Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 115: Virtual world (22)


How could it be possible for Shao Ci to be knocked out by him? He had noticed it when Kevin made a move.

Anyway, Shao Ci was a little bit wary of Kevin, and immediately used his mental power at that time, and what Kevin saw after that was naturally hallucinations.

Originally, Shao Ci was still shocked and angry, thinking that Kevin was going to do something to him... But Kevin actually did something... He secretly kissed himself in the hallucination.

Shao Ci's mood was very complicated for a while, "..." This game is too gay.

But Shao Ci really wanted to know what Kevin wanted to do if he didn't run away and stay.

Soon, the housekeeper came to the room and took Kevin away.

And Kevin seemed to accept his fate, his expression didn't fluctuate at all.

Shao Ci quietly followed after they left, probably this time will be the last... He hasn't studied how to deal with that villain boss yet!

Hey, Shao Ci sighed, if it really doesn't work, he'll be tough. Fortunately, he still has a way out, and if it's over, he can still let the system save his soul.

This time the sacrifice was actually held directly in the hall where the statue of the evil god was placed.

At this time, all irrelevant people were kicked out, and many important people in the family were gathering in the hall.

Many people inside had expressions of surprise, as if they just knew about it, and Kevin's two older brothers were naturally among them.

After all, this is the most important sacrifice, and everyone must be present.

Richard was relieved. Fortunately, he didn't tell what happened before, otherwise it would not be the cripple but him who was sacrificed here today.

The head of the family walked up to Kevin, looked at his youngest child, and for the first time showed a bit of unbearable emotion, sighed, and said, "The family will remember your sacrifice."

Kevin's expression didn't change at all, but he sneered in his heart, what kind of family, he never regarded himself as a member of this family, if possible, it would be his ideal to let this family be destroyed.

A complicated magic circle had already been drawn on the ground, and there were still four or five corpses lying around, which were offerings to the evil god. The position of the magic circle is exactly the direction that the statue is facing, and Kevin was also pushed into it.

Shao Ci, who was hiding next to him, was startled. This scene has vaguely resembled the sacrificial offering in the later dungeons...

He also thought about whether he was going to stop it, but when he came to this hall, he felt a very familiar aura... Reason told him that if he went out now, he would definitely encounter very troublesome things, so he held back past impulses.

After all, Kevin is just an NPC in the dungeon. Even if I really can't bear him, there is nothing I can do for the sake of the overall situation.

"..." Kevin looked at the merciful statue in front of him, and felt more and more ridicule in his heart.

It was the god worshiped by this family that took everything from him, but now he can only rely on this god to obtain salvation.

As the magic circle lit up, black mist spread from around the formation, making the light in the entire hall extremely dim, and the statue of the evil god seemed a little more real.

Kevin felt the familiar coldness covering his body. This time was different from the past, and there would be no future... If it was for him before, it might not be a relief.

'It's really good material to be able to persist until now. '

The familiar voice sounded from his mind, Kevin gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want me to do?"

'You don't need to do anything. ’ The voice sounded again, ‘I just want to borrow your body for a while, if you can persist until the end of everything, then this body will return to you, and at the same time you can get eternal life and powerful strength, how? It's a good deal. '

Kevin naturally knew that there was no free lunch in the world, but he had no other choice right now, so he nodded of course.

The next moment, a force several times colder than before poured into the body, as if countless ice foam poured into the lungs between breaths, the body seemed to be frozen from the inside, every breath felt like the body was about to crack like this open.

Kevin was about to pass out like this, but he persisted abruptly. There is still something he hasn't done...

At this moment, he felt that the time had become extremely long, but the voices of the people around him became extremely clear. Even if he didn't want to listen, those words were still stuffed into his mind.

Looking at the young man who seemed to be in extreme pain, the people around only looked at him with indifferent eyes, as if they were looking at a dead person. Of course, in the eyes of their family, Kevin who was about to be completely sacrificed was indeed It is no different from the dead.

Richard chatted boredly with his elder brother next to him, "Speaking of which, after this cripple dies, I can catch his servant to play with."

"You have to be careful not to play to death." The other party obviously knew Richard's character, and said helplessly.

"Of course." Richard said: "It's a rare toy, no matter what, you have to stick to it for three or four months..."

Halfway through speaking, Kevin over there suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at his direction.

Richard was taken aback by the look in his eyes, and then became annoyed again in his heart. How could he be frightened by such a waste? If he hadn't kept Kai Wen for sacrifice now, he would have rushed to teach him a lesson.

But at the next moment, Kevin stood up abruptly. He turned around slowly, his eyes were extremely cold, his light blue eyes seemed to be shining in the dark hall, his whole body was surrounded by black mist, and his pale eyes The skin is in stark contrast.

At this moment, against the backdrop of the glowing magic circle on the ground and the god statue behind him, he felt somewhat inhuman.

Everyone was startled, and several of them stepped back in panic, and then someone suddenly said: "This is the manifestation of God!"

This reason was obviously much more credible, and everyone suddenly became more fanatical and knelt down towards the middle position.

Richard didn't believe it at all, but he was also forced to kneel down by the people on the side, still feeling a little resentful in his heart.

Shouldn't he die immediately after being sacrificed? What is it like to be possessed by a god and suddenly be respected by everyone? It's just a waste, can he stand his own kneeling

Richard was angry in his heart, but suddenly found that the other party seemed to be getting closer to him.

Fear suddenly surged in his heart, Richard raised his head uncontrollably, and met Kevin's eyes.

It's completely different from Kevin who cringed when he saw him before. This 'Kevin' in front of him is high above him, looking at him like an ant, as if he could easily be crushed to death with his hand.

And the next moment, the opponent's hand really pressed on his neck, and the cold touch was like ice.

"No—" Before Richard finished speaking, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up by the other party. He kept struggling and grabbed the other party's hand tightly, but he couldn't shake it.

The people around looked over in astonishment, but no one dared to stop them. Even the Patriarch and elder brother just retreated far away. The Patriarch just turned his head away when he saw Richard's eyes begging for help.

One child has already been sacrificed, so it doesn't matter if another one is sacrificed... Anyway, it is enough that the eldest son who is the heir is still alive.

Richard quickly understood what his father was thinking, and suddenly felt despair in his heart... He thought he still had some status in the family, but in the end he was also someone who could be sacrificed casually

He is not reconciled, he is not reconciled to just like this...

The next moment, 'Kevin' tightened his hands suddenly, and Richard's neck suddenly squeaked, blood foam splashed all around, and his head rolled directly to the ground.

The people around didn't even dare to breathe out. Seeing the current scene, those who were still a little skeptical immediately believed it. Can they still be ordinary people if they can do this

The head of the family also stepped forward tremblingly, "My lord, are you satisfied with these sacrifices?"

'Kevin' didn't answer, he just stood there quietly, when the people around him breathed a sigh of relief, countless black silk threads suddenly sprang out from the ground, entangled everyone, and there were endless screams for a while.

Shao Ci: "...!!" Ah, sure enough, things have developed to this extent.

It seems that the villain of this dungeon is really Kevin. If he really kills everyone here, things will definitely get out of hand.

Shao Ci bit the bullet and walked over.

'Kevin' turned his head, and seemed to be stunned for a moment when he saw him, and then he wanted to say something, but the next moment 'Kevin''s expression twisted, and he became expressionless again.

Shao Ci was relieved to see him like this. It seems that this body is only being manipulated by the evil god now, so it doesn't matter if he does it.

After taking out the dagger that was beneficial to dark creatures, Shao Ci suddenly stepped forward.

'Kevin' looked at the dagger in his hand with some apprehension, stretched out his hand, and countless silk threads gushed out from the ground, suddenly attacking Shao Ci.

When Shao Ci's mental power was fully activated, his skills were also a lot more agile, and he managed to avoid most of the attacks. If he couldn't avoid it, he used his own mental power to contend with the opponent.

In this way, it went smoothly all the way to the front of 'Kevin'.

The opponent's expression was obviously vigilant, and a long sword condensed from the black mist in his hand.

Shao Ci: "..." Damn it, he doesn't want to keep fighting with other people's long swords with a dagger like this!

The physical battle is still secondary, the main battlefield is still in the world of spiritual power, the two fought for a few rounds, Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if the strength of the villain boss has been limited after being possessed, but it is actually quite easy to deal with.

It can go on like this!

Shao Ci seized a gap, and used his mental power to spot the weak point of the opponent's body and was about to attack it.

Although he doesn't understand it very well, it seems that as long as he attacks there, the evil god can leave Kevin's body, and there is not a vital part of the body, and Kevin will still be able to survive.

But the next moment, when he attacked, the opponent suddenly dodged away, and at the same time, 'Kevin''s mental power and strength increased a lot, and he suppressed Shao Ci in an instant.

—This is still pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Shao Ci didn't react immediately, and was caught by the opponent to attack.

Seeing that the opponent's long sword was about to fall to his chest, Shao Ci suddenly remembered that he still had other props, so he quickly used the necklace on his neck, and the shield that symbolized safety suddenly formed around his body—

But at the moment of formation, the light of the shield suddenly changed from blue to red.

Shao Ci: "!!" Damn it! Could this be the legendary curse being triggered? ! Why such a coincidental timing!

This is indeed the case. After turning red, the shield shattered and did not resist a minute or a second at all, and the opponent's long sword took this opportunity to poke Shao Ci through. Feeling cold.

Shao Ci fell on the magic circle, feeling a great loss of vitality, and his body had no strength at all. He struggled to get up, but couldn't.

After all, his vitals have already been attacked. If he was placed in a normal dungeon, he would have already been kicked out... There is no way to attack others anymore.

Shao Ci: "!" If it wasn't for the damn necklace suddenly becoming useless at a critical moment, how could things have turned into this!

At this moment, there was a smile on the face of 'Kevin'. He reached out and picked up the necklace on Shao Ci's neck, and said for the first time since he possessed him, "It's really interesting. How can you be on your body? Where is my necklace...?"

Shao Ci: "...???" What, what?

Is the amount of information in this sentence too large? This evil god is the owner of the necklace? No, this necklace is a demon's necklace—wait

Shao Ci suddenly realized one thing. This evil god is only considered a god by these people. In fact, his real identity may indeed be a demon!

Even... it's the demon related to the first dungeon... so wouldn't it be equivalent to sending himself to die if he wears this necklace

Damn it, if he had noticed this earlier, he wouldn't have brought this necklace!

With all kinds of unwillingness, Shao Ci's vision went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

Feeling that the body of the person under him had become cold, 'Kevin' smiled slightly, and tore the necklace off the other party's neck directly, and then the necklace turned into countless light spots and dissipated in his hands.

"In this way, the goal has been achieved... If there is a chance, we should be able to meet soon."

After the words fell, Kevin fell directly to the ground and fell into a coma.

I don't know how long it took, he opened his eyes gently, covered his forehead that was still aching, and his body seemed to be drained of strength, but Kevin clearly felt that he had recovered his eyesight. control of the leg and the other hand.

Did he make it...

Everything just now seemed to be in a dream, he couldn't control his body at all, and then he killed Richard... father and others... and, and...

Kevin opened his eyes wide in astonishment, looking at the corpse lying not far away.

"!" Kevin couldn't believe what he saw, but the memory that vaguely appeared in his mind let him know that it was all true.

When he couldn't control his body, he... killed the most important person to him.

Kevin supported his weak body and couldn't stand up, so he crawled and moved towards that side with difficulty. The coldness of the floor didn't make him retreat in the slightest. Looking at the person lying on the ground over there, no matter what it is, there is no way for him to devote extra energy to pay attention to it.

When he finally touched the opponent's body, Kevin didn't know where the strength came from, and grabbed the opponent's hand.

But, it's so cold...

How can it be so cold.

It is obvious that Shao Ci's body is always warm, when he hugged him, when he gently stroked his hair.

"It's not shouldn't be like this..." Kevin covered his face, with bitter liquid dripping from his eyes, he whispered, "How could this could this be..."

It shouldn't be like this! It was his fault, it was because he was so selfish and insisted on keeping the other party by his side, which led to the current ending.

"The person who died, how could it be you... It is enough for me to die, I should have died..."

The next moment, he covered his forehead, and felt that a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind, all of which had never been touched before, and it would shock the world if he took it out casually, and could drive countless people crazy.

What the voice said was indeed correct. As long as he had these materials, he would indeed be able to gain eternal lifespan and powerful strength, but so what, without Shao Ci, what was the point of his living like this.

But after seeing one of the materials, his eyes lit up.

As long as he has this, with this ceremony, he will be able to revive his Shao Ci...

That's right, everything will become the same as before, and his ideal will definitely be fulfilled.

Kevin hugged the corpse in his arms tightly, his light blue eyes were shining, he lowered his head, and kissed the cold forehead of the cold corpse very reverently.

... We will meet again soon.

Shao Ci was in a daze, thinking of the plot just now, he suddenly realized that what he did seems to have really contributed to the plot of the later dungeon...

Obviously it's just a copy of the game!

The next moment, Shao Ci felt that he had regained control of his body, and opened his eyes.

He originally thought that he would be resurrected by the system on another person at random (just like in the world of interstellar Zerg), but then he found that he was still in the strange place where the central computer was located. in space.

Moreover, Shao Ci's current position was exactly opposite to the throne, and he was even sitting on a chair, facing the silver-haired young man face to face.

Shao Ci: "!!" It would be too sudden to not give him any preparation for this, it would be too sudden!

What's even more frightening is that the silver-haired, handsome central computer is sitting on his lap, hugging his waist and acting coquettishly... Is it because he has a better attitude towards Zhengtai

Even if Zhengtai is also the clone of the villain boss, he won't—well, Shao Ci has to admit that he does have a higher liking for the Zhengtai version of the central computer.

The silver-haired young man put down the chess piece in his hand, raised his head and looked at Shao Ci with a smile, "I'm really surprised, I didn't expect that in this world under my control, there are still people who want to get rid of my control, and I'm a little angry too .”

His tone was very wanton, as if he was talking to a friend, but the threatening meaning in it was quite obvious.

It seems that the behavior of transporting souls by the system has been discovered? Although it is unreliable to say this sentence, no matter how you think about it, it is reality!

"Then what do you want to do..." Shao Ci asked, "Kill me?" This kind of behavior, which can be called cheating, will be dead if it is discovered!

Shao Ci has already begun to think about whether the central computer is powerful or the system is powerful...

"No." The silver-haired young man shook his head, stood up suddenly, his face was much closer to Shao Ci, making Shao Ci subconsciously hold his breath, he stretched out his hand to lift Shao Ci's chin, and smiled in a low voice.

Shao Ci felt that he was not well.

"I'm still quite interested in you." The silver-haired young man leaned back on the throne with a lazy look, "So let me give you another chance."

The silver-haired lady rubbed against Shao Ci's chest, leaned into his ear and said, "Of course, if you want to stay, it's not impossible."

Shao Ci: "!" Damn it, he really wants to agree! It's so dangerous in the dungeon!

What's more, in this last dungeon, he probably will encounter that demon again... Thinking about it, it feels very troublesome, and he might hang up there again.

Thinking of the previous dungeon, Shao Ci still felt a little pain in his chest, but considering the ending, he could only grit his teeth and say, "I refuse."

Right now, I can only hope that Jiang Qinghan will upgrade soon! !

"I didn't expect you to be so determined." The silver-haired young man smiled slightly, "Then, goodbye... I hope you have such good luck this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the chair Shao Ci was sitting on disappeared without a trace, and he immediately fell into the floor like the surface of water.

The moment he fell into the pitch-black water, Shao Ci seemed to see someone in a daze, but the next moment he lost consciousness as before.