Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 117: Another world (1)


Grasping the silver-haired young man tightly, Shao Ci only wanted to hold him back and create opportunities for Jiang Qinghan.

But Shao Ci suddenly thought that he seemed to have to live until the end to bind Jiang Qinghan before he could leave...! It is impossible not to leave this virtual world, and his face instantly becomes ugly.

"You're really disobedient." The voice of the silver-haired young man came over, but without the expected anger, "But such an accident is kind of interesting. Let me see who you expect so much. What cards do you have?"

Jiang Qinghan was naturally not in this place, but he knew that this silver-haired young man was not as easy to deal with as the enemy in the past, and he had to deal with it quickly, otherwise he would fail what Shao Ci had done for him.


He won...

Blood gushed out from the wounds all over Jiang Qinghan's body, but he didn't notice it at all, thinking about it in a daze.

When he just fought, even though he had trapped the silver-haired young man in his own space, he could still feel the connection between the opponent's will and something outside. Jiang Qinghan kept manipulating the bloody thorns to attack those places.

And these also seem to have just poked at the opponent's weakness, making the opponent become a little anxious, and almost find his location.

At that time, Shao Ci also entangled the other party regardless of the danger of his life. After doing this, Jiang Qinghan finally cut off the connection between that guy and the outside world.

The next moment, the silver-haired youth suddenly disappeared, along with Shao Ci.

Jiang Qinghan came out in a hurry, but found that the space of this dungeon had already collapsed, and he could almost see the data flow in many places.

At this time, it is actually possible to choose to quit again. He stood up with difficulty, and he was still a little worried about Shao Ci, but in this situation, no matter how strong his mental strength is, he will not be able to find the other party. If he stays, he will only pay for it. This life.

Jiang Qinghan became more and more worried when he thought of the words that the silver-haired youth said when he held Shao Ci back.

In the dark hall, Shao Ci was kneeling on the ground exhausted, his body was entangled with countless silk threads, and he couldn't break free.

Although I don't know what the reason is, Jiang Qinghan's attack seems to have really had a powerful effect on the villain boss, causing the world of this game to collapse now.

After all, most of the games are maintained by the central computer.

"I didn't expect it to develop like this." Even at this time, the silver-haired young man still looks very indifferent, even his body has become translucent, and the flowing data can be seen in many places, "... but I I'm tired of it too, a life where nothing will change, maybe this ending is good for everyone."

Shao Ci: "..." That's right, normally there's no way to deal with the villain boss so easily, it's probably because the other party put water on it... Maybe there's also the influence of the protagonist's halo

"Of course, I don't care about other people, but you... can't leave." The silver-haired young man said so, pulled Shao Ci away, and reached out to caress his cheek, "After all, I still like you very much."

Shao Ci: "!" Fortunately, he felt that the other party was a bit miserable before, and of course Shao Ci didn't think that he could survive after doing that just now... But, but at least let him bind Jiang Qinghan before he dies, okay? !


Ever since that kind of thing happened in the previous days, everyone has been trembling. What was thought to be a great blessing to the family has now become a trouble.

If something really happened to Uitt with them, the entire Shao family would probably be over.

In the early morning of this day, when a waiter went to add nutrients to the nutrition cabin, he suddenly saw one of the nutrition cabins being pushed away, and immediately took a few steps back in fright.

I saw Jiang Qinghan, whose face was much paler, sitting up, looking at everything around him, and it took him a long time to realize that he had really left that virtual world.

He succeeded.

What about Shao Ci

Jiang Qinghan stood up suddenly, only to feel that his body was a little weak due to being inactive for too long.

At this time, the nutrition cabin on the side was also pushed away, and Uitt sat up, holding his forehead, as if his head was still in pain.

Jiang Qinghan's heart skipped a beat, even Uitt got up, but Shao Ci...

Uit also looked up, with a complicated expression on his face. When Jiang Qinghan was going to deal with that weird silver-haired young man, he didn't know why there were screens broadcasting what happened in that space everywhere they stayed, so most people knew that Jiang Qinghan and Shao Ci rescued him. took them.

At the same time, the situation is almost the same in other places, and many people who use the nutrition cabin have woken up. Of course, there are many people who never wake up again.

This incident dealt a huge blow to the entire empire, but they had to repair the central computer. After all, this was a matter of spiritual power, and they had to do it even if they knew it was dangerous.

And Jiang Qinghan has almost become a hero of the empire, but he doesn't care about those things now, he just looks at the nutrition cabin where Shao Ci is lying, and can't say a word for a long time.

Uitt also stood by.

In fact, the two of them almost understood that after such a long time, Shao Ci hadn't woken up yet, and probably couldn't wake up at all.

But he hasn't completely died yet, so it makes people feel that there is still a chance.

It was late at night soon, and the two of them had been guarding for a whole day. They were already mentally exhausted, but now they both fell asleep.

After they fell asleep, Shao Ci's nutrition cabin moved, and he sat up with difficulty.

... I thought I was going to die like this.

But fortunately, he has system protection, even if the opponent is a villain boss, he can't do anything, let alone in the situation where the whole space is about to collapse.

[Beep beep... A character with a higher force value was detected... According to the rules of the system, the attack target began to be replaced... After the replacement, the current attack target is Jiang Qinghan.]

After experiencing so many worlds in that dungeon, although it was dangerous, the effect was also very significant. Jiang Qinghan's mental power now surpassed that of Uitt.

[Daily task reset, the current task is [heal the target once], please come on host.]

Shao Ci also breathed a sigh of relief, the situation couldn't be better now, he grabbed Jiang Qinghan who was sleeping next to him, and imported his abilities.

After completing this daily task, the system immediately indicated that the task was completed and could be teleported away.

Shao Ci didn't know what would happen if he didn't die and was teleported, anyway, he wouldn't care about these things if he left.


In the drowsiness, Jiang Qinghan felt as if some warm power was surging from his body.

He opened his eyes subconsciously, and saw Shao Ci lying in front of his eyes. The other party seemed to be having some sweet dreams, and his expression was very relaxed.

Jiang Qinghan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and reached out his hand to secretly touch his cheek while the other was still asleep, but the place where his hand touched could only feel a piece of ice cold.

Shao Ci still had no idea what psychological shadow he might have caused the protagonist of the original text in the last world.

He has now been transported to a new world.

Shao Ci digested the plot given to him by the system. Is this a Western fantasy world? However, it is quite different from the last Western Fantasy World, and the plot is still the standard rpg plot of the brave man against the devil.

There are a considerable number of monsters and non-human races living on this continent, such as elves, dwarves, and so on. Some of them live in harmony with humans or do not interfere with each other, but most of the monsters still have an impact on human life. There are quite a lot of threats, and the biggest threat is naturally the devil.

As for the shape of these monsters, Shao Ci basically didn't pay attention to them. Anyway, isn't it just weird? The difference is just a high level and a low level.

Therefore, Wendell, the brave protagonist chosen by the gods, took the blessing of the temple, and thus embarked on the road of fighting monsters, upgrading, and finally killing the devil.

If it is a novel, in fact, the plot of this world is more like a game.

"Ah, isn't such a plot very good..." Shao Ci heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't bear the plot like the one in the previous world.

If he hadn't dressed up as an orphan in a slum in the capital...

The fucking Shao Ci simply suspects that the system has an enmity with him!

And as the protagonist, Wendell, his identity is completely extraordinary.

After all, not just anyone can become a brave man. The protagonist of this article, Wendell, was born in the noble Rodriguez family in this country. He has a handsome appearance, a gentle personality, blond hair and blue eyes, and he is a sixth-level swordsman at a young age. , can be said to be the dream lover of the girls in the capital.

And his character is quite perfect, there is no fault in his whole body, he is such a perfect existence, he is naturally a well-deserved brave man.

Shao Ci: "..." No, why is the existence of the rich and handsome who is usually cannon fodder in novels the protagonist!

If he is a thin orphan in a slum who can't get enough to eat, if he doesn't go on the road with the protagonist, he will definitely die if he runs out by himself!

Shao Ci gritted his teeth. Although his mental power and healing ability were useful, if he used them casually in this place, he would easily be taken to the temple as a heretic and burned to death.

... Hey, it would be much easier if you dressed as a temple priest.

[Actually, something went wrong during the teleportation, so the host's travel time has been advanced by seven or eight years.]

Shao Ci: "Huh?"

[Now the time jump function has not been repaired yet, it seems that you, the host, still have to stay in this time period for a while.]

Shao Ci: "!" Hey, this kind of thing will happen a second time... But it's okay, it's not like in the interstellar Zerg world, it's enough to advance until the protagonist is not even born.

Now that winter is about to pass, Shao Ci fell silent looking at the shabby slums and the straw as his bed.

... He might as well go get some good feelings now!


The luxurious carriage passed by the spacious avenue of the capital, and everyone avoided it when they saw the coat of arms on the body. This is the carriage of the Rodriguez family. No one dares to mess with the family.

But Shao Ci saw the opportunity, pretended to be chased and ran out, and then fell to the place where the carriage was going to pass.

Of course... He knew that the hero in the original text was a gentle and holy father, so he did this. If he changed his role, he wouldn't do it like this. Hey - after all, nobles with this kind of background will definitely run over people when they see someone blocking the road. of.

Shao Ci lay on the ground nervously, and if the carriage didn't stop, he would seize the time to run away.

Fortunately, the carriage stopped as he expected, and the groom seemed to want to curse angrily, but was stopped by others.

Then a young man got out of the car, followed by two guards, respectfully following beside the young man.

The young man has an appearance that can make people feel good at first sight, with golden hair like sunshine and eyes like the sea, he is looking at Shao Ci tenderly, against the light, he looks like he is surrounded by holy light, He stretched out his hand to Shao Ci, "Are you okay?"