Become Stronger

Chapter 64: Become stronger in the interstellar (11)


The two blades staggered each time for a short time, and the follow-up mecha quickly seized the time to find the opportunity to pass. In such a map that is blocked by traps along the way, once the distance is widened, it will be very difficult. Chase back.

Those who waited for the trap and waited for a beat long after passing the trap could no longer see the figures of the two mechas that passed through the trap.

They can't see it, but those who watch the live broadcast can see it. The distance between the two mechas in the front and the mechas behind is actually not far away, but because of the limitations of the channel, the distance behind The most talented people can't see the person in front, but in the speed battle of the mecha, it is very clear that such a distance can be opened, not to mention that the one rushing in the front is a machine without even painting. First.

The speed of the unpainted and unmodified mecha is not much different from the modified mecha. The real difference lies in the equipment of the mecha itself. The modified mecha is like a customized terminal host. According to the different parts of the modification, the mecha will also add a lot of new performance and new weapons.

Although it seems that modification is meaningless in the obstacle race where speed is the most important, there are many who have changed the shape of the mecha through modification. Those mechas that are thinner and smaller obviously have an absolute advantage in the obstacle race, but the leading ones are not. Not these mechs that have the advantage.

The speed of the default mecha should be the same as other mechas, but it never stops when it encounters a trap, and it moves smoothly every time, inexplicably giving people a kind of mecha The initial speed is not the illusion of being faster than others.

Besides, what the hell was the initial operation? Everyone knows that the operation of the mecha is very delicate. It is very difficult for beginners to keep the mecha balanced in the air. Most people can only operate the mecha in ordinary operations after learning.

But through the camera, people watching the live broadcast can see the moment when they dodged the blade. Every action of the mecha is coherent, as if it is not a mecha, but a person who can rely on his own consciousness to act.

How to activate the cannon and retract the wings in such a short period of time, you have to control the mecha sideways to raise the arm 90 degrees to fire the cannon, and you have to quickly unfold the wings after receiving the impact of the cannon, you know this The game was held on StarNet, and everyone was driving a holographic mecha. The weightlessness after the mecha fell can be said to be 100% restored, and the wings can be unhurriedly re-deployed under this sense of weightlessness. What is it like to restore balance

The audience inquired about the identity of the operator of the mecha. Some people speculated that it was a student of the Interstellar Military Academy, while others speculated whether some military boss came to participate in the StarNet League. There were different opinions for a while. No one would think that the pilot of that mech would be a student of the Interstellar Academy.

When they saw that the blue mecha was chasing after him, they even sighed, worthy of being the son of the Wei family, he was able to catch up with the profession.

Wei Yanhui also passed the trap at the first time, but he was still one beat slower than Silentyan. The gap he passed through was a beat slower than the one that Silentyan passed. It's so big that it doesn't look so thrilling, and the audience will naturally feel a little worse in comparison.

Wei Yanhui couldn't accept Silentyan's reason for rejecting his duel. In his opinion, the reasons in Silentyan's mouth were more like saying that his strength was not enough for him to face it seriously.

The only time they had a chance to play against each other was in class. Except for the first few times, Wei Yanhui clearly felt the pressure of being silent, not only in terms of strength, but also in every class that followed. It's a pressure where the other side is making progress while the self seems to be stagnant.

If this is the case, then the other party is excusable not to treat him as an opponent, so although Wei Yanhui can't accept it, he still did not come to fight with Silent Yan as he promised. He is trying to improve himself, thinking To completely beat him in the league.

As an academy student, Wei Yanhui has done a good enough job. His level is not even worse than that of the students in the military academy, but he still felt an indescribable sense of frustration when chasing the mecha ahead.

It's as if you've worked hard enough, but in the end you find that you can't compare to another person in terms of effort or talent.

But that doesn't mean he will give up chasing.

If other people knew that Wei Yanhui had conceded defeat in terms of talent, it would definitely shock the jaws of a group of people.

Silent words are almost reckless when operating the mecha.

This recklessness means that as long as he thinks he can get through what he can do, he will not consider what will happen if he fails, in other words, there is no word 'hesitation' in his operation. .

In order to supply this feature of himself, he has to constantly enrich his combat experience. The richer his experience in mecha operation, the more accurate his judgment will be. Only under the premise of accurate judgment, This kind of operation without hesitation will achieve the due advantage.

This feature of Silent Yan is not only on the mecha, as long as it is a machine that requires manual operation, he has a clear tendency to this aspect, and people who get in his car will always be prone to a car accident in the next second. sense of crisis.

The obstacle course was halfway through. Those who thought they could always catch up after jumping over the first trap finally found out that not only did they fail to catch up, but they never saw the mecha in front of them since then. figure.

No one thinks that those who rush to the front row will be disqualified from the competition because of the traps, so they all know that even after the road is wide, they still can't see the mecha in front of them, which only means that the distance is getting bigger and bigger.

Wei Yanhui was still clinging to it. As one of the protagonists of this world, he naturally has his own advantages. At least he has absolute talent in mecha, otherwise he will not directly enter the first army in the later stage.

The two gray and blue mechas were almost in tandem, and the audience watching the live broadcast was nervous, but Silent Yan, who was driving the gray mecha, had no intention of competing for the championship, because what was useful to him was the league championship, and Not the preliminary champion.

He thought so, but there was no sloppy operation in the slightest.

To onlookers, it seemed that all the traps had already known his arrival, always closing tightly the next second he passed, and the gray mecha did not even pause during the entire obstacle course. , these traps did not seem to be a hindrance to him.

Wei Yanhui had been chasing hard, and he was far away from Shen Moyan, which meant that for Silent Yan, he might not be able to find such an accurate timing for an organ that could be passed by speeding up or using a little slapstick operation. What's more, Wei Yanhui will think carefully about every step of the operation. This is a very normal consideration time for outsiders, which is the fundamental reason why he has been unable to catch up.

In the end, the gray mecha completed the obstacle course first, followed by the blue mecha, with a difference of 10 seconds.

When the performance ranking was printed on the big screen, the follow-up mechas also reached the finish line, but they were all separated from the first place by nearly a minute.

The preliminary round is over, but the discussions outside have not stopped at all.

The Star Net League is very similar to the reality show in the entertainment industry in the last world. Everyone is closely watching this event. For them, as long as the mecha operates well, they will definitely join the army in the future. This is not so much a game. The entertainment competition is more like a race to watch the birth of future army mecha divisions.

Silent Yan's name is already well-known enough in the school, but now his name has been uploaded directly on the star network.

The Star Net League is a real-name system. In a place like Star Net, where the exchange of information is extremely fast, almost at the moment when the preliminary round is over, the basic situation of the players has been picked up.

They were also surprised to find that none of the military academies or mecha masters of the army they had guessed before were actually a mecha student from the Interstellar Academy!

I thought that one Wei family was enough to hit people, but I didn't expect there was another one. This one looks even more powerful

Xingwang is like the Internet, and the communication page of the public community is swiped almost every minute.

When Silent Yan came out of the game cabin, Duan Zezheng swiped a bunch of confession stickers. A person like Silent Yan who showed absolute mecha operation skills in the league and looked good. In one sentence, he was very popular.

Every year, the capable players in the Mecha League basically have their own support team, but this kind of support team comes and goes quickly. After the basic league is over, they will disperse. They will go to dinner in the new league. Players, generally the most fans are champion players, and there is an unwritten rule in the Star Network League, that is, players who have won the championship will generally not participate in the second time.

This is easy to understand. It’s like Silent Yan. If he didn’t have this task, he wouldn’t have participated in the Star Net League. The truly powerful people have joined the army, and those in the army won’t have time to participate in this long-term competition. race.

"I think you need an agent, and I happen to have an agent qualification certificate." Duan Ze added after finishing speaking, "Although it's from the previous world."

After the preliminary round, there were a lot of people who expressed their opinions on Xingwang. Some people even listed the top 10 list in the preliminary round, and found out each person's follow-up video of the Xingwang League in the preliminary round for analysis one by one.

Silent Yan, the first in the preliminary round, naturally bears the brunt of the most thorough analysis.

As a topical figure on Star Online at this stage, Silent Yan's current popularity is indeed like that of a star in the world's entertainment circle in the past.

But the parties did not take it seriously.

"Go to lunch."


Duan Ze quickly closed the terminal.

The preliminary round has just ended in less than half an hour, but almost all the students in the entire academy who were not in class watched the live broadcast. The effect of walking into the crowded cafeteria now is like being recognized by fans on the road in the previous world. The consequences were the same, and it caused a sensation in an instant.

The only difference is that all the students in the academy are students, there is no sense of distance between stars and fans among classmates, and some extroverted people even come up to talk directly.

The meal was almost finished with everyone watching.

However, these two people have long been used to the eyes around them, and there is no pressure on the status quo of being watched, Duan Ze even joked in the mood, "I feel your enthusiasm, maybe I will be able to complete the task directly. ."

Although Duan Ze kept talking about the task, but never really implemented it, Silent Yan noticed it, but he didn't say anything.

Just when Duan Ze was joking, a text message was uploaded on Silent Yan's terminal.

After clicking on the message, the terminal automatically projected the content of the text message. Although Duan Ze was a little curious, he didn't look at it. He held his head and asked, "What is it?"

"Invitation letter for the military school entrance test." After reading the text message, he replied silently.

The military academy has an entrance test at a fixed time every year. They generally do not admit students who have not graduated from the Interstellar Academy, but this text message indicates that they want to give him a chance to enter the school early.

Silent Yan politely declined in his reply.

If he wants to complete the optional tasks, then he must graduate from the Interstellar Academy in a regular process, so it is not a thought to enter the military school directly.

The military school obviously did not expect that their invitation would be rejected.

At this time, the person in charge of contact was looking at the reply on the terminal with a confused expression.

"Even if it is an exception admission, he can't put water on the test, and he can't make him feel that he has a little ability to treat the military school as a place where he can easily be admitted." The man in the military uniform said seriously.

The person in charge hesitated for a while, and finally said with difficulty, "... That student rejected us."

"It's said to focus on studies."