Become Stronger

Chapter 95: Become Strong in the West (11)


The problem that can be solved by moving a finger, the God of Light chose the most tossing way. Among all attributes, the power of light has a unique feature that other attributes do not have. It has the power to purify.

Of course, ordinary light power cannot purify all the dark power in a person, but the light power given by the God of Light himself is different. It can not only purify the dark power, but even directly as long as the power is sufficient. Reshape a person who has no magical talent into a body of innate light.

It can be seen that it is very easy for the God of Light to drive away the dark power in his body, but he did not do so, but chose to give him sufficient light power every day and let him be Digestion.

In this world, the magical elements in everyone’s body are absolute, and the power of different attributes will produce contradictions in the same person, not to mention the two forces that completely overcome each other, which is why the black-robed mages of the dark religion He will choose to guide the light power in his body first and then introduce the dark power.

Everyone was praying devoutly, only Silent Yan could not help breaking out in a cold sweat. He tried his best to keep himself from being noticed. After all, everyone closed their eyes. As long as he didn't make a sound, no one would notice him. abnormality.

He can more directly feel the power of light after putting aside the so-called healing and mildness, but darkness is an extremely corrosive attribute, and the two are affected after they compete with each other. The most serious is the master of the body.

After the initial pain, Silent Yan soon realized that he had to control the two elements in his body, even if the elements with mutually exclusive attributes were in his body, he had to obey his control, but the two It is an impossible concept that these elements exist in the body at the same time, so what he needs to do is to let the light force have the upper hand.

Fortunately, this level of pain is more acceptable than the so-called baptism before. After a whole prayer, the light in the body was finally exhausted in the darkness, and at the same time, the changes in his body were The part occupied by the dark force is much less than before.

Such a result made him somewhat guess the intention of the God of Light.

The dark power brought back bad memories, which caused him to be too thoroughly eroded by the dark power at that moment. The huge feedback that the dark power gave him in the follow-up also seemed to reflect from the side that he did not behave like him. It came out so positive.

What the God of Light did was more like a temptation.

If just now he chose to let the dark power take the upper hand and erode all the light power to achieve an easier way to get rid of this pain, then I am afraid that from the next day, he will never get any light from the god of light again. strength.

This time, Qi Zhuo's prayer was far more devout than before. This time, the God of Light saved him and the others. There is no need to dispute the fact that it is too disrespectful to the God of Light to say that he wants to repay the God of Light. , the only thing he can do is to make himself look more loyal, and to contribute his own strength to the light religion when he grows up in the future.

After praying with gratitude and admiration for the God of Light, the first thing Qi Zhuo did when he opened his eyes was to talk to the person beside him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Silent Yan, who was obviously not in a good state.

In the past, Silent Yan in his impression was always more mature and stable than other people of the same age, and the appearance of doing everything with ease made him basically see no flaws. Although Qi Zhuo said that he wanted to defeat Silent said, but whether he can really win against him, Qi Zhuo is not confident in himself.

Seeing his obvious exhaustion like this now, Qi Zhuo suddenly felt at a loss for some reason, and his heartbeat quickened even he didn't understand.

"You, are you all right?" After struggling for a while, Qi Zhuo, who had never had a good conversation with Shen Moyan, was nervous for a long time because he opened his mouth for a long time, and even the words that were full of concern sounded a little bit in his mouth. awkward.

Silent Yan glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "It's okay."

His apparent attitude of not wanting to talk to him made Qi Zhuo a little hurt, but if what he heard at the time was true, he had received the gift of the God of Light, but he alone was burdened by the baptism of the Dark God. Injury, then what qualifications does Qi Zhuo have to be glass-hearted because of the indifference of the other party's indifference

Qi Zhuo had to admit that when he heard the person he identified as his nemesis asking the God of Light to save him without any hesitation, Qi Zhuo was shocked at that moment. He was born in Qi, where the messenger of God was born. It is also destined that he is far better than other children of the same age to understand the consequences of a person's whole body's magical attributes being changed.

No matter how well-connected people are, how many people can do this

What's more, their relationship is not good at all, and he has been unilaterally targeting him.

Qi Zhuo, who has been pampered by the Qi family since he was a child, has cleaned up his small emotions, while regretting his poor attitude at the beginning, and at the same time envy that others can have such a good relationship with Shen Moyan.

But he couldn't show it frankly. He could only make daily routine observations by himself. After finding that Silent Yan seemed to be the same as before, and there was no physical problem, he quietly let go. With a sigh of relief, God of Light finally mercifully saved all people, and his daily prayers became more devout.

Although Qi Zhuo has already started to respond honestly when counting the number of people every day, and will not jump out from time to time to find Silent words during training, but from the point of view of others, they are still not a good relationship, after all Qi Zhuo was always embarrassed to take the initiative to talk, and Silent Yan had no such interest.

After waking up the next morning, Silent Yan realized that the test of the God of Light was a protracted battle, and that the dark power that was finally purified yesterday showed signs of resurgence in one night.

In the process of constantly controlling two different powers like this, and gradually dissolving the other power, his invisible control of power has become more and more skilled.

And just when he was sensitive to the control of power to a certain extent, one day he found that the light power he obtained was different from the previous 'amount', not more, but suddenly less.

The amount of reduction is not much, but with his current sensitivity to power, he can still detect it in an instant.

On the first day, he didn't find out why, and it was not until the next day that the 'quantity' changed back to what it was before he began to think about what was the difference between these two days.

He didn't find the reason from himself, so he set his sights on the entire church used for prayer. The process of praying to the God of Light is very solemn and sacred. Every process is very rigorous, every day and every place. There won't be any difference.

If I had to say it, Qi Zhuo was unable to come to pray because of a high fever the day before. He stayed in the dormitory for a whole day, and then went the next day when his fever subsided.

No matter how much he thinks about Silent Yan, he doesn't think it has anything to do with Qi Zhuo. In his opinion, Qi Zhuo is no different from other children in the Holy Knights. At most, his talent is better.

Considering the existence of various possibilities, he finally chose to find Qi Zhuo to give it a try.

When Silent Yan was looking for him, Qi Zhuo was seriously reading a thick magic book full of strange fonts in the magic continent. Everyone in their dormitory had a desk, except for the type of books on Qi Zhuo's desk. The most complete, every book is an extremely valuable book outside, it can be said that the difference in family background between different people can be seen from the desk alone.

The other two people in the same dormitory are more normal. If it wasn't for the test the next day, there would be almost no traces of books on the desks of the two children, but more gadgets bought in some towns.

It's just that the pressure of living in the same dormitory with the two academic bullies is still very high, so the two children read more frequently than the children in other dormitories, just like the history of the Magic Continent. better than others.

Qi Zhuo originally stayed in the dormitory alone, and when he heard the sound of the door opening, he realized almost instantly that Silent Yan had returned, because the other two apprentices had just left the dormitory together, saying they were going to find other people to play with, magic There are also many types of toys in the mainland, many of which are suitable for many small partners to play together.

He originally thought that Silent Yan would go back and get something at most, but he didn't expect him to walk all the way to his desk.

Until the other party tapped the desk lightly and asked 'do you have time? 'On these words, Qi Zhuo realized that Silent Yan was actually here to find him!

It goes without saying how difficult it is for someone who has been arrogant and awkward since childhood to find someone to talk to, not to mention that they didn't get along very well before, and they would take the initiative to talk to them, and Qi Zhuo almost didn't jump up immediately. to show excitement.

He wanted to appear very calm, but his glittering eyes full of anticipation betrayed him, "It's nothing special..."

"So, do you have time to accompany me to church?"

"Church?" This time

There should be no one in the church at this time.

"Yeah." Silent Yan nodded, "Pray with me once."

Although I don't know why I suddenly want to pray at this point, when I think of the other party wanting someone to be with, the first thing that comes to my mind is myself, Qi Zhuo has an indescribable sense of glory, he closed the book in his hand, "Let's go then," said in a very pleasant tone.

It is necessary to apply to go to the church during non-prayer hours, but fortunately there are many people who want to pray to the God of Light occasionally. There are even some churches that particularly respect the God of Light and spend more than ten hours a day praying in the church, so they The application was easily approved.

They found a place where no one was around and sat down.

When Qi Zhuo closed his eyes very honestly and recited the prayer in his heart, Silent Yan did not do so. His eyes fell on Qi Zhuo, trying to understand the part of the light that was missing because of Qi Zhuo's absence. what is going on.

Before he could try to touch the power running in Qi Zhuo's body, Silent Yan felt the familiar stinging pain that belonged to the mutual exclusion of two forces.

His luminous power was consumed early in the morning in order to eliminate the darkness. Where did the luminous power come from at this time

But after carefully feeling the flow of power in his body, Silent Yan found that there was indeed a power infiltrating into his body. At the same time, he found that although this power was very similar to the power of light, it was not the power of light. .

He couldn't help but look at Qi Zhuo who was praying earnestly.

At this point, he was full of doubts.

"Qi Zhuo," he asked, "what are you thinking about when you pray?"