Become Stronger

Chapter 92: Become strong in the West (8)


When Silent Yan regained consciousness, the first thing he heard was the sound of people walking around, the cold touch on his wrist, and the flickering firelight that he could feel even with his eyes closed, and the dry land beneath him seemed to be still in a trance. There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eye was the torches hanging on the wall. With the light of the torches, he could still see the dark cave clearly.

At the same time, he found that he was being locked in a cage, not as technological as Interstellar. The cage was rusted and rusted. Although it looked very old, it was enough for a child. His hands were also completely locked by the shackles, and the chains linked to the shackles were locked at one end of the cage, and it was impossible to break free with his strength alone.

In addition to him, there are other cages around, and those cages are all empty. It is not ruled out that other people are locked in other places. Of course, it is also possible that other people have been taken away, and only him is left. One, neither is a good thing.

In order not to expose the fact that he was awake, he couldn't raise his head to look carefully at what was going on. He didn't forget the words he heard before he lost consciousness.

Just like as long as there is sunshine, there must be shadows. The people under the light of the god of light worship light, and then there will be people in places where the god of light cannot shine. Not much.

But what does it mean to dedicate to the Dark God

According to the setting of this world, whether it is a god of light or a god of darkness, the most fundamental way to gain power is to expand one's own believers. Only with believers can one have the power of faith.

Could it be that he misunderstood the way the Dark God obtained power? Can the dark god gain power by offering sacrifices

Silent Yan, who has been in the age of science all the year round, has never really come into contact with cult fans. Most of the dark gods are people who are full of malice towards the world. He doesn't know that for blind believers, sometimes doing certain things does not need a reason. It doesn't even need to be purposeful.

Before he could figure it out, he heard someone walking over.

"Another failure," said a voice.

"It's all ignorant people who can't understand the greatness of Lord Dark God." The answer to the man sounded like a female voice, "This area can smell the stench of light just by getting close."

"There is one left."

As soon as he finished speaking, Silent Yan, who was lying on the ground playing dead, heard footsteps walking in his direction, and then the iron door that closed his cage was opened.

The man chanted a spell.

From the content of the spell, we can tell that it is a spell to wake people up. It is very effective for people who are in a coma, but it is another direct mental attack for Silent Words who are not in a coma at all. It is not necessary at all. He subconsciously opened his eyes and covered his head with his hands.

The moment he raised his hand, the chains that locked his hands collided with a crisp sound.

It was only at this time that Silent Yan could look up at the person in an upright manner, but unfortunately the light was too dim, and the only thing he could see was the black robe on the person's body and the dry hands exposed outside.

Those hands yanked through the chains attached to his wrist shackles and yanked him out of the cage with a jerk.

The power gap between adults and children was fully manifested at this time. The system allowed him to appear in this world at such an age, and it was destined that his defense against such a situation would be very limited.

The man in the black robe dragged him and said, "It will be the most glorious moment of your life to have the opportunity to become a citizen of the Dark God..."

The black-robed man took him to the depths of the cave. He kept talking about the dark god along the way. Even if no one responded to him, he was singing the dark god all the time.

This belief is completely different from the believers of the God of Light in the Holy See.

The space inside the cave is very limited, but it can be seen that they are very carefully arranged, and the largest area is left to make the appearance of an altar.

The altar was filled with all kinds of runes, which suffered from cultural losses. At this time, Silent Yan could not understand the meaning of these runes. The only thing that was certain was that it was definitely not a good thing.

In each of the four directions of the altar, a black-robed mage with a staff in his hand stood, and the amethyst at the tip of their staff exuded an ominous light.

Until this time, Silent Yan asked aloud, "What are you trying to do?"

Every child they brought here would ask this question, and many even started to cry hoarsely as soon as they opened their eyes. It was very rare to be as calm as him.

The man in the black robe answered patiently, "Child, this will be the most important baptism in your life."

"Only pure children are eligible to receive the mercy of the Lord of Darkness. We will wash away the filthy and redundant power of light for you, so that you can be qualified to submit to the Lord of Darkness."

The man said and pushed him into the center of the altar.

Silent Yan's first reaction just felt ridiculous, and then it was absolutely impossible for them to succeed.

There are many kinds of black magic, because it is almost impossible to see the bright side, so even the Holy See can't say how many evil magics there are in the dark gods. It should be nothing to them just to extract the power of light from a person's body. difficulty.

Just taking away the light power is nothing, after all, as long as the magic aptitude is placed there, the light power can be slowly recovered through its own practice and prayer.

But what Silent Yan cared about was the first sentence the man said when he walked in.

'Another failure. 'what is this about

It is not difficult to draw away the magic of this level of light power, even in silence, so what is the failure in their mouths, and what are the follow-up links that lead to the failure in their mouths

What happens after failure

In an instant, he thought a lot, and instead of speculating on the purpose of these lack of clues, what he needed to solve was the immediate danger. The easiest way is to rely on the system.

There are props in the system mall that can get rid of the current situation.

He thought about the mall in his heart.

The picture of the system mall gradually emerged, and countless familiar containers appeared in front of him.

At this time, the picture of the mall suddenly flickered, and then it lost its color like an old TV screen, and the dark altar and the picture of the mall appeared overlapping.

A heaviness that made him suffocate slammed into his body.

The image of the mall disappeared completely, and he returned to the dark altar in the cave. The four mages had already chanted the incantation, and as the incantation progressed, golden runes slowly appeared on his body.

As soon as the rune exuding the power of light appeared, Silent Yan noticed it, but it was more difficult to ignore than the pain felt by his body at this moment. , even if it can bear it mentally, but the young body can't help such torture.

As soon as his legs softened, he fell on the altar, curled up in the center of the circle, his fingers unconsciously digging into the hard and cold ground, and his ten fingers were bloody and couldn't bear the pain on his body.

When was the rune engraved on his body, and what would happen if the power of light in his body was exhausted, he no longer had the strength or energy to think about these things.

He was adopted by the church and became an apprentice of the Holy Knights. He was shrouded in the power of light all the time in this world. No matter what his aptitude, his body had almost integrated light into his flesh and blood, pulling all the power of light from his body. In addition to the pain, there was even a feeling of cold hands and feet, as if the whole body had lost blood.

Until the last trace of the power of light was pulled away, he was completely silent.

Several black-robed mages glanced at each other, and they raised the staff in their hands in unison. As the spell in their mouths changed, a black mist emerged from the magic circle on the ground, wrapping the entire altar in it.

At that moment, Silent Yan was almost dead, but as the black mist covered the next second, all the things that the original owner of this body had experienced suddenly appeared in his mind.

The system will never give him the detailed plot of the original owner's perspective. This is the first time he has seen the original owner's experience so clearly. From the original owner's birth to the abandonment of him by a wealthy woman, the original owner wore the most tattered clothes and ate the most rudimentary. He survived with the help of a few good-hearted people he met occasionally.

And there are very few pictures of the few good-hearted people. In his mind, more are the villains that the original owner met along the way. These people bully the weak, but there are very few people who are willing to help at this time. The original owner has several times Faced with a situation where you want to die.

He heard a voice asking him.

"The God of Light didn't give you any help when you needed him the most."

"Just like now, even if this is the land sheltered by the God of Light, he will let his followers be hurt and indifferent."

"Why didn't I come and save you?"

"Why don't you see it?"

"Even so, do you still think the God of Light is worth believing in?"

These words instead made Silent Yan sober up, he re-aware of the environment he was in now, and tried to hold up and open his eyes.

However, when he opened his eyes, he saw a girl in a prison uniform standing in front of him. He almost lost his movement for a moment, staring blankly at the girl walking in front of him, and then squatted down.

The large prison uniform could not cover the wounds on the girl's body. The blue and purple on the neck indicated what she had encountered. The girl reached out to him, and she smiled as cutely as before, while she touched his hair, While comforting him softly, "Brother, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt."

At that moment, he was shaken by being indifferent no matter what kind of memory he saw.

And the main core of this magic is the need to destroy the inner defense line of the caster. As soon as he was shaken, the dark elements that had been lingering around seemed to have found a breakthrough. The original golden rune instantly The time became black, continuously absorbing the surrounding dark power.

Darkness will only magnify painful memories infinitely, and then breed more darkness.

"Success? Succeeded!"

"Never encountered an example so favored by darkness!"

"This child will definitely create a more brilliant future for the Dark God Cult!"

The people around me were speechless and silent.

He slowly stood up from the altar, facing the excited gazes of the black-robed mages, he walked down the altar, not only could he not feel the pain in his body, but even the energy in his body only felt Incredibly filling.

Seeing the boy who had just endured the baptism walking in front of him, the black-robed mage felt extremely excited, and he didn't even react when the staff in his hand was taken away.

However, in the next second, the tip of the wooden staff slammed into his throat, and blood instantly spread down the wall behind him along the staff, and even the face of the boy standing in front of him was stained with a lot of blood. , until the end, the mage couldn't see any expression on the boy's face, he fell to the ground with the last surprise, and lost his voice.

The ground was immediately covered with the blood of the black-robed mage, and this too brutal scene suddenly made the faces of several other people show a look of horror.

Seeing the boy standing there and raising his hand, they all clenched the staff in their hands and took a step back, but he just raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face.

"You guys are really annoying."

Just when they thought he had killed a hapless man to vent their anger, they heard the boy continue calmly, "So you must be prepared to keep your life here?"