Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 125: Another world (9)


"Are you okay?" A soft voice sounded.

The moment he heard that voice, Shao Ci felt dizzy in his mind, then raised his head to look up, saw the person in front of him, and asked in surprise: "Wendel...?"

The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes who was half-kneeling in front of him was undoubtedly Wendell.

But it's not right, obviously this place is... eh? what is this place

Shao Ci suddenly couldn't remember anything.

"I just left for a while, why are you hurt like this?" Wendell frowned, picked up Shao Ci from the ground, and put him on a chair beside him.

Shao Ci looked down in a daze, and saw that Wendell's body was covered with blood, and was startled immediately, "You are the one, why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

Is there such a powerful monster

Shao Ci hurriedly stretched out his hand to support the other party. Although he was a little puzzled, he quickly disappeared, as if he was forcibly ignored by some external factors.

Wendell sat directly beside him, reaching out to hold Shao Ci's hand, "My injury is nothing, as long as you are fine." When he lowered his head, there seemed to be a strange light flickering in his eyes.

Shao Ci didn't pay attention at all, and said: "There is no way to get hurt like this, let me treat it."

He had learned the healing technique in the temple in name, so he wasn't afraid of being caught wrong by using this ability.

"Thank you." Wendell reached out and stroked Shao Ci's hair.

Everything seems to be the same as before, nothing strange.

Shao Ci put his hand on the wound on the opponent's abdomen, and sent the supernatural power into the opponent's body, and the extremely terrifying wound healed in an instant.

But Wendell was stunned suddenly, as if meeting him for the first time, he glanced at Shao Ci several times.

"What's wrong? Is the injury still not healed?" This was the first time Shao Ci saw such a situation that his own ability could not solve.

… strangeness? It seems that from the very beginning, there is something particularly strange, what is it that he didn't notice

"It's okay." Wendell smiled, looked at Shao Ci's bloody feet with some distress, and said: "You are now worrying, the wound on your foot is so serious, why don't you treat yourself first Woolen cloth?"

"Of course it's because my ability can't... eh?" Shao Ci was stunned, obviously his ability was restricted before, but why was he able to use it just now.

He tried to use the ability to heal the wound on the sole of his foot, but the ability seemed to disappear, which was completely different from the situation when he used it smoothly just now.

When Shao Ci was stunned, Wendell squatted down, washed the wound on Shao Ci's foot with clean water, then wrapped it up with a clean cloth, and then said gently as usual, "It doesn't matter like this. Well, the injury will heal soon."

"En." Shao Ci nodded absent-mindedly, then suddenly took a few steps back, and said in a low voice, "Thank you... But, you are not Wendell."

The other party looked over worriedly, and said, "It seems that you are too tired, and you should take a good rest."

"No." Shao Ci took a deep breath, and said seriously: "I can feel it, you are not him."

At the beginning, Shao Ci couldn't detect anything wrong, but after all, Shao Ci's mental strength was high, coupled with some subtle mistakes in this place, and those things that were forcibly ignored, he quickly realized it. Here is a dream.

And this 'Wendel' who suddenly appeared in the dream, although he has already imitated it very much, but there are still some places that are not quite similar.

Hearing Shao Ci's words, the other party gave a low smile, then raised his head, the surrounding scene darkened instantly, several monsters crawled out from the side, and they were ugly looking like well-behaved pets lying at the young man's feet.

But the person in front of Shao Ci has changed his appearance.

It was a young man with jet-black hair and blood-like eyes. His appearance was extremely beautiful but not feminine. He was looking at Shao Ci with a teasing look, and he stretched out his hand to directly pick Shao Ci's chin, "Although I didn't take it seriously. I covered it up, but I didn't expect you to find out so soon, should I say that I really deserve to be a brave man?"

The system sound immediately rang.

[Beep beep... A character with a higher force value was detected... According to the rules of the system, the attack target began to be replaced... After the replacement, the current attack target is Ewings.]


Shao Ci: "..." This shouldn't be the racial name of some monster, is it his own name? It looks like it's great...

[At the same time, this is also the second monster that the host wants to purify. Its race is Nightmare. Please do your best.]

Nightmare... Shao Ci began to understand a little bit why those things happened in the city before.

Nightmare monsters were relatively weak in the past, they could only make people have nightmares and absorb a small amount of their soul power.

But under the influence of the demon king's devilish energy, the current nightmares have become several times stronger than before. Dreams alone can kill many people, and devouring human souls can also make them stronger.

It's just that while being powerful, the number of nightmares has also decreased a lot, and now each one is extremely rare.

And because this kind of monster has no entity, it is also the most difficult to deal with, and it has never appeared in the original work...

Shao Ci: "Wow!" He just deviated from the original work to encounter such a terrifying existence. It is impossible to say that there is no relationship between the will of the world in it! Hey, when will he be unlucky.

From this point of view, the problem in Langton City is not caused by the monsters outside, but by the nightmares that exist here. No wonder those ordinary people will become vegetative... Think about it and you will know how a scorpion monster can do such a thing what!

"You, what do you want to do, and you want me to sleep forever like this?" Shao Ci's face darkened.

Although he had used the ability before, he didn't know if it would work. After all, these monsters didn't feel like they were easy to get along with. In this place where his mental power was restricted, it didn't matter whether he could fight against this monster. You know, one carelessness is the end of eating bento.

"You are so smart, Mr. Brave." Ewings squeezed Shao Ci's chin tightly, his eyes were full of coldness, but he smiled lightly, "What kind of brave man is he after all? Such a ridiculous existence, just looking at it makes you think It's an eyesore. Since you're in my territory, I certainly can't let you leave easily like this, can I?"

"Hmm." Shao Ci's expression turned ugly in an instant, "Then why did you pretend to be Wendell just now?"

"Of course it is. It's very interesting to watch a brave man being killed by someone he trusts." Ewings said with great interest, "What's more, a struggling soul is more delicious."

Shao Ci's expression became distorted for a moment, "..." Ah, this is the pervert he is least good at dealing with!

"But now, I want to give you a chance. If you can find where my body is, I won't kill you." Ewings suddenly said: "But if you lose, you will become My servant. How about it, it's a very tempting proposal."

Tempting ghost! Any fool knows that things are definitely not that simple!

But this is already not easy. Shao Ci knew that he must have used his supernatural ability to gain a little favor from the other party before, and the other party let him go. Otherwise, it would not be a competition now, but a direct battle of life and death.

Ewings added: "Of course, you have no right to refuse."

After his words fell, everything around him changed, and the two of them actually appeared directly outside a palace.

Shao Ci had never seen this palace before, and it was obviously not a building that existed in Langton City. It was full of simplicity and solemnity. Shao Ci guessed that it might be the capital of a certain country.

At this time, a dance was being held in the banquet hall, and music could be heard coming from it.

"'I' exists here." Ewings said, pulling Shao Ci into it.

Shao Ci followed him into the banquet hall, there were at least dozens of people in front of him, everyone looked so real, some were dancing and some were eating food, but they completely ignored the two who just came, It's like not noticing them.

"Come on." Ewings said, "Just find out my real body before I get tired of it?"

Shao Ci: "..." Although there is no set time, isn't this more troublesome? ! Who knows how much patience Ewings has...

Can he use his mental power now... Hey, wait, Shao Ci tried to use his mental power, but he actually used it.

Shao Ci: "...!" What's going on? Hey, why is it fair for the other party? And lifted his mental power control

That's exactly what a guy like that would do.

But when it comes to the matter of using the ability before, Shao Ci has another idea.

Could it be that in this dream, as long as you touch the opponent's body, you can use supernatural powers and spiritual power? Well, think of it this way.

Shao Ci closed his eyes and searched the entire castle with his mental power, but even so, he couldn't find out who was wrong, or rather... everyone here has a weird aura, and there is no way to find out what's weirder.

"This is really troublesome." Shao Ci's original confidence disappeared immediately.

Obviously, mental power should be able to easily find out what's wrong, and he could do it in the virtual world before... but he couldn't do it here.

Could it be because of this that the other party let him use his mental power

Shao Ci was walking in the banquet hall in a daze, but the black-haired and gorgeous young man who was holding his hand did not let go, as if he was sure that he would never be discovered, he followed behind leisurely, looking at Shao Ci with great interest Say goodbye to the depressed look, as if you can get pleasure from it.

Shao Ci's scalp was numb from his appreciating eyes, and he suddenly froze when he saw the face of a dancer next to him.

"Wait, because it's a nightmare, I always thought it was my dream." Shao Ci suddenly realized something, "But no, my dream can't be so complete... No matter how powerful the other party is, it's impossible to create something so real. dream."

And if you look closely, these dancing people really don't look like nobles.

Shao Ci suddenly walked over in a hurry, grabbed the hand of a person next to him to check it, and it was indeed full of calluses. If it was a real nobleman, it would be impossible for him to have such calluses caused by years of hard work.

"This is not my dream..."

"Yes." Ewings said: "I didn't expect you to find out that this is indeed not your dream, but everyone in the city's dream?"

Ewings suddenly leaned close to Shao Ci's side, and pressed Shao Ci's chin with his hand to make him look aside.

"Look at these civilians, their daily lives are not easy. They work hard every day, and in the end, most of the money they earn is handed over to the nobles. What's the point of such a life?"

Shao Ci: "What are you trying to say..."

"As for me, I brought everyone here, so I don't have to worry about other things anymore, can everyone live a happy life?" Ewings said with a low smile, "As long as you are in this place , you can have fun every day without any worries, so everyone doesn’t want to leave.”

Shao Ci couldn't help but want to refute him, "But their bodies won't be able to bear it in reality... If they stay in a coma like this, they will weaken and die sooner or later, and they also have relatives and friends."

"So what?" Ewings said indifferently: "Human beings exist like this. As long as they live a life of enjoyment in front of them, how can they care about the future? As for relatives and friends, as long as you don't think about it gone."

"Well..." Shao Ci resented for a moment that he was not the hero of the boy manga, otherwise he would definitely have come up with something to say back to Ewings' words, instead of being stopped by him all of a sudden here... I always feel that something is wrong But I can't think of words to refute!

He is obviously just a villain, but he actually says that he is doing something to benefit mankind.

"You can stay too?" Ewings' words seemed to have the power of bewitching, "As long as you stay here, you can get whatever you want, and you don't have to work hard to kill monsters anymore. Wouldn't it be nice not to be ridiculed by those arrogant knights anymore?"

"How could I stay!" If Shao Ci stayed in this world and couldn't leave, he might still think about it, but now his will is very firm!

Thinking of the last world, he seemed to have this kind of thought, and Shao Ci felt like he was in a cold sweat for a while. It seems that the system is his last moral...

"You don't need to refuse so resolutely?" Ewings said: "Others stay, what they want to contribute is their souls... But if it's you, I can keep your soul here forever."

These words are indeed very tempting. Any human being would probably hesitate after hearing this. After all, there is no one who does not want to live forever.

It's just that Shao Ci, for the reasons mentioned above, refused without even thinking about it.

Although it is said that if it is really impossible, it is not impossible to sign a master-servant contract with the other party, but this will become very troublesome, and you can go wherever you want in the future.

In any case, Shao Ci began to seriously search the crowd... What he wanted to find was someone with no calluses on his hands.

Although the reason is nonsense, but now if you want to find the body of that damned nightmare, you can only use this stupid method!

But it's really scary, so many people in the city have been unconscious in the past six months, if this continues, it is possible that the whole city will be finished one day.

Moreover, this nightmare is obviously very cunning, and it started with civilians, which made the matter delay for so long. If it wasn't for this time that he couldn't help attacking himself who has the title of brave man, maybe he could really delay it for another year or a half.

"Ah, I'm getting impatient." The black-haired young man with a beautiful face said, "Master Brave, have you found my real body?"

-of course not.

"It seems not." Ewings let go of his hand, looked at Shao Ci with a smile, his eyes looked like beautiful rubies in normal times, "Then I will give you one last chance. "

His figure immediately disappeared in place, but the surrounding people who were doing their own things seemed to be manipulated by something, looked at Shao Ci with extremely fierce eyes, and suddenly squeezed towards him . The whole picture is as terrifying as a wave of zombies.

"As long as you can find my location before being caught by these people, the previous agreement will still count, Mr. Brave." The other party emphasized the last four words, obviously with a bit of irony.

"Damn it!" Shao Ci didn't have time to care about whether the monster satirized him or not. Seeing so many people, he was in a bad mood. He turned around quickly and ran towards a place where there were few people. Go, and dodge the attacks of the people in front from time to time.

If caught by that group of people, the ending will be very tragic! This nightmare will definitely wait for him to be half dead before coming out to save him... No, I don't know if it will be saved or not! !

And he can't do it casually. If he does, the other party will die because of it. It's not good to think about this kind of thing.

Almost caught by these lunatics several times, Shao Ci felt the wound on the bottom of his foot start to hurt... He hadn't healed at all before, but now he was about to run again. If it was like this in reality, he might be disabled.

"Damn it..." Shao Ci was chased by the crowd to the stairs, and he had no other choice here, he could only run up, panting heavily, feeling that he might not last long.

Shao Ci ran to the highest point with difficulty. There were no more stairs to go up here. He could only walk to the balcony next to him, and he could see the scene outside at a glance from here.

Looking at it from here, there is only a pitch-black Langton City below, no matter how you look at it, it is exactly the same as the outside world, but there is no trace of life. And farther away is the place covered by clouds and fog, and it is completely impossible to see what will exist there.

Shao Ci suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand and pressed against the wall next to him, and said loudly: "I know! I know where your body is! Come out!"

"Oh?" A somewhat cold voice sounded from the void, making it impossible to guess where it came from, "You know?"

Shao Ci gritted his teeth, "Yes, since it's a nightmare, of course it has no substance... So, this whole dream is your body."

"I didn't expect to be guessed by you." But there was no surprise in the other party's voice. A gorgeous young man with black hair and red eyes appeared in front of Shao Ci, "But I never said my identity, right?"

Shao Ci: "... This, this kind of thing can be easily guessed." He said very guilty, after all, it is all with the help of the system... Otherwise, in this era, not many people really know about nightmares. of monsters.

"Really?" Ewings smiled lowly, "Then this time, I'll let you go, Mr Brave."

After his words fell, the people who rushed up to the balcony like zombies returned to normal in an instant, and went downstairs again as if nothing had happened.

In fact, Shao Ci thinks... how come this f*ck is he enjoying himself in a dream, he probably doesn't even have his own consciousness.

"However, everything won't end so soon." Ewings wanted to leave as he said so, and at the same time, the color of the surrounding dreams also faded.

Obviously what he said was indeed true, this time he was going to let Shao Ci go.

At this moment when Ewings should have been happy to see him off, Shao Ci grabbed him by the clothes.

"Oh? Do you have anything else to say?"

"I have nothing to say, I just have something to do." Shao Ci's expression turned ugly.

Even now, he still can't afford such a daily task given by the system...

"If you want to do something to me, it's still—"

Before the other party finished speaking, Shao Ci grabbed Ewings's skirt, tiptoed and leaned over, and kissed him directly on the lips.

That's right, the daily task this time is to forcefully kiss someone again... Shao Ci thought that the purification also happened to be something to touch, but it was just right.

It's just that compared with the siren who seems to know nothing, kissing Ewings like a snake spirit is several times more stressful.

Ewings was taken aback, and his fair ears turned red for a moment, but the light was dim and his hair covered him, so no one could notice it.

On the other hand, Shao Ci seemed to be very reluctant to part with the other party, and he kissed for a few seconds before letting go.

After letting go, Shao Ci's face turned red, and he took several steps back as if he was extremely ashamed.

In fact, the longer the kiss, the more it will be purified... Otherwise, Shao Ci wouldn't do such a terrible thing, he just looks like a pervert.

"I didn't expect Mr. Brave to be such an enthusiastic person. It really surprised me." After Ewings reacted, he immediately smiled, stretched out his hand to pick up Shao Ci's chin, and looked straight at him with red eyes. Shao Ci, "Then I can't be rude, can I?"

"!?" Shao Ci: "No, actually I..."