Become Stronger

Chapter 427: The ending (10)


In such a situation, it is impossible for the Ji family to know nothing about it.

The reason why the empire has become a management team composed of countless families is because they want to show absolute fairness and justice under the current state of the empire. Among these families, there are conservatives like them, and there are other families with different ideas. , has not been able to fight for a result, naturally because the balance among them has not had a chance to be broken.

Ji Yonghui intended to be the first person to break the balance, but he did not expect such a mistake in this matter.

Somehow, it was rumored that it was not the Shen family but the Jing family who colluded with the aliens, and asked the management to focus on all actions to investigate the Jing family.

Of course, they can ignore the demands of individuals, but when it becomes a group demand, the management of the empire has no way to ignore it. The empire has never been dominated by a certain party from the beginning, even if conservatives know the real truth. It is impossible to turn a blind eye, because the neutrals will inevitably start an investigation, and the independents who have been poured dirty water will not let this incident go.

None of the conservatives knew what the hell was going on, and after the incident, their first reaction was that there was something wrong.

The worst thing is that there is no way to stop this matter because of emergencies. As long as the attack of the alien race is a fact, they must pick out a culprit, and they have already pushed the Shen family out, and they keep saying that The family is guilty, at this time there is no way to turn around and accuse the Jing family, and completely beat to death the obviously angry independents.

Ji Yonghui could only stand firm. He didn't even know who was the one who conveyed the news to the people. Without any intelligence, he couldn't turn the blame on Jing Zhao.

The Shen family has not been able to stop recently.

Duan Ze clearly felt that Shen's father and Shen's mother stayed at home less and less time. He went out every day at dawn and didn't come back until very late. As an outsider, he couldn't ask much, so he could only ask silently. Word.

"It's a meeting of the management of the empire. If you can still be busy, it means it's fine." Silent Yan told him.

What Silent Yan didn't say is that this is much better than expected. At this time, where did the empire give the Shen family a chance to testify? quickly.

Now that the Shen family can still participate in the meeting, it means that the current situation of the Shen family is no longer the focus.

"Don't you need to tell my uncle and them something? For example, the Ji family's plan or something." Duan Ze was still a little worried. He thought about it, thinking that he was in such a state that he was being calculated and couldn't figure out who was behind the scenes. , I'm afraid I can't eat the food I have to worry about every day.

Do they really know nothing? Not necessarily.

Maybe Father Shen and the others didn't know the Ji family's plan in advance, but after being charged with treason, if they didn't know what was going on, it would be unreasonable. The family dragged into the water, giving the Shen family a chance to fully prove their innocence.

What happened to the Shen family is equivalent to the fate of all the neutrals, not to mention that the Jing family headed by the independent faction has been pushed into the spotlight. Come to think about it, the ones who really attract attention will be conservatives who have nothing.

In this stalemate, the original final judgment was divided into two trials. The management decided to use the first trial to decide the direction of the investigation based on the evidence, and then the final trial to decide the final judgment.

After all, the conservatives kept saying that the Shen family was guilty, so naturally there should be evidence.

Ji Yonghui of course kept enough evidence, even if the evidence was forged by them, but they were ingenious, even if the Shen family found a problem, delete the data and leave the file, which can be regarded as a sure win.

The only trouble is to deal with the difficulties of the Jing family after the matter is over.

Jing Zhao was not idle either, but he did not move for the time being. He had thoroughly investigated the Jing family's terminal data, and there was nothing abnormal. Even Ji Yonghui was not afraid of making trouble in the first trial. In the end, the suspicion of the Jing family was only among the people. According to rumors, he wanted to see what other tricks Ji Yonghui could play.

On the day of the first trial, the people of the empire were watching the whole process through live broadcast. For absolute fairness and justice, the trial on whether there were treasonous people in the empire was not conducted in private.

The huge projection screen of the Shen family was broadcasting the trial images, while the three people in the study were all doing their own thing.

While watching the live broadcast, Duan Ze accompanied Shen Jing to play with clay. After he finished pinching a ball, he looked at the vivid little animal in the little girl's hand, and couldn't help gasping for breath. He could not squeeze a nine-year-old child with clay .

Looking at the colorful clay piled on the carpet, there was still a pocket watch in a semi-damaged state that was so exaggerated that it didn't look like it was pinched out of clay, revealing the gears in it, Duan Ze couldn't help sighing again.

In fact, at the beginning, the two of them were playing with Shen Jing together, but the existence of Silentyan really destroyed his self-confidence, so after Shen Siyan pinched a damaged pocket watch that looked like a model, Duan Ze and Shen Jing Drive him aside together.

Silent Yan, who was driven away, simply read a book in the study. He listened to the content of the trial and didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

On the contrary, he looked at the two people who were having fun together and couldn't help thinking.

One is his sister and the other is someone he likes.

Why do these two people play together as if they have a better relationship than him

This trial took everyone by surprise.

It can be said that it has never been dramatic and fell below everyone's glasses.

In the stage of submitting the evidence, the evidence submitted by the Ji family on behalf of the conservatives was put on the terminal projection. In order to ensure absolute justice, all the people watching across the screen could also see the evidence on the sub-screen of the terminal. content.

After the self-examination, the Shen family naturally knew what had been done to their terminal, but they had prepared sufficient evidence to prove the movements of everyone in the Shen family during this period of time, and there was no possibility of anyone dealing with aliens.

The Shen family, who knew they had been plotted against the conservatives, naturally had no good feelings for conservatives. When the Ji family provided evidence, they were also prepared for a hard fight. After all, even if they provided proof, the proof might not be enough. It can completely remove them from suspicion.

But who knew that after the evidence of the Ji family was projected, all the contents of the Jing family were displayed!

A complete and detailed description of how the Jing family colluded with foreigners. Every piece of data is complete and there is no possibility of fabrication. For a time, the entire courtroom was silent. Jing Zhao's face was black enough to drip ink. Ji Yonghui It didn't go anywhere.

"This is a false accusation!" Jing Zhao immediately stood up, "The Jing family has never done such a thing! First the Shen family is now the Jing family! You Ji Yonghui want to overthrow the two factions of the empire in one fell swoop, so that your conservatives can take over power alone. !?"

At this time, Ji Yonghui could not be silent anymore. He could not say that the evidence he provided was wrong at this time. Giving wrong information by the Ji family in the public will only make the Ji family's reputation in the empire plummet.

Although there is no way to deal a blow to the neutral faction here, but the Jing family has an accident, weakening the power of the independent faction can be regarded as a way out.

He said simply: "This is not a false accusation, this is the truth."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar.

This is equivalent to confirming the treasonous statement of the Jing family. All of a sudden, the people of the empire gritted their teeth at the Jing family. Some of them may have accepted the help of the Jing family, but in the face of treason, everyone became extremely consistent.

The first trial was unhappy, and the Jing family became the focus of the investigation. The Shen family, who was initially accused, had nothing at all. This is natural. From the very beginning, the conservatives only wanted to attack the neutrals, and the target of the attack was It doesn't matter whether it is the Shen family or not. Now that a bigger problem is in front of them, they will naturally turn around and choose the most favorable plan under the current situation.

However, for Ji Yonghui, the most terrifying thing was that someone tampered with the information they had prepared in advance.

But no matter how he investigates, it is doomed to have no results. The system cannot find any trace of the data tampered with without a head-on conflict with the core. If you have to prove that these evidences are false, then you can only find out whether the core is not. Reliable proof.

But if the core is not 100% correct, the foundation of the empire will be destroyed, so either side will deliberately avoid this.

In Shen Moyan's view, the most fundamental reason for Duan Ze's failure at the beginning was that he lacked too much understanding of the world and the experience of doing these things, and that he was too afraid of doing actions that would have serious consequences for the empire. Confining hands and feet will naturally affect basic judgment.

"Coexistence under the core is itself a cocoon."

A group of people rely on the core. If the core disappears, the empire will be destroyed almost instantly. Such a morbid parasitic state makes people feel ridiculous. Who would have thought that this is the status quo of a high-level world.

Silent Yan couldn't help but think of several tasks that the system had provided him before that.

From the two optional tasks of eliminating conservatives and independents, it can be seen that the system's judgment of the empire believes that partisanship is not a necessity, and the remaining tasks are to gain core control, solve alien intrusion, and purify the severity of illegal zones Pollution.

Before the system provided these tasks, Silent Yan had never considered that the pollution outside was possible to be purified, but the system is a product of a higher plane, and its knowledge of the world must be much higher than them, at least it will not publish Completely impossible task, and control of the core is another issue. Everyone knows that the core is like a symbol, providing energy for the various facilities of the empire, and no one has ever really controlled it.

"So that means, without relying on the system, is there a way to control the core?" Duan Ze asked, "Has anyone left here to go outside?"

If there is no key clue to grasp the core in the empire, then the answer may lie outside the empire.

Silent said so too.

While they were discussing their future plans leisurely, the Jing family and the Ji family had already been pinching each other. Of course, as a big family, they couldn't really fight directly without disregarding their face, but the small movements kept going on behind their backs were almost tearing apart. Broken face.

Ji Yonghui wanted to have a good talk with Jing Zhao. For conservatives, this was completely unexpected. Besides, someone could change the data at will, and all of them needed to be vigilant.

But for Jing Zhao, that's not the case. He Ji Yonghui threw out the evidence at the trial and poured dirty water on him. Is it necessary to make peace? It was precisely because he knew too well what kind of virtue the Ji family was that Jing Zhao knew that no matter how sincere the Ji family seemed, they were mostly traps.

The biggest problem with this matter is that the partisanship has been going on for so long that the two factions have deep grievances, and without any trust, as long as the reasons are sufficient, the situation will be intensified indefinitely.

What the Ji family did was to put treason on Jing Zhao's body, which made it clear that they wanted them to die, so how could Jing Zhao give up.

The contradiction between the two factions directly affected the normal life of the people of the empire, and it was at this time that the people of the empire discovered how far the management had penetrated into their lives.

Until the beginning of the final trial, the data about the Jing family from the core was presented to everyone. As Jing Zhao said, the Jing family did not participate in the treasonous operation, which means that the Ji family The information submitted is falsified.

But how can data be faked? Before people could understand this, they were attracted by another piece of data that was released together. Although the Jing family did not treason, what was this!

In the data, the information about the Jing family's many undocumented populations was exposed, which shocked everyone. They only needed to use their brains to understand what it meant. There were no terminals or individuals in the empire. People with information, either for buying or selling or doing some dirty work with these unrecorded people.

The Jing family obviously did not expect such a record in the terminal, and he was completely caught off guard.

The person who betrayed the empire was not caught, but the Jing family was the first to have a big situation. Everyone in the empire had to wear a terminal from birth, and the Jing family who deliberately exploited the loopholes undoubtedly violated the rules that everyone recognized.

This is on a par with treason. As we all know, the core can't go wrong. The Jing family was dragged down without any chance of resistance. It's just that they are better than the former Shen family, and they won't involve everyone. The data released clarify the crime of each person, and it also means that those who are not on this list did not violate the rules of the mission.

This shocked everyone. Everyone knew how much the Jing family took care of the civilians. After learning that the Jing family did not treason, most people were relieved. It is possible to do such a thing, but I did not expect that the material that broke out later was even more amazing.

To put it nicely, it just didn't register information for some people, but to put it badly, isn't this just human trafficking

The empire is not a very stable place. When many people heard that the Jing family hid a group of people without legal status, they had already thought of countless ways to use these people, and no identification mark means that they can escape. Most of the data records, the Jing family is trying to do "big things"!

Such a powerful existence as the Jing family could suddenly fall, and the remaining independents panicked instantly. They quickly pointed the finger at the Ji family. Under the premise that the Jing family was sure that they did not treason, they first began to submit false evidence to the Ji family. Is there a huge suspicion

However, it is meaningless to target the Ji family, because at the same time, everyone received a record on their terminals.

It is a record that the Ji family purchased a large number of isolation devices in the name of others through various channels, and left the empire at a certain period of time. He has done tricks and the Ji family has always been no less than the illegal information of the Jing family.

This incident not only represented the fact that the Ji family's evidence was conclusive and complete, but also that the authority of the management had lost its meaning.

In the past, the trial court, where the management verified and confirmed the judgment, became a decoration, and the anger of the people who got the first-hand information became the real valid vote to decide the fate of the Ji family.

This time, the management was unable to make a judgment beyond the public. Even if all the management believed that it was necessary to further verify the whole incident and sent a judgment, it was useless. The public had gathered and spontaneously expressed their protests.

The high-level family realized that something was wrong. Obviously, from the first trial, the evidence submitted by everyone was beyond their own expectations, and the Ji family's data should have been impossible to find out, although so It's not very good to say, but the Ji family, as a representative of conservatives, has been aware of the loopholes between terminals after so many years, and should avoid all possibilities of being detected by the terminal.

Then it can only be detected by the core, but the central tower has been strictly monitored recently, and it is impossible for anyone to call up data at this time, let alone control the core to put these data on everyone's terminals. , Step back 10,000 steps, even if someone can get in, it is impossible to understand the data in the core without professional translators.

No one can do such a thing.

The only thing it can do is... terminal itself.

Could it be that it is the core of your own will to provide evidence that Zhijing and Ji were killed

Such an idea spread among the commoners not long after the trial, and the empire was panicked. The core has always been like a symbol of the empire. No matter how powerful it is, it is just an object, but if the core really has its own consciousness , then it means that all of them are being monitored by a conscious thing.

This is a completely different concept.

At first, some nervous people tried to propose an operation to remove the terminal from the body. This proposal was quickly responded by many people. Originally, such a thing should not be forced to be placed in the human body. This group of people seems to be here. Just realized this.

The empire becomes a mess for a while, and the more absolute order is, the more uncontrollable it becomes after chaos arises.

After the incidents of Jing and Ji, both independents and conservatives became unable to win the trust of the people. In the end, only the neutrals could temporarily stabilize the situation. For a while, the elders of the Shen family were busy with their feet on the ground. At this time, Silent Yan and Duan Ze were ready for a long trip.

It's not quite appropriate to say that it is a trip, but they decided to go outside the empire to see it.

In the polluted environment of illegal areas, they can't stay outside much, so they use the means of transportation that has perfect airtightness and can provide oxygen inside, and the supplies that need to be replenished are all placed in Duan Ze's storage bag.

"If you provide evidence to the people in the name of Ji Yonghui's homeless son before the final trial, now you can act as the representative of the people and lead them to overthrow the current empire." He said silently before setting off, "If you miss this opportunity, you can do it again next time. The opportunity for sex to gain a lot of prestige just doesn't know when."

Duan Ze didn't care, he looked relaxed and leisurely: "This is your world, you definitely want to stay here longer, so what's wrong with me accompany you."

"And you won't leave if you don't finish things here, right? I can accompany you!" Duan Ze thought for a while and added, "On the other hand, when it's my world's turn, I definitely don't want to be too soon. Leave, and you will accompany me when the time comes."