Become Stronger

Chapter 8: Become stronger in the last days (6)


When a group of people saw Jiang Weiyuan's return, they all cheered up. If they could, they would like to put the pot on the stranger now, but now they are all controlled by the other party's ability. They didn't dare to die in this situation, they could only use their eyes to indicate their current situation.

Seriously speaking, these people and Jiang Weiyuan only have a few relationships, but now that the other party has obviously paid attention to his car, he can't just sit back and watch.

But the hostages are in the other's hands.

"The car is broken, even if you take it, it's useless." Jiang Weiyuan chose to try to communicate with this person first. If it is not necessary, there is no need to have a confrontation with a power user. Of course, even if it really does He won't back down from conflict.

What he said was also the truth, and he couldn't completely repair the engine of the off-road vehicle. If the other party robbed the car and sought shelter from the military, he would be disappointed.

Silent Yan didn't expect Jiang Weiyuan to appear here at this time, but it doesn't matter if he appears here.

He looked at the person who would become the strongest ability person in the future. Jiang Weiyuan has what a strong person in all stories should look like. His appearance is handsome and calm, and his character is more mature and restrained. The presence of the central character.

But compared to these, Silent Yan is more concerned that if he kills Jiang Weiyuan, who has not really grown up yet, will the system determine that his mission is complete? Silent Yan didn't know that Jiang Weiyuan's current strength was at his level, and he couldn't be sure whether he was his opponent not long after he got the ability.

Jiang Weiyuan was nervously watching the man's every move, but fortunately, the other party didn't seem to have any intention of fighting, even when he heard the engine failure, he didn't show any surprise.

"I have the engine." After Silent said, he saw Jiang Weiyuan slightly startled.

It is because the engine is broken that he is trapped in this place. After the end of the world, many people will want to find their family members. Jiang Weiyuan also urgently needs to repair his car. His family is in the zombies. The west side, where the outbreak was the most serious, could now urgently need a good engine.

So how did Jiang Weiyuan, who was eager to go to the west, get along well with this group of people who were desperately trying to drive to the east? What agreement did they reach? Can Jiang Weiyuan agree to lend them the car and flee east

Silent Yan thought of this and glanced at Xu Cheng and others, and then said to Jiang Weiyuan, who was waiting for him, "I have something to go to the west. If you are on the same road, then you can go together. I will get out of the engine and you will get out of the car."

Xu Cheng, who was originally glanced at by Silent Yan, only felt inexplicable when he heard his words, his face suddenly turned blue, and the other people also looked bad. will say so.

Among them, only Jiang Weiyuan's expression softened a lot. When he learned that the other party happened to have an engine, he really thought that if he was a person who couldn't communicate, then even if he paid a little price, he would keep the engine. Now Silent words being able to say this is the best result for him.

This person seems to speak better than he imagined. Even so, the other party's ability is still hanging on the heads of Xu Cheng and others, Jiang Weiyuan did not dare to relax his vigilance on him immediately, "We are also going to Going west, if you are on the same road, you can of course cooperate, but before that you have to let them go."

"You are going west too?"

Although Silent Yan was looking at Jiang Weiyuan, this question was undoubtedly asking Xu Cheng and others. Xu Cheng's face turned blue and white, what else could he say at this moment? Said they were just coaxing Jiang Weiyuan, and they had planned to leave him at night when they found the engine, and run away on their own

Of course they can't say it!

If they fight and lose both, the car and the engine won't be theirs. Who knew that these two people didn't fight when they met, let alone fight, and even the dialogue was polite and calm.

This Jiang Weiyuan was talking about temporarily forming an alliance with them, but he didn't expect to be so cowardly at a critical time! Xu Cheng snorted fiercely in his heart, but nodded again and again on his face.

"Yeah, yeah! We're going to the west too! It was a misunderstanding before! Slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue!" Xu Cheng didn't dare to say too much, for fear that Jiang Weiyuan might notice something, or that Silent Yan would say more.

This should be quite funny. If anyone stood in the position of Shen Siyan, he would probably laugh now, but Silent Yan didn't laugh. He seemed to really believe their nonsense, so he just accepted it. With the ability, those iron thorns that were still floating suddenly lost control and fell to the ground, turning into ordinary scrap iron.

Jiang Weiyuan didn't ask them what kind of misunderstanding they had. Now that the negotiation has been settled, the other party has really stopped and expressed sincerity, so it seems a bit reluctant to pursue it further.

He took the lead in reporting his name. After getting the other party's name and destination, Jiang Weiyuan was surprised to find that the other party's destination was the same as his. They never knew each other. After the end of the world, Jiang Weiyuan recognized himself. There is no value in myself that can be missed by others, so I only felt that I was destined for the first time.

Silence is not good at equipment, at least he has never touched the equipment in this world. Of course, give him some time to check the introduction of the system library. He can also repair the off-road vehicle by himself, but with Jiang Weiyuan around , he is just a waste of time to go to school temporarily.

The most powerful person in the future ran to repair the car, Silent Yan sat on the chair next to the gas station, holding a small iron in his hand, practicing the control of the ability. Judging from his current understanding of his own abilities, his ability is probably to control these irons. No matter how hard iron is, it is as soft as water in his hands, but the amount and accuracy that can be controlled at present are still limited. .

After Xu Cheng and the others were free, they didn't dare to approach Silent Yan, but they couldn't be too obvious, so they said something casually to prepare dinner, and then hid in the gas station supermarket.

Through the glass of the supermarket, he also saw that Jiang Weiyuan seemed to be talking to Shen Moyan while repairing the car. Obviously, Jiang Weiyuan was on guard against each other at first, but now he looks very relaxed, as if he was with a friend. Seems to be chatting.

I couldn't hear what they said through the glass, but Xu Cheng, who was guilty of a thief, had a bad intuition.

Their group decided to take advantage of the night to steal the repaired off-road vehicle and escape overnight. This was their original plan, but at that time they only needed to control one power user, but now they have become two .

Although there will be risks, but these risks are not worth going to the west to find death, isn't it like hitting your head on a nail!

As soon as they planned, they decided to do it tonight!

It is said to be preparing dinner, but in fact, all you can eat is the instant noodles in the supermarket. If it is slightly better, at most, you can add two sausages to the instant noodles, and it only takes seven or eight minutes to prepare.

After dinner, Xu Cheng took the initiative to take a flashlight and went to help Jiang Weiyuan illuminate.

"Brother Jiang, when will this car be repaired?" He wondered if Silent Yan had mentioned to Jiang Weiyuan the specific content of their previous 'small misunderstanding', but it seemed that Jiang Weiyuan's attitude had not changed. It looks like it shouldn't be said.

Xu Cheng didn't know what Silent Yan wanted to do, and it was precisely because he couldn't guess the other party's purpose to shield them that he became more and more anxious.

"Another hour or two." Jiang Weiyuan didn't do this business, he just knew more about auto parts than others, and changing the engine wasn't a big problem for him, but it wasn't fast either. Rest here for another night and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Oh." Xu Cheng nodded again and again.

His eyes swept to the side, but found a figure walking out of the supermarket and walking into the woods alone. He immediately recognized from the body that the person was Silent Yan. Although he was not convinced, even a back figure of that person was not enough. Really good-looking enough, what is he doing in the woods at this time

Xu Cheng watched his figure disappear under the trees, and his mind suddenly became active. He didn't mention this discovery to Jiang Weiyuan, and An Jingjing continued to hold a flashlight in front of the dog-legged brother as if nothing had happened. Help with lighting.

Sure enough, when Jiang Weiyuan repaired the car, Silent Yan didn't come back.

It was very late at this time. When Jiang Weiyuan asked, Xu Chengcheng said, "He said he couldn't sleep with us, so he went to find a place to sleep, and he would probably be back tomorrow morning."

"Brother Jiang, you have been repairing the car for so long. Brothers are too embarrassed to let you watch the night. We will take turns to watch, so you can go to bed first."

Jiang Weiyuan didn't think much about it. The first time he met Xu Cheng and the others was much more beautiful than Silent Yan. It can be said that the lives of these people were saved by Jiang Weiyuan. The reason he was away was to go to the road outside to find out if there were any abandoned cars. He had been busy all day, and he was indeed tired.

There is a large and small warehouse next to the gas station supermarket. After deciding on the two people to watch the night, the others found a blanket to clean up the warehouse and each found a corner to prepare for sleep.

After the night was dark, it became extraordinarily quiet. Except for the insects outside the house, there was no other sound. The three people who were asleep in the house seemed to have an appointment to knock knock and open their eyes, and took a peek at whether Jiang Weiyuan was asleep. , After confirming that the other party really closed his eyes and breathing slowly, they made a gesture to each other and walked out of the warehouse lightly.

All the senses of ordinary people will be magnified after becoming a power user, but the inconspicuous door closing sound is very clear to Jiang Weiyuan, and he wakes up almost instantly.

At first, he just thought that someone had gone out to the toilet, but when he opened his eyes and found that the entire warehouse was gone, and the sound of the car engine starting came from outside, he still didn't understand.

His face suddenly turned gloomy. If these people have read the original book like Shen Moyan, they will know that Jiang Weiyuan is not as easy to talk as he looks on the surface. What he hates most is betrayal.

What's more, the people who betrayed him now were those who he had rescued, which made him feel extremely angry at this time.

The door of the warehouse was locked, Jiang Weiyuan sullenly kicked the seemingly solid iron door open.

The iron gate that slammed to the ground was blasted with blue-purple electric lights. Such a big movement was naturally discovered by Xu Cheng and others. They knew that something was wrong, and they immediately ignored the materials that had not been loaded into the car. to rush out.

The accelerator was indeed pressed, but the car didn't move.

"Shit, can you drive?! I won't do it for you!" Xu Cheng wanted to throw the person in the driver's seat out of the car and drive by himself. From the rearview mirror, he could see Jiang Weiyuan was not in a hurry He walked step by step, with an expression on his face that Xu Cheng had never seen before.

- The expression of wanting to slaughter them alive.

"I drove my dad's car to play outside when I was 15! It's this car that doesn't move by itself!" The driver was sweating profusely.

Instead, Xu Cheng reacted, "Fuck! Electromagnetic?!"

He pushed open the car door on his side very quickly, and even when he touched the door, his hand was numb and didn't stop him from moving.

Seeing Xu Cheng fleeing under the car, the others immediately wanted to get out of the car, but after Xu Cheng escaped, the first person who wanted to get out of the car was grabbed by Jiang Weiyuan by the collar and dragged from the car. came out.

Xu Cheng only heard the screams of those behind him begging for mercy. He was glad that he responded quickly, otherwise he would have fallen into Jiang Weiyuan's hands.

He didn't expect Jiang Weiyuan to turn his face when he turned his face. The completely different momentum from the past made him even think of saying good things and begging for mercy completely disappeared.

But what if he has the ability, as long as he escapes into the forest, the ability of the lightning system may not have the function of finding people. As long as he saves his life, he will have the opportunity to escape to the military shelter, and then he will be saved, even if If we meet again in the future, can Jiang Weiyuan still kill people under the eyes of the military

Xu Cheng ran in a hurry, and he wanted to look back to see if Jiang Weiyuan had caught up.

As soon as he turned his head, he unexpectedly bumped into a person. He was so unstable that he almost fell to the ground, but the person on the opposite side didn't move at all.

As soon as Xu Cheng looked up, he found that what he had bumped into was Silent Yan, who didn't know what to do at night. In his hand, he was also carrying a transparent bag from a gas station and a supermarket. stone.

"Why, where are you going so late?"

The next second he asked silently, Xu Chengcheng heard the sound of someone stepping on the grass behind him, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

In front of the jackal there is a tiger.

Everywhere is a death! Might as well take a gamble!

At the risk of being headshot in the next second, he suddenly grabbed Silent Yan's arm, and used his life's acting skills to show a look of shock and horror, "We were bad before, but this time you must Help us! Jiang Weiyuan is crazy! He's going to kill us all!"

The footsteps behind him paused, and Xu Cheng could imagine what Jiang Weiyuan's expression would be without looking at it. Although he did threaten Silent Yan before, it didn't really hurt his life! Xu Cheng only prayed that Silent Yan was not as cold-blooded as he had shown, and that he should not be desperate for help.

Xu Cheng was right about one thing. After hearing his words that turned black and white, Jiang Weiyuan really wanted to peel him off at this moment.

Xu Cheng has tactfully hid behind Silent Yan, even if Silent Yan asks what happened, as long as he can delay for a while, it is beneficial to him, and he can find an opportunity to escape.

"You're going to kill them all?"

Hearing that Silent Yan had doubts, Xu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could finish his breath, he was taken out from behind by Silent Yan and rudely threw it in front of Jiang Weiyuan.

"Don't miss it."

Silently reminded kindly.

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