Become Stronger

Chapter 430: The ending (13)



Silent Yan lay calmly on the seat of the cockpit, watching the young man who was originally supporting him jump up in fright, and then his head was about to hit the roof of the cabin, he quickly reached out and held down the other side , to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Duan Ze, who was being protected, stared at him stupidly for a long time, obviously losing his language ability.

Wait, what's up with getting married? Is it what he thought

Silent Yan also found that Duan Ze couldn't give an answer in a short time, so he shifted the topic to another question: "Do you want to dissolve your engagement first?"

"Oh, yes." Duan Ze seemed to remember that he still had a marriage contract at this point in time, and nodded subconsciously, but the conversation just now lingered in his mind, "The marriage you just said was telling the truth. Is it?"

Duan Ze was a little embarrassed to ask this question, but even so, he inexplicably didn't want to escape. He had clearly experienced so many worlds together, and in every world they were together, and their relationship with each other had already surpassed that of a normal couple in their entire life. Time, can really decide a relationship in the end is still not the same.

He was even happy that the other party had chosen to be in his own world.

"But we haven't dated yet?!" Duan Ze suddenly thought of this question, "Did you skip any crucial step?"

Speaking of this, Duan Ze himself has his own shortcomings. It is really that the two feel too comfortable to get along with each other. He has never thought about changing this relationship. Of course, there is also a little bit of fear in this relationship after changing this way of getting along. Encountered the opposite effect, that is to say, the more you cherish, the more you worry about gain and loss.

The direct result is that after two people who have never concealed their love for each other, after experiencing countless worlds together, no one has proposed to communicate.

But now one party skips all the process and directly proposes marriage.

"Then are you willing to date me on the premise of marriage?" If it weren't for the limited space in the cockpit, he actually wanted to be more formal, and now Shen Moyan can only ask verbally, "How long do you want to stay here?" I can always be with you."

This is the promise he made when he was in the Empire, but...

"I don't want to see you with other people. If you want to get engaged, it's better to be with me." Silent Yan thought for a while and then added, "Of course if you don't want to..."

Duan Ze was stunned for a while, and then he covered Silent Yan's unspoken words. He pursed his lips, looked away, and said in a low voice, "It's not that you don't want to, since you said so!"

Having established a relationship with the person he likes, Duan Ze had completely forgotten what the scene was when he came out of the cockpit. He rubbed his hot face, and when he looked up, he saw the two original characters in the plot. The protagonist, one of whom is his current betrothal

Duan Ze's expression changed immediately, his face turned cold in an instant, and he said with a light cough, "Wei Yanhui, come with me if you are free."

Wei Yanhui's eyes fell on Silent Yan who came out of the cockpit a beat later. He didn't understand the relationship between the two, but Duan Ze was a friend he grew up with after all, even if he already had a crush at this time. The person who is ready to break up the engagement will not even be unwilling to talk to each other because of this.

Chen Bai watched helplessly as Wei Yanhui greeted him and followed the glittering little prince. He wanted to know what they did, but he didn't have the position to keep up. Just when he was tangled, When he turned around, he found that he was the only one left.

Silent Yan went back to the bedroom one step ahead of schedule, and sure enough, Duan Ze happily moved in with his luggage that night.

He quickly dealt with the marriage contract with Wei Yanhui because of the family relationship, and after the marriage contract was terminated, he immediately submitted an application to the school to change the dormitory, which was very efficient.

Cohabitation in the previous world was also common. Duan Ze was not used to living with two people at all. He pulled Silent Yan to accompany him to pack his luggage. After finishing, he opened Xingwang and ate snacks, sighing even if he didn’t know how many years. Didn't come back, it's still the same here.

Silent Yan noticed that Duan Ze was a little absent-minded, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"..." Seeing that he was exposed, Duan Ze put down the snacks in his hand and sat up. He was a little hard to say and didn't know how to say it. After struggling for a long time, he said hesitantly, "Actually, when I broke off the engagement with Wei Yanhui, my dad asked Because of my reason, I subconsciously said that I have someone I like."

"That's why my dad wants to see you..." Duan Ze, who finally said it, looked at Silent Yan's face cautiously, "If you feel embarrassed, you don't have to go, anyway, you're not engaged yet."

Duan Ze wanted to be sloppy and fooled, but Silent Yan thought the exact opposite of him: "It's really necessary to visit, when?"

"Ah, this weekend?" Duan Ze didn't expect Silent Yan, instead of being nervous to meet the world's royal leaders, he seemed very positive about this matter, and he was a little happy for a while, "Don't be nervous, I Will accompany you! My dad is a good talker!"

Although Duan Ze said he would accompany him, but when the day came, he was kicked out by his father. In the royal reception room, only Silent Yan was left to deal with the great emperor of this planet and his two brothers alone.

In fact, it is not the first time that Silent Yan has seen this emperor. When he came to this world, he had countless exchanges with the emperor, and he knew very well what kind of temperament the other party was. In comparison, Duan Ze's He had very little contact with the two older brothers.

The royal family seems to have the inheritance of blond hair, and the same is true for Duan Ze's two brothers. They are older than Duan Ze, and they naturally look more mature and stable. The future throne of this world should undoubtedly be one of these two people. to inherit.

At this time, the two heirs looked at him with a smile, no matter how kind they looked, he knew that there was not much kindness behind the smile.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Anyone who knows that his younger brother, who has been petted since childhood, has been given green by his engagement partner, they will not be in a good mood as older brothers and fathers. They did not take care of Wei Wei's clean up. The family and the younger brother don't care about the face.

And now the younger brother just broke off the engagement, and here comes another one, which really makes it hard for them to trust. They always feel like a liar who likes his younger brother's beautiful appearance and wealth and wants to cheat money and sex.

"What do you like about our Duan Ze?"

After a bunch of courtesies, the parents finally got to the point.

"Every point."

The elder brother who asked this question was immediately choked by the answer. They looked at the young man whose attitude was extremely calm and didn't seem to be talking nonsense, and suddenly had a feeling of "as expected of a young man's love".

As family members, they naturally know what kind of person their children are, even if they think their family is perfect no matter what, but that doesn't mean they don't know some of the stinky problems of their younger brother.

"Don't you think he has a bad temper?"

"He's also frizzy and has no patience at all."

"I have patience."

"Being reckless before acting, always screwing up good things."

"It's ok."

"If you are in a relationship, he might get angry and cut your hair secretly when you quarrel."

"If he is happy, it doesn't matter if he cuts it."

After a question and answer session, the two brothers took a deep breath.

This guy is helpless!

If it's not a liar, then it's completely hopeless. This is a no-brainer answer, it seems that they are the real brothers, but they are like bad people.

The Great Emperor, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly after his sons were obviously speechless. As a high-ranking person for a long time, his aura opened, even if he didn't have the slightest anger, he was not angry and arrogant: "You think you are worthy of him. ?"

He doesn't care if he behaves like a villain at all. As the emperor of the entire planet, he has nothing to worry about, let alone facing someone his son likes. He naturally has the obligation to judge whether the other party is a What kind of person, Wei Yanhui is the first one he sees wrong, and he will be the last one.

The unstoppable coercion of ordinary people did not have any impact on Silent Yan, and he was not offended by this obviously humiliating question.

The emperor didn't expect him to point out what he thought all of a sudden, but he didn't show his satisfaction in his heart, and said directly: "It shouldn't be difficult to become the commander of my son's direct guard, right?"

It is not difficult for others to refute this immediately after listening to it. You must know that the commander of the direct guard has always been selected by the royal family from the best graduates of the military academy. For ordinary students who have not yet entered the military academy, it is simply difficult for a strong man.

However, Silent Yan's expression did not change, and he accepted without any hesitation. Instead, the emperor wondered if his request was too simple, but he knew very well that this request was not simple at all.

In fact, as a royal family, it is not so important for them to be in the same household. As a father, he does not care about the family of the object his son likes. The most important thing is naturally a sincerity, but this does not mean that his son is the object of Can do nothing.

I hope this kid promises so decisively, it is really good to be sure.

As soon as Duan Ze saw Silent Yan came out, he immediately greeted him. When he was outside, he only felt that he was more nervous than the person who went in. He knew that nothing would happen, but when he really saw the other party come out safe and sound, he still couldn't help it. of relief.

"What did my dad say? He didn't embarrass you, did he?" Duan Ze asked. "If he embarrassed you, tell me, and I'll tell him!"

Seeing that Duan Ze was going to fight for him in minutes, Silent Yan shook his head: "No, your father agreed very readily."

Is it really that easy? Duan Ze couldn't believe it.

"Really? Didn't he make any strange demands?"

Silent Yan recalled seriously after hearing the words, and said, "I really didn't mention anything that counts as a requirement."