Become Stronger

Chapter 426: The ending (9)


Soon Silent Yan found out that Duan Ze was not as relaxed as he had promised before.

From sitting on the dining table until now, he looked extremely stiff, like a piece of wood all the way, he had already adapted to the state in front of the camera, and could turn a blind eye to the eyes of countless audiences, why only with his family Are you so nervous about having a meal

Silent Yan squeezed his hand lightly under the dining table. Duan Ze was like a manual robot being flipped on a switch, and started trying to pick up food, but he tried several times without success.

Shen's mother couldn't help covering her lips and smiling when she saw it. She originally heard that her son was going to bring a friend home and thought it was a child from another family, but she didn't expect it to be a child they had never met, although she didn't know where her son met a friend. , but judging from the way the two get along, they must have a good relationship.

Obviously, he has all the dining etiquette, bearing, and courage, but as long as he thinks that the two people in front of him are Silent Yan's father and mother, Duan Ze feels nervous for some reason.

Mother Shen was an absolute beauty no matter what era she was in. Duan Ze even felt that Silent Yan's face was more inherited from his mother. Duan Ze couldn't bear to be looked at with a gentle smile by Mother Shen. Feeling embarrassed, he looked at Father Shen again. Although his face was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he looked not only handsome but also a little gentle, but even when the family was at the dining table, he didn't sneer, and he always felt that he was quite serious. people.

They invariably did not express any opinion on the new friend brought by their son, and even took care of his feelings intentionally or unintentionally, which made Duan Ze slowly relax.

This also made him more and more determined to change the ending of the world.

His identity at this time has no background at all, but often the more powerful the family, the stricter the management of the next generation's friends. The Shen family has no restrictions on this, and they will not look down on him because he was not born well. He, does this prove that the Shen family are all good people

What Duan Ze didn't know was that Silent Yan's meal was no calmer than him.

This is the first time he has had a meal with his family since those things happened and he encountered the system. It can't be said that the interaction is warm, but this is the daily routine in the past. It means that nothing happened, and the Shen family is still peaceful.

After the meal, Shen Jing wanted to play with her brother's newly brought friends. Duan Ze had no experience in dealing with little girls of this age, and he didn't dare to use force when being dragged. He was about to be dragged away. Pulled him.

Duan Ze was stunned as he watched Silent Yan skillfully coax his sister back into the room, and said with admiration, "You are good at coaxing children."

Silent Yan said, "I wasn't that good at it before, but it gradually became more natural."

Just like Shen Jing, in fact, Silent Yan knew very well that her younger sister was not a worry-free girl since she was a child. She ran around and jumped around. When she was only nine years old, she liked to climb over walls and trees.

But even so, Shen Jing at that time suddenly became obedient and sensible after those things happened. After only the two of them were left in the Shen family, she never caused him to worry about anything until the end. .

Changing the status quo of the Empire was imminent, and he would never let those things happen again.

On this point, the two are surprisingly consistent.

That night, they discussed the dispute between the two factions of the empire for a long time. The discussion was too late, and Duan Ze fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up the next day, he found himself sleeping on the bed of Silent Yan. He was frightened. Awakened instantly.

And after such a fright happened several times, Duan Ze began to get used to it gradually. He even became thick-skinned. He started to bring a pillow at night and prepared for the night.

Now their advantages are very obvious. The biggest advantage is that they know the plot in advance, and know what they will do next, and the other is the system.

The system is an existence on a higher plane than the empire. As long as the points are given enough, it is easy to use it to hack the terminal and modify some data.

After learning from the previous experience, Silent Yan directly rejected the candidate plan of using the system to control the core. Once the system touches the core again, it is very likely to fall short, and they do not need to take risks on this matter.

Before that, the empire would encounter an attack by an alien race. This attack did not cause the empire to suffer heavy losses. After all, it was originally directed and acted by conservatives, and naturally defensive measures had been prepared in advance.

Rather, this is an opportunity for them to take advantage of.

Silent Yan did not let Duan Ze intervene in the Ji family's equipment in advance, not only because it was unnecessary, but also because he knew in advance that Ji Yonghui could analyze the time from the data change through the core data code analysis, so that when screening suspicious elements, Investigate Duan Ze's head.

The population of the empire is said to be quite small. In the case that Ji Yonghui did not recognize Duan Ze, Ji Yonghui may not be able to think of Duan Ze even if he rummaged through everyone in the Ji family. It is safest to minimize possible mistakes as much as possible.

Ji Yonghui's plan went ahead as smoothly as the original plot, until two days before the scheduled empire would be attacked by aliens.

Suddenly, people began to find that their terminals received anonymous letters from strangers. The contents of the letters indicated that the independent Jing family colluded with aliens in an attempt to conquer the empire.

Such information is like a modern scam call that no one believes at all.

It was not until the next day that they received the same message again, but this time, the content of the message was more urgent than before, so people started to talk about it at this time.

In a world constructed by information like the Empire, it stands to reason that folk rumors like this should soon penetrate the ears of the parties, let alone the Jing family, but in reality, there is no chance for rumors to ferment. The day after the discussion started, the aliens really came in!

I don't know who opened the hole for the aliens. The protective net that should have been flawless now has a gap. The empire has raised a level 1 alarm, and all those with combat power will go to the front line for support.

This war is coming and going fast.

Soon, the conservatives headed by the Yuki family pushed the Shen family to the center of the spear just like the original novel. They claimed to have the evidence of the Shen family collaborating with the enemy, and they would hold a trial on this basis.

It's just that, unlike what they expected, the people were not as outraged as they thought.

As a party who has experienced this incident, Silent Yan is very clear that in the past, these ordinary people of the empire only wanted the death of the Shen family, and they hoped that the guy who collaborated with the enemy would pay the price. Another option.

Many people have received the letter for help. The letter is clearly written. The person who wrote the letter, a servant of the Jing family, accidentally overheard the Jing family's secret conversation and learned about the Jing family collaborating with the enemy. Shan Libo was overwhelmed, so he sent out letters hoping to get help.

At that time, everyone thought it was a joke, and it was not until the next day that they received a letter with a more intense and anxious tone that they began to pay attention, and gradually some people took it seriously.

And now, the aliens really called as the letter said, doesn't it prove that this person did not lie

Someone wanted to reply to a letter through the sender number of the letter and asked what was going on, but a scene that shocked them happened. The user number they sent the letter turned out to be an empty number!

What concept is this? In the real data era, none of them can escape this number that has been bound from birth, and if they want to completely break away from this number, there is only one way, and that is death.

As soon as it dies, the core will automatically erase all data associated with it.

In addition, no one can cancel their number after sending a letter with a terminal account.

So everyone invariably thought of a possibility.

The person who wrote the letter was silenced.

This is a very possible thing. If it is really silenced, then it means that the real collaborator is not the Shen family, but the Jing family. The Shen family is just a scapegoat found by the Jing family.

The people who realize this can't sit still. They are not the type who like to fight for others, but collaborating with the enemy in the empire is a capital crime, and it is also intolerable for them. Everyone lives here. Once the aliens attack, they will break the empire The defense that has been held all the time, then the result at that time is that everyone will die together.

No one can accept the consequences, even if it is for their own sake, they have a deep aversion to those who betray the empire.

This is the first time, before the trial begins, the voices of the commoners have crossed the high-rise buildings and reached the ears of the management.

Jing Zhao, who had completely understood the abnormality of the people of the empire, shattered the glass in his hand. He stared at the document in his hand and gritted his teeth: "Ji Yonghui is so good, but it was calculated on my head!"

The Jing family immediately took action.

The Jing family is not an ordinary management. For many ordinary people, the Jing family is the only conscience in the management of the empire, and the only family that treats them as equals. Therefore, among these voices, there are many Many people are willing to believe them, thinking that Jing Zhao would never do such a thing.

It is impossible for Jing Zhao to admit this kind of crime. Once he admits it, he will push the Jing family into the fire pit, and there will never be a day to turn over. What he does not understand is that Ji Yonghui made it clear that he was framing him. If that's the case, why do you want to push the Shen family to the bench again

"Patriarch, does Ji Yonghui just want us to think so, so as to clear the suspicion?"

The subordinates around Jing Zhao said so, Jing Zhao thought about it and it was the same, he was about to be fooled by that Ji Yonghui.

Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but the management like them sees these things clearly. It is obvious that the Ji family made the matter of the alien race, and it is naturally impossible for the neutral faction and their independent faction to know this in advance. If things happen, then it is only conservatives who spread the news two days in advance among the people.

And as the representative of the conservatives, the Ji family, who else could the news be spread by them