Become Stronger

Chapter 91: Become stronger in the West (7)


A child of this age is the most enthusiastic age. To an adult, Qi Zhuo's speech is nothing but a child's sloppy speech. To other apprentices, it is a very straightforward declaration of war.

The child's idea is very simple. The silent words that represent the best collar button are the strongest of their group, and Qi Zhuo is a child of the Qi family. Three years ago, he was selected by the God of Light to become the holy messenger of God. The knight's surname is Qi, and 'Qi' is a glorious surname.

Qi Zhuo's declaration made these children learn in advance what it means to watch the fun without being too big a deal. The teams have all dispersed, and they joined you and I started to cheer on both sides.

The apprentice knights are stronger than the reserve team. He didn't see any remorse when he encountered such a thing, and directly said to the group of apprentices who had completely lost their formation, "The Paladins don't need undisciplined knights. If you can't even do this, you can go straight home now!"

How could the child be so frightened, when he heard this, he immediately stood up straighter than the other, and one by one, according to the original group, they all stood back to their positions.

No matter what, Qi Zhuo is still just a child. Although he is stubborn, compared to being sent home, it is nothing to endure for a while now.

There is no way to compete openly, but it's okay for him to compete secretly. He happened to be divided into two groups with Shen Moyan, so he thought about collecting more herbs than Shen Moyan before gathering.

As a top student like Shen Moyan, Qi Zhuo has almost no one to stop him what he wants to do. He doesn't like to play with other children on weekdays, and he often acts alone, which directly leads to being Qi Zhuo. When a person ran into the depths of the forest by deliberately avoiding the sight of others, he was not discovered by others.

Silent Yan didn't know Qi Zhuo's thoughts, he took a small bag from his waist, divided some of the herbs that need to be collected this time, put it in it, and put it close to him.

The courses of the Paladins are too boring. He has to find something for himself to do. Every time he goes out of the city to collect, he will keep a copy to take back. It doesn't matter if there is no related herbal course, he has a system, in the library of the system. There are so many books on this world that he can complete the herbal course on his own.

This is not the first time they have come to this area. Silent Yan is very familiar with the geographical situation here, so after the group spread out for the collection task, he quickly arranged the direction and direction of the collection for everyone in his team. Location.

While ensuring that everyone can collect the most herbs in the shortest time and the route does not overlap with others, he also has to ensure that everyone is within his line of sight.

This is a habit left over from his last world. If he has not been in the interstellar army for so many years, then I am afraid that he will not care about the completion of these tasks that have nothing to do with points, but now even the Paladins are not as rigorous as the army. , but the task is still the task, and he has an inexplicable obsessive-compulsive disorder for completing the task perfectly.

What's more, in relation to his optional tasks, he can't let the children in charge of him have any accidents, so he must put everyone under his own eyes.

Even so, he can only worry about the people in his own team. Originally, they were divided into several groups and sent to collect tasks. He really couldn't care about the other groups.

However, it is not the first time to go out of the city to collect. The children of this world are far more mature than modern children, and with two adults watching, it should not be a big problem.

He thought so, but he didn't expect that there would be two adults who didn't notice it. After sunset, when all the groups came back with a few baskets of herbal medicine to count the number of people accurately, someone weakly raised He started and said, "A Zhuo hasn't come back yet."

Before they dispersed, they had already told everyone to do their activities within each other's visible range. The timing of Qi Zhuo's run was very coincidental. The attention of the two adults happened to be on the other groups. At that time, no one in that group realized that there was one person missing. Originally, this group was all newcomers, and their faces were not fully recognized, so they never found out.

"Didn't he act with you?" The apprentice knight's head is getting bigger. If one person is lost, the problem will be much more serious. Now that the sky is about to get dark again, it will be even more difficult to find someone.

The apprentices in Qi Zhuo's group looked at each other in dismay. Qi Zhuo didn't like to be with them when he went out of the city for collection operations, but every time he came back in time and collected more herbs than all of them, more often than not. I got used to it without knowing it, and I didn't feel wrong for the first time if I didn't see Qi Zhuo's figure.

"I'm sorry..." The apprentice headed down bowed his head, and his eyes turned red.

"Forget it, the most important thing now is to find someone," said the reserve team member.

It was already dusk, and the reserve team gave priority to bringing the other apprentices back to the Paladins, while the apprentice knights took two of the apprentices from the Qi Zhuo group into the forest to find someone.

After all, only Qi Zhuo's team knew which direction they were collecting before. The silent words that should have followed the main force to go back to the Holy See were left behind. He asked the apprentice knight, "Can I help together? After all, Qi I also have a certain responsibility for the disappearance."

The knight originally wanted to refuse, but he paused when he saw the button on his collar, considering that the purpose of the Paladins is to give talented children more training, he changed his words, "Okay, we have to hurry up."

In fact, Qi Zhuo's disappearance may be partly his reason, but it is definitely not his responsibility.

The apprentice knight thought he had a strong sense of responsibility as the leader of this group of children, so he had the idea that he could take this opportunity to train future juniors.

The forest at dusk is very different from the morning. The morning sunlight is scattered on the ground through the branches and leaves. Although there will be mottled reflections, the whole forest is bright. When the sun is about to set and the whole sky is illuminated orange, the forest is full of There was a large area where the sun could not shine, and the dark environment looked more terrifying than in the morning.

Apprentice knights are fine, but two junior apprentices are not good enough.

They had only been to this forest in the morning, and they had already returned by this time, but they had never come in at dusk or evening.

Occasionally, the sound of the wind blowing through the branches made them feel a little savage.

The two children didn't dare to grab the knight's clothes, so they all shrank behind Silent Yan, but in this environment the last person was also terrifying. When the apprentice knight looked back, he saw the two children huddled together. He kept looking around.

He couldn't help laughing a little bit, after all, this forest is not as scary as these children thought, and even the monsters are only the lowest level, let alone him, even the members of the reserve team can easily solve them, not to mention those monsters Most are harmless creatures that do not actively attack.

But in the case of comparing these two children, the other level of calmness made people pay more attention. The apprentice knight looked at Silent Yan more, seeing that he seemed to be waiting for him to speak, so the knight Asked, "Is this the location you collected before?"

"Yes, this is it."

Silent Yan glanced at the surrounding environment. He was familiar with the situation in the entire forest. He had already guessed which direction Qi Zhuo was going when he got here.

In the northwest direction of this forest, there is a particularly lush area where vegetation grows. He himself has seen it from a distance, but it is beyond their range of action, so he has not actually been there.

The apprentice knight also started as an apprentice when he was a child. After so many years, he of course knew the situation of this forest very well, and he also guessed this.

"He should be heading northwest," said the apprentice knight, "Let's go look there."

The sky has already darkened. In order to find a knight, a lighting magic is used. Because there is no medium, and his magical ability is not as strong as that of a light magician, this floating light ball can only To illuminate a certain range, the light is not so sufficient.

But this light is enough.

Blindly looking for sure can't find anyone. After starting to walk in this direction, Silent Yan focused on paying attention to the soil under his feet. No matter how young Qi Zhuo was, the road he walked would definitely leave traces.

In this regard, the knights will naturally have related training, but compared to the generals who are playing in the universe full of stars, the apprentice knights still have less experience. This knight just found something and prepare to squat down carefully. After studying the footprints, Silent Yan has already found the direction.

"This way."

Although he said that, he did not go first, but stood in the direction he thought and waited for the apprentice knight to react. The apprentice knight studied the surrounding soil and confirmed that it was in this direction before listening to him.

After all, the other party is just a child, no matter what the consideration is, he can't blindly trust the other party's judgment, but after several times like this, the apprentice knight has to say that the insight of this apprentice named Silent Yan The ability is really extraordinary.

He can always find clues earlier than him, and then decisively determine the direction. After a long time, the apprentice knight forgets to check whether the direction is correct, and starts to follow the direction he pointed out subconsciously.

Following the traces left by the leaves of the land in the forest, Qi Zhuo did run towards the densely vegetated area at first, but he changed direction halfway through.

"He should have encountered something, or was being chased by something." Silent Yan didn't know much about the creatures in this world, and he didn't have time to know specifically what kind of monsters would be in which areas. There was no way for him to speculate what happened to Qi Zhuo.

"The demon beasts in this area are of a mild nature, so this shouldn't be the case." The apprentice knight couldn't help frowning.

But if it wasn't for danger, how could Qi Zhuo change direction temporarily

As they searched for the traces, they did not find Qi Zhuo, but they found a hole unexpectedly. It is normal for there to be some caves in the forest on the mountain. Come, the trace eventually disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

Silent Yan was the first to feel that something was wrong. It was normal for Qi Zhuo to run around in a panic even when he encountered a beast, but running into a cave was obviously not right.

No one would run into a cave that might be a dead end when they knew that something was chasing him, not to mention the footprints he observed along the way, Qi Zhuo didn't seem to be running for his life. .

When he realized that something was wrong, it was already too late. He just wanted to pay attention to the others, but when he turned around, let alone the apprentice knight, even the other two apprentices disappeared.

He vaguely heard the sound of the incantation, and the next second his consciousness was pulled away, the eyes were dark, and the last voice in his mind was—

"Dedicated to the most honorable Lord Dark God."