Becoming the Male Lead’s White Moonlight

Chapter 57


After being invited into a particularly private box, the first thing Gu Ningyan saw was a man and a woman sitting at the other end of the table. They looked very young, and looked to be in their thirties, dressed in a calm business style, Seeing him coming in, the two of them smiled at him tacitly at the same time, and their kind and friendly appearance gave people a great impression.

"Mr. Gu, these two are Mr. Ling Feng and Ms. Qin Wanqin, the president and wife of the Ling family." Chen Pingting introduced from the side.

Gu Ningyan was shocked for a moment by the two leaders, and then immediately realized another thing.

The president and wife of the Ling family are equal to the parents of President Sheng Yue, and also equal to Ling Rong's parents!

This is... meeting the parents in disguise! Why did these two suddenly want to see him! Panic suddenly appeared in Gu Ningyan's heart, not only the respect for the superior, but also the uneasiness when facing the parents of his sweetheart.

Chen Pingting, who had completed the task, retired at this time, and only the Ling couple and Gu Ningyan were left in the box.

As if seeing the young man's uneasiness, the Ling couple looked at each other, and then Qin Wanqin smiled and said, "Sit down first, don't be so rigid, we two are just ordinary people."

Having said that, it is impossible for Gu Ningyan to let go of his tension immediately, even when he is sitting down, he tries his best to do his best, hoping to leave a better impression on the other party.

In fact, the couple's first impression of Gu Ningyan was good. The young man is handsome and worthy of her precious daughter's appearance. Moreover, they also took time to watch all the videos edited by their own daughter's lens. Only this young man's With the highest appearance rate and taking good care of their daughter, and hearing the news from their own son, the couple naturally developed a great interest in Gu Ningyan.

If Ling Rong was really a boy, they would have been furious when they found out that Gu Ningyan liked Ling Rong. There was a subtle change in my mind.

In fact, the Ling couple has always been worried about their daughter's lifelong event, because they have to appear in front of everyone as a boy all the time, and they will not make it public, so it is almost impossible for a man to fall in love with the same "male" Ling Rong, it is unrealistic for them to find the right men in the upper class and tell them the truth one by one, so the couple are worried about this matter as they see their daughter getting older.

Although their family's condition is enough to provide Ling Rong with a rather superior environment even if they don't need to marry, but the couple still have a more traditional way of thinking, hoping that there will be someone who can replace them and take good care of this precious daughter after they die.

After all, Ling Yue is an elder brother, and he will always marry a wife and have children in the future. It is impossible to take care of his younger sister in every aspect forever, so a caring person is very important.

What's more, they always felt that the victim's daughter owed her a lot for not being able to show up as a normal girl, and the couple didn't want to deprive her of the right to love because of this.

And when they were most distressed, the eldest son suddenly told them that a man fell in love with his precious daughter, and when she didn't reveal her true gender, the Ling couple immediately became very curious about Gu Ningyan. , That's why today's meeting was arranged.

Of course, at the same time, I also want to test whether this man really likes his baby. If it is the best, it happens that his daughter likes him too. They don't mind this man's background. It's fine if they are sincere to their daughter; but if they are not, then they must take action as soon as possible to keep this person away from their daughter.

"I heard that you just flew over from City H, so I'm so sorry to rush you here as soon as you got off the plane." Qin Wanqin apologized for her impatience. Of course, it was also because she heard that this person was on the show. Confess to their daughter, and also plan to meet people as soon as they come back, so they arranged the time at this time.

Parents always want to prevent all risks for their children. Before they can express their feelings, their parents will take care of their daughters first, and then they can safely entrust their daughters to others.

"It doesn't matter! I took up the time of the two of you." Gu Ningyan said quickly, Ling's has so many big business to discuss every day, and the two of them are not big figures who can be easily met by anyone, so they are willing to spend time to meet him A small four wireless star has already given him enough face.

Now, I don't know why the two of you came here to meet with him. Gu Ningyan's most fearful guess is that they sensed their unspoken thoughts towards Ling Rong, so they came to warn him.

"Son, do you know why we are looking for you?" Qin Wanqin was the first to ask.

Gu Ningyan shook her head nervously.

"I heard that you like our family's Rongrong, right?" The next moment Qin Wanqin threw the bomb/bomb into Gu Ningyan's heart, and panic and helplessness became the only thing left in his heart at the moment. mood.

But she couldn't say a blunt rebuttal. Even under such circumstances, Gu Ningyan was unwilling to say the words "I don't like Ling Rong" against her will, so she asked in a trembling voice, " know?"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Ningyan immediately added: "Don't worry, these are all my wishful thinking, and I will definitely not bring any troubles to Ah Rong, I... I know this is wrong, you can severely reprimand me."

The man who was about 1.8 meters tall sat there and lowered his head dejectedly as if he had been wronged, as if he would not fight back despite being beaten and scolded.

"Ke Rongrong is also a boy, how could you fall in love with her? Do you really recognize this feeling as liking or is it just because you two have been together for so long that you mistook friendship for liking?"

The couple still remember their son's instructions, this is the person who wants to steal a daughter from them, how can they not test it, the child still doesn't know the truth about Rong Rong's gender, it is to test whether he is sincere to Rong Rong good time.

Gu Ningyan already felt very lucky that he didn't get reprimanded by the other party. Hearing this question, he calmed down instead, as if recalling something, he bent his mouth sweetly, but said helplessly, "I like it... No, it should be said that I did not know when I fell in love with A Rong, it has nothing to do with gender, I just fell in love with A Rong and her soul."

"I'm really grateful to my uncle and aunt for agreeing to let Ah Rong participate in the show, so that I could meet her. To me, she is unique. This is not friendship, and I clearly distinguish it."

Although he felt that his words would definitely make the elders even more angry, he still couldn't help but want to tell them his true feelings. Anyway, his thoughts had been broken, so he didn't care if he was so close.

Father Ling was quite satisfied with the answer, but he could still ask without changing his face: "But you are a star now, aren't you afraid that this will ruin your future?"

He knew about the child's family situation. At first, he became a celebrity to relieve the family's pressure and clear up his father's grievances. But now that he has tasted the sweetness, can he give up the fame and fortune here

However, this choice couldn't be easier for Gu Ningyan: "If I can be with A Rong, I am willing to give up everything I have obtained on the stage now. I am not afraid that uncles and aunts will make fun of you. I have really imagined that if one day A Rong I’m really willing to be with me, I’m not afraid to make it public, even if I can’t become a star, I can still be a screenwriter and write the most suitable script for Ah Rong to make her shine in front of the screen.”

Gu Ningyan actually planned this very early on. He didn't have such a strong dream and attachment to the stage, and his major in college was screenwriting and director, so it's not a bad idea to resume his old career and inherit his father's career.

He also often heard Ling Rong say that her acting skills were not good, and she had a very narrow way of choosing scripts, and could only choose characters that fit her own personality, so Gu Ningyan thought that if it was really possible, he would like to write for Ling Rong. It is also his dream to write many scripts that are most suitable for her, and to see this person's dazzling appearance in front of the screen with his own eyes.

This answer hit Mother Ling's heart immediately: "Are you really willing to give up your promising career for Rong Rong? What's more, you are willing now, but after all, you are the same gender, and you will definitely suffer a lot of pressure from public opinion. Can you bear this pressure without regretting your original choice?"

Gu Ningyan's eyes were extremely firm: "I am willing, maybe it is empty to say these things now, but I will definitely not regret my choice."

"Then you won't have any offspring. I remember that you seem to be the only child in your family, right? Is this situation acceptable to you or your mother?" Qin Wanqin strengthened her tone, "It's very easy for a man to cheat, when the time comes If you detest Rongrong or want a child of your own, then everything you say now is really a big joke."

"My mother knew about it, maybe she was surprised at first, but she is a great mother, willing to accept everything I like, so she doesn't care about it anymore."

"As for myself... If Ah Rong likes children, we can adopt one, and I will go for a vasectomy." Gu Ningyan said solemnly, he has no feelings for children, he is just worried that Ling Rong will like children, if they are really together On that day, he was willing to go directly to the hospital for surgery so that Ah Rong would not have any worries about this.

Immediately after finishing speaking, Gu Ningyan realized that he seemed a little ashamed to say this in front of his elders, and lowered his head in embarrassment, but his eyes were extremely firm, as if he had always thought so in his heart.

And in this day and age, there are even fewer men who dare to say such things as going out for a sterilization.

Ling's father and Ling's mother were slightly surprised. They really didn't expect this child to make such a promise. If so, they would really feel relieved.

They could indeed see from Gu Ningyan's eyes that what he said was true, and that his feelings for their precious daughter were also sincere, so they asked the last question.

"Then if... I'm talking about assuming that Rong Rong is a girl, but she can't appear in front of everyone as a girl, can you accept having a wife who can only show up as a man forever?"