Become Stronger

Chapter 417: Become Stronger in the Empire (10)


A thought that had nothing to do with the current situation flashed in his mind, but it made him think about it in a moment of silence.

Now he can be sure that Duan Ze once came to this world, and his identity at that time should be He Yi, and the reason why Duan Ze could not come to this world with him is precisely because he once served as "He Yi" Identity is dead in this world.

Duan Ze is different from him. Silent Yan can't fully explain this point, why he has his own identity in every world, but Duan Ze uses someone else's identity every time, it's true Is it simply because their systems are different

However, assuming that Duan Ze can use a fixed identity in each world, then it can also explain why he has no way to come here, because he can only use the identity of He Yi, and He Yi is no longer there, so of course he There is no way to exist in this world.

The question is, where will Duan Ze be now

Ji Yonghui's words must be listened to with his own thinking. He may not say all the truth. Even if he does not lie, his self-knowledge may not be the truth.

Ji Yonghui said before that "He Yi", that is, Duan Ze, gave away the system in front of the core, but Silent Yan remembered very clearly that when he got the system, he got along with He Yi in prison one day after a period of time. , According to Ji Yonghui, Duan Ze should have been sent to the Imperial Prison to monitor him after the system was given to him.

From what Duan Ze once described to him in the spiritual world, Duan Ze said that he heard a system prompt in the spiritual world, indicating that his mission failed. That is to say, until he died in this world, Duan Ze was systematic.

Although anger is anger, the problems in it cannot be ignored because of emotions.

Having the system but still being killed can only be said that something must have happened to Duan Ze at that time, or that something went wrong with the system

Silent Yan began to check the data in the core. He didn't know if he had a system on him, and the system was obviously a product of technology that was higher than the core. These codes that were difficult to analyze and interpret in the eyes of the imperial people were not so much in his eyes. Difficult to understand, as if the core spontaneously opened up so that he could understand how to operate.

He began to patiently read the data from before the trial began, distinguishing which people in the participating families did what, and whether the reasons behind their actions were for pure interests or because of partisan stance.

By doing this, he found a lot of people in these families who were not involved in the whole process. He also thought about it before, just like himself, the Shen family never let him get in touch with the real people before he became an adult. In the sense of management work, other parties are naturally the same, and most of them are descendants who only know how to play before they reach adulthood.

Of course, it is impossible for these people to participate in the matter of contacting and framing other families with foreigners. Even if they want to, it is estimated that those family owners will not be relieved to disclose these things to the younger generation, but the family atmosphere does not happen in a while, it must be a As a result of years and months, Silent Yan was not going to let these people go, but now he has systematically eliminated these people.

While he was doing this, what he couldn't help thinking about was Duan Ze's current whereabouts.

It was his mistake that caused Duan Ze to unknowingly enter a space where his identity was dead. It is very likely that he was rejected by the world, so where would he go after being rejected by the world

There was a deafening sound in the ear.

The alarm in the center tower has been raised and they have detected the intruder.

Silent Yan didn't expect to be safe and undiscovered here, Ji Yonghui was killed by him, and he took Ji Yonghui's terminal to open the door of the central tower, so his whereabouts only need Ji's family to investigate the use of the terminal record to know.

But this does not mean that he is in any danger. The room he is in is surrounded and controlled by the core of the empire. Under his control, the core will protect everything here. With the technology of the empire, unless the central tower is blown up, it will not be at all. Can't break through.

Silent Yan thought about what he was going to do next. He would project the evidence of some guilty people through the core of the empire to the terminal screen of the entire empire and the terminals of the empire's wrists. The people of the empire would riot, but the management In order to stabilize the situation of the empire, the top leaders will inevitably take measures, and they will deal with those high-level leaders whose incriminating evidence has been exposed to protect themselves.

In this way, half of the worms have been cleaned up, and then the core will expose the remaining people to the public at the frequency of publishing a criminal evidence a week.

You don't need to think about how panic these people will be during this period. Sooner or later, their sins will be exposed by the core, so they will start transmitting to the populace that the data the core conveys is false, and the management of the empire will soon It was with this "false" data that they had previously dealt with countless families, which would shake the rationality of the management's existence in the empire.

After the management of the empire has completely disappeared and the empire has implemented a new policy, he will resurrect his family, silently hoping that they can leave the empire. It is impossible for the dead to stay and live in the empire. He wants to find a more peaceful one. The world places them.

Then it's time to find the lost man.

Silent Yan thought about the plan of each step, but when he thought of the last, he couldn't help frowning. He began to feel that every previous step was too long, and he patiently endured every consideration of the status quo of the empire. Extending this plan indefinitely, no one can be sure of Duan Ze's current situation and whether he can wait that long.

He does have a prop that can rewind time, but after using the pointer to locate, he came to the empire where everything has happened. Now it can be found that not everything can be reversed. Duan Ze himself is the person who carries the system. If something really happened to him, could rewinding time really work for him

Outside the room where the core is located, the Imperial people have already arrived. They are trying to break the protection of the core. While trying to keep trying, they do not forget to shout to the boy who is standing in front of the core and seems to be thinking about something without saying a word, trying to make him Understand the seriousness of his actions at this time.

The sound from outside could not reach his ears at all, and he made a decision at this time.

The pointer understood the master's mind and spontaneously searched for the coordinates of the destination. At the moment when the energy representing time and space in the plane scepter came into contact with the air, a current that was visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the air, and the core seemed to be triggered. What mechanism generally broke out with a burst of light.

If you look closely, you will find that it is composed of strings of data. They burst out from the core and go straight towards the only teenager standing in front of him.

Silent said that the speed of light could not be avoided, and he was staggered backwards by the light composed of data.

The imperial people outside who were still trying to break through the invisible defensive wall built by the core also saw this scene, and their eyes widened, not understanding what was going on.

Could it be that this young man was attacked by the core because he contacted the core privately

Silent Yan was less at a loss than they were.

It's just that it's too late to stop the hands that are already running.

The pointer that had already found its direction seemed to be affected by an external force at this time. All the pointers overlapped and pointed to the same direction one second before the force that pierced the space.

So the imperial people only felt that their eyes flickered, and when they looked at the room, the boy was gone.

The core is also empty.

This is the most uncontrollable thing that Silent Yan has ever encountered after encountering the system.

He opened his eyes, and when he could see the scene in front of him again, he found that he was not in any world he knew. There were all kinds of people coming and going around, and they obviously had their own business. The footsteps did not stop because there was one more person here.

Looking at his hand, the original plane scepter has now turned into a gem-encrusted key in his palm, as if it has the function of being convenient to carry in a specific place.

There is obviously no Duan Ze around, or this is another world, so Duan Ze has become someone else

Silent Yan looked around and found that he was not even on the ground. Through the transparent glass in the distance, he could see a vast universe. He and these people seemed to be on a large starship in the universe. Could it be that this is Duan Ze's world?

But when he took a closer look, he found that it was not the universe outside. Silent Yan was constantly traveling between different planets. He naturally knew what the pictures he saw in the universe should look like. It was definitely not the same as here. Those Obviously not any planet or star.

So is this really a new world

Duan Ze was sent to this world after being rejected by the imperial world. The pointer chased Duan Ze's coordinates to send him here, but what happened to the core before, Silent Yan had no way to forget about the obviously strange situation back.

The key is that after arriving here, the system did not issue any task prompts.

It stands to reason that there should be new tasks to reach the new world system.

Silent Yan opened the task panel of the system. At this moment, he didn't have to worry about whether the system would issue a penalty because he jumped to the world at will. I saw that the task panel still stayed in the empire world, and there was no cause for him to leave the empire. Variety.

And his act of turning on the system was like triggering a button. The next second after Silent Yan saw that the task panel had not changed, a tragic wailing sounded suddenly and hit the eardrum.

[Help! ! Go and save the host! He's getting cold! ! ! ]

At the same time, someone finally noticed that Silent Yan was standing in the same place for a long time without moving, and kindly came forward to ask him if he needed any help.

The man was wearing a suit that was out of tune with the surroundings, and patted Silentyan on the shoulder very familiarly, pushed him in one direction, and said as he walked, "Are you a newcomer? Don't you know where to settle the bill? It's alright! Don't be embarrassed, I couldn't figure it out at first, it's so big, it's really hard to find if there's no one to lead the way."