Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 100: Holographic Tour (7)


Shao Ci thought, in fact, there is no way, such as finding a more powerful person to bind within three days.

After all, the plot has only just started, and there are still many people with higher force values than Jiang Qinghan.

But how can it be so simple, especially this exam is only for this grade, and even if you want to meet some seniors, you can't do it.

After entering the hall, Shao Ci found a seat according to his student number and sat down. At this time, everyone around was also very nervous about the exam, and no one had the leisure time to mock or something.

When the time was almost up, Shao Ci put the holographic helmet on his head.

According to the memory of the original owner, the dungeon of the exam is very simple, with basically no puzzle-solving elements, as long as the number of monsters killed is enough.

After all, this kind of school tests the strength of a person's mental power. After the original owner's mental power is damaged, he may not be able to kill a few, and his mental power will be exhausted. In that case, he will naturally be eliminated.

After Shao Ci entered the dungeon, he appeared in a place that looked like an arena. The stands were crowded with spectators, making loud noises from time to time.

"Is it necessary to make a setting just to kill a monster..." But Shao Ci was a little relieved seeing so many people, he was really worried that this exam would throw him into some kind of ghost tide to kill ghosts...

As for the weapon automatically assigned by the system, it is a long knife with unlimited durability, which is much better than Shao Ci's original kitchen knife.

Shao Ci squeezed the long knife tightly, and then a monster was released.

How to fight monsters... When Shao Ci was in the previous dungeon, because he was always frightened, he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all.

Shao Ci concentrated his mind and used his mental power. He suddenly felt that the speed of the monster in front of him slowed down a lot. If he was more careful, he could even see the weakness of the opponent's body.

"It's here." Shao Ci suddenly stepped forward and pierced it with a knife.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the monster suddenly swallowed its breath.

The audience in the stands suddenly cheered.

"Huh..." Shao Ci heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that his mental strength is quite useful when fighting monsters.

It's just that in the previous dungeon, I was a little timid when I first went in, and then I messed up when I faced the ghost with a kitchen knife... and the durability of the kitchen knife can be called garbage, which led to such a tragic process.

To say that now Shao Ci feels that he was able to pass because of luck (. and a little bit of morality.

There was almost no chance for people to breathe, and the next monster was released immediately. Shao Ci held his mind and killed it with the previous method.

After that, the monsters became stronger one by one, and it gradually took several stabs to kill them.

Shao Ci originally planned to get a passing grade, so as not to attract Jiang Qinghan's attention and cause trouble... As for the cultivation of the Shao family, what the hell, how could he run away after knowing the tragic ending of the Shao family? Go back and ask the Shao family to train her.

However, the problem is that Shao Ci has no idea how many of them are considered to be almost a pass.

If you accidentally kill too few, it would be ridiculous to be kicked out of the school.

"These monsters are so weak... everyone should be able to beat them." Shao Ci roughly estimated.

After the killing was almost done, Shao Ci stopped, and then exited directly.

Shao Ci took off the virtual helmet, and the results would not come out until a few days later. It was too sudden to find out today, otherwise he could have checked it before, and he was confident.

At this time, the voices of several people nearby came, "Sure enough, the previous training is still useful. This time I actually killed twenty of them. I can pass no matter what."

"Wow, I only killed nineteen of them. I feel that this time is a little more difficult than previous years."

Hearing this, the cold sweat on Shao Ci's head was about to break out, wait, he accidentally killed a hundred of them before, and thought it should be of a medium level, but it turned out to be too powerful.

Fortunately, the results won't come out in a few days, let him think of a way during this period...

Then Shao Ci left in a hurry, and Fan Tian and the others mocked after seeing it, "I think he is definitely finished this time, his face is so ugly, and he must be unqualified when you think about it." "The Shao family is not qualified. Maybe it's a waste to take care of again, it's really miserable, the original young master has fallen to such a point."

Afterwards, these people went to pursue Jiang Qinghan again, praising him for being much better than Shao Ci, but Jiang Qinghan's expression didn't change at all, he just hummed indifferently.

It made a few people a little depressed. It was not easy to please Shao Ci in the past, but now Jiang Qinghan's attitude is really unpredictable.

On the other hand, Uitt sent Shao Ci a friend request after leaving the game, but he didn't see the other party's reply for a long time.

"Did you not notice it all at once?" Uit frowned subconsciously, "It's still offline."

If in the past, others knelt down to add him as friends, this was the first time he tried to add others as friends.

Then Uitt casually went to social accounts to check. He wanted to see if he could find Shao Ci's account, but he found something posted by those two people.

Uitt snorted suddenly, he would naturally not take care of other people's affairs, but this time it was about his only friend... That's right, he already regarded Shao Ci as a friend, at least the other party was willing to replace Shao Ci at that time. He blocks the attack.

But what did the other party think, did they think his tone was too harsh

Uitt, who had never had any friends, felt very complicated for a while.

In short, if you take this opportunity, you should be able to contact the other party openly. For a moment, Uitt was a little thankful that the two of them did such a thing and created an opportunity for him.

Shao Ci had no idea what Uitt was so entangled with.

In fact, after he finished the exam, he searched the Internet and found that one hundred was definitely in the top ten in the whole grade. For a moment, Shao Ci was in a complicated mood.

After opening the game, Shao Ci didn't even bother to click on the message to check, anyway, the original owner would only receive some spam advertisements.

Then Shao Ci was going to buy something. Players below level 15 could only buy items provided by the system.

Of course, Shao Ci wanted to change to some new weapons, so he opened the weapon list immediately, only to find that the existing points were not enough to buy any weapons, so he could barely upgrade the durability and power of the kitchen knife.

Shao Ci: "..." It seems that he will continue to entangle with this kitchen knife...

After the kitchen knife was upgraded, Shao Ci's points were running low. He chose to purchase the function of automatically putting a mosaic on the screen when he saw a scary picture. This is very important to him!

... Isn't the automatic mosaic and so on should be a function in the game settings! In this game, points are actually used to redeem.

It is because of the irreplaceability of this game that there is no competitor in the empire, so it is so wanton.

Then Shao Ci continued to think about whether he should go to the dungeon again.

If you want to face the worst situation, it is Jiang Qinghan who finds that your mental power has recovered. In that case, Jiang Qinghan will definitely not let it go. Facing the protagonist's revenge is very troublesome.

Under the action of the will of the world, he will be in a very troublesome situation.

At that time, he would have to show his strength. At that time, the Shao family would definitely be unreliable, and only when he had strength could he find other backers for himself.

The points in the game can also be exchanged for credit points... If the situation is too bad, he can also run away, and credit points are needed to run away.

And if it is a famous player, what kind of live broadcast function can be opened to let others pay to watch. Of course, those who do this are people who are quite confident in their own strength. less credit points.

Of course, Shao Ci should not think about it.

As for the task, Shao Ci thought again, if only he could meet Jiang Qinghan in the game, then he would take the opportunity to do the task...

Wait, he seems to remember that in the original text, the several copies that Jiang Qinghan participated in during this period are still written in great detail.

Moreover, Shao Ci, who had read the original text, knew exactly what happened in those dungeons, and he didn't know how many opportunities he could strike.

In this way, not only can you complete the mission, but you can also complete the dungeon and get good things... Yes, this is the meaning of wearing a book!

But in this broken game setting, only players who have reached level 15 can choose which dungeon to enter by paying a lot of points.

Shao Ci sighed. It seems that he can only be promoted to level 15 first, and he still needs to accumulate enough points.

[It has been detected that your spiritual talent is extremely high, and it will be automatically assigned to dungeons above level b.]

[Start to form a team, the team is successful.]

[enter the game.]

Such a voice reappeared in Shao Ci's ears like making up words, and he began to pray that he would not randomly get any copy of the demon background.

In other words, if this game is really a game, this inhumane design where each copy is random will definitely make players run away long ago...

Then, a cutscene like a movie suddenly appeared before Shao Ci's eyes.

It was an old dilapidated castle under the blood moon. It looked very strange. Everything under the moonlight seemed to be glowing with blood.

It turned out to be an ancient castle, without a doubt... This must be from the background of the devil, Shao Ci was a little scared for a moment.

And then the system starts to introduce this copy.

This is an ancient castle. It is said that the descendants of the original owner of the castle lived in it. There are haunted legends in it, so that the surrounding residents dare not approach, and no one has ever seen who the owner of the castle is.

After the introduction, Shao Ci's eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a bed.

The bed was a bit worn out, but it was very clean. Shao Ci looked around, and it seemed like a dungeon. There were only beds and desks in the small space, and the oil lamp on the desk was emitting a faint light.

[Main task: Escape from the castle.]

[Sub-task: Investigate the truth of everything.]

The task is quite routine.

Shao Ci stood up and rummaged through himself based on his experience last time, but he couldn't find anything useful.

Then Shao Ci started to look through the desk, opened the drawer and saw a dilapidated notebook with a key beside it.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, don't you even have to look for the key

Shao Ci opened the notebook, and the handwriting on it was very neat and beautiful. It seemed to be some kind of text from another world. Under the systematic translation, Shao Ci could understand the meaning almost as well.

This notebook records how to use forbidden techniques to resurrect the dead, and it seems that the master copied it from somewhere.

To sacrifice six living people under certain conditions, the person to be resurrected can be brought back to the world. But this method has a high probability of failure. If it fails, the resurrected dead will become irrational monsters.

Naturally, under such circumstances, the owner of the note didn't directly want to resurrect the person who wanted to be resurrected, but started to find dead people from other places to practice.

There are a lot of densely packed practical experiences written in the back, the thickness is amazing, and it is obvious that I have failed for an unknown number of times... However, under such circumstances, the other party still recorded the results of the experiment in a cold tone, as if they didn't care how many times they failed.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have gone crazy if he failed so many times, but thinking about it, how can a person who can do such a cruel thing be an ordinary person.

Of course, Shao Ci didn't have time to read all of them. He just took a quick glance and noticed that the monsters that were created after failures were troublesome to deal with, so they locked them up and dealt with them every once in a while. .

Shao Ci: "..." Wow, if the owner of this note is the villain boss of this dungeon, it feels like a terrible enemy.

In other words, shouldn't this kind of notebook with such important records be some core item of the plot discovered later? Is it really okay to just throw it here at the beginning? !

Shao Ci put away the notebook, now it seems that this dungeon is going to face those monsters.

Although he didn't know why he was imprisoned in this place, it was obviously not a good thing. Shao Ci guessed that he was probably a sacrifice to be sacrificed or something.

And according to Shao Ci's experience in reading articles and comics over the years, this time must be extremely important, maybe it's the critical time for the villain boss to resurrect the person he most wants to resurrect.

I don't know how many teammates there are in this dungeon... According to the number of sacrifices, is it five

Shao Ci nervously opened the door with the key and walked outside. It was a long corridor, so dark that it was impossible to see the way, and there was a dull smell in the air.

Shao Ci picked up the oil lamp. Speaking of which, the psychological pressure was really great.

After walking not far, he saw the door of another cell.

Looking through the gap, Shao Ci was shocked.

What was locked in the cell was actually a monster with a ferocious face like a ghost, and it was falling into a deep sleep at this moment.

"...Fortunately, they are locked in a cell." Shao Ci heaved a sigh of relief, and after a closer look, the door of the cell was unlocked.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Hey wait, I don't know how many prison cells there are in this place. If all these monsters come out by then, he won't be able to deal with it all at once.

Cold sweat was coming down Shao Ci's forehead, and he hurriedly walked outside, afraid of waking up these monsters, his steps were much lighter.

After finally reaching the stairs leading to the upper floor, Shao Ci walked to the door, and suddenly heard something outside, which seemed to be the roar of a monster.

"It seems that the situation outside is not good." When Shao Ci was hesitating, he suddenly heard a slight collision sound from behind.

... That's right, that's the sound of the door being pushed open.

In an instant, Shao Ci's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

He was so scared that he immediately opened the door and went out, then closed the door tightly.

The outside world seems to be a corridor, and the torches hanging on the wall illuminate most of the corridor.

What appeared in front of Shao Ci was a monster, with red eyes open, and the saliva dripping from his mouth continuously on the ground, melting the carpet on the ground and emitting smoke.

Shao Ci: "!" Open the door to kill.

After seeing Shao Ci, the monster immediately rushed towards him, but the speed of this kind of monster is very slow, which can make people escape.

Shao Ci: "..." No, how can he run away directly now, what is the difference between this and before.

Shao Ci also wanted to exercise himself a little bit, so he put the lantern in the system package, and then concentrated his energy to observe the monster's body carefully.

He soon discovered that the monster's weakness was in the abdomen.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, took the kitchen knife and rushed up quickly, then ducked down when the opponent attacked, and stabbed directly into the abdomen with the kitchen knife from the back.

In fact, such a smooth battle is also thanks to the college exam... The experience of killing a hundred monsters there made Shao Ci much better than before.

Of course, this can only be achieved with the help of strong spiritual power, and Shao Ci would not have this strength in reality.

The monster seemed to have been hit hard, and immediately fell to the ground with a hoarse roar, its body twitched, and black liquid gushed out from the wound.

"Huh..." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it's just a little scary on the outside, but it's okay to deal with it, as long as it's not besieged by a dozen or so, it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Then he looked around, and suddenly saw something like a map hanging on the wall beside him.

Shao Ci immediately walked over there and looked at the map.

The map here is the map of the first floor. It can be seen that the castle is quite large, and there are many entrances leading to the basement.

When he was trying to write down the map, Shao Ci's feet were suddenly caught, his body froze immediately, and when he looked down, it was actually the monster that fell on the ground that caught him...

Under the force of that hand, Shao Ci suddenly fell to the ground, and the kitchen knife slipped out of his hand.

At this moment, two words came to Shao Ci's mind, "Fuck?!" Such a bloody plot actually happened to him.

Moreover, he had already targeted the monster's weakness just now...or...

Shao Ci suddenly remembered what was written in the notebook. It is a bit troublesome to kill these monsters. Does it mean that these monsters are stronger, but that they cannot be killed by conventional methods? Do you want to be so cheating

He tried his best to reach out to grab the kitchen knife, but he couldn't reach it.

At this moment, Shao Ci felt for the first time that he needed this kitchen knife so much...

And the monster was struggling to pull Shao Ci away. At this critical moment, an arrow suddenly hit the monster's abdomen, and a ball of white light burst out immediately. The monster's body turned into light spots and dissipated under the impact. It's coming.

Afterwards, a young man came over from the side of the corridor. He had slightly curly pale blond hair and blue eyes. He had an extremely good-looking appearance and a kind and gentle smile on his face.

"Are you okay?" He walked up to Shao Ci and held out his hand.

This time when Shao Ci wanted to watch it, he was still prompted that the authority was not enough. It seems that the other party's level is much higher than him... This is just nonsense. In the A-level dungeon, Shao Ci basically can't meet the second level less than fifteen level people.

"Thank you for helping me." Shao Ci held the other's hand and stood up, only to find that there was still some pain in the ankle, which was obviously scratched.

Although Shao Ci can use the healing ability to repair it directly, he is worried that such an approach will be judged as cheating by the system, and he will have no way to explain it when the time comes.

"It's okay..." The other party smiled slightly, "Everyone is the same, of course we need to help suddenly."

After exchanging names, Shao Ci learned that the other party was called Kevin. Shao Ci didn't have much impression of this name, and he probably didn't appear in the original text.

Kevin is a very easy-going person. When he saw Shao Ci injured, he stuffed him with a bottle of healing potion, and when he applied it on the wound, the wound healed quickly.

Meeting such a kind person, Shao Ci's heart was relieved. He was really worried about meeting a companion like last time. Looking at the carpet that had been corroded by monsters before, Shao Ci couldn't help but ask about it. Monster thing.

Kevin said: "In the setting of this dungeon, these monsters need to be smeared with holy water on their weapons to kill them."

Shao Ci: "...So that's how it is." It's that holy water again. Didn't Uitt say that this thing is very rare before, but now it looks like a bad street.

However, such a setting really gave Shao Ci a headache... Originally, he wanted to kill more monsters to get points, but now it seems that he should not think about it.

"I found a bottle of holy water in the cell where I stayed before, so I can deal with these monsters." Kevin always looked very indifferent, and it was easy to calm down when he was by his side. He said softly, "But there is only one bottle, and it can only be used on weapons like bows and arrows."

Then there was a strong collision sound from the wooden door on the side, apparently all the monsters in the dungeon woke up.

Even for this thick wooden door, under such an impact, there was a sound of being overwhelmed.