Become Stronger

Chapter 89: Become stronger in the West (5)


The Holy Knights are affiliated with the Holy See, and the Holy See is in the most central position of this continent, and it takes nearly three days to travel from their side.

The three-day journey is not long, but it can be regarded as a torment for children. When they reach the destination, most of the children have lost the excitement when they first went out, until the carriage drove After entering the city and seeing a town that was completely different from the church they lived in before, they all started to get excited.

After all, the Holy See occupies a dominant position in this continent. The town where it is located must be the most core and most prosperous place in the entire continent. The huge European-style building at the highest point is the core of the Holy See, and the streets below the Holy See are also People come and go, perhaps because of the repression of the Holy See, the whole city seems to have a sense of holiness, giving people a sense of holiness that shines on this town more than anywhere else.

People in this town also know that the Holy Knights are recruiting new members recently, and they are also very kind to the children who suddenly increase in the streets. Is there a stall owner who will bring some snacks or fruits to the children.

The atmosphere of the whole town is like living in a well-protected paradise with no competition from the world. Everyone here is full of kindness. According to the set, the crime rate of this town is also the lowest in the whole continent. And infinitely close to the existence of zero.

"Come on, there's some candy here." The uncle who opened the candy shop shoved a jar of delicate and sweet candies into his hand, "The training of the Paladins is very strict, you have to work hard."

If it were a few other worlds, I'm afraid they wouldn't accept it, but the painting style of this world is really different from what he knows. The believers who brought them said that when the Holy Knights select new apprentices every year, this Residents of the town will give gifts to children who come from afar. After all, no one knows whether one of these children will eventually walk to the position closest to the God of Light.

It has become a custom.

He is not even taller than the counter now. Holding a candy jar, he has to raise his head when talking to this ferocious-looking but inexplicably kind uncle.

He doesn't like to get things given by others for no reason, so he has some knowledge about the magic of this world these days.

Under the loving gaze of the store manager, he pointed his finger at the glass counter full of candies.

Magic is like a mecha, and learning how to use it is the operation of the mecha itself. The manipulation of magic is something that a person without magic in the body cannot understand in a lifetime. It is like honoring a part of your flesh and blood. After you master it for the first time, you will never forget how to use it.

First, a bit of light bloomed from his fingertips, and then this bit of light instantly melted into the glass counter like water droplets. At that moment, the entire glass cabinet seemed to be filled with light.

Before the store manager could react, the lights had already completed a series of dreamlike actions, such as condensing, bursting and scattering. It was like a rain of light falling on the glass counter. There were a little more stars in the room, and the children from the same church who had already been familiar with his magic for a long time gathered around in an instant.

Like stars, the light particles are scattered on the colorful candies, and the store that looked very sweet has instantly become more eye-catching. Not only a few children like it, but even the newcomers passing by on the street can't help covering it up. Mouth admiring.

No one has ever seen light magic like this, and the store manager was still in a daze when he saw the boy holding a candy jar and using such dreamy magic, smiled at him and said, "Thank you very much for your candy."

After he finished speaking, he took the children who were obviously with him and left. The store manager looked from a distance and happened to see the boy in the white church robe giving out the candy in the candy jar to the other children.

Seeing that the candy had been distributed by the other children, the store manager wanted to catch up and give him a jar alone, but unfortunately the store was suddenly crowded with a bunch of customers. People without magic qualifications accounted for a certain percentage. The price is very high, and most people believe in the god of light but cannot use light magic, so the candy jar where candy and light are combined has attracted too many people's attention.

The believers who are guardians are actually very surprised by this. The magic they teach these children in their church is very simple. Except for the simplest use of magic power, it is some daily lighting magic and healing magic.

Taking a withered flower as an example, it is very difficult for these children to revive a withered flower, and only a few succeed. However, under this premise, this child has developed a A set of magic of his own.

Of course, as adults, they would not ask a child about the principle of magic, because they often saw Silent Yan use this method to make crying children laugh again, so they studied it privately, and finally they thought he had learned it. How to condense light elements.

Condensing the light elements until they are visible to the naked eye can indeed achieve the same effect as just now, but it is not enough to condense the light elements alone. It also requires a strong magic control to achieve the next light rain. Gorgeous effect.

This may not be particularly difficult for an adult magician, but it is different for a child. It is very difficult to do this step, but the most important thing is not whether it is difficult or not, but it requires a lot of light to condense the light elements. This is a very wasteful thing for a child whose luminous power is far less than that of an adult.

They talked to Shen Si in private, and it turned out that the child listened carefully, but when he turned his head and cried, he would still use the same method to coax him.

There was no way for them to persuade them to no avail. After observing for a period of time, they found that the light power of Silent Words did not decrease due to frequent such operations, so they began to be more convinced that he must be deeply loved by the God of Light, and at the same time believed that his Faith must be extremely pure.

In fact, their thinking was wrong from the beginning.

Just like a science student does not understand the thinking of a liberal arts student, and a liberal arts student also does not understand what a science student is saying, Silent Yan is like the only science student in this world.

It is true that light power can create a lot of magic with special effects, whether it is healing or defense or strength enhancement and some offensive magic, these are the effects that light power can produce, very special, and even some other magic can not do. arrived.

But this world is too focused on developing the effect of light power. For a person like Silent Yan, who was exposed to magic for the first time, when he saw light, his first reaction must not be something like light power. He thought of it very directly. It was the light, and after touching it personally and trying it many times, he found that his idea was not wrong either.

Light magic can indeed control the 'light' around you, so as long as you can master this, you can control the refraction of light to create a certain reflection effect you want.

This is a magical world after all, many things are far beyond reality, and the final result after the first success is far better than Silent Yan expected, but the time he has mastered magic is too short. , the effect he can achieve is only the current ordinary trick, and the cost is not as high as those believers guess.

This kind of little magic created by the principle of light is only used to coax the children in the church, and has no practical use. Maybe when he is more skilled, he can deceive other people's eyes in a larger scene. However, this is a magical world after all, and magic with illusion effects does not exist, and these effects are more direct and effective than this one.

During the time he stayed at the church, Silent Yan finally got some ideas about his optional tasks. The so-called 'spreading love all over the world' is exactly what he thought. The ultimate goal is to do good things, and thus let Others feel happy.

The definition of this is very broad, and all good things except the work that he has to do will be counted, just like he has absolutely no obligation to coax children who will cry constantly, but as long as he coaxes, and A result that makes those kids happy will be scored.

The little magic he used in the candy store just now also indirectly contributed to this effect, so his task progress has also improved, but the matter is too small to be ignored.

This quest may be the most troublesome quest he has ever encountered. In the few months in the church, the progress bar of the quest has only increased by 3. If it is not that the points of this quest are much higher than other quests, then I am afraid he Don't be too obsessed with it.

The day for the selection of apprentices by the Paladins has not yet come. They temporarily stayed in a hotel in this city. In these few short days, Silent Yan has thoroughly experienced the peace of this town.

When you stay here, you will even feel that this world is like this. There is no war or disturbance, and there is no deception or concealment between people, so people treat each other with sincerity.

If it is not clear that there is an existence called the Dark God Cult on the other side of the continent, perhaps Silent Yan would also think that this world is like this.

But it is obvious that the only difference is this town that is sheltered by the God of Light. If you go out, there will be danger everywhere. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are dangers everywhere. Otherwise, there will be no need for the existence of the God of Light and the Holy Knights. .

The door of the Holy See was opened on the day when the apprentices were selected. Even if there was a recommendation from the church, there was still a link to detect magic and comprehensive abilities. Even if the Paladins did not have high requirements for magic talent, they could not deny the importance of magic. Sexually, magically, and physically responsive children will be directly separated from everyone else this round.

No matter how strict the children's test is, they can't be too strict. The magic test is just a few simple basic magics. In terms of physical fitness, they test the combat ability.

Against whom? Play against children of the same age.

Children of this age basically have a certain ability to think, and since they are targeting the Holy Knights, they should not lose swordsmanship training at home, even if they have never practiced at all, from the face of attack The response can also be seen in the child's ability to respond and adaptability.

A one-meter-long branch was stuffed into each child's hand to replace the sword.

While observing the performance of each child, the knights of the Holy Knights who were the examiners wrote down the names of the children who performed well.

Less than two minutes into the test, a child's cry was heard somewhere.

Every child wants to join the Holy Knights with longing and anticipation, and everyone wants to perform better, so when the branch in his hand was picked up and fell to the ground at the beginning of the test, the innocent child suddenly felt at ease just collapsed.