Before My Withering

Chapter 38


After saying this, Wen Ziqing left. I guess he must be in a safe and secret corner to watch this good show directed by himself.

But I don't want to act with him.

There are scattered gravels on the ground, and I try to reach a triangular brick, holding it between my hands and rubbing the rope that binds me little by little.

Such a posture was useless, and after an unknown period of time, my movements gradually became a mechanical repetition that was not controlled by my brain. The only remaining thought was that I wanted to leave here.

I can't wait for Zhou Chen to come to rescue.

Time passed by slowly, my whole body was sore, and my head became more and more dizzy. After being blown by the night wind for so long, the clothes on his body didn't dry out, but were wetted by sweat instead.

I think I probably have a fever, and if this goes on, I may not be able to last for too long.

In the drowsiness, a strange smell penetrated into my nasal cavity, and then became stronger and stronger. I forced myself to sniff and was sure the smell came from fuel.

What is Wen Ziqing going to do, is he crazy...

The fear stimulated my whole body to tremble, and the movements of my hands accelerated.

The bricks and stones had already worn my palms to bloody flesh, but my survival instinct made me ignore the pain, and all my attention was focused on the thinner and thinner rope.

Finally at a certain moment, the rope was cut by me.

I didn't dare to delay, and got up from the ground after I untied it. However, I was tied up for too long, and my blood circulation was not smooth, so I fell back after taking two steps.

This time I tried to get up again, but I couldn't do it.

He was top-heavy, weak all over, and his legs seemed to be unconscious. Even more desperate, I have no idea where the exit is at all.

If gasoline is the purpose I want, whether to jump out of the window or stay here and burn to death later has become my primary consideration now.

I didn't think long about it. Because I heard Zhou Chen's voice.

At first when I heard him call my name, I thought it was a hallucination, until the footsteps and shouts got closer and I saw his figure appearing from the darkness in the distance, I was sure it was really him.

He ran in a panic, and even tripped over the beams on the ground several times. I have never seen him so anxious and scared.

"Sir..." I wanted to call him, but there was only a weak voice when I opened my mouth.

Fortunately, he still saw me.

When I was hugged into my arms, the last bit of will that kept me from falling suddenly collapsed, just like a tired bird that had been through wind and rain and finally fell into a familiar warm nest, and could no longer raise the strength to flap its wings.

He hugged me so tightly, as if he wanted to rub me into his body.

I feel pain and I feel relieved.

"I'm sorry... I asked you to save me again..." I said.

He buried himself on my shoulder, trembling all over, "You almost killed me, do you know..."

I also have no way to explain why bad things happen every time I leave Zhou Chen's side.

"From now on," he said, "Xiao Yu, you will no longer be free."

"In the future, if you drive me away, I won't leave, and I won't leave you half a step."

Yeah...that would be great.

I closed my eyes in his arms, and sincerely felt that it would be good to just cuddle up to the end of my life.

When the fire started, I felt nothing but regret.

It's a pity that we met too early, but met too late.

"Don't sleep... I'll take you home..."

Zhou Chen hugged me horizontally, and was about to leave from the original path, when there was a loud bang in front, and then a person shouted my name and ran over stumbling through the smoke and dust.

It seems to be Qi Shu.

Such an obvious trap, why is he here...

He was never this stupid before.

I was fuzzy, and vaguely heard him asking me if I was okay, and said that the stairs had been blown up, and the only exit was impassable.

The fire was getting hotter and hotter, and the smoke was getting thicker and thicker. Qi Shu said he called a helicopter, but the building was short and small, and the helicopter might not be able to land.

"Go to the window and wait," he said.

Affected by the explosion, bricks and tiles fell from the roof from time to time, and I was tightly protected by Zhou Chen in his arms. The two of them had to avoid the falling objects above their heads, and also pay attention to the sudden flames. It was very difficult for them to walk.

When the burning steel bar fell, I almost instinctively stretched out my hand to block Zhou Chen.

The momentary touch was enough to cause the high-temperature iron to scald the flesh in the palm of my hand, and I woke up from the unspeakable pain.

It hurts... It hurts ten thousand times more than burning a cigarette butt...

"Xiaoyu!" The voices of Zhou Chen and Qi Shu sounded at the same time, I have never heard them call me so sadly.

I wanted to say it was okay, but when I opened my mouth, I could only groan in pain.

Before the tears rolled out of the eye sockets, they were baked into water vapor by the hot wind.

Zhou Chen hugged me even tighter, his voice choked with sobs, "Why are you so stupid... I don't deserve you to destroy your own hand..."

How could he think so? He is much more important than my hand.

It must be because I didn't tell him that he has long been the number one in my heart.

In the face of danger and death, I finally chose to be honest with myself and with him.

"You are worth it." I said the words that have been buried for a long time, "I love you..."

I'm covered in scars and empty of love.

If he still wants it, I want to give it all to him.

In the light of the fire, I saw his eyes were red.

"I love you too," he said, "I will always love you."

All the pain seemed to go away, and at this moment, I thought I was the luckiest man in the world.

The roar of propellers came from outside the window, and a small helicopter wobbled and hung high. There seemed to be the sound of fire trucks on the street in the distance, coming here.

And the building behind us collapsed bit by bit, leaving us with little time left.

A ladder hung from the helicopter, and the pilot worked very hard to get close to the building. After a long time, the ladder finally stopped within reach of the window.

Before Qi Shu said "you go up first", I almost forgot that he was following us all the time.

His voice was calm and sad, as if he had let go of something, but also as if he had let go of nothing.

For the first time, I fully understood his gaze.

- don't you love me...

-I love you too.

I shook my head at him, silently saying sorry.

I'm sorry, I went to love the person I should love,

When we got to the window, Zhou Chen put me down and asked me to lie on his back again. In order to prevent me from falling off, Qi Shu picked up a rope and tied Zhou Chen and me together.

During this process, he didn't say a word.

The ladder was dangling and unsteady, Qi Shu grabbed the bottom with one hand, and supported my waist with the other, so we could climb up.

At this moment, the accident happened unexpectedly.

The temperature of his palm was still on my lower back, and the next second, the whole building suddenly made a loud bang, and I turned my head suddenly, only to see the roof collapsed, bricks and stones splashed everywhere, and Qi Shu's figure disappeared like this In the sea of dust and fire.

I heard my heart-piercing cry.

Then the cry turned into a desperate cry.

"... save him..."

"Qi Shu..."

"Let me go down..."

"Zhou Chen, save him quickly..."

save him.

The author has something to say:

Today's playlist: "Precious Tonight"

[The lover in my arms is complaining, but love cannot be tolerated]