Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 101: Holographic Tour (8)


Shao Ci's face turned pale immediately, thinking of the monsters he saw in the dungeon before, if so many monsters rushed out, even if Kevin had holy water, there would be nothing he could do.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw Kevin staring at the map.

At this moment of crisis, the other party also looked very indifferent, as if he didn't feel nervous at all, as if he was not in an ancient castle full of monsters.

Shao Ci: "..." But this is the right mentality to play the game, and everyone else can clearly realize that this is just a game.

But for Shao Ci, this kind of holographic game is almost as good as the real one... And he has traveled through so many worlds, sometimes he feels like he has come to a real world in the game.

... Sure enough, his mentality in playing games is wrong.

Shao Ci reflected in this way.

"Aren't you leaving now?"

When Shao Ci reacted, he saw Kevin smiling and looking at him, and quickly said, "Of course we have to go."

As they spoke, the two ran towards the side of the corridor,

Almost the moment the two ran to the side corridor, there was the sound of the door being broken behind them, and the roar of monsters. Fortunately, the speed of those monsters was quite slow, and it was impossible to catch up.

The two of them slowed down and noticed what was around them by the way.

The carpets in the corridor looked a bit old, they were full of dust, and walking on them raised a layer of dust.

There are torches hanging at a distance in this corridor, and the color of the torches is also faint blue, which looks very strange. After approaching, I don't feel the heat, but it has a bit of coolness.

Shao Ci felt that it might be difficult to see normal colored flames in these dungeons (.

Shao Ci thought about the opponent's actions just now, and said, "Have you memorized the map yet?"

Kevin nodded, "Almost."

Shao Ci: "..." Wow, this should have some kind of photographic memory skills, that's great.

[Current task: Make peace with others.]

The system suddenly prompts.

It stands to reason that most players will appear together in one location, but this time the beginning is scattered because of the nature of some role-playing.

The dungeon in this castle is divided into quite a few parts, and it seems that the owner of the castle distinguishes them according to the strength of the monsters.

Thinking about it now, I feel a bit of a headache, how to find other people in such a big castle.

Fortunately, the system is much more reliable than Shao Ci thought.

If Shao Ci wanted to go in another direction, he would hear the system prompt 'You can't go that way now', and if he wanted to open the door on the side, he would hear 'Now is not the time to do this'.

Under such circumstances, even a fool can find teammates under the guidance of the system.

After passing through the long corridor, the two heard the sound of some fighting, pushed open a door, and saw three people fighting with several monsters in the dungeon below.

Logically speaking, these monsters were definitely not the opponents of these three people, but because they couldn't kill them no matter what, they fell into a hard fight.

When Kevin saw this, he immediately took out his longbow. This was the first time Shao Ci saw his weapon. The longbow had exquisite carvings, and there were faint light spots around it. It was not an ordinary weapon at a glance.

And his hand was even more slender and slender, with a faint spot of light reflecting on that extremely beautiful face, for a moment Shao Ci felt as if he had seen some kind of elf.

When using the weapon, Kevin's expression suddenly became much colder. The moment his hand pressed the longbow, a shining arrow condensed on it, and the arrow was dipped in the holy water. Zhan, he shot it directly, and then shot a few arrows one after another without stopping.

These few arrows hit the weak point of those monsters. Almost before those people could react, the monsters wailed and dissipated into light spots.

Shao Ci: "!!" He's so handsome!

Although this weapon must have its own life force, it really feels so powerful when you look at it this way.

Shao Ci looked down at the kitchen knife in his hand again... for a moment he was speechless.

When can he change his weapon? Anything is better than this kitchen knife!

The few people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and came here.

One of them looked haughty, and he glanced over with a very cold attitude, while the other two seemed to be looking forward to it.

Shao Ci secretly checked the other party's information.

Although those whose level is much higher than him cannot be seen, but some people will open up the setting information, and this person in front of him is also.

When I saw the other party's name, Shao Ci, I remembered it. This person named Ailun was also described in the original text, and he was a person who ranked in the top few thousand on the ranking list. After all, the number of players in this game is extremely large, and the first few thousand players are already powerful characters.

The other two are quite ordinary, like passers-by, and their names basically don't make any impression.

After hearing Kevin's name, none of them responded. After all, they had never heard of it before. Only one person frowned slightly, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember it.

It's just that Kevin Lu's move just now made those two people feel a little in awe of him.

As for Shao Ci, who has no sense of existence and looks very salty, he is naturally ignored by others.

Then the few people exchanged the information they got. When they came to the game, they were locked together in a relatively large dungeon, and there was a lot of information in it, and they encountered these monsters after they came out.

I don't know what the owner of the ancient castle was thinking. He actually put these materials directly in the dungeon, as if he wanted others to see them.

From the information you have seen, you can almost piece together the story of this dungeon.

Probably the owner of some ancient castle used a forbidden technique that can resurrect the dead that he found somewhere in order to resurrect his dead lover.

I don't know how many years have passed since then, and the owner of the castle is probably not human anymore.

Shao Ci: "..." I feel like I can make up all kinds of bloody plots in minutes.

But even if the owner of this ancient castle is miserable, he is already mentally ill after killing so many people and creating so many monsters because of this kind of thing, or he is a lunatic in the first place.

But after the five people reconciled, the reconciliation task directly indicated that it had been completed.

One person suddenly asked in doubt: "Is there another one?" Everyone knows that six people must gather together to sacrifice.

Allen snorted coldly: "Who knows, he might be dead, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all."

Shao Ci: "..." No, this clearly feels very problematic!

It's just that Shao Ci himself couldn't guess anything...

[Current task: Obtain the key to the hall and successfully enter the hall.]

[Sub-quests: Successfully obtain holy water, the more holy water people get, the more points they will get.]

Hearing the points, everyone was immediately refreshed.

It seems to be a little bit stronger. The goal of playing the dungeon is not only to clear the level, but also to get more points. No points to save trouble.

And this task also proves that there is still quite a lot of holy water in this dungeon. Maybe it will be a lot of points at that time, which is better than clearing the advanced dungeon.

What's more, holy water is still a very precious item. If you get more holy water, you will have a chance to get holy water when you leave the game, and you can sell a lot of points.

Allen walked up to Kevin immediately and snorted coldly, "You have holy water in your hand, hand it over quickly."

He is very confident in his own strength, if it wasn't for lack of holy water before, he wouldn't be in such a mess.

Besides, this guy who has never heard of it, if you think about it, you will know that it is not very good, and it is more reliable to give things to yourself.

"Oh?" Kevin smiled immediately, looking gentle, but his light blue eyes seemed to be frozen.

An invisible pressure made Alan feel chills all over his body, and he couldn't help shivering. He swallowed back the threatening words he was about to say, and said in a cold voice: "Forget it, your weapon is quite suitable for this holy water. Not the kind of person who will force others, let you use it now."

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, I'm so embarrassed to say such a thing.

Afterwards, everyone discussed how to find it, and finally decided to search around. After all, there should be a lot of holy water in this dungeon.

After checking in the dungeon, a bottle of holy water was found in a cabinet, which was naturally taken away by Allen.

After that, several people came to the first floor.

In fact, although the castle is large, many rooms have been abandoned, and the doors cannot be opened at all.

The doors leading to the hall and the second floor have been completely locked, and cannot be opened by brute force, and can only be entered after finding the key.

When searching around, I found a few bottles of holy water, which were basically occupied by Alan. The other two didn't dare to offend him at all, so they could only hide them secretly when they found them next time.

And there were a few monsters encountered along the way, all of which were dealt with directly by Allen. Now he has no shortage of holy water at all, and he is lavish in using it.

After passing a corner, a two-meter-high statue appeared in front of everyone. It was a hideous human figure with a weapon in one hand and a gun in the other outstretched hand. key.

"That is definitely the key to the hall."

Everyone knew this well, but no one dared to step forward, fearing that the statue would suddenly move. After all, how could things be so simple.

At this time, those who went up must be cannon fodder. Everyone was looking at Shao Ci, but Kevin kept Shao Ci behind him quietly.

Alan didn't dare to confront this ignorant Kevin, so he patted the shoulder of the person beside him, "Don't you have the ability to accelerate? Now you can just grab the key and run away?"

The man shrank suddenly, obviously a little scared, but under Alan's threatening eyes, he had no choice but to stand up and walk slowly in front of the statue.

Then he grabbed the key, and his speed was astonishingly fast in an instant, and he was about to escape.

But at the next moment, an invisible force pressed on this person, causing him to fall to the ground directly.

And the statue behind him has moved slowly, raising the weapon in his hand.

The man immediately looked at Allen with help-seeking eyes. He seemed to be completely unable to move, and he couldn't even take out his weapon.

"What are you afraid of, isn't it just a statue?" Allen looked indifferent, and then an arrow brushed past his ear, and suddenly pierced the statue's body, but it didn't even leave a mark. The body instantly turned into a light spot and dissipated.

Kevin put away his longbow and shook his head.

"You do it..." Allen was about to get angry, but when he saw the end of the arrow, he was shocked. With his strength, he could feel the power of the arrow just now, but he couldn't even break the defense , it seems that the defensive power of this statue is amazing.

Allen has some big moves, but they are only prepared to use them at critical times. How can they be used at this time? It is just to save others.

Then Allen stepped forward suddenly, and in the expectant eyes of the other party, directly snatched the key from the other party's hand, and then retreated quickly, as if he was afraid of being affected.

A few people looked at him in astonishment, and Allen immediately snorted coldly, "What's so interesting, that statue is definitely not something we can deal with, we might as well run away if we have this time. Besides, this is just a game anyway, die again and again It won’t happen, if you don’t have this strength, you deserve to die.”

Anyway, Allen also believed that the trash would not dare to retaliate against him, so he quickly fled forward after speaking.

After the key was snatched away, the statue suddenly went berserk. He raised his weapon and stabbed at the man below. The man was pierced through his body without even a chance to resist. Finally, he glanced at Alan's face with resentful eyes. Back, the body turned into light spots and dissipated.

The statue chased after it with a weapon, its speed was very slow at first, but then it got faster and faster.

"Damn it." The other person also knew his own strength, and hurriedly fled in the direction of Allen. Although Allen did this kind of thing, the other party has strong strength, and it is obviously much safer to follow the other party.

Shao Ci ran away a long time ago, but his physical strength was low, and he became out of breath after a while. After all, his level was too low and he didn't have much physical strength.

At this time, the sound of chasing was obviously getting closer, and Shao Ci felt that he must be finished.

Seeing this, Kevin on the side asked softly, "Do you need my help?"

Of course Shao Ci nodded, and looked over gratefully, this is really a good person... and the next moment he was hugged by the other party.

Shao Ci: "... ??" Wait, what kind of stamina potion did he think it was for

Seeing Shao Ci's astonished expression, Kevin smiled apologetically, "Time is tight now, so it's faster to do this. I'm sorry if I offend you."

"No, it's okay..." Shao Ci said quickly, "It's because I'm too weak that I bothered you."

After being picked up by Kevin, Shao Ci realized how terrifying the other person's physical strength was. He didn't even need to take a breath while holding a person. After crossing a corner, he quickly pushed open the door of a room, and then Close the door and put Shao Ci down.

This room is obviously much more complete than the other rooms, with desks and chairs, and a very dilapidated sofa next to it.

Shao Ci: "This room is..."

"It's the study marked on the map." Kevin said, "I think there should be something important here."

"Why didn't you say it before that?" Shao Ci was a little puzzled.

"Of course I don't want to tell those people." Kevin smiled slightly, and he completely showed his dislike for others.

But Shao Ci can also understand, like that Allen, if it were him, he wouldn't want to share what he knew with the other party.

And there was a violent movement of a giant stepping on the ground outside, and then the sound gradually died down, probably walking directly past.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the desk, saw the notes on the desk, and felt a little excited.

Sure enough, he prefers to read this kind of information than fighting with monsters and the like, and he feels a sense of mystery-like comfort when solving all the problems.

But he likes to watch other people solve puzzles, and it would be terrible if he had to do it himself... Shao Ci is not good at this type of puzzle at all! He's the kind of person who can't be bothered to play love games without reading the strategy.

After opening the note, Shao Ci's eyes were dark, and then a black and white picture appeared.

Shao Ci: "... hey." This should be the memory kill that occasionally appears in the dungeon, for the convenience of reflecting the plot or something.

And this black and white picture is also very recognizable.

Shao Ci felt that he was possessed by someone, but like watching a movie, he could only watch everything in front of him, but could not do anything.

The scene at this time is obviously the hall of the ancient castle. The hall is quite large, the floor is covered with luxurious carpets, there are stairs leading to the second floor on both sides, and a huge statue of God is placed in the middle.

This person was obviously seriously injured, he came here in a hurry, his vision kept shaking, Shao Ci could hear his heavy breathing, and the ground was still dripping with blood.

The next moment, it was dark again, and after an unknown period of time, he saw the scene again vaguely. This person seemed to have fallen on the ground, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the statue of a god close at hand, and the scene around him. There are several dead bodies lying around.

Shao Ci: "..." So this is the memory of the person who was sacrificed before

And beside the corpse, stood a person.

Because this person's vision is extremely blurred, he can't see that person's appearance at all, and can only vaguely see that the other person is a tall and slender young man.

And the young man noticed that this person was still alive, and immediately walked over.

Then the picture went dark again, and the sound of a sharp weapon piercing his body rang out in Shao Ci's ears, and it rang several times. It was almost imaginable that the owner of the ancient castle killed the sacrifice with a blank face.

And all this is not over yet. After the person died, the picture instantly changed to looking down, as if looking down from the perspective of God.

It can be seen that several corpses are placed in front of the statue, the ground is full of blood, and there is an extremely complicated magic circle on the ground.

And the owner of the castle couldn't see clearly all the time. His body was covered with blood. When he lowered his head and did something, the magic circle lit up, and the surrounding corpses also shriveled up quickly under the action of the magic circle. Get sucked dry.

Then, the master seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised his head.

Shao Ci suddenly woke up at this moment, the notebook was still in front of him.

"Huh—" Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, was that the scene of a certain sacrifice just now

Shao Ci turned his head and saw Kevin looking thoughtful, and said, "Did you see it too? The scene just now."

"I saw it too." Kevin nodded and said, "We won't let us see these pictures for no reason, I'm afraid there will be a place to use the magic circle later."

Shao Ci: "...wait a minute, that magic circle... I've almost forgotten it." It's better to say that he didn't even think about remembering the content of that complicated magic circle!

Normal people can't remember this kind of thing at once...!

"It's okay." Kevin comforted softly, "I will remember."

Shao Ci: "Oh, yes..." Kevin has a photographic memory. Now that there are so many people in this dungeon, maybe everyone needs to help each other.

Then he remembered the man who was cheated to death by Allen... maybe there are a few more who are going to die.

For some reason, Shao Ci still trusts Kevin, probably because the other party has such a natural temperament, and he looks very reliable... at least much more reliable than that Allen.

And Shao Ci continued to look at the notes on the table. The first page of the notes said that he could not read them.

Shao Ci: "..." What the hell, after seeing these three words, I can't help but open it, especially in this kind of background, even if I want to die, I can't help but want to read it!

Then Shao Ci simply wanted to turn to the next page, and the system sent a prompt [a mysterious force prevents you from opening the note].

Shao Ci: "!!" I really can't read it... In this way, I feel that the content in this notebook must be very powerful. It should be something that can be used to save lives at critical times. Maybe it is used to deal with the boss. .

Shao Ci immediately put away the notebook carefully, for fear of accidentally losing it.

After putting away the notebook, he saw a piece of paper under it, on which was written in beautiful fonts, 'When he is looking at you, don't look back'.