Becoming the Male Lead’s White Moonlight

Chapter 84


Four years have passed by in a flash, this time with Ling Rong by Qi Jinluo's side, the eldest prince can't do anything to Qi Jinluo, the two of them are superficial brothers on the surface, but there are already undercurrents in private, The power of the two parties is comparable.

Zhennan Palace.

As soon as Qi Jinluo got out of the carriage, he hurried into the Zhennan Palace. The old steward of Zhennan Palace saw Qi Jinluo no longer surprised, and took the initiative to guide him: "The little prince is in the gazebo now. Your Highness, you can just go there and see."

"Thank you." Qi Jinluo didn't have the airs of a prince at all, thanked him politely, straightened his clothes that were a little wrinkled due to haste, and hurried to the gazebo that the housekeeper said.

It was summer at this time, and the weather was very hot. In ancient times, there was no air conditioning like modern times, and it was not like in the cultivation world where you can not be afraid of cold and heat. Ling Rong really felt that the room was stuffy, so he came to this gazebo to rest.

Four years have already opened up the original child a lot, and the indistinguishable appearance has become more and more prominent. Now, any noble girl in the capital will not lose her heart when she sees the little prince of the Zhennan Palace. As long as there is Ling Rong Wherever you go, you can see a lot of bold ladies throwing flower handkerchiefs, but it's a pity that the concubine did it intentionally but the man was ruthless. Ling Rong, who is a man of men's clothing, can only say sorry for the love of these girls.

And as the emperor's favorite little prince, Ling Rong was assigned a idle job early on. He only needed to sort out bibliographies and copy articles in the Imperial Academy, and he would receive his salary as well.

Ling Rong was quite satisfied with the job at first, and planned to work hard for a while, but was robbed of the job by Qi Jinluo who came suddenly, and the young boy who had faded away took her pen and sat aside Copying ancient books for her, the sudden arrival of the fourth prince scared a group of officials of the Imperial Academy, and this kind of thing could not be done by the prince himself. In the end, the dean of the Imperial Academy had no choice but to let all They did it themselves and let Ling Rong go free.

Of course, the salary is still taken.

It was just like this that now Ling Rong could take a rest early. In such a hot day, he didn't even have to go out of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion. He just needed to stay in his pavilion to enjoy the cool.

In the summer afternoon, people feel tired. Ling Rong propped his right temple with one hand, leaned against the wooden railing behind him, closed his eyes slightly, and took a nap. Qi Jinluo has been sent to the south for the past two months. Drought and flood disasters are frequent in summer, and the south is a rainy place. The flood has seriously affected the lives of the people, so the emperor sent him to rescue the disaster. Now that I think about it, there was no one around her for a long time.

And as soon as he walked into the gazebo, what Qi Jinluo saw was such a picture of a beauty resting, his dark eyes blinked, and his desire to see her made Qi Jinluo softly call out.


Ling Rong, who was not asleep at all, was quickly awakened by his movement, and when he opened his eyes, he saw this familiar face. Ling Rong said in a lazy but familiar tone: "You are back."

Although there are only four words, Qi Jinluo's heart is warmed by the family's intimate tone: "A Rong, how have you been these past few months?"

After waking up, Ling Rong looked at the man from top to bottom, and found that there were obvious wet marks on the white robe of this man. Ling Rong knew that this man must have rushed to the capital immediately after returning to the capital from the south. She rushed here without changing her clothes, and she didn't even have time to report the situation to the emperor.

"Why don't you go into the palace and report the situation to Uncle Huang? The disaster is serious, and Uncle Huang is very worried."

Qi Jinluo discovered the round fan left by the maid. This person always likes to be alone, so he often dismisses the servants. Now that the weather is so hot, there is no servant to fan her.

The young man in white took this task automatically, picked up a round fan and fanned her gently beside her, hoping to take away a little enthusiasm: "The accompanying ministers will report the situation in the disaster area to the emperor first. I just wanted to see you first."

After being outside for so long, Qi Jinluo no longer misses this person all the time every day, thinking about her mood, or worrying if there are some bold women stuffing flowers and fruits into Ling Rong's arms. Just like when I was a child, I really like it very much.

And taking care of this cousin is a habit he has always developed. Of course, such a beautiful child of his own must be guarded tightly, and Qi Jinluo didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him.

In his opinion, if only this person appeared to save him when he was young, then he would fulfill his promise and take good care of her forever as his biological brother, just like the relationship between his father and uncle.

Who said the royal family must be ruthless.

The two chatted intermittently for a while before Qi Jinluo said goodbye reluctantly: "It's getting late, I have to go back to the palace first, and I'll come to see you after the court tomorrow."

In fact, Qi Jinluo was talking most of the conversation between the two, while Ling Rong was listening. He heard this person talk about a lot of things in the south, and would interrupt to make a comment from time to time.

They all like this kind of atmosphere, who doesn't like having a loyal audience next to you when you're excitedly introducing something.

Ling Rong nodded: "Okay, go back quickly, don't let Uncle Huang know about it and tell you a lesson."

Qi Jinluo rubbed the top of Ling Rong's head, and promised with a smile: "I saw some nice gadgets when I went to the south this time, you should like them, and I will bring them to you tomorrow together with my father's reward."

Qi Jinluo has already stepped into the imperial court, and the emperor also arranges different tasks for his sons from time to time in order to train them. Usually, a lot of things will be rewarded when the tasks are completed, and the rewards Qi Jinluo receives every time are without exception. He was sent to Zhennan Prince's Mansion and put into Ling Rong's private treasury.

The brotherhood between the fourth prince and the young prince of the Zhennan Palace is often praised by the people in the capital, but of course some people can't stand it.

Hearing the news of Qi Jinluo's return to the capital, the second prince immediately found the first prince, and now he has stood in the first team of the first prince by default. The mother clan competed for the throne, so the only way to stand in line in advance was to be a follower.

Of course, Qi Jinnan also received the news: "Fourth brother will come back this time, and I guess he will get another respect from his father."

He heard the news from his grandfather that Qi Jinluo performed well in the south, and he contributed a lot to flood control and disaster relief.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little impatient. It's been four years and he still hasn't dealt with Qi Jinluo, the fourth brother. Help him avoid his design smoothly.

[System, isn't Qi Jinluo really a fast traveler like me? ] The eldest prince secretly asked in his heart, this is the first time since he set foot on the fast travel world that he has encountered an opponent who has not been resolved after spending so much time.

The Life Winner System shook its head: [Sorry host, I didn't find any traces of the same kind on Qi Jinluo.]

With the same reply again, Qi Jinnan gritted his teeth and clenched his hands on the handle of the chair into fists.

He is three years older than Qi Jinluo, he is nineteen this year, and he will leave the palace to establish his own palace in one year, but the position of crown prince has not yet been decided. Could it be that the emperor has hinted that his throne has nothing to do with him? irrelevant

No, it is absolutely impossible for him to just give up like this. He has never failed in any of these worlds, and this record must not be interrupted.

And the five-year task time given to him by the system is approaching, and he must take action.

On the second day, it was morning.

Not surprisingly, the emperor really praised Qi Jinluo for his meritorious service in water control, and rewarded a lot of things. However, after everything was reported, King Zhennan suddenly stood up.

"Report to Your Majesty, I have something to report."

"Say it."

"Sudden news came from the border, saying that there was a sudden change in the foreign barbarians, and traces of barbarian activities were often found at the border. I worried that there would be another war at the border."

The border of Qi State is a prairie. Hundreds of years ago, a group of foreigners suddenly settled in the prairie. Because they were far lower than their level of civilization in Qi State, they were collectively called barbarians.

Six years ago, the barbarians launched a large-scale attack on the Central Plains, but under the leadership of King Zhennan, they were completely defeated. Not only did they lose face, but they were also forced to pay tribute to Qi State every year.

And six years later, I am afraid that this group of people wants to make a comeback, save the face of the past, and more importantly, snatch the rich resources of the Central Plains.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the officials in the court became obviously different.

"What's your opinion, ladies?"

"Your Majesty, I think that it is not easy for the people to be stable at this moment, and the flames of war will only cause the people's pain." This is obviously the peace faction.

"But blindly compromising will only make those barbarians more rampant, which is harmful to the country and the country, and they will definitely hold grudges when they lost to us. Once they gain the upper hand, they will only retaliate wildly." This is the main combat faction.

When the two sides were unable to argue, the eldest prince suddenly said: "My minister thinks that the barbarians are really rampant. How about preventing Uncle Wang from reappearing his bravery in the past and repelling these enemies who want to harm us?"

Although the point of view is the main battle, Qi Jinnan's purpose is not that simple. According to his information, this time the barbarians have united all the tribes on the grassland to attack the Central Plains in one fell swoop, instead of fighting alone as before. The fierceness is not comparable to that of soldiers who have not been on the field for six years.

Although he believed that with the strength of King Zhennan, he would not necessarily lose this battle, but it would be good if he could lose some of the troops in King Zhennan's hands. In this way, Qi Jinluo still had a big backer.

The queen's mother clan is just the Taifu who has resigned and retired, and he is still a step behind his grandfather, the left prime minister.

If the biggest support of King Zhennan weakens or even disappears, how can Qi Jinluo fight against him

If there is a real war, Qi Jinnan doesn't care that losing will damage Qi's national interests. Anyway, it is impossible for the barbarians to reach the capital all at once. As long as he wins the throne as soon as possible, he will complete the task and go directly to the next one. The world, everything here has nothing to do with him.

He has even thought about it, this battle must do something to make Zhennan King fail, and if there is not enough time later, he can also suspend peace by giving up some land.