Become Stronger

Chapter 98: In the West Magic Becomes Strong (14)


Xie Cheng was taken aback, and the quilt in his hand almost fell, mainly because Qi Zhuo questioned him too confidently, as if he was doing something shameful, which made Xie Cheng feel guilty and nervous for no reason.

He took a moment to realize that he didn't do anything at all, and explained, "I just saw the bed was messed up and wanted to help make it up."

Hearing this, Qi Zhuo glanced at the other three beds in the room, including his own, one of them was messier than the other, except that he himself was a little messy because he was lying down and reading a book, the other two simply lifted the quilt when he got up, and there was nothing at all. sorted.

Turn a blind eye to the two messy ones, and have to pick the neatest bed in the whole room! What's the point!

Qi Yan was full of doubts about Xie Cheng, and he didn't even try to hide this suspicion, but Xie Cheng was thicker than he thought, and slowly started to make up the bed against his gaze.

Qi Zhuo didn't know much about Xie Cheng. A proud person like him would never take a person without magical qualifications in the eye, so in addition to knowing Xie Cheng's name and lack of qualifications, he was bullied by others. Apart from this, Qi Zhuo didn't know anything else about him.

He thought that he would volunteer to help others make beds, so at least he should be a little capable, but Qi Yan looked at it for a long time, and saw that the bed that had been obediently became wrinkled after Xie Cheng's hand, Xie Cheng himself Discovered this, but he smoothed one side, and the other side was wrinkled, and tossed it back and forth for a long time.

"Are you here to be funny?" Qi Yan couldn't take it anymore, he didn't read the book, got out of bed and grabbed the quilt from Xie Cheng's hand, "Let me come."

Because I know that I have tried it for a long time before and it has not been better than the original, so Xie Cheng will honestly give up his position and want to learn how others make quilts.

In their house, there is no need for Xie Cheng to do this kind of thing by himself. He is not proficient in other housework skills except for making quilts. He originally thought that making quilts must be easy, but he didn’t expect it to be far more difficult than he thought. Difficulties.

In this way, can he really have a chance to repay Silent Yan for his help

Xie Cheng felt very uneasy.

He turned his head to look at Qi Zhuo, who was struggling with the bed, and found that this boy with a delicate appearance and aristocratic temperament was in the same predicament as him.

The two looked at each other for a while, and no one was willing to take the initiative to speak in the awkward atmosphere.

Being from a big family means that there is not only one person who does not have any life skills.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the two people in the room froze at the same time.

"Eh? What are you doing around the silent bed?"

Seeing that the person who came back was not Silent Yan but an apprentice in the same dormitory, they both breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Considering that the 'criminal evidence' on the bed could not be hidden, and he messed up the bed first, Xie Cheng took the initiative to explain, "I accidentally messed up the bed, and Qi Zhuo is helping me find a solution."

Hearing that he took all the responsibilities, Qi Zhuo couldn't help but glance at him.

On the contrary, the apprentice looked confused, as if he didn't quite understand what they were talking about.

"What do you think? It's better if you mess it up and make it up again." He said, crossing the two of them to the side of the bed and reaching out to start to make the bed. After a few moments, the wrinkled bed became extremely flat, "Okay. Well, isn't that all right?"

His attitude was too natural, Qi Zhuo looked at the neat bed hesitantly, then looked at the apprentice's own messy bed, and asked, "Why have I never seen you make a quilt."

"Because it's very troublesome, anyway, I still have to sleep at night, won't it be messy again?"

It seems to make some sense.

When Silent Yan came back, he saw three people in the room staring at each other silently, and they were all surrounded by his bed. He asked a little strangely, "What are you doing?"

Although the evidence of the crime has been destroyed, it was still a bit scary for the person to catch the scene of the well-intentioned evil deed. The apprentice went back to his desk to get something and immediately slipped away, and Qi Yan secretly crawled back to his bed. , leaving Xie Cheng alone and shivering.

It's a bit exaggerated to say shivering, but Xie Cheng is really nervous.

After his secret observation, Xie Cheng knew what kind of status Si Si Yan was in this group of apprentices. Almost all apprentices liked to be with him, and sometimes he even heard that some apprentices envy every apprentice in private. The Zhou collection task was assigned to the others in the same group as Silent Yan.

Compared to himself, who was disliked at home and was almost excluded when he came to the Paladins, Silent Yan seemed to be the exact opposite of him. Xie Cheng, who was already somewhat self-doubt, only felt that standing in front of him would be like nothing. Some are ashamed, and if they think about it, they can't say it.

Like Xie Cheng, who obviously has something to say but can't say it, Silent Yan has encountered many times, and he still has some experience.

"Do you want to sit down first?" He pulled out the chair in front of the desk and motioned Xie Cheng to sit down.

The beds in this room, including the table and chairs, are made according to the standards of adults, because most of the apprentices will live in the first room before they officially become knights, and children grow up quickly.

Xie Cheng really relaxed a lot after sitting down. He cautiously put his legs together that could not reach the ground, trying to make his sitting posture look as straight as possible.

"That... I want to come and say thank you to you."

After a head start, the rest is much easier to talk about. Xie Cheng told all his belly drafts in one breath, from the moment when Silent Yan brought him to the Paladins, to some recent events, Including some of his thoughts and post-mortem reviews, the whole thing is like a private self-criticism meeting.

Xie Cheng had already accepted his fate.

For people of their family, not having magical qualifications means losing the future, and after the initial pain and confusion, he slowly accepted this matter, but since he was a child, the concept he was cultivated was to enter the light religion and become a Faithful believers of the God of Light, contribute to Fengxian of the God of Light.

If you don't have the aptitude for magic, then you will be an apprentice of the Holy Knights. If you can't use magic, do you have any way of living with magic? Even if you can't become a knight, if you can become a knight's subordinate, it is also serving the god of light.

So at first, Xie Cheng thought that he should adapt to this kind of life as soon as possible. While he is still young, he can learn the skills that he needs to master to be a subordinate of a knight earlier, and then when he becomes an adult, he will have Opportunity to become the subordinate of the best Paladin.

And now he has changed his mind.

"One more thing..." After saying a lot of thank you words, Xie Cheng was a little embarrassed but asked very seriously, "After you become a knight, can you make me your subordinate?"

Qi Zhuo, who had been secretly listening, almost tore the book in his hand.

He knew that this man was uneasy!

The Paladins are a pyramid-like food chain. After they can truly be crowned as knights, their treatment will be completely different. Each knight will have at least one exclusive subordinate, which is related to the relationship between the superiors and subordinates in the Paladins. The difference is that knights serve the Holy Knights, while their subordinates serve knights. Not to mention that many people without magic aptitude will choose to become knights’ subordinates, and even some people who clearly have the potential to become knights will also worship a certain knight. individual and willing to be that person's subordinate.

Now the subordinates of several paladins in the paladin order are not lost to the knights of the paladin order.

This kind of relationship is incomprehensible to Shen Moyan, but at this time, it was originally constructed by magic and faith, so it is not surprising that there is such blind worship.

It's just that Xie Cheng's request is destined to be unfulfilled. He may not know it himself, but Silent Yan, who has watched the plot, knows very well that, as the only person who has a grudge in the Magic Continent, Xie Cheng's future path is far better than his own. Want to be wonderful.

Qi Zhuo was lying nervously on the bed with a book covering his face, secretly observing the situation over there.

"Don't you want to be a knight yourself?" Silent asked.

Xie Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Silent Yan to ask him this. Although it is not a fantasy for an unqualified person like him to become a knight, the possibility is very small.

May I ask if you want to...

"I want to be a knight." He answered honestly.

"Then don't make it a goal to become someone else's subordinate." Silent Yan rarely gives people chicken soup, but every time he says this, he always gives people an inexplicable sense of conviction, "As long as possible Sex is not zero, so you might as well give it a try.”

He thought for a moment and added, "Besides, it is more interesting to me to have an opponent of comparable strength than a subordinate."

The words he said casually were heard by the two people present.

Xie Cheng even took these words to heart. After passing the test for the Paladins to recruit apprentices three months later, although his overall score was not high, his physical fitness has improved a lot, at least compared to the beginning. The young master of the weak chicken is more like an apprentice aiming at knights.

During this period of time, Silent Yan also found information about beliefs from the pile of books.

After really finding it, he realized that he had been looking in the wrong direction from the beginning.

There is no concept of faith in this world at all. To be precise, the word faith is what he saw from the set in the system library, and people in this world do not know that there is an energy body like "faith". of.

In this world, the energy of faith is regarded by people as the power that high-level magicians and knights can obtain after reaching a certain level. This kind of power and elemental power complement each other. Once possessed, combined with practice, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort. , they call this force Yuanli.

And Silent Yan found that faith and the so-called Yuan force should be the same thing after personally testing it. Faith is like an amplifier of elemental power. When he has the power of light, he has no doubts about the power of faith. If the force is operated properly, then the purity and strength of the light force can be greatly improved.

His belief power can be compatible with light power, but it rejects dark power. This is also recorded in the books of this world. Yuan Li will choose a power that the body is most familiar with as the source, and other attributes of power. Will not work.

As for why high-level magicians and knights get this kind of power when they reach a certain level, there is no record in the book, but after convinced that this is the power of faith, Silent Yan felt that it was just because these magicians and knights had a high reputation. High prestige will naturally be accompanied by a certain degree of belief.

This is a world where humans can also gain faith.

So if belief reaches a certain level, can a 'man' also become a 'god'