Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 131: Another World (15)


In short, by chance, Shao Ci, who rescued the son of the Grand Duke, was immediately warmly welcomed by the mayor.

After learning about Shao Ci's thoughts, Algert immediately used his power to stuff him directly into the first mercenary group of the Mercenary Association. By the way, this adventure group will go to the city of the dark elves tomorrow.

Although Algert really wanted to follow Shao Ci, his guards could not agree to such a thing, so he had to watch Shao Ci leave with tears in his eyes.

Shao Ci: "..." It turned out to be so easy to get in? !

He had worked so hard to do ordinary tasks before. Hey, going through the back door is the correct route.

Of course, because of going through the back door, several people in the mercenary group disliked Shao Ci very much. It was only because of his status as the son of the Grand Duke that he didn't say any sarcasm directly, but there were quite a few contempt and disdain in his eyes.

After all, Shao Ci looks like a weak chicken, he doesn't look like a powerful guy.

And high-level talents like magicians are hired by nobles, and no one will come to such a remote place to fight against monsters and endure hardships.

Shao Ci didn't care about other people's mocking eyes at all, as long as he could achieve his goal. As for Ewings, he had already disappeared when Shao resigned to save people.

Time passed quickly, and the next day arrived in a blink of an eye.

Everyone walked towards the forest.

Everyone knows that the dark elves live in this forest, but ordinary people basically cannot find the specific location. And this first mercenary group is said to have cooperated with the dark elves many times, so they are very familiar with the route.

Along the way, everyone was walking towards an extremely remote road. Tall trees covered most of the sunlight, and the forest looked a bit dark. Not only were there various weeds and shrubs on the ground, but also thick and intertwined roots, which made it extremely difficult to walk. difficult.

Obviously, the members of the mercenary group are quite familiar with such terrain, and they can even walk faster than on flat ground. Of course, they also showed their full strength with the intention of humiliating Shao Ci, watching Shao Ci staggering coldly. Walking staggeringly.

Shao Ci felt that he was not well. Even with the blessing of wind magic on his body, he could barely keep up with the speed of these people.

What's worse is his salted fish physical strength, it's not easy to persist until now!

"Damn it." Shao Ci wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the few people walking fast ahead, thinking that if he asked them to wait for him, he would definitely be ridiculed again.

"I see that you are well dressed. You must be a noble young master. I guess you joined our mercenary group for gold plating?" One person sneered, "What do you think of the honor that we have worked so hard for?"

"Since it's an oil bottle, be honest with me. If you drag your feet like this, even the son of the Grand Duke will not be able to protect you."

"Another piece of trash." Another person said: "At first, I thought it was recommended by the son of the Grand Duke and might have some strength, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

Just as Shao Ci was about to say something, he suddenly tripped over a tree root and saw that he was about to fall down in the grass.

The grass is full of thorny leaves, Shao Ci can imagine what kind of tragedy it will be if he falls, the disfigurement is absolute.

To make matters worse, he has no strength to use magic at all now because he is too tired from walking.

And other people watched this scene with cold eyes. Anyway, this is not fatal, and it is right to make this guy who walked through the back door suffer a little bit.

At this critical moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside Shao Ci, stretched out his hand and hugged Shao Ci who had almost fallen to the ground.

"Ah, it's really dangerous." The gorgeous young man with long black hair smiled, his red eyes were shining brightly, staring at Shao Ci, "If I don't come to help, aren't you in danger?"

"Thank you so much." Shao Ci also felt a sense of shock, trying to stand up from Ewings' arms, but was hugged tightly by the other party.

The members of the mercenary group immediately became vigilant and took out their weapons one after another, "Who are you?" "Why did you suddenly appear here?"

"It's really impolite. Do you entertain people with weapons when you first meet?" Ewings' tone was very casual, as if he didn't care.

Shocked in Shao Ci's heart, he quickly grabbed Ewings's hand, and said to the mercenary group: "He is not in any danger, this is... my... servant, he has been worried about me so he followed behind on."

"Yeah, I've always been worried about the master." Ewings sighed, and hugged Shao Ci tightly again, "If I wasn't here, I really don't know how miserable the master would be."

Of course, it was impossible for others to believe what Shao Ci came up with casually. After all, Ewings looked very dangerous. Especially those red eyes, even when he smiled, there seemed to be a creepy chill, which made people unconsciously want to stay away from him.

Probably among the people present, only Shao Ci, who was hugged by Ewings, would think that this monster looked quite harmless.

"If you don't tell the truth who this guy is, we won't be polite." One person said immediately.

"Yeah, don't think that you are great because you were introduced by a nobleman." Obviously these people have long been full of resentment.

"This guy looks so suspicious. What if he is an undercover agent sent by the monster?" This person was just talking casually. After all, no matter how powerful the monsters haunt the forest, they are not wise enough to do so.

Shao Ci: "..." Ah, that's right.

Ewings' face turned cold, "It's really troublesome."

"Calm down!" Shao Ci knew that if Ewings really wanted to do something to these people, these people would definitely not be able to hold on... After all, no matter how strong their bodies are, their mental strength cannot be stronger than their own what.

And even he who had such a strong mental power was recruited back then, how could these people resist.

Just when the two parties were in a stalemate, the surrounding air suddenly cooled down, the originally very dim light disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a dark mist spread from the ground.

"Oops." A bearded man, who was also the head of the mercenary group, immediately became serious, "It's a monster."

"Such a powerful aura, what a powerful monster it is." A bit of fear appeared on the other person's face.

Generally speaking, the forests near the dark elves have been cleared of monsters many times, and there will be no particularly powerful monsters, but this time it seems to be different from before.

Shao Ci looked up at Ewings, who smiled slightly at Shao Ci, and whispered in his ear at a volume that only the two of them could hear: "It was indeed me who did it, Mr. Brave, isn't it just you playing right now? Is it a good time?"

"..." Shao Ci said, "You are smart this time."

"Is there any reward?" Ewings asked immediately.

Shao Ci: "When, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

During the purification before, he was so close to Ewings, but now that the purification is complete, Shao Ci is embarrassed to just throw others away... But it is a bit embarrassing to still do that kind of thing (.

On the other side, in the dark forest, a huge wolf-shaped monster slowly walked over.

It is as tall as two people in height alone, and it seems that there are black flames burning slowly all over its body. The ground it steps on emits black air as if it has been corroded. The pair of crazy red eyes are staring at this place. The few people around had black liquid slowly flowing down from their mouths, almost corroding holes in the ground.

"It's actually a seventh-level monster!" "Damn it, how can there be such a powerful monster here!"

Everyone's expressions changed. In the past, they only cleared monsters of level four or five. Occasionally, monsters of level six could only be killed by working with the dark elves. It was the momentum that made them tremble a little.

"Damn it. What the hell are we going to do?"

Even if they escape now, their speed cannot be faster than that of the seventh-level monster.

"Cough, calm down, everyone." Shao Ci immediately said, "I have a way to deal with this monster."

"Just you?" The others were already emotionally unstable, and they became even more excited when they heard Shao Ci's words, "You are a person who can't even lift a sword? You want to deal with monsters, what kind of joke are you talking about?" ?”

"Or do you want to say that you are a magician?"

Just as Shao Ci wanted to nod his head, the other party immediately sneered with disdain: "I didn't say that, I haven't seen a magician like you. Which noble magician doesn't have five or six entourages? How could he come to participate in this event?" A mercenary group that has to suffer."

Shao Ci: "..." Ah, it feels like an arrow has been shot in my knee.

"It's ridiculous. If you want to die, you should die quickly. Don't implicate us." The last person sneered again, and several people attacked the monster with serious faces.

But obviously, their tentative attacks were nothing to the monsters. They couldn't even destroy the monster's surface skin, but instead angered the monsters.

Seeing that the monster was about to go berserk, everyone quickly and cautiously retreated to the surrounding branches.

The monster started to howl furiously, and the black mucus in its mouth was thrown around. The branch where a person was hiding was instantly corroded by the black mucus, and the person fell off the branch unexpectedly, just in front of the monster.


Seeing that the monster's claws were about to fall on Richard, everyone's eyes were full of grief. They were all companions who had been through life and death for a long time, but it was clear that no one could save Richard's life in this situation.

But at this critical moment—

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Richard.

Shao Ci: "..." Why is this routine so familiar? It's clearly been used in the last chapter.

After Shao Ci quickly complained in his heart, he stretched out his hand, and thousands of light spots emerged from his hand in an instant, just like countless little elves dancing beside him, illuminating the dark forest and appearing to be surrounded by light spots. Surrounded by Shao Ci, he was full of compulsion.

Of course, if Shao Ci wanted to, he could kill this monster in just one move.

But that would be too fast! It doesn't seem shocking enough at all... It doesn't reach the level of pretense at all (.

So he first created such a momentum. At this moment, everyone around was stunned, staring blankly at the person in front of the monster. This was the first time they looked at each other.

In the next moment, the monster opened its mouth wide, and it was about to bite Shao Ci.

At this moment of crisis, Shao Ci just closed his eyes calmly, silently chanting a spell that no one could understand (neither did he himself), and once again a flame burst into the sky in his hand, with the power to devour everything. The momentum directly covered the entire monster.

The monster let out a shrill scream, but it was of no avail, but in an instant, it was reduced to ashes.

The forest has regained light, but the messy ground and trees can make people realize that they were not dreaming in a trance.

The people from the mercenary group came down from the tree one after another, walking staggeringly as if in a dream, and when they saw Shao Ci, their eyes widened and their faces flushed.

Shao Ci pretended to be a bit embarrassed, and was about to say something when these people suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Master Magician! We were really blind just now, to say that about you!"

"Thank you so much for saving us! We will definitely repay you!"

"What a stupid person." Ewings, who had been standing behind since just now, came out, took Shao Ci's hand, lowered his head and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand, and then said, "My master is from a magical family. Young master, how can you be suspected by people like you."

The eyes of everyone suddenly became a little more guilty. They had always thought that Shao Ci was trying to gain advantage through the back door, and his attitude was so bad.

Shao Ci hurriedly said: "It's okay, after all, I haven't said anything about myself..."

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and everyone immediately shut their mouths, and their expressions became a little more vigilant.

I saw a figure suddenly emerged from the bushes. It was a boy who looked sixteen or seventeen years old, but his pointed ears and the bow and arrows on his back proved his identity.

This is a dark elf.

Shao Ci: "!" Ah, I finally saw my first dark elf after coming here for so long!

Although the dark elves sound like villains or something, it is said that they changed from ordinary elves to dark elves in ancient times, so it has nothing to do with the devil or something.

Dark elves can also be infected with demonic energy, but basically all dark elves infected with demonic energy are driven out, so the dark elves here can still be regarded as friendly forces against the demon king with humans.

The other people who rushed over after the dark elf were a team of dark elves. They were shocked when they saw the traces left by the burnt monster, and then looked at the servant with surprised eyes. Members of the Corps, "Have you already dealt with that seventh-level monster?"

Of course, the members of the mercenary group didn't dare to say that. They immediately pushed Shao Ci to the front and said, "No, it was the new master magician who killed this monster."

The captain of the dark elf team immediately looked at Shao Ci with grateful eyes.

It is said that this seventh-level monster suddenly came to the territory of the dark elves a few days ago, which made the dark elves very worried and struggled with how to deal with it.

Therefore, Shao Ci and others who solved this big trouble were immediately invited into the city of the dark elves as honored guests.

The place where the dark elves live is really quite hidden. After going around for a long time to enter from a mountain wall, there is actually a teleportation array inside... No wonder even these humans who have been here many times don't know the exact location of the dark elves' residence.

After being teleported to the destination, Shao Ci looked at the scene in front of him and was a little shocked for a moment. They are now in a position slightly above this huge cave, so they can see the whole city from a bird's-eye view.

The entire city is built underground, and it looks extremely magnificent. There are glowing ores inlaid everywhere, and it doesn't look dim.

And in the center of the city grows a giant tree, the canopy of which covers almost half of the city, and from time to time there are glowing spots of light falling from the canopy, which looks like a fairyland on earth from a distance.

Seeing Shao Ci like this, the other dark elves smiled kindly. They were very happy to see outsiders' shocked expressions on the Dark Elf City.

The leader of the dark elf captain was very happy because he solved the trouble, and even introduced: "This is the sacred tree of our dark elf family."

The people in the mercenary group were a little shocked. Usually, when they came, none of these dark elves would be so proud that they would die. It seemed that it would be troublesome to say a word, but now they started to introduce them so enthusiastically. It seems that strength is more important.

Walking down the path next to the mountain wall, everyone finally entered the place where the dark elves lived.

The dark elves all have extremely pale faces, but their appearance is quite top-notch, and both men and women can beat the human beings outside.

Facing humans, these dark elves all showed jealous and disgusted expressions. If it weren't for the fact that the monsters outside were too difficult to deal with, they probably didn't want to deal with humans who have always been quite contemptuous in this life.

Soon everyone was taken to the palace under the sacred tree. The dark elf captain went in to report the situation, while the mercenary group waited outside.

Shao Ci sat, subtly feeling that the breath here seemed to be not quite right...

Ewings next to him leaned over and said in a low voice, "Master Brave, have you found out too?"

"Hmm..." Shao Ci said in a low voice, "The demon energy here is stronger than the outside world. Could it be that there are some monsters hidden in this place?"

"No." Ewings smiled lowly, "There are no high-level monsters in this place, at least I don't feel it."

"That's..." Shao Ci suddenly thought of something, "The dark elves here all have more or less devilish energy?"

"Yes." Ewings touched Shao Ci's hair with a smile, "After all, the dark elves are a race that is highly compatible with demon energy, even if they are unwilling to change, as long as they stay with these monsters Where it is raging, it is inevitable that the body will be infected."

"Eh?" Shao Ci said, "Is the situation so serious?"

"It's about the same. Those dark elves who were kicked out are just in a more serious situation. I'm afraid this place will fall soon." Saying these words, Ewings' attitude was a bit cheerful. .

After all, he is a monster himself, and of course he is happy to face this kind of thing.

"Well." Shao Ci felt that he had nothing to worry about, anyway, the matter of letting Wendell beat the devil to death in the future would be resolved.

Then his eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something.

If he used his purification ability to purify these dark elves, and then used it to make a condition with the dark elf king, wouldn't it be good if he asked the other party to give him the seed of the holy tree

In the original text, Wendell bought the seed of the holy tree with the Dark Elf King after killing more than a dozen powerful monsters. Although Shao Ci is not unable to kill monsters, why not do it if he can easily complete the goal? Woolen cloth.

So Shao Ci waited for the captain to come back, and immediately stepped forward, saying with a serious expression, "I have the ability to purify the devil's energy."

"What?" The dark elf captain frowned, "What you said is true?"

Judging by the other party's attitude, it turns out that the dark elf is worrying about the devil's energy.

"I don't need to lie." Shao Ci felt a little more confident in his heart, and continued, "Besides, even if I lie, what's the use of such a lie that can be exposed at once?"

The dark elf captain hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind, "Come with me, I will take you to meet our king."

So fast? Shao Ci was a little shocked. He thought that the other party would test it. Could it be that the matter has reached this point of urgency

"Of course, other people are not allowed to follow, even your followers." The dark elf captain added that they were also quite afraid of Ewings.

Ewings smiled indifferently. Anyway, he has a contract with Shao Ci, and he is not afraid of any danger to Shao Ci at all.


Entering the palace, Shao Ci was startled by the luxury of the palace, which is probably not much different from human palaces, and even a little more refined.

And the decorative gems and the like don't cost much money... Probably because they live underground and have a lot of mineral veins.

When he was approaching the dark elf king's dormitory, Shao Ci finally understood why the other party was so urgent, because... the devilish energy here was so strong that it was almost impossible to ignore.

After pushing open the door, it was the Dark Elf King lying on the bed who appeared in front of the two of them.

It is completely different from the old dark elf king in the original text. The dark elf king in front of him looks like an extremely handsome young man with a very pale face and black patterns that are faintly visible.

It seemed that he frowned slightly because of the pain caused by the evil energy eroding his body, but even so, the arrogance on his face did not diminish in the slightest, and he stared at the two people in front of the door with cold eyes.

Shao Ci guessed that in the original text, the king of the dark elves couldn't see anyone anymore, so he should find an old man to act as a temporary substitute...

[Beep beep... A character with a higher force value was detected... According to the rules of the system, the attack target began to be replaced... After the replacement, the current attack target is Igleia (Dark Elf).]

[Although the target has not been completely transformed into a monster, it is almost the same, so it is counted as the third monster that needs to be purified, and the host continues to work hard.]