Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 132: Another World (16)


"Human, you said that you can purify magic energy?" Igleia obviously didn't believe it, and looked over indifferently, "Hmph, what if you're lying?"

"En." Shao Ci said confidently: "If you don't believe me, you can find a dark elf to test it out."

"It seems that you have great confidence in yourself." Iglea squinted his eyes slightly, and said, even if he was about to be controlled by the demonic energy, he was still so proud.

"If I don't have confidence, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this palace, right?" Shao Ci said, "After all, I've already seen what you look like, the Elf King."

After Shao Ci said these words, he felt that the temperature in the room was a little lower.

This is already obvious. If you break through the secret of the Dark Elf King, you will be a ghost if you can get out alive.

After all, in the territory of the dark elves, the dark elves infected with the devil energy will be regarded as aliens and directly kicked out... But if it is their turn that the incomparably noble dark elf king is also infected with the devil energy, it will not be so easy to solve something happened.

"In that case, you should try it first." Iglea looked at the Dark Elf captain and nodded as a gesture.

The next moment, a comatose dark elf boy was brought up. It can be seen that the dark elf boy was surrounded by demon energy, his brows were tightly frowned, and his exposed skin was stained with black lines. It seems that he has just been infected with magic energy.

Shao Ci stepped forward, reached out and stroked the young man's forehead lightly. It was almost visible to the naked eye. Most of the evil energy around the dark elf boy's body was reduced, and the lines on his skin also disappeared.

The dark elf boy who was still in great pain suddenly seemed relieved and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his body also has the ability to purify. Skin contact like this can also purify. There is no need to forcefully kiss each other in front of so many people to purify...

If he really did that, he would probably be treated as a hooligan and beaten immediately.

"It takes a long time for my purification ability to fully function." Shao Ci said: "But I think this alone is enough to prove it."

The dark elf captain and several dark elf guards beside him already showed stunned expressions, and the eyes they looked at Shao Ci became much hotter.

The demon energy that has plagued the dark elves for so long can only be relieved by the precious sap of the holy tree, but this human being can do it so easily.

"It's too slow." Igleia over there frowned, looked at Shao Ci with critical eyes, and said arrogantly: "This speed is not enough at all... Should I say that human beings are human beings?" ?”

Shao Ci didn't expect that the elf king would still be picky at such a time. He could be said to be the only one who could save him, but it didn't matter, he said, "Of course I can purify at a faster speed. It’s just that I don’t know if you can bear that way.”

If the pursuit of speed, the most unscrupulous thing is to have sex once... Of course, Shao Ci himself does not want to use such a method!

"Oh?" Igleia said: "I'm not like those fragile human beings. As long as your speed of purifying the magic energy satisfies me, no matter what you ask, I will agree."

Shao Ci was overjoyed and said, "Of course! I can demonstrate it to you right now, but... can these people around go out for a while?"

"Hmph, do we dark elves still covet your human methods?" Igleia obviously disdainful, but still ordered those people to go out for now.

The dark elf guards were obviously a little reluctant, after all, they still didn't believe that Shao Ci was a human being, "My lord, how can I let you and a human being share the same room?"

Igleia was a little displeased, "Even if the situation is not good now, do you think that a mere human can deal with me?"

"Of course we don't mean that!" The dark elf guards were startled, and quickly knelt down on the ground, cold sweat dripping down their faces.

"Then get out quickly." Igleia said coldly.

Even if the dark elf guards were unwilling, Iglea had said so much, they had no choice but to retreat reluctantly.

Soon there were only two people in the bedroom.

"Now that everyone has left, what's your solution?" Igleya looked at Shao Ci coldly.

Shao Ci walked over and walked directly in front of Iglea.

The lifespan of dark elves is much longer than that of humans, and the dark elf king in front of him seems to be just a young adult. From such a close distance, the face looks more perfect and flawless.

Those eyes are not dark like most elves, but a very beautiful emerald green, with a few traces of cold light.

Shao Ci stretched out his hand to hold the other's slender and well-knit hand, feeling quite cold. The body temperature of the dark elves is already lower than that of humans, and their temperature is frighteningly low after being infected by the magic energy. This is also a burden for the dark elves themselves. A powerful existence like Igleya can act like a normal person.

Igleia was a little displeased, but he held back. He knew very well in his heart that the way for the human being in front of him to purify the magic energy was to get in close contact.

Such a contact with a low-level human being that the dark elves despised so much, Igleia thought he would vomit, but the warm hands of the other party made him not feel so disgusting.

For the first time in his life, Igleia had the idea of looking at the appearance of the human being in front of him.

"Offended." As Shao Ci said so, he stood on tiptoe, leaned over at an extremely fast speed, and kissed the soft and cold lips of the other party.

Iglea's eyes widened immediately, because this incident was so shocking that he was shocked for an instant.

He was, was kissed by a human

This was simply unacceptable to Igleia, who felt offended even by talking to humans.

Iglea's face immediately turned cold, and he wanted to break away angrily, but Shao Ci had noticed it a long time ago, and he pushed the Dark Elf King down on the bed with a slap in his heart—if the kiss ended too early It probably doesn't work at all.

Generally speaking, Shao Ci doesn't want to do such a shameful thing!

By the way, Shao Ci also used some abilities to facilitate his actions.

If it were the normal dark elf king, it would be impossible for Shao Ci to be easily knocked down so casually, but now most of Igleia's power has been used to deal with the evil energy that erodes her body. In fact, the body is already quite weak.

I don't know how long it took, but the kiss finally ended.

Shao Ci was out of breath, and his lips were bitten by the other party. For the first time, he discovered that kissing still requires physical strength.

The pale face of the haughty Elf King turned a bit blush, he looked at Shao Ci with murderous eyes, and said coldly, "You want to die, to offend me so much?"

After the voice fell, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

"No." Shao Ci said hastily, "I'm doing this to purify the devilish energy in your body."

"This is your method?" Igleia seemed to calm down a little, but the anger did not completely subside.

"Yes." Shao Ci said: "That's why I said I want those people to leave first..." After all, seeing Igleia's bad temper, he knew that he couldn't be willing to be kissed in front of everyone, okay

"You'd better pray that this is really useful, otherwise I will never spare your life." Igleia warned coldly, then closed his eyes, feeling the situation in his body.

Shao Ci waited anxiously by the side, after all, he didn't know if it would really work if the other party didn't turn into a monster... Sigh, I think he was actually a man of integrity back then.

After a while, Igleya's expression obviously eased a little. He opened his eyes, and the emerald green eyes were no longer as intensely angry as before. "You are right, the demon energy has indeed diminished."

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, "Then this already proves that I only did this for purification."

"Although it is indeed unbearable, as long as you can get rid of these demonic energy as soon as possible, I allow you to do so." Igleya's tone was somewhat awkward.

In fact, he felt that Shao Ci was still a more pleasing human being, so he could barely tolerate his offense. If it was another human being, even if he could purify the magic energy, he would have beaten him half to death.

Shao Ci smiled and said: "That's like what I said before, as long as I can cure you, you can promise me any conditions."

Igleia snorted coldly, "We dark elves are not as hypocritical as you humans, and we will never go back on what we promised."

"Then I'm relieved." Shao Ci's mood improved a lot in an instant. If this continues, he can complete the main plot and the task of purifying monsters by the way. It's killing two birds with one stone.

"But, is there no way to go faster?" Igleia narrowed his eyes.

"..." Shao Ci was silent for a moment, then said, "No more."

Although there are, but such unscrupulous things, even Shao Ci can't do it!

Iglea stared at Shao Ci, "Really?"

"Indeed not!" Shao Ci said: "At this speed, it will only take a few dozen days to completely eliminate the evil energy. If it is faster, even the body will not be able to bear it?"

"You're right." Igleia dismissed the idea, and then warned in a cold voice: "You must not reveal half of the purification process."

"Of course!" Shao Ci said hastily. He'd be crazy to talk about these things.

Only then was Iglea satisfied, and let the guards outside come in.

After the dark elf guards came in, they felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little strange. Why was their king standing so close to that human, and was that human's lip broken...

For a moment, a very bad fantasy appeared in the hearts of everyone. Could it be that their king has taken a fancy to this human being

Igleia has never shown any interest in any dark elves since he came to power, and his character is so arrogant, no one dares to say anything... Anyway, even if the dark elves don't get married, they can have them with the power of the holy tree. child.

Everyone thought that this dark elf king was too picky, so he had never found a partner for a hundred years, but the scene in front of them suddenly made them realize—could their king really, really like humans

Then everyone quickly erased this idea. It is well known that Igleia is extremely disgusted with humans. In the past, even if he heard the existence of humans, he would be furious. Now it is only a last resort to cooperate with humans. How could he suddenly fall in love with a human? , This is probably the human who fell it himself.

"King, are you alright?" The loyal dark elf guard chief quickly said, "This human has not done anything to offend you, has it?"

"Hmph, what can a mere human do to me?" Igleia said coldly.

Shao Ci: "..." It must have been done a lot just now.

"What this human said is indeed true. He has the ability to purify the devil's energy." Igleia said: "From today on, he will stay by my side for the time being, and will not leave until the devil's energy is completely purified. Just treat him as a medical officer for the time being."

Everyone nodded quickly, and the head of the dark elf guard said again: "Then the residence is arranged in the farthest room?"

Iglea frowned displeased, "That's too far away."

Everyone: "..." What! Wang, who obviously hates humans the most, will be unhappy this time because this human lives too far away

For a while, the illusion that had been eliminated almost reappeared.

"Then, then arrange it in the room in the center?" The dark elf guard chief also couldn't figure out Igleia's thoughts, and couldn't help feeling extremely ashamed in his heart. He was obviously the king's most loyal subordinate.

"No." Igleia said directly: "Just let him live in the room next to my bedroom."

Considering the method of the other party's purification ability, it is natural to live as close as possible. It would probably be the most convenient if they could live together, but Igleia still couldn't bear the closeness between humans and herself, so she settled for the next best thing and chose the room next door.

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, and the head of the dark elf's bodyguard trembled a little. He wanted to persuade Igleia not to get too close to humans, but considering that a loyal subordinate like himself naturally wanted to be king His happiness came first, and he immediately shut his mouth.

Others are thinking that maybe they will have a better attitude towards humans in the future... After all, they may have the first human queen in history, although the gender is male.

"Wait." Shao Ci said again: "What about my companions?"

"They naturally live outside the city." The Dark Elf Guard Chief said, "After all, it is their task to go out and clean up the monsters every day."

"That's it." Shao Ci nodded. In fact, he was mainly worried about Ewings.

It is absolutely impossible to ask Ewings to honestly fight monsters with other people every day. Now I just hope that he will not mess around...

Afterwards, Shao Ci won the opportunity to talk to others, and Igleia was obviously very displeased. In his opinion, since he came to the palace, he had to serve him, and of course he couldn't care about others.

Shao Ci didn't bother to care about him now, and hurried outside.

The people in the mercenary group thought that Shao Ci was given special treatment because of his high force value, but they didn't pay much attention when they heard Shao Ci say that he would stay in the palace for a while.

But Ewings, who was wearing a hood, took Shao Ci's hand, wrapped it around his waist, rubbed against Shao Ci's body, and then smiled: "Master Brave, in such a short time just now, you have Who did you provoke?"

Shao Ci: " don't have to worry about this."

Ewing's eyes were a little cold, but he deliberately didn't let Shao Ci see it, but kissed the back of his hand lightly, "I understand, after all, the brave man has a lot of business, right?"

"I came here mainly to tell you that I will stay here for a few more days, what are you going to do?" Shao Ci said.

"Of course I'm following Mr. Brave." Ewings smiled and said, "You wait here now, and I'll come back as soon as I finish dealing with the outside affairs."

Shao Ci knew very well that Ewings did not have a physical body, he could disappear if he wanted to, and he could come back if he wanted to, so he nodded.

Then Ewings followed the mercenary group and walked out. After all, he couldn't just disappear in the palace.


"Is that so." Iglea frowned slightly, "That human is very close to another human?"

"Yes." The loyal head of the dark elf guard quickly said: "The subordinates can see that their relationship is definitely not normal. Especially the other human being wearing a hood, he is full of a strong monster's breath, definitely not What ordinary people... may even be disguised by monsters."

He was struggling violently in his heart. He knew that reporting these words to the king would definitely make the king unhappy, but he had to say that he must not let the king be deceived by a married man.

"Well." Igleia said: "After all, this human being has the ability to purify demon energy, and it is normal to be surrounded by monsters that need him to purify." But for some reason, he always felt a little uncomfortable.

"In short, Wang, you must be careful about this human being, so as not to cause any trouble." The dark elf guard captain saw Iglea frowning slightly, and he had already made up a lot of plots in his mind.

"Of course I will be careful." Igleia snorted coldly, "After all, human beings are such despicable existences, how could I believe so easily. It's just that since this human being is going to help me heal, of course he must put me first …”

"Of course." The head of the dark elf guard quickly said: "If that human dares not to do this, we will never let him go easily."

"Hmph, it doesn't have to be like this." Iglea narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's enough to prevent them from seeing each other during the treatment period. I think it's easy to do, right?"

"Yes!" The head of the dark elf guard was startled, thinking that it seemed that the king really had feelings for that human being that he shouldn't have...but that human already had a lover.

For a moment, the head of the dark elf guard began to feel a little angry. Their king is not good, and he is not as good as that hooded man. Even if the other party is a married man, so what, will the human beings whom the king likes be unwilling

That's right, something suddenly occurred to the head of the dark elf's guard, it doesn't matter if this human being has a lover or not, as long as their king likes it, everything is enough!

So the head of the dark elf guard secretly made a decision to give Iglea and the human a chance to cultivate their relationship.

After Shao Ci came back, he wanted to find a place to have dinner, but was invited by the taciturn dark elf guard to the dark elf king's bedroom.

The reason is that the treatment cannot be given up even when eating.

Although Shao Ci was a little speechless, he thought that there must be a lot of delicious food in Igleia, so he stopped by.

Sure enough, in the gorgeous and spacious bedroom of the Dark Elf King, there was a table filled with various delicacies.

Not only does it have the local special food of the dark elves at first glance, but also a lot of human food, just looking at it makes people salivate.

But the handsome Dark Elf King, who was supposed to enjoy these delicacies, was leaning on the head of the bed, frowning slightly, his eyes full of disgust, and coldly ordered to the attendants beside him: "Give me all this rubbish!" lost."

Shao Ci: "!!" This is violence! !

Only then did Igleia see the two people in front of the door, and immediately said coldly: "Why are you here?"

The head of the dark elf guard immediately said: "King, this human being said that he can't leave you alone, so he must come over to watch you eat food."

Shao Ci: "!" Hey, when did he say such a thing!

For a moment, Shao Ci wondered if he accidentally offended the chief of the dark elf's guard and let him cheat him so much...

And since you want someone else to help you, first remember the name carefully, okay

"Oh?" Igleia looked at Shao Ci with extremely critical eyes, and then said magnanimously: "Since you insist on this, then I have no choice but to let you serve me as hard as I can."

So far, it seems that there is no room for rejection.

Shao Ci had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked over. Looking at the food on the table in front of him, he didn't know what the other party would like to eat, so he randomly chose something that looked delicious.

"Hmph, it seems that your vision is not bad." Igleia said, "But I only eat the top half of that red berry."

"Ah, I don't like the side dishes of that dish, I have to pick all of them."

"What, you dare to send such rubbish in front of me? Do you want to die?"


Shao Ci: "..." Hey, this is too picky!

Shao Ci felt that he finally understood why the head of the dark elf guard had tricked him here, because he didn't want to give food to this picky dark elf king at all!

"Can this be called food? Do you humans usually eat like this?" Igleia had deep disdain in his eyes, "It's too pitiful."

Shao Ci was so angry that he finally couldn't stand this guy anymore.

Seeing that the attendants around him left without knowing when, Shao Ci directly put the lower half of the red berry, which is said to be the most hated by the Dark Elf King, into his mouth, then pressed the opponent's shoulder, bowed his head and leaned over .

"You... ?! Mmm..."

He forcefully delivered the red berries to the other party's mouth, Shao Ci raised his head, looked at Igleia who was burning with anger, and quickly put on an innocent look, "I didn't mean to offend you, I just wanted to By eating more food, you will have more physical strength, which also seems to make the magic energy purify faster."

"...You're right." Iglea glared at Shao Ci angrily, and then said coldly, "Then bring the rest of the food directly."

Anyway, he didn't have much appetite because of the demon energy. In fact, he wasn't really so picky, but just wanted to embarrass this human being.

However, the feeling of being kissed by this human being is not so bad.

After Shao Ci ate his fill, he came out of the Dark Elf King's dormitory. It was very quiet outside, and it seemed that it was time to rest.

The palace of the Dark Elf King was built on top of the holy tree, and as soon as he walked out, he could see countless light spots falling from the tree canopy. Shao Ci subconsciously reached out to catch a light spot, only feeling his hand was cold, the light There seemed to be something dark flashing in the dot.

"Hey... is this... demon energy?" Shao Ci was stunned.

According to the description in the original text, this holy tree is necessary for the survival of the dark elves, so even now that monsters are raging around, the dark elves cannot easily find a new place to live.

And the light spots falling from the holy tree seemed to be some kind of power that could maintain the life of the dark elves, and now even the power of the holy tree had a bit of magic, no wonder the situation of the dark elves seemed so bad.

But now it's none of his business, Shao Ci turned and walked towards the room.

The room provided by the dark elves to the distinguished guests was not bad, and Shao Ci quickly entered the dreamland.

Shao Ci thought that he would be pulled into his dream by Ewings, but when he opened his eyes, he was stunned.

This is a pure white space, and Shao Ci is floating in mid-air at this time, in front of his eyes is a huge tree, you can see that the roots of this tree are surrounded by black mist, even if the whole tree looks It still looks extremely healthy, but you can vaguely see the yellowed leaves.

"This is... the holy tree...?"

Shao Ci suddenly realized something. The original text also said that the dark elves and the elves each have a holy tree, which is said to be half of the life of the God of Life. Does this holy tree have its own will