Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 111: Virtual world (18)


Shao Ci's body became stiff for a while, he didn't want to meet Xavier at all!

I don't know how long it has been since he left the game, but now Xavier looks a little bigger than before, like seventeen years old.

At the next moment, the golden silk thread entangled again, entangled Shao Ci's body, and Xavier said in an apologetic voice, "Actually, I don't want to do this to my father, but if I don't do anything, if you leave again So what to do."

Shao Ci gritted his teeth and said, "...what do you want to do now."

"I just want my father to be with me." Xavier said, picked up Shao Ci, and walked to the side.

Only then did Shao Ci discover that this place was near the restaurant where he had brought Xavier to eat before.

But there was no dead body in this restaurant, it was empty, not even bloodstains, such an abnormality made Shao Ci a little concerned.

Even if you manipulate the corpses to clean them yourself, it's impossible to be so clean... Or is it that Xavier didn't use the method in the hall when killing people here

Xavier also chose the place last time to sit down, hugged Shao Ci in his arms (now he is taller than Shao Ci, he can do this step), smiled and said: "I have always been want to do something like this.”

Shao Ci found that Xavier's personality has become more mature with the growth of appearance... But he actually still likes the innocent Zhengtai he met at the beginning!

"In the past, I always thought that my father was very tall, but now I realize that the unexpected one is quite weak." Xavier said so, lowering his head and rubbing against Shao Ci, "But with me here, my father doesn't have to worry about any accidents."

Shao Ci: "..." You are the biggest accident, okay? !

After that, Xavier actually ordered food in a decent manner, and Shao Ci was really entangled in where did the people on this spaceship, which was estimated to be dead, come from to make food for him.

Soon, the food was brought up by robot attendants.

Looking at these delicious food, Shao Ci has no appetite at all. After all, he has no taste at all.

Xavier ate a piece of this world's specialty, and then stuffed the snack into Shao Ci's mouth.

It was already like this, Shao Ci had to bite the bullet and eat the food, but it was still completely tasteless like before.

"Now I can take care of my father like my father took care of me." Xavier said.

Shao Ci: "!" What is the plot of such a mysterious father-son relationship... Forget it, at least there is no life-threatening right now.

It's just that he always feels that something is wrong, and everything around him seems to be particularly inconsistent.

Seeing Xavier happily eating food, another memory suddenly flooded into Shao Ci's mind.

It seemed to be some research institute's report, which stated that the experimental subjects could only absorb mental power and special food to maintain their lives, and could not eat ordinary human food, otherwise the body would have a strong discomfort reaction.

This memory was read in an instant. Although it was brief, the amount of information was not usually large.

Shao Ci almost subconsciously confirmed that the experimental subject mentioned in the report was Xavier, so if he can eat human food like this now, did he evolve later...

But Shao Ci always felt that it was not that simple. Suddenly, he remembered.

Since the previous world of the abandoned spaceship could be a virtual world created with Xavier's spiritual power, then this it also created by the other party

After all, no matter how powerful Xavier is, it would be too much to kill a boatload of people so easily (even in the original text, Jiang Qinghan took a long time to kill the npc), and there is a restaurant like this that is too clean, All the details seemed to tell him that this was indeed the case.

No wonder the main line of the previous system was to escape, if you don't leave here, it's really not safe.

So... how should he leave

Shao Ci didn't know much about the spiritual power of this dungeon, but if he thought about it with his toes, he would know that staying in a spiritual world controlled by others must be at the mercy of others.

Shao Ci, who was thinking about things, suddenly felt a heat on his neck, and the necklace on it was glowing, and at the same time, it was emitting a strong heat, which felt like burning his skin even through his clothes.

Shao Ci: "???" Wait, he didn't control the necklace, why did he suddenly... Could it be said that this is the legendary backlash? But this is obviously not a demon dungeon!

When Shao Ci was stunned, the necklace became hotter and hotter, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. The next moment, this force suddenly spread, and it actually isolated everything around him.

Whether it was the table of food or Xavier sitting next to him, it seemed that there was a world apart, and he couldn't even hear the other party's voice.

Shao Ci suddenly opened his eyes, and subconsciously stroked the necklace on his chest, but he didn't feel any heat.

He sat up, feeling covered in cold sweat.

Looking at the surrounding environment again, this is a place like a laboratory, and he is still wearing the clothes of a researcher, and there are several people lying around.

Shao Ci understood instantly, "I'm already out?" I didn't expect the necklace to have such a function besides protecting the body...

Shao Ci checked the bodies of several people around him, and the result was that they were already dead.

Shao Ci stood up and found a lot of research materials around. Due to time constraints, he asked the system to conduct a unified test and tell him the approximate results.

Such a trouble-saving function can not be used casually, and there are several specific conditions, and these conditions are just right now.

After digesting the news from the system, Shao Ci finally understood the truth of everything.

Although some of the information seen from that spaceship was true, some of it was false.

This world is indeed a world where most people have no spiritual power, and humans with spiritual power are regarded as aliens, and even burned to death as monsters in a few places.

Shao Ci couldn't help thinking about the real world. Before everyone had spiritual power, he didn't know if such a thing happened.

The place where Shao Ci works is a research institute, and the background behind it seems to be some nobles, who study how to use spiritual power to enjoy themselves.

There are many people with spiritual power imprisoned in this research institute, who have been used to do various experiments, and have achieved some results, such as using spiritual power to cast hallucinations and the like (although I don’t know how it is done, in short it is successfully researched).

And no one cares about this kind of thing in this country. After all, most people are afraid of these existences with spiritual power, and don't even regard each other as their own kind.

At this time, they received a young man with extremely powerful mental power.

The mental strength of this young man was almost the sum of the others, and he was extremely smart, he could never forget everything, and for a while, the people in the institute felt that they had found hope.

Then they decided to use the mental power of teenagers to build a stable virtual world, and then connect those nobles to have fun.

To build such a world requires a lot of knowledge, so the people in the research institute have learned a lot of knowledge for the young man. Of course, they think that it is impossible for the other party to escape if he is locked in the research institute, no matter how much he knows. It doesn't matter.

But the truth is, they capsized...

After possessing a lot of knowledge, the boy was still very well-behaved, so he didn't attract the attention of others.

And the virtual world constructed by the young man is already extremely perfect, and even tested many times without any problems, so this time finally invited a few nobles to enjoy it.

However, this time, not only those few nobles, but even the entire research institute entered the virtual world uncontrollably. They even lost their memories of the past, thinking in a daze that they were in reality.

That's the truth of everything.

That boy was without a doubt... Xavier.

Shao Ci was in a complicated mood. Fortunately, according to the information, in order to limit Xavier's power, Xavier in that world is very weak and has no other memories. This barely comforts Shao Ci, at least the lady he met at the beginning It's not black and white.

Looking at the other people on the ground, they must have died in the virtual world. It is estimated that Xavier hated the entire research institute... Except for him, I am afraid that there is no living person in the research institute.

And Shao Ci thought about the reason why he didn't die. Could it be that he protected Xavier at the beginning and gained his favor

The next moment, the automatic door of this room opened automatically, and a figure appeared behind the door.

That was Xavier. He still looked like he was seventeen years old in the virtual world. His appearance was the same as in the virtual world. He was smiling and looking at Shao Ci, "Father, you are awake."

Now being called that by Xavier again, Shao Ci feels very subtle.

"I originally thought that I could stay together forever in that world." Xavier said, "But it's a pity, if you're already awake, you already know everything."

Shao Ci took a few steps back subconsciously, "Yes, I know everything..."

"In this case, there is no way." Xavier seemed to be thinking about something, "Then let me swallow my father...? In this way, we can become one, and the consciousness of my father will always be in my body." alive in the spiritual world."

"Hey!" Shao Ci knew that things would not be so good, and it really developed to the point where he is not dying.

The next moment, Xavier took a step.

Shao Ci suddenly felt that his feet were entangled, and when he looked down, he realized that it was entangled by golden threads. His expression changed immediately, "Can you summon such a thing in reality?"

"Father, what do you think?" Xavier smiled slightly, "Maybe just now, you entered my spiritual world again?"

Shao Ci's face turned pale in an instant, and the next moment, the golden thread quickly entangled him, and Xavier had already walked in front of Shao Ci.

He sighed, reached out and hugged Shao Ci, "Father, don't be afraid, everything will be over soon..."

Shao Ci: "..." I'm going to eat bento and I'm not afraid of how it's possible!

The other party directly bowed his head and kissed. At this moment, Shao Ci instantly felt the existence of the other party's spiritual power.

It was a golden extremely powerful spiritual power, the most powerful Shao Ci had ever seen so far, transformed into countless silk threads and forced towards his spiritual power like this.

A tingling sensation came from Shao Ci's mind, he gritted his teeth, if it is in terms of mental strength, no one can be stronger than him.

And he is not as good as Xavier, but his mental power is too scattered, so he retreats steadily under the opponent's offensive.

If he can manipulate this mental power more freely, just like the other party...

Shao Ci was thinking hard about how to condense his mental power. What he used to know was to form the mental power into a rough shape to attack the opponent, but this was not enough. It was still too loose compared to the opponent's free-wheeling mental power threads.

It's just that no matter how hard Shao Ci tried, these spiritual powers would fall apart as soon as they were touched, like mud that was barely squeezed.

Suddenly, Shao Ci thought, isn't all these spiritual powers his own? Why should he manipulate it like an external object? As long as he wants to, he should be able to do it.

In the next moment, Shao Ci's spiritual power suddenly turned into thousands of blue silk threads, which suddenly entangled the other party's golden silk threads. For a moment, the spiritual power of the two formed a sense of confrontation.

But if this continues, Shao Ci, who is more mentally powerful, will be able to persist until the end.

Shao Ci did not have the situation just now, he opened his eyes, and looked at the person in front of him while maintaining his mental strength.

Xavier also opened his eyes. He looked at Shao Ci and sighed softly, "It seems that I'm still going to lose."

"You..." Shao Ci wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

"It's okay." Xavier said: "Even if I can't swallow my father, then... just let my father swallow me?"

Shao Ci: "Wait?" What are you thinking

"As long as I can stay with my father forever, that's enough." Xavier smiled lowly, with blood flowing from his mouth.

"Why did you do this to such an extent..." Shao Ci was stunned for a moment.

At the same time, his mental power suddenly scattered, and he gave up resisting, and was directly swallowed by Shao Ci's spiritual power.

These things happened almost instantly, and before Shao Ci could react, the young man in front of him turned pale and fell into his arms exhausted.

Shao Ci looked down at him, knowing that Xavier would not live long, and sighed in his heart, just like facing him when he was a child in the past, he reached out and rubbed the top of the other's hair.

Xavier's pale cheeks suddenly turned slightly red. He still remembered what happened on the spaceship before. At that time, his father also protected him, cared for him, held his hand, and fed him. with food.

Even if all this is just the behavior of the other party after losing his memory. But what happened at that time was indeed his happiest time in the past ten years. Although there is no blood relationship between the two people,

If only I could stay there forever... But now, there is no turning back.

"Father..." Xavier looked at Shao Ci with sparkling eyes, reached out to touch Shao Ci's cheek, and said with some difficulty: "... I really still... like you the most..."

After the words fell, his body seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and turned into countless light spots, which dissipated in Shao Ci's arms.

[Successfully defeat the boss and complete the current copy.]

The sound of the game system sounded, the surrounding environment went dark for an instant, and a door to leave the dungeon appeared in front of him.

Although he won, Shao Ci couldn't feel happy, he always felt very heavy.

Obviously he has traveled through so many worlds, and this is just one of the copies in so many worlds, but he can't just see Xavier as some kind of npc...

Pushing open the door in front of him, Shao Ci once again returned to the previous white space, much closer to the throne.

The silver-haired young man looked at Shao Ci, "It seems that you are very tired?"

"It's okay..." Shao Ci has experienced several worlds, encountered so many bad things and all kinds of black captivity, and now his psychological quality is not comparable to that of the past, and he soon cheered up.

"If it's you, you can choose to give up now." The silver-haired young man smiled slightly, "I still admire you, if you give up, I can make you my subordinate."

Shao Ci: ", are you serious?"

How can such an unscientific suggestion be said? This kind of central computer villain boss should be very disdainful to human beings, how could he suddenly want to accept a human being as a younger brother, even if he accepts it, he will accept the original male lead... I guess he is lying to himself.

The next moment, one hand grabbed Shao Ci's sleeve, Shao Ci turned around in astonishment, and saw a seven or eight-year-old gentleman appearing behind him at some point, this gentleman was completely a miniature version of the silver-haired youth.

He threw himself directly into Shao Ci's arms, looked at Shao Ci with his big blue eyes, and said in a childish voice, "As long as you are my man, you don't have to continue risking your life to make dungeons."

Shao Ci: "!" What the hell, he even conjured up a handsome lady to show off his cuteness, so sinister... Damn it.

This is indeed a very tempting condition. To be honest, if he didn't know the plot, Shao Ci would have gone to be the other party's younger brother... Anyway, he is not a particularly moral person.

But Shao Ci knows the plot, if he becomes the younger brother of the villain boss now, he will die right after the ending.

"I'm very sorry." Shao Ci said: "I think I still want to continue the previous test."

In fact, I really don't want to, but there is no other way to go!

Zhengtai immediately pursed her mouth, as if she was about to cry, but the silver-haired young man didn't care, and said with a smile, "I hope you won't regret it. Then, goodbye."

As soon as his words fell, the ground turned into water again as before. Shao Ci, who had experienced it once, no longer panicked like last time, and his figure was swallowed by the water like this.

To be honest, after experiencing the last world, Shao Ci was very curious about what would happen to the dungeon he had cleared so that he could do it again.

Soon, the scene in front of Shao Ci brightened up, but this time he was looking at the situation in front of him from a first-person perspective, and he could not manipulate his body. He could only understand information from what other people said.

This is a castle, which was originally a vacation place for a certain nobleman. I don't know when that noble family lived here for a long time.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Shao Ci soon knew that he had come to Kevin's dungeon, and looking at the current situation, it seemed that it was more than a hundred years earlier than the timeline of the previous dungeon

This nobleman has a wife and three sons. His wife is weak and sick, but the two eldest sons are extremely healthy, while the youngest son is sick due to premature birth. He can't even stand on his legs. Therefore, he was disliked by his father.

What bothered Shao Ci the most was that the youngest son's name was Kevin... In all likelihood, this guy was the Kevin he knew.

It seems that when we met, he told himself his real name.

So, he came to the timeline when Kevin was still a human being

And Shao Ci's body is the servant of this castle. From the first-person perspective, Shao Ci met the butler, and was then ordered by the other party to take care of the young master.

Because the young master is weak and unfavored, it has nothing to do with the money to take care of him, and few servants are willing to take care of him, so Shao Ci, a newcomer, was assigned this task.

The butler asked a servant to lead Shao Ci to a very remote room in the castle.

The servant said a lot of nonsense along the way. Of course, Shao Ci didn't think it was nonsense. This is very important information about this dungeon.

Moreover, Shao Ci also noticed that there is still the statue of the evil god in the hall, but he can't manipulate this body now, and he can't ask a few more questions.

After opening the door, Shao Ci took control of this body, and he looked at the scene in the room with a delicate mood.

This room can't be said to be shabby, but it's far from luxury. It can be said that it's just a bad room. The windows are tightly closed, and the scenery outside is all withered trees. It just feels gloomy.

The room was very dark, and a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy was lying on the bed.

His appearance is very different from the Kevin Shao Ci knew, but he is also very delicate, but he looks very weak.

This moment reminded Shao Ci of the Duke Stuart he met in the first dungeon, but the treatment of Duke Stuart was much better than Kevin, at least he could kill the servant if he wanted to, and he could do whatever he wanted Well... and now that Kevin doesn't even have a boss, it's a sharp contrast.

According to what the central computer said, the boss of the dungeon must be killed to pass the level again.

But how could Shao Ci get his hands on this sick and weak boy in front of him... Besides, everything has not been investigated clearly, and doing it casually may lead to very bad results.

In short... let's just be a servant here first.