Become Stronger

Chapter 416: Become Stronger in the Empire (9)


In the battle between the two factions of the empire, it is inevitable to encounter unexpected and uncontrollable things. Ji Yonghui, as an old fritter, has long been used to it, and he can sit in this position because he has long been accustomed to controlling the situation. Even if there is an accident, the problem can be solved in the shortest time.

But the current situation made him unable to figure out what the problem was for a while, as if everything was beyond his original cognition.

But one thing he was very clear about was the danger.

Ji Yonghui is indeed arrogant and arrogant, but he will not consider whether this person has the ability to really kill himself when facing a person who draws a long sword in front of him out of thin air and is hostile to him. .

Regardless of whether this young man has this ability or not, whether it is simply because he was provoked by him that he acted like this, his current behavior is full of threats to Ji Yonghui, and the threats should be controlled!

Ji Yonghui took out the controller without the slightest hesitation. He is a person who will consider all kinds of situations. When talking about the system, he sent everyone around him. Except for accidents, it would be too slow to call someone to protect him. Now, in order to prevent problems in the private negotiation between the two, he naturally prepared a weapon that could stun him with a single blow.

The signal of the controller was connected to the young man in front of him early, and he only needs to press a button to activate, then the threat in front of him is no longer a threat, even if he is not holding a sword but a cannon. It's useless, Ji Yonghui has tried countless times about this, and he is very confident in the response speed of the terminal.

After all, the electric shock emitted by the terminal will directly make people lose the ability to use anything in an instant, and the human body cannot be faster than the current.

Ji Yonghui felt irritated because things were out of control, but he didn't feel panic when he held the controller. He held the opponent's lifeline, and there was no problem even if the boy was killed on the spot, but it was a pity that he still kept him useful, otherwise He will never let go of the brat who speaks wildly to him.

He pressed the start button of the controller. The controller was touch-sensitive. Naturally, there was no special button touch. The touch of the fingertips on the glass screen was as cold and hard as it could easily determine everyone's life.

Ji Yonghui closed his eyes and exhaled. He leaned back on the chair in a relaxed manner, mocking the stupidity and recklessness of the young man in his heart. He just thought it was ridiculous that he didn't even know his abilities.

Cold metal pressed against his neck.

Ji Yonghui suddenly opened his eyes.

Instantly met a pair of dark pupils with no emotion.

The young man who had been underdog not long ago and had to bow down just to get some information from him has lost his cautious appearance before. He looked extremely relaxed, even though his eyes were calm, the corners of his mouth had a very gentle and polite smile.

The icy-biting long sword that was attached to his neck was held in his hand, and the blade was extremely stable. He could cut off his head with just a little force, but Ji Yonghui didn't shed a drop of blood now, which showed that the boy was temporarily Not preparing to kill him also means that his sword-holding hand is not trembling, he is already used to holding a murder weapon!

Ji Yonghui panicked because of what he thought, and at the same time he didn't understand why the controller would not work.

He opened his mouth and wanted to ask, but facing such a kid who couldn't even be called an adult in the empire, he couldn't say a single word at the moment. He was afraid that he would say something. The blade of the sword that sticks to him will slit his throat.

Ji Yonghui didn't dare to move casually, he slowly moved his eyes to the other hand of the boy, where every imperial man was placed in the terminal, it must be what he did on the terminal that made the controller lose. Effect.

When his eyes first fell there, the first thing he touched was a bright red, and it was only after this red that he seemed to notice the bloody smell in the air.

The thinking that was numbed by the fear that was rushing into his brain seemed to have started to function normally at this time. He instantly understood something, and stared at the person in front of him in disbelief, as if he was looking at a monster or a lunatic.

The terminal was cut off from the wrist!

In order to allow the imperial people to ensure the use of the terminal, when they placed the terminal on people, they connected the terminal to the nerves of people's arms. Removing the terminal is equivalent to giving up the arm. Ready for a disabled person.

People who are missing an arm at the same time can hardly live normally in the Empire, because everyone knows what it means to have no arms. Cutting off the terminal from the body is a crime in the Empire. As long as they are caught, they will face punishment. The final result will not be better than What's the point of being put in jail.

Does this mean he is not ready to continue living in the Empire? Abandoned himself and thought it was okay to kill him here? ?

Ji Yonghui was frightened by such conjectures that he could negotiate with a person with weakness, but could not convince a person who had given up everything.

It's just that he didn't understand why the boy would react so strongly because of a merely dead person.

Ji Yonghui wasn't stupid enough to ask this question at such a time. He even realized in a hurry that he didn't have a head on the ground now, which meant that the other party still needed him, or that he didn't dare to kill at all.

No matter how stable the murder weapon is, it does not mean that he has actually killed people. After all, he is just a 15-year-old kid who has not stayed in the imperial prison for a long time, and is simply not enough to be infected by those criminals...

Ji Yonghui, who calmed down, tried to negotiate with him: "I will give you whatever you want, and I can even not pursue this matter, the empire needs the Ji family to maintain peace, Jing Zhao is not as simple as you think, he is a far better man. I am a more cunning villain, without the Ji family and the Jing family alone, the empire will be over."

"This is the last thing you want to say?" To Ji Yonghui's surprise, Silent Yan didn't seem to listen to his words, and even the reason why he didn't do anything was really the harsh words that he said to him before. Two minutes to say goodbye to the empire, "I really didn't expect it."

Ji Yonghui noticed that his tone was calm and panicked.

Before realizing that the big thing was not good, he hurriedly asked the confusion in his heart, and his dying instinct told him that the key to survival was there: "Why are you angry about that He Yi!? He could not be compared to the Shen family. Is grievance still important? What relationship do you have with him!?"

"Just go down and ask him if you are okay."


The remaining questioning in Ji Yonghui's throat came to an abrupt end.

Silent Yan raised his knife and fell, he turned sideways to avoid the head that rolled forward, and did not let a drop of blood splatter on his body.

The system was instructed to repair his arm, which was disabled due to the terminal detachment, and after deducting repair points, the hand that looked terrible was intact.

He picked up the terminal on the ground and washed all the blood on the terminal with clean water from the tail ring. This was the first time he had seen the whole picture of the terminal. Due to the connection with the nerve, the structure behind the terminal was extremely complicated, but After cutting these connections, it seems to still work.

He used the expensive curtain on the window to wipe the sword in his hand, rinsed it with water in the same way, and then put it back, taking the terminal on Ji Yonghui's wrist by the way.

He went to the window, pushed open the window, and rolled down from the window.

There must be someone guarding the door of the room. The terminal of the Ji family's patriarch will naturally generate an alarm when it detects that he has lost his heartbeat. It will not take long for someone to break in. It is a waste of time to have a head-on conflict with the Ji family. became the most convenient choice.

Silent Yan easily bypassed the Ji family's bodyguards, and walked out of the Ji family's territory not long after.

He did not deliberately avoid the surveillance of the Ji family, nor did he worry about being photographed. Everyone in the Ji family knew that the person Ji Yonghui had met was him, and Ji Yonghui naturally had his data backed up. With the ability of the management, in the empire It is very easy to find him in such an environment.

Silent Yan walked in the direction of the central tower containing the core of the empire. He wondered if he had become too weak and stupid because of the previous world.

At first, he had the idea of clearing the Shen family's suspicions in a proper way, and then slowly dealing with those who deserved their crimes. Whether they were conservatives or independents, they each had their own purposes. It is not difficult to clear them, although it will be a little troublesome and time-consuming, but it is also the best way to ensure that the Empire will not have a serious impact.

Now he is awake.

Are these people worth his time

The center tower is surrounded by security nets. As long as you touch it, the alarm will sound and the automatic attack device will be activated. The center tower is the most important building. There is no need to catch people who break in without authorization. Those attack devices are all rushing. Killed in one hit.

Silent Yan didn't see what the core looked like with his own eyes, and even heard very little of the description, so he couldn't imagine what it looked like in his mind. He just used the pointer and scepter to pass through the security net and walked up to the central tower.

The door at the bottom of the central tower was opened by Ji Yonghui's terminal. Almost all the doors that can be seen with the naked eye in the central tower can be opened with the identity authentication of the management, and those that cannot enter without going through the process are the naked eyes. It can't be seen easily, but if you take a wrong step, you will die.

Fortunately, Ji Yonghui reminded him that the system has the ability to control the core, so the props to detect the warning device under the core must also exist.

He reached the top of the central tower very smoothly and saw the core that controls the entire empire.

In everyone's eyes, the omnipotent core seems to be the same in his eyes, like a huge data network visible to the naked eye, covering the entire top layer completely, and everyone in it is just like a star in the night sky , no matter how heavy it is, it is only a tiny spot of light in the galaxy that can be seen when looking up.

Silent Yan reached out and touched the center panel of the core lightly. He could feel the energy of the core melted into his body instantly along his fingertips, giving him the awareness that he could easily control everyone in the empire here. And not "no one can actually use the core" as others have said.

As long as it is here, the empire can be easily shuffled. There is enough electricity in the terminal to kill people. He doesn't need to spend much effort to entangle those people.

He called up all the guilty records for the Shen family on the day of the trial, and calmly selected the list of all families to be in a controllable state.

The sinister nature of certain families in the empire seems to dissolve in flesh and blood, and has been passed down from generation to generation. These people are just worthless garbage to the empire, even if it is for the future of the empire, this is an inevitable choice.

Silent Yan paused slightly when his eyes landed on the word [execution].

But why didn't Duan Ze do it at that time

According to Ji Yonghui, Duan Ze brought the system into the central tower and came to the core. He should have enough time to solve his task through the core.

Why didn't Duan Ze take action

For a while, Silent Yan suddenly started to think in a trance.

Would he be unhappy if he did it himself