Becoming the Male Lead’s White Moonlight

Chapter 14


"Mom..." Qin Chaomu saw Chen Yanyan tremble subconsciously when she saw Chen Yanyan coming in, she was completely different from the self-confidence and pride in front of other people, and even her voice became uneasy.

Abandoning the image of a loving mother in front of Qin Yi, Chen Yanyan frowned and said seriously: "What's going on this time, why aren't you number one?"

Qin Chaomu's face turned pale suddenly, and he was speechless.

Chen Yanyan seemed extremely dissatisfied: "Why are you so unbelievable! Do you know how much I have endured to give you the life you have now, but you can't even do this little thing?!"

"How many times have I told you that if you don't work hard to surpass Qin Chaoyang, the Qin family will never get your turn! If you can't be number one, Qin Chaoyang may surpass you at any time, do you understand it! "

Even though Qin Zhaoyang was acting very mediocre now, Chen Yanyan always had a sense of crisis, for fear that Qin Zhaoyang would suddenly appear and snatch everything from the mother and son.

Perhaps only when Qin Zhaoyang completely disappeared from this world, could she be completely relieved.

"I... I know, there will be no next time." Qin Chaomu stood there in a daze, if he looked closely, he could find cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was afraid of something.

Chen Yanyan didn't want to waste any more time here, and said impatiently: "It's good to know, since you didn't pass the exam this time, then follow the old rules, hurry up, and don't waste my time."

The words "Old Rules" made Qin Chaomu's face turn pale again like a curse, and his voice couldn't help carrying some pleas: "Mom... I'm only 1.5 points short this time, can I not have to fight?"

Qin Chaomu will never forget that since he entered the school, as long as he didn't get the first place, or delayed his study for fun, his mother would take out a ruler and hit his palm with such strength that he must let him The long memory kind.

This rule has continued to the present.

Perhaps the shadow of childhood still exists. Even though Qin Chaomu is already taller than Chen Yanyan, he still can't forget the pain of the ruler hitting his palm.

In the past, the woman's sharp reprimands accompanied the pain.

"Why are you so disappointing! How can you beat Huo Qiao's son if you don't take the first place in the exam!"

Qin Chaomu clearly remembered the strength of the woman hitting his palm, as well as the face that was completely different from the tenderness shown on TV.

When he was young, he was ignorant, thinking that it was only because he didn't do well enough that his mother was unhappy and his father didn't want them. But later Qin Chaomu understood everything. He was just a tool for his mother to seek a higher position. illegitimate child.

But how could Qin Chaomu, who had already tasted the sweetness, be willing to give up everything he had now, even if they had snatched it by improper means.

"Hurry up and bring the things here, don't waste time." Chen Yanyan only felt that Qin Chaomu was delaying time, and her tone became more and more bad.

This is not like what a normal mother would say to her own son. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is an enemy.

But in fact, Chen Yanyan has never had the consciousness of being a mother. At the beginning, she tried her best to conceive Qin Yi's seed just for the sake of her mother's return. Mrs. Qin's belly has gradually grown.

At that time, her career was on the rise. If it was revealed that she was pregnant out of wedlock, and she was still a mistress, it would definitely be a devastating blow to her.

But this child had to be born again, because she couldn't guarantee that she would have such an opportunity next time, so under the pretext of going abroad for further study, Chen Yanyan secretly went to a small town abroad to prepare to give birth to the child without telling everyone except the agent.

However, accidents always happen when people are popular. When she was two months pregnant, Chen Yanyan suddenly met an extremely crazy illegitimate fan, who suddenly rushed out from nowhere and knocked her to the ground, causing her to be caught on the spot. was sent to the hospital.

It was also thanks to the fact that there was no one else around except her manager, so the news of her pregnancy did not spread, and the illegitimate meal that bumped into someone was also directly called by the manager. He was admitted to the hospital because the fetus was unstable.

After being hit like this, Chen Yanyan faced the risk of miscarriage. In order to keep the child, Chen Yanyan did not hesitate to accept the new drug developed by the private doctor herself, so knowing that it might cause side effects to the child in the future, Chen Yanyan Still choose to inject drugs that have not been formally tested at all.

Facts have proved that Chen Yanyan's original choice was correct. After all, she has got everything now, and Qin Chaomu seems to have nothing different from a normal child.

But when she was pregnant, Chen Yanyan did suffer a lot in order to keep the child, so the selfish woman didn't have any feelings for her own child at all.

Qin Chaomu still took the ruler and handed it to the woman opposite. Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Yanyan took the one-foot-long solid wooden ruler and hit her own son's palm heavily. It was constantly stimulating Qin Chaomu's eardrums.

Qin Chaomu was born white, and the palms of his palms were also light flesh-colored, but after the first tap of the ruler, large swaths of red had spread across his palms.

In fact, Qin Chaomu hadn't been punished like this for a long time, and this time it was purely a mistake that did not get the first place. Chen Yanyan used to be concerned about being discovered by Qin Yi, so she usually only hit her in the palm of her hand.

The burning pain from the palm of his hand made Qin Chaomu grit his teeth, and where Chen Yanyan couldn't see, he pinched out crescent marks one after another on the other intact palm.

The hatred in his heart had almost completely submerged him.

He hated the girl who got the first place in the exam this time, she was usually inconspicuous in the class, how could she suddenly get the first place this time!

He hated that annoying Qin Chaoyang. If it wasn't for his existence, how could he be forced to do his best in everything!

He hates his own mother, he is her own son, isn't he? Why are you stingy with giving him a little maternal love, and only see him as a tool that can cling to a wealthy family!

Why don't these people all die!

Once the seeds of hatred and tyranny are planted, they will only take root and sprout quickly, and grow into a big tree that cannot be pulled out.

"Hey." This was Ling Rong's third sigh after he came out of the office with the monthly exam paper, his pretty face wrinkled with worry.

When the fourth sigh sounded again, Qin Zhaoyang, who was sitting by the side, finally cast a look at Ling Rong's paper, and the bright red score of 68 on the front of the paper was very conspicuous.

It is indeed a bit unsightly to get 68 out of 150 in mathematics, but in Qin Zhaoyang's view, Ling Rong, who has never taken a class seriously before, can get such a score is already very good.

"You don't understand." Ling Rong looked at the paper in his hand with a disinterested expression on his face. After hearing her answer, Qin Zhaoyang realized that he had unconsciously said what he was thinking just now.

How could Qin Zhaoyang understand her feelings? It's clear that the paper is full of topics she knows, but forcing yourself to make mistakes feels like you know that something is bad, but you want to force yourself to eat it for a reason.

Especially for those multiple-choice questions, each correct answer is like a goblin, luring her to fill in the answer sheet, but Ling Rong can only pretend to be blind, and throws the eraser again and again to throw out a chosen answer and write it down. on top.

She also "reluctantly" wrote the first two questions on the big question, and she wrote "solutions" for the rest, so there is no more content.

As a result, she also scored 68 points. Hey, Ling Rong rubbed the back of her head in distress. She blamed her for being too good. It is so difficult to pretend to be a scumbag. how it is done.

How could Qin Zhaoyang keep up with her brain circuit? Seeing the frowning look of the young man with red lips and white teeth, he subconsciously said comforting words: "I will teach you math in the future."

Ling Rong, who was still immersed in his own little theater, looked confused: "Huh?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Eh.. 40 bottles;