Become Stronger

Chapter 86: Become stronger in the West (2)


He has become so small that he no longer needs to stand up and find a mirror to verify it. Even in the middle of the night, he can still see his hand clearly under the moonlight, which is undoubtedly the hand of a child.

Looking around, there was a small bulge on the quilt of every simple single bed, and each one looked at children who were at most less than ten years old.

The church does recruit 510-year-old apprentices every year, but at the same time the church believes in the God of Light, and their purpose is to spread hope and light in this continent, so they naturally take in homeless orphans. This was originally a unilateral act of kindness, and the number of orphans was quite large in various regions, and their living conditions were worse than those of ordinary apprentices.

Although the system will not give him complete information about the original owner, in order to avoid encountering situations where he does not know acquaintances, he can always get the faces and names of many people. This time, among the interpersonal relationships he got, the only one with a name There was only one knight in the church who brought him back, and the rest were blank.

There is no doubt that the original owner can only be an orphan who has just been adopted by the church, and has not had time to get to know other people around him.

After understanding this, Silent Yan focused on his mission this time.

The biggest force in this world is also admired by countless people. There is no doubt that it is the Light God Religion, and the Holy Knights are the closest existence to the Light God. Every ten years, the Light God will choose the most devout one. It is also the most glorious thing to be the messenger of the God of Light, and its position in this continent is directly second only to the God of Light.

According to the requirements of the main line, there is no doubt that becoming a paladin is the first thing he will do.

The side quests stipulated a certain value like the previous few times. This time, this value was designated as faith, which is very similar to the first world he experienced, but combined with the situation of this world, the word faith is far more powerful than in the last days. easier to understand.

Even if this world is only a member of the Light God Cult, there will be more or less faith from the common people. After all, most people will never see the Light God in their entire lives. While these people believe in God, how much does this belief have? It will be scattered to the Sect of Light or the Holy Knights.

There are three optional tasks.

Passing the selection of the Paladins and becoming the leader of the Paladins is easy to say. The third optional quest, Silent Yan, has been reading for a long time and still can't understand.

There is also a percentage progress bar behind this task.

Literally referring to the need to do good

This does not conflict with his main line. Rather, it is precisely because he needs to join the Holy Knights that he needs to do good deeds. The definition of faith in this world is very vague. The power of light will be more.

He had reservations on this point.

Silent Yan does not think that the God of Light can clearly distinguish everyone's beliefs. According to the description in the plot, everyone who has the aptitude to learn magic will gain a certain amount of luminous power as long as they pray devoutly in front of the God of Light. , so daily prayer is compulsory for all in the church.

There are many people in the church who have average qualifications but are extremely fanatical about the God of Light. The 'power of light' obtained by these people is not necessarily higher than that of any knight in the Knights.

There are only two possibilities. If the power given by the God of Light is indeed unequal, then it means that the amount of power given by the God of Light is entirely according to his preferences, and if the power given by the God of Light is actually equal, then It can only be the difference in talent between people.

Of course, it is also possible that the combination of the two God of Light does give strength according to mood and preferences, and each person's aptitude is indeed different, which causes huge differences between different people.

Everyone prefers qualified people, and the God of Light is no exception, so qualified people will only get better and better. This kind of preference for excellence and the God of Light has long ago made people’s beliefs pure.

In any case, judging from the daily prayers of the church, he will be able to verify his guess at the latest tomorrow.

It was late at night, and this body was already drowsy. It was all supported by Silent Yan's own willpower. After he had everything straightened out, he closed his eyes.

The next morning he was awakened by the church bell.

After he woke up, the other children in the room also woke up one by one. They all changed into the clothes given to them by the church, and the girl sleeping in his clinic greeted him.

The girl's name is Fanfan. She doesn't have an official name. As Silent Yan guessed, the children in this room are all orphans. mercy, the church will choose a new name for them.

And through the girl named Fanfan, he also knew that his current situation was not different from what he had previously speculated.

He was picked up from the ruins by a knight in the church yesterday. It was very late when he came to the church. Before he could get to know anyone, he was arranged in a room and the lights were turned off. There was no bedside. Uniform robes like the others.

Everyone else had already changed their clothes, and the morning prayers were about to begin. When the children were heading to the cafeteria, a believer came over and took him away alone.

Silent Yan has not felt this kind of following behind others for a long time, and his eyes can only see the height of other people's thighs. He has become a person older than himself, and he has become a person of the same age as himself, but he has become This was my first time when I was a kid.

He doesn't quite remember what he should have been like when he was a child. After all, counting the first few worlds, he has brought this system with him for an unknown number of years.

While walking, the congregation would talk to the child behind him from time to time about the situation in the church. It would be difficult for anyone who lost their parents to suddenly come to an unfamiliar environment, let alone such a small child.

Judging by the clothes on his body and his gray appearance, it can be seen that he must have not been very good before.

How can an orphan live a good life alone

Thinking of this, the believers couldn't help feeling pity in their hearts.

But as long as there is a God of Light, no matter who can be redeemed, this child will be reborn with the glory of God of Light just like all the children who came here before.

He was taken to a room that he knew was used for bathing just by looking at it, and was given a set of the same clothes as those of the children. When the believers expressed that they could wash for him, he refused.

Believers are not surprised. After all, these children who have lost their families are always hostile to the outside world at first. The best way is to give them a sufficient sense of security. To do this, the first thing to do is not to force them.

So Silent Yan walked into the bathroom alone holding the clothes in his hand.

The bathroom in this world is also different from the previous worlds. It seems that there is no concept of water pipes. All water flows are composed of the elements in their mouths. After he walked in, the marble-like bathtub in front of him automatically poured out clear water. water.

This scene made Silent Yan, who was born in the high-tech world and just left the high-tech world, feel a little unscientific.

But this was originally a world where magic occupied the mainstream, so how could it be possible to pay attention to any science.

The believers were waiting outside the door.

After hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the believer turned around and was about to take him to the prayer. He just turned around and saw the boy who had looked brand new.

Originally, the gray boy who could barely see his face completely cleaned himself up, revealing his original fair complexion. He was wearing a robe that didn't fit perfectly, and looked a bit oversized. His hair was wet, and he had long eyelashes. There are also tiny drops of water hanging on it.

Just from the outside, it looks like a living little angel, his face is tender and cute, and the eyes that look up at him are also extraordinarily bright, wearing clothes that are bigger than his own size but still looking serious, he looks only let People feel the contrast is cute.

People are always subconsciously tolerant of good-looking things, and the tone of the believer’s conversation with him has slowed down a lot along the way. If you make a mistake, you will not anger the God of Light.

Although there are not many good-looking children, it is not that there are not many. The God of Light will not be particularly tolerant to him because he is a beautiful boy.

Silent Yan listened all the way, and gradually followed behind the believers.

When he came, the other children had just finished their breakfast and went this way, and the believers placed him in the team.

"Here, you haven't had breakfast yet?" Before entering the church, Fanfan sneaked a wrapped piece of bread into his hand, "Be careful, don't be discovered by the priest, you have to wait for the prayer meeting. Eat it after it's over."

She kept her voice as low as she could, cautiously as if she was doing something unspeakable.

Silent Yan put away the bread and whispered, "Thank you."

The girl grinned at him.

As a new member who just joined today, Silent Yan should naturally have no idea of the world's prayers to the God of Light. Even if he can find out by flipping through the plot, he can't show what he knows.

He followed the example of others and closed his eyes to make a pious appearance.

Even though he didn't think about anything in his heart, as the prayer went on, an energy that he had never experienced before slowly penetrated into his body. Like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and like the blue sky exposed after the rain.

When everyone closed their eyes and prayed to the God of Light, Silent Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the statue that belonged to the God of Light in front of him. If it was really carved with the God of Light as the prototype, Then the God of Light must be extremely handsome.

He stared at it for a while, then slowly spit out two words at the statue silently.


The gentle power that was slowly injected into the body stagnated in an instant.