Become Stronger

Chapter 418: Ending (1)


A man who kindly led the way was a rather ordinary looking man. His face seemed to fall into any crowd without being abrupt. He couldn't find half of it in the blink of an eye, and after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't see the slightest feature. .

He is quite casual even in his clothes and clothes. Judging from his speaking personality, he is not only friendly but also quite lively. He never forgets to chat with Shen Moyan along the way.

"Which department do you belong to?" After walking for a while, the man asked, "This is the settlement area, but the coordinates of different departments are different."

He explained it very clearly, preventing all possible misunderstandings by the new employees.

Silent Yan's eyes fell on the area where they were at this time. There were gates with only borders but at least ten meters tall in different directions in the open area. He saw many people walking into these transparent gates and then the whole person disappeared. , realize that these doors are themselves a kind of relay.

Hearing the man's question, he glanced at the signs on all the doors and replied, "System Department."

"Wow!" Hearing him say this, the man immediately showed an unexpected appearance, and then laughed excitedly, "Okay, brother! The system department is getting more and more short of manpower these days, I heard that hundreds of people There may not be a new person every year, I am optimistic about you!"

"The system department is there, I won't accompany you in." The man pointed to the door of the system department for him, "Besides, I'm from the Cultivation Department, you can come and play with me when you have time! You can go together when you have no assignments. Small world travels with partners, and traveling with friends from the system department is the happiest."

Silent Yan recorded the content of his words, nodded, and said ok.

The man obviously didn't know that his words were not taken seriously by the newcomer in front of him. After he said goodbye, he plunged into the door of the Cultivation Department in his mouth, but Silent Yan stood there and did not act.

He still hasn't figured out where this place is. The system can still understand it, but what is comprehension

[The Department of Cultivation is a department that takes the physique of self-cultivation to perform repair work in the small world. Like the person just now, don’t look at his appearance, but he has performed quite well in the department of self-cultivation. Through self-cultivation, his appearance can be greatly changed. The end of a world is very beautiful, but he himself doesn't know why he seems to prefer that ordinary appearance, so he also uses that face here. ]

The system sound that disappeared after the ghost crying and wolf howling appeared again at this time. It seemed to be disconnected in the middle, and it was just reconnected just now.

After an explanation, the system concluded with a lingering sob.

[There are a lot of freaks in the Authority. ]

So Silent Yan got the new name "Administration".

"What are you? Where is Duan Ze?" He directly asked the two most crucial questions at the moment.

Undoubtedly, in his body and communicating with him through the electronic sound that is consistent with the system can only be the system, but Silent Yan is not the first day to contact the system, his system is like a metaphor. The question-and-answer system that has already entered all the answers is so rigid that people will never suspect that it is a living creature.

But the system that was trying to communicate with him was noticeably different, with a distinctly human-like emotion in its electronic voice, and a lot of useless nonsense.

Silent Yan made such a judgment only in an instant. The system obviously didn't know what kind of judgment this person made of himself. It was a little angry when he heard him ask such a question.

[How can you not know me just because you haven't spoken to me! unacceptable! You and my body have been through so many things together, woo woo I thought we were companions...]

He was about to cry again, but Silent Yan turned a blind eye. He got some information from what the system said, but he couldn't rely on these trivial information to come up with a convincing answer. He interrupted. The still aggrieved system asked, "You are Duan Ze's system, so why is your body here with me?"

The system let out a cry in shock.

[How do you know I'm the host's system? I haven't told you yet! ]

So Silent Yan confirmed that it was really Duan Ze's system, but it was a bit of a headache. Duan Ze's system seemed to be a bit noisy, but it was not like the main body it said.

As soon as he thought of such a thought, the system burst into tears in an instant.

[The host will never dislike me! Even when we first met, he always comforted me gently! ]

The system can talk in his head, and it seems that it has naturally detected some very clear thoughts in his mind, but it obviously does not touch his privacy too much, if it seriously detects Silent Yan at this time. I am afraid that he will know that he has a faint impatience under his seemingly patient appearance.

But obviously there is something about Duan Ze, and the system itself is very anxious.

Immediately after complaining about that sentence, it began to talk about the cause of the whole thing and the current situation. Although it was a bit incoherent as a system, it was still able to understand from its words. The general situation is clear, and some things that were originally not understood have also been answered.

As the name suggests, this place called the Administration has the rights and obligations to manage the world in various places. Each department is responsible for different matters, and the tasks subdivided into individuals within the department are also different. The system department lacks staff all the year round, so He often looked for people who could match the system in various small worlds, and Duan Ze was found by the system.

The ending of Duan Ze in the interstellar world was not very good. As a negative character who hindered the feelings of both the protagonists in the small world, Duan Ze Mingming's final ending as a prince was not very good. At that time, he was very depressed and thought that he would give The family lost face, and the system found him at this time.

The system is a new system, and the vocational training has been done quite well. It is full of reversal of the past and reformed and embarked on the peak of life, working with the family to become prosperous and successful.

Noticing Silent Yan's subtle emotions, the system quickly defended itself.

[The treatment of the Administration is very good. Not only are they guaranteed to retire, but they also have regular vacations during their employment. In addition to regular extra benefits and bonuses, they can go back to their hometown with pay to visit relatives during holidays. Except for being a little busy at work, it is a perfect position! ]

"and then."

The system said a lot, but didn't expect that the person in front of him didn't care at all, it coughed and continued.

When Duan Ze encountered the system, he was still young and easy to get angry.

[My job in the systems department is to create new storylines in the small world. ]

The system said that the small world has become too scarce now, so some people will be responsible for changing the development of the entire story by entering these worlds, and finally achieve the effect of separating a new world to enhance the energy of the entire world chain.

[The story status of the host in that world is the villain. After detecting that he has the qualifications to fit the system, of course, the Administration sent me to take charge. ]

The system is a villain system, and the assigned villain tasks are particularly difficult for Duan Ze.

[Don't say it's a small world, there are very few other places where the physical qualifications can fit the system, so there was no trial period in the contract signed by the Administration at the beginning, and the system was not so easy to replace, so in the villain's On the basis, the system department helped me adjust some of the task requirements. ]

So Duan Ze, who had no notoriety requirements, finally stumbled and was able to complete some tasks.

[It's really hard because the other guy is so nice. ]

The system choked up when it said this.

[I have asked my colleagues in the same series, and they have never met a host who can’t even count people. It is really difficult to complete the task without relying on increasing notoriety. The host has always worked very hard, so although others Great, but I like him a lot too. ]

While talking about how difficult Duan Ze has been along the way, the system is interspersed with all kinds of its own mental journeys.

Until it finally talked about what happened after Duan Ze came to the imperial world.

[The original plot of the empire is a revenge story based on you. ]

The system began to tell Silent Yan the plot of the empire world under normal circumstances. It skipped some background that both of them knew, and added content about the subsequent development.

According to the description of the system, after Shen Moyan got the key card and note from the Imperial Prison, if he did not meet the system, he would take the key card and escape from the prison alone at two in the morning, and was taken by the Jing family who had been waiting outside. go back.

The Jing family would use the exact same rhetoric to ask him to go to the Ji family to steal the information, but in fact the Jing family had already placed an insider in the Ji family. How could it be possible to steal important information from the Ji family? After he handed over the information to the Jing family, the Jing family would start a trial, and the only remaining bloodline of the Shen family would present evidence.

When the evidence is made public, it will be found that the so-called evidence that can prove the charges of the conservatives is actually something unfavorable to the neutrals, and this evidence provided by the children of the Shen family is enough to change the original solid foundation of the entire neutrals.

[Then you will be completely blackened when you realize that you have been used. You pretend to be desperate and become the lackey of the Jing family. You have done a lot of things for the Jing family. While destroying the Jing family from the inside, you also got in touch with the Ji family. The perennial struggle between the two factions has become a chessboard in your hand, and you have become someone who looks down on the chessboard. You have been dormant for a long time, and you have controlled them in your hands, and eventually become a the master of the empire. ]

The system sighed.

[A person like you is actually a protagonist, and it is outrageous not to be designated as a villain. ]