codes, and only those who have lived in the empire long enough to know enough about the core of the empire and the terminal system can understand that there is a string of codes behind this string of codes. What kind of information, Ji Yonghui is one of them. He has long remembered the code in the core. Even if there is some content that cannot be translated and deciphered, it is not impossible to find some weirdness from it.

As it happens, He Yi's code is exceptionally different among all people.

Everyone's codes are very long and complicated. Ji Yonghui needs to use a lot of energy to identify them. When he turned to He Yi's records, he suddenly no longer had this trouble. The beginning codes of all imperial people are the same. Those data records After obtaining basic information such as the names and ages of these people, Ji Yonghui found that the beginning of He Yi was a combination of codes that he had never seen before.

Looking back seems to be no different from others, but because of the very different and prominent code at the beginning, Ji Yonghui paid great attention to him.

The code in the core not only records people's basic information, if someone can completely decipher the core, then they will find that, if you dig deeper, you can see that the code in the core records all the trajectories and actions of each person's life, even if It is a place that cannot be seen by surveillance. It contains huge data and truly monitors everyone.

Ji Yonghui had no way to decipher all the content. There were so many meaningless actions in a person's life. There would be no results if he continued to search like this, but he had arranged in advance the time when the records of the Shen family were corrected.

Ji Yonghui can still distinguish the code representing time in the core. He quickly matched the code time marked in the core with the records he brought. According to the display in the code, He Yi did it during these time periods. After the same incident, Ji Yonghui guessed that he used some means to restore the records of the Shen family, because the core only records general behaviors, even if the records of each restoration are different, but the core records See, the purpose of these actions is the same, so the code displayed is very similar.

After confirming this, Ji Yonghui was startled immediately, his face was blue and then white, he was glad that the person he was looking for was by his side, and that person was a son of the same bloodline as him, and he was angry about his His own son's position was clearly toward outsiders and betrayed his father.

At that time, Ji Yonghui believed that He Yi's behavior should be his revenge for a kind of child of his own. He regretted that he did not bring him home earlier, and this would interfere with his plans again and again.

He didn't know how He Yi would do these things, but that didn't stop him from strengthening his surveillance on this cheap son.

He soon discovered that in his eyes, He Yi, who had nothing to do, didn't seem to be idle. He had been researching something through the terminal. In the past, the data told Ji Yonghui that he was using the terminal to read some messy online information or shopping malls. , but it turned out that even these were tampered with. In one of He Yi's inadvertent occasions, Ji Yonghui noticed through the screen that what he had been looking at was actually the information of the management of the empire.

These things are not for anyone to read casually. Where did he get the authority? Naturally, it was his mysterious methods.

Ji Yonghui acted decisively. He clearly realized that there was no way to attack He Yi in terms of technology, so he directly arrested people into the basement of Ji's family. The empire prohibits lynching, but his discipline of disobedient son is not a lynching.

He thought that relying on a strong door would be able to lock him up, preventing him from escaping and also forcing him to tell the secret of his tampering with the core. What Ji Yonghui did not expect was that such a strong and unbreakable door could even allow He Yi to give him slipped.

He couldn't find anything in the investigation and surveillance. The surveillance screen was hacked, and the most crucial part was directly missing.

After the surveillance was restored, the people in the basement had long since disappeared.

But in a world where data is dominant, it is not so easy to escape. He Yi cannot disappear forever. When he always needs to show up, Ji Yonghui quickly found him along the empire data displayed on the terminal.

The place where Ji Yonghui found him was at the settlement at the core of the empire.

The place where the core of the empire is located is the most secure place in the entire empire, even if they are the management level, they have to go through a lawful order. Not only the imperial people will protect the security of the core, but the core itself has also established perfect defensive measures around it. A random break-in is bound to trigger an alarm.

But this mediocre teenager didn't trigger any alarms, and he touched the core location as easily as he was shopping. Everything that happened was so bizarre that Ji Yonghui had no time to investigate whether this kind of thing was reasonable. , that is, at this time, he heard the word system from He Yi's mouth for the first time.

When Ji Yonghui said this, although he couldn't hide his fanatical obsession with the system, he also brought strong dissatisfaction and anger: "He begged me for mercy in front of the core, he was afraid that I would blame him, and he was afraid of special forces. It would make his situation even more dangerous."

"So he used the power of the core to transfer the system to others." Ji Yonghui couldn't help showing obvious disgust on his face, "It's a fool! He thinks that as long as he has no value, I will not be because of the power of the system. To coerce him, and because he is my son, I won't just kill him like that, it's extremely stupid!"

Ji Yonghui couldn't understand the fear of weak people for strength. In his eyes, He Yi as his bloodline was a shame. Transferring strength to others is equivalent to handing a knife to someone else's hand!

The fact that the system can be transferred through the Empire Core is not as simple as the fact that the system can be transferred to others. The system uses the Empire Core as a medium, which is a very shocking thing in itself. Ji Yonghui just knew that the system can Escaped the supervision of the core to tamper with some information, but did not expect things to be far from that simple. From this point of view, the system can even control the core!

So far, no one in the empire can easily use the core, including the isolation network on the periphery of the empire and the defense system where the terminal and the core are located. These are all built by the people of the empire themselves, but only borrowed the power contained in the core.

This system has made the core of the empire serve!

Ji Yonghui can imagine how the system is transferred to other people. After all, the power of the terminal is connected to everyone's terminal. The system itself is invisible and intangible. It may or may not need to be hosted in technological equipment, but After it enters the core, it can enter the body of any imperial person through the data in the core.

From this moment, the meaning of the existence of the system has become completely different for Ji Yonghui. Having a system is equivalent to being able to completely control the operation of the core, and the existence of the core of the empire has existed before the existence of the empire, and it has existed for a long time. , no one knows its origin at all, and some even speculate that it may not be a product of this world.

After all, the strength of the core is too different from them, and it will inevitably make people feel this way.

Ji Yonghui used to sneer at this statement, but now he can't help but think, if the core of the empire is really not a product of this world, then the system that can override the core is far higher than the world of the empire. product?

At the moment of this realization, Ji Yonghui only felt that his vision had broadened. He should not have been confined to the lifeless empire in front of him, surrounded by the heavily polluted environment of the outside world every day and night, relying on The isolation of the isolation net is a secret life. If the isolation net is suddenly broken one day, what is the use of even having a higher power? Is it difficult to live with a filter device all day?

Resources are limited, long-term uninterrupted consumption, one day the isolation device used by a single person will not be enough, not to mention that the people who obviously cannot afford the isolation device and can only wait to die will inevitably riot, and eventually it will only evolve into a fight for survival. 's fight.

This may just be because he has too many concerns, but now there is a chance to let him get rid of all this, how could Ji Yonghui not be moved?

"He's an idiot. He doesn't understand the core of the empire, which led to the random transfer of the system." If Ji Yonghui were to operate, there would never be such a problem, so Ji Yonghui is confident that the system on Silent Yan can be transferred to his own. body.

Ji Yonghui is not without doubts about He Yi's original remarks now. He can't tell whether He Yi had contact with the boy of the Shen family earlier, or whether the system was relentless after the system was transferred. I told him, now that I think about it, the little ghost of the Shen family would believe in any righteousness so quickly in the imperial prison, probably because He Yi confessed the system.

But if He Yizheng has confessed something about the system, then why did Silent Yan show ignorance about the fact that the system can be transferred? Could it be that it was just to coax his acting skills?

Ji Yonghui doesn't think so, he can't even see through the mind of a 15-year-old kid, so the most likely thing is that He Yi didn't reveal everything. With that kid's character, I'm afraid it is to allow himself to have a way out. After all, if he knew that all his things had been said, then Ji Yonghui would definitely not let him go.

Ji Yonghui secretly scolded He Yi for the white-eyed wolf in his heart, and then he saw that the expression of the young man in front of him remained unchanged. Before that, he would have some emotional changes, but I don't know from which part he mentioned, the expression on the young man's face was completely Disappeared, calm as if listening to him telling someone else's story.

This made Ji Yonghui sneer. If his unsatisfactory son saw this scene, he would probably regret his betrayal because the person he trusted didn't care about him, right?

In order to further cut off the relationship between the Shen family kid and his son, Ji Yonghui continued to add: "Then I found you in the same way that I found him different."

For those who own the system, the pre-code in the core will change. Ji Yonghui has not mentioned this to He Yi. He does not trust this son. The clues in his possession will not be revealed to anyone.

"When I told him that I found out that the system happened to fall on the son of the Shen family who he had helped, he offered to help." Ji Yonghui said with a sneer, "He said that as long as he had the opportunity to contact you at the Imperial Prison, You can guarantee that you can get information about the system from you, and he will do everything possible to draw you to conservatives and voluntarily contribute to the system."

He Yi once told Ji Yonghui that he himself suddenly got the system one day after being taken back by the Ji family. He did not have a thorough understanding of the system, and he had never been exposed to those codes since he was a child. It was he who told the system what he wanted, and the system did it for him.

But the children of the Shen family are different. He Yi feels that children who grow up in management families will be more sensitive to the existence of the system. He will definitely be able to get more information from the system, and then they will be able to grasp information about the system. more information, and more importantly, they need to gain the favor of the system host, otherwise as long as the host understands the operation of the system, if the other party wants to escape, they will not be able to catch him.

Although Ji Yonghui had doubts, he temporarily believed this statement. He Yi only got the system not long ago. It shouldn't be a lie. Otherwise, with the ability of the system, he would not be able to continue living in such a dilapidated house. .

And He Yi also admitted that his appeal to the system at that time was to hope that his father would pay more attention to him. Who would have thought that the system would fulfill his wish in such a way, but this is not consistent with Ji Yonghui's previous speculation. And hey, this is just a childish and ridiculous revenge.

"But he obviously failed." Ji Yonghui spread his hands indifferently, "Jing family moves faster than him, Jing Zhao intervened in the imperial prison and wanted to get you out of it, and once you get out of the prison, then He Yi is useless."

After all, as long as Silent Yan sees his former cellmate who should have been taken back to prison again outside the prison, no matter how stupid he is, he will know that He Yi was only sent by others to approach him. How much hatred will arise.

"So you sent someone to hunt him down." Silent Yan recounted quite calmly.

Ji Yonghui was a little surprised. He keenly grasped the special point of these words. After all, if He Yi wanted to leave the prison, he would have to use the power of the Ji family. If the Ji family wanted to kill people, then He Yi Where is the chance to escape?

"How did you know?" Ji Yonghui didn't understand why Silent Yan used the word "chasing and killing", but in fact it was exactly as he said, He Yi did escape, and he even once suspected that the system had not He Yi's body left, otherwise how could he escape so far?

But in the end, Ji Yonghui still caught him. The appearance of the other party's inability to resist made Ji Yonghui sure that the system was indeed gone, but in order to make sure everything was safe, he still locked the person for a period of time and went to the core of the empire to re-investigate him. The code at the moment was made sure that it was no different from ordinary people before it started.

Ji Yonghui originally thought that when he told the news of He Yi's death, the Shen family kid in front of him would feel sad no matter what, but the surprise was that he did not change his expression from beginning to end, as if he was indifferent to what he said.

"Forget it, that's not important." Ji Yonghui gave up the irrelevant question, "I've told you everything you want to know, the system can indeed do a lot of things, but these really have the innocence of the Shen family for you. Is it more important?"

Ji Yonghui wasn't going to push too hard. Now this young man has only just come into contact with the system, and it is impossible for him to master the use of the system proficiently, including the previous He Yi, who was sent by the Jing family to approach him during this time. Ji's family, as long as Ji Yonghui doesn't show aggression at this time, then Ji's family is the best place for him so far.

"The evidence I can give you is enough for you to clear the Shen family. After the system is settled, I will start a trial for you. You must know that even if you have the system, you can't do it. Thing, only management can start a trial, and I can guarantee that all conservatives agree that this trial starts."

The implication is that even if he goes to other families, it is useless, because the power of the Ji family alone is enough to make other families change their minds, not to mention the Jing family, Jing Zhao is not a good thing. Before finishing his request, Jing Zhao could not have called on the independent faction to start a trial for him. If Silent Yan informed Jing Zhao of the existence of the system, the consequences would not be any better than Ji Yonghui's.

"I can give you two days to think about it."

Silent Yan shook his head and refused: "It won't take two days, I have already thought about it."

Hearing this, Ji Yonghui's heart skipped a beat. He could not deny that he was satisfied with the unexpected decisiveness of the young man. Ji Yonghui had never considered that he would be rejected at all. As long as someone with a clearer mind would understand that, only by agreeing to his request would be. Best decision.

Ji Yonghui waited for the boy's affirmative answer, but saw the boy lowered his eyes and touched the ring he was wearing, as if he was thinking about something. Ji Yonghui, who was quite confident in his victory, had an inexplicably strong feeling at this moment. sense of crisis.

Coping with various things all the time, Ji Yonghui has long developed the ability to perceive when facing danger. He was puzzled by this sudden panic, but the young man before him actually drew a long sword out of thin air with his bare hands.

The blade of the sword glowed with a cold light in the air, just like the words he said in a calm but light voice.

"I seriously think it's no good for the Empire for someone like you to live."

"Do you need me to give you two minutes to say goodbye to the Empire?"