Becoming the Male Lead’s White Moonlight

Chapter 80


Regarding Yue Zhen's question, Ling Rong smiled lightly, and in the next second a figure suddenly appeared beside Yue Yan.

Everyone saw Ling Rong slightly bent down and said something next to Yue Yan's ear. The girl who was shocked by the fact that her master and apprentice had just become Taoist companions stared at Ling Rong with wide eyes in disbelief. Want to hear what threat generally paled with fright.

Ling Rong touched Yue Yan's head abnormally, rubbed her soft head, and said softly, "Good girl, did you understand what I just said?"

Yue Yan immediately took a step back reflexively, as if she didn't dare to approach her again, her face showed a look of horror, the previous love was swept away, and she kept nodding her head: "I know, I know .”

Speaking of which, Yue Yan grabbed her father's sleeve and said to Yue Zhen: "Father, let's go, my daughter doesn't want this engagement."

Yue Zhen was puzzled, and wanted to ask more questions, but he didn't want his daughter's attitude to be very tough, and she insisted on pulling him away.

"Since Ms. Yue gave up voluntarily, then the deity will not force her. Rest assured, Sect Master Yue. Although the deity can no longer fulfill the marriage contract, the deity will prepare some compensation and send it later as an expression of apology." Ling Rong bowed and made the etiquette to the extreme.

One must know that with Ling Rong's current level of cultivation, there is no one worthy of asking her to salute, and Yue Zhen's being able to get this salute is considered to be enough face for Ling Rong.

Moreover, he was the one with a guilty conscience, and it was more than enough to get the compensation from Ling Rong. Yue Zhen knew more about people than the previous three, so he thought about it, so he immediately went down the steps: "Yes, my lord." What the author said was, thank you for your inclusion, I will take the little girl and leave."

After pulling Yue Yan away from the Xuanji Sect, Yue Zhen asked strangely: "What did the Venerable tell you just now, and you changed your attitude all of a sudden?"

Yue Yan just shook her head and showed fear: "'s nothing, Daddy, we'd better not provoke Venerable Ling Xiao in the future."

Otherwise, who would be able to withstand the attack of the cultivator in the void!

And I'm afraid that the entire cultivation world has been deceived by Ling Xiao. Who would have thought that the number one person in the cultivation world would be a female cultivator!

However, she didn't dare to speak to anyone about such a thing that could cause a sensation in the cultivation world. The threat from that person just now seemed to be ringing in her ears. In order to save her life, Yue Yan had no choice but to rot it in her heart.

On the other side, the members of the Xuanji Sect were not calm, and Yinxuan couldn't care about why Yue Yan agreed to leave so easily at this time, but instead focused all his eyes on Xiao Du and his junior brother: "What the hell are you two doing?" What's going on? Do you know what the consequences will be!"

Not to mention that the union between two male cultivators is a violation of yin and yang, and it has always been considered an absurd thing that only a depraved demon cultivator would do. Even this master-apprentice seniority can also make the outside world unanimously criticize.

Seeing Yinxuan's expression turned cold, Xiao Du quickly wanted to explain that maybe it was just an excuse for his master to get rid of the engagement, after all he never dared to hope that his master really liked him too.

Even if he himself has such thoughts, if Ling Rong is not willing, Xiao Du is not willing to let Ling Rong bear other people's strange eyes.

How could Ling Rong not understand Xiao Du's humble and cautious thoughts, in this world, Ling Rong didn't want him to worry about gains and losses anymore.

Seeing that there were only the suzerain and Yinxuan here, Ling Rong dared to speak directly: "Brother, to be honest, the matter between me and A'Du was actually agreed by Master, and I should actually be your junior sister."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall suddenly became terribly quiet, three people including Xiao Du and three pairs of eyes focused on Ling Rong, and it was no surprise that all of them were shocked.

How could it be... the younger brother became the younger sister? ! It is estimated that among the three, Yinxuan is the most difficult to accept. After all, he has been called a junior for hundreds of years and suddenly turned into a woman. I am afraid that no one can accept it immediately.

Although the junior brother's appearance is indeed indistinguishable, if you don't look carefully, it is possible to accidentally recognize it as a female cultivator, but... but...

Ling Rong continued to make up stories, anyway, Venerable Hunyuan had already ascended to the upper realm, no one would be able to expose her no matter what she made up: "Master did a fortune teller for me before ascension, and found a destined person for me, who can solve my problems." Short-lived catastrophe, otherwise I would have died due to my injuries when I fought against the demon lord four hundred years ago, and Xiao Du was the one who was destined, so I found him before leaving the customs and let Ye Xian Bring him back to the sect to train him personally."

"As for the concealment of gender, it is also Master's order, so that I can only reveal my real gender after I break through the void." Ling Rong said it sincerely, as if everything was really explained by Venerable Hunyuan.

Hearing Ling Rong talk about short life, the three of them simultaneously remembered what they had heard from the crazy woman Lin Ruo.

"Ling Rong should have died a long time ago, she should have been dead a hundred years ago, why is she still alive!"

These are the original words that Lin Ruo said before he was imprisoned. At that time, they only thought it was Lin Ruo's crazy words, but thinking about it now, they didn't expect it to be true! If the robbery cannot be solved, then Ling Rong will really die after that battle!

Thinking about it this way, Yinxuan didn't feel any sense of blame, his heart was almost filled with distress and guilt: "I'm sorry junior brother, no, junior sister, I don't even know about this..."

If Ling Rong really died to save the entire cultivation world, then the person he can't forgive the most is himself! The survival of the entire cultivation world rests on one person, how can this weight not be heavy!

Xiao Du also only felt scared for a while, fortunately, he could help Master solve this disaster, otherwise he couldn't believe what he would do if this person died.

Seeing that Yinxuan was no longer angry, Ling Rong took the opportunity to put forward her plan: "Sect Master, Master, after this time, I will probably take A'Du on a cloud tour. Everything is fine in the Zongli now, and there is still Mo Mo If they need it, they can also contact me directly, and A'Du and I can rush back immediately."

"You want to leave?" The suzerain and Yinxuan were surprised, but it was a complete surprise to Xiao Du, the master is willing to travel with him, does that mean that he is recognized!

Xiao Du didn't care much about his master suddenly becoming a female cultivator, as long as it was this person, no matter if it was a man or a woman, it was something he wanted to keep on top of his heart.

Ling Rong nodded: "If the relationship between me and A'Du is exposed, it will definitely have an impact on the sect, and Ling Xiao's sudden transformation into a female cultivator will definitely cause quite a commotion, so I thought about it and went directly to Well done Yunyou, just announce to the public that I'm taking A'Du to practice."

"Are you sure?" Yin Xuan asked seriously.

Ling Rong nodded, then looked at the overwhelmed young man standing aside who was about to be overwhelmed by a series of surprises and teased: "Would you like to visit this great mountain and river with me? There is a day when you are exhausted, but you are not limited by it, are you really willing to waste time on me?"

As the male lead, Xiao Du is now free from the restrictions of the book-wearing girl, and his talent can completely allow him to ascend within eight hundred years.

For Xiao Du, even if he gave up his ascension, he still wanted to be with this person forever. Eternal life would never be as important as having this person by his side.

His eyes became more and more gentle, Xiao Du held Ling Rong's hand tightly without any hesitation this time: "Master, I am willing, I don't care about ascension, I just want to serve by Master's side forever."

The sticky looks of the two showed that Yinxuan and the suzerain who had no Taoist couple raised their eyebrows again and again: "Forget it, you can do whatever you want, and come back when you are tired. The sect will always be your backing."

Ling Rong smiled softly: "Ling Rong knows."

In the third millennium of the early Yuan Dynasty, Venerable Ling Xiao of the Xuanji Sect took his disciple Xiao Du to go out to practice. No one knew their whereabouts, but from time to time there would be a few rumors in the cultivation world, saying that they saw two people in a place like a fairyland. Two handsome immortals walked hand in hand, and one of them was white-haired and snowy, like the number one person in the cultivation world, Venerable Ling Xiao.

But all of these are just rumors, without any basis, and no one dares to say that the two of them are really in a certain place.

Nine hundred years later.

Ling Rong, who knew that her end was approaching, asked Xiao Du to take her back to the top of Jianfeng without anyone telling her. It was just at the time of sunrise, and Xiao Du hugged her in his arms without saying a word quietly watching the sunrise.

"After I leave, you don't have to be too sad, we will meet again." After passing through several worlds, this is the first world where she left first, Ling Rong was afraid that this person would be too sad, so he had no choice but to comfort him like this.

"It's not sad, we're always together." Rubbing his sweetheart's temples affectionately, Xiao Du's voice was gentle and affectionate. When she left, he would of course follow her immediately, how could he leave her alone? reason.

Finally when it was time to leave, Ling Rong held the man's hand and slowly closed his eyes. Seeing that the man in his arms was so quiet that he could no longer hear his breathing, Xiao Du suddenly shed a tear from the corner of his eye, and immediately Ling Rong pressed a kiss lightly on the forehead.

"Don't be afraid, Ah Rong, I'll be right there."

"It's not good! It's not good! The fourth prince fell into the water! Come quickly!"

A burst of noise came from the imperial garden, and those who didn't know what happened could only see the maids and eunuchs in a mess, not knowing what to do.

When all the maids and eunuchs were busy trying to save their little master who fell into the water, no one noticed a small figure suddenly appeared from that place, rushed to the edge of the pond and jumped down.

"Who fell down again?! Hey, that's not the little prince of Zhennan Palace! Why is he also in the water! Send someone down to rescue! At that time, the fourth prince and the little prince will have troubles and we can't avoid it!"

Qi Jinluo doesn't know how to swim. When he suddenly fell into the water, even though he was struggling desperately, he could only feel that he was sinking continuously. Thinking of the second prince who pushed him down just now, he laughed at himself. Sure enough, there are no brothers in the palace. Love, when his mother died, all these people thought how good it would be for him to die together.

If someone could save him... then he would give anything! He doesn't want to die, he hasn't found out who killed his mother, and he hasn't firmly controlled his own throne!

Just when he was about to despair, he suddenly felt that there was an extra hand on his waist to lift him to the surface of the water. When he came out of the water, he saw a piece of paper that could be called pink even if it was not fully opened. A small face carved out of jade.

It was a face he would never forget after that.