Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 136: Another World (20)


At this time, Shao Ci was completely unaware of what happened outside, and he was still in the memory of that inheritance.

It felt like watching a holographic movie from a first-person perspective. Shao Ci even thought that it would be even better if there was popcorn. Such wonderful special effects and pictures were much more advanced than the movies he had seen before.

It’s just that this inheritance can still simulate the feeling of the first generation of heroes at that time, which is troublesome. It feels like watching a movie while being beaten.

If the people in the temple knew that Shao Ci had such an idea when he accepted such an important inheritance, they would probably come over and beat him up.

Shao Ci paid attention to the moves used by the Demon King, and felt more and more that he was really lucky last time. If the Demon King used these moves to deal with him, he would have died long ago and could not die anymore...

After the first brave man was mercilessly bombarded with a big move by the demon king, Shao Ci thought that this inheritance should be over, but after the screen went dark, a new scene appeared in front of his eyes.

The angle of view is still first-person, because the relationship between the brave man lying on the ground with his lunch box is unclear, but a light can still be seen shining in front of him, and then a person appears next to the brave man's body.

The appearance of that person is completely unclear, as if it had a soft light filter, only a white phantom can be seen, and it is impossible to see clearly again.

Shao Ci's heart was shocked, he could almost deduce who this phantom was, it was definitely a god.

The next moment, the other party stretched out that extremely beautiful hand and held his hand.

Then the light came on, and Shao Ci could recognize that it was one of the magic spells he had learned. It was a rather complicated healing spell, which could heal extremely serious injuries after use. But because Shao Ci has a supernatural ability, he hasn't used it yet.

Fuck, if a god uses this healing technique, wouldn't everyone be brought back to life

But wasn't the first-generation brave man killed by the devil directly? If he successfully healed the wound this time, there should be other records.

Shao Ci had doubts for a while, and then he felt the healing effect on himself, but it was completely different from what he imagined. After the healing effect was used, there was no feeling of warmth in the body as recorded, but extremely cold .

He could clearly feel that some power in this body was flowing towards the opponent's hand, and in just a moment, this body became colder and colder.

"why… "

Shao Ci heard such a voice from 'myself'.

Then everything went back to darkness.


Shao Ci woke up, still in a daze.

According to his experience of reading texts for many years and traveling through so many worlds, there is something wrong with this god choosing a brave man to fight the devil's cliff! Could it be that they want these brave men to devour their experience after leveling up...

But how can people see such a picture casually? Are you really not afraid of those brave men running away? !

Or is it because of my particularly strong spiritual power that I can see deeper things that other people can't see

Shao Ci still prefers the latter.

Thinking about it, the current trend is the god of light and the villains. I thought it would be good in this article, but in the end, this kind of thing can't be avoided...

However, in the original text, after Wendell killed the devil, nothing happened, anyway, this is not something he should care about.

After all, Shao Ci is also a person with rich experience in facing villains. Even after knowing such an explosive thing, he only adjusted his expression in a split second. When he opened his eyes, he met a pair of ice blue eyes.

Shao Ci was stunned for a moment, "That, that..."

"Congratulations, you have successfully accepted the inheritance." After looking at Shao Ci, the silver-haired pope stood up and said in a cold tone.

Shao Ci realized that his body was extremely exhausted. Holding the ice coffin next to him, he sat up with difficulty. He tried to stand up several times but couldn't do it.

Shao Ci: "..."

It seems that this inheritance is not so harmless. Shao Ci realized that his mental power had been consumed a lot. If someone with less mental power came to him, he might be belching halfway through the inheritance.

Seeing Shao Ci's appearance, the Pope's ice-blue eyes flickered, with his usual expression, but his hand was lightly pressed on Shao Ci's shoulder.

Shao Ci remembered the things in the inherited memory, and couldn't help but froze, but the next moment he felt a warmth rushing from his shoulders, and his exhausted body was filled with strength in an instant.

He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you Pope."

The silver-haired pope just nodded, and said lightly: "Now you can go."

Shao Ci stood up and left the place as quickly as possible, fearing that he would be silenced because he knew something he shouldn't know.

After Shao Ci left, the silver-haired pope looked down at his fingertips, and squeezed them lightly.

Immediately, a clergyman came in and saluted respectfully, "My lord, the knight's whereabouts have been investigated. He is hiding in the city of chaos, and the knights have rushed there."

"Very good." The silver-haired pope nodded, "bring him to me unscathed."

The clergymen nodded and went straight down. There was no doubt why the Pope gave such an order. In their hearts, the Pope's order was absolute.

The pope, who looked like a cold boy, walked slowly to the edge of the hall. The courtyard was dyed a light blue by the moonlight, and he gently brushed a white flower in front of him with his hand.

"... the only one who will win is me."

There is a piece of barren yellow sand everywhere, and the edge is completely invisible. This is a place called the Desert of Death by people on the mainland.

There were many powerful monsters in the desert of death before the appearance of the devil, and after being attacked by the devil, the monsters inside were so powerful that it was difficult for those who entered to survive. But even so, countless people poured into it.

This is because deep in the desert, there is a ruins of an ancient kingdom. It is said that there are countless treasures in it, attracting countless adventurers. Of course, there are also extremely terrifying monsters entrenched in the ruins, which are the greatest enemies of adventurers.

At this time, Shao Ci was walking exhaustedly in the desert of death, and his clothes were already wet with sweat.

This time his task is to obtain the crown in the underground palace... In fact, Shao Ci really wanted to complain about why the people in the temple knew what was in the underground palace!

The Death Desert is quite far away from the holy capital, so the pope kindly let him teleport it over. It seems that something happened during the teleportation process. Shao Ci did not teleport to the small town on the edge of the desert where he should go, but directly teleported to the desert Among…

Shao Ci wondered if the Pope wanted to kill him. If he hadn't possessed strong spiritual power and could use water magic, he would have died of thirst in this desert before being bitten to death by monsters.

However, water magic does not create water out of thin air, it is to condense water vapor in the air, and in this dry desert, it is much more difficult to use water magic than the outside world, using it every once in a while makes Shao Ci tired That's enough.

Fortunately, he brought the dry food with him directly when he sent it, and there was a lot of it, which was enough for a few days.

He staggered and fell on the sand. Shao Ci was almost burned to death, but he didn't have the strength to stand up anymore.

"Master Brave, why are you in such a mess." A light voice sounded from behind.

Even in such a harsh environment, Ewings still looks tidy, his clothes are not even wrinkled, and his gorgeous appearance is even more normal-after all, it is just a transformed body.

It was in stark contrast to the embarrassed Shao Ci.

"Don't, stop talking nonsense..." Shao Ci said weakly, "Hurry up and help me up..."

Shao Ci wanted to summon Ewings to be a coolie from the beginning, but he couldn't summon Ewings... Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

Now it seems that Ewings has been staring in the dark at all! Otherwise, how could he come out as soon as he fell.

"I'm really impatient." Ewings said casually, and then recited Shao Ci, and couldn't help but sigh: "Such a weak and brave man is probably the first in history."

Shao Ci was very unconvinced, " can you be so sure! Have you seen other brave men?"

"Yes." Ewings said.

"Ah?!" Shao Ci was taken aback, and he was so sleepy that he was instantly inspired by this sentence, "Have you ever seen it before, but think about it, you also look like you have lived for hundreds of years It is normal for people who have seen previous heroes..."

"Yeah." Ewings looked in front of him, his eyes that Shao Ci didn't see were a bit cold, but his tone was still so relaxed, "I've seen a lot of brave men."

"Then it's amazing that you're still alive..." Shao Ci said.

"It's because Mr. Brave is too kind." Ewings smiled and said, "Signing a contract with a monster like me, if it spreads out, it will be ruined."

Shao Ci: "Hey! This is clearly a contract you tricked me into signing!"

"But... if you really resisted, Mr. Brave, you would have killed me long before then." Ewings said, "You are the first brave man I have ever seen who can pity monsters."

Shao Ci: "Ahaha... is it..." Why did he feel that this sentence seemed to be mocking him

"If it's you, maybe you can really do things that those people couldn't do in the past..." Ewings whispered in a voice that Shao Ci couldn't hear, and then looked forward again, "The village is not here. It's somewhere far away."

"What!?" Shao Ci cheered up again, looking at the vast desert ahead, he was a little suspicious again, "Is this really the direction to the village..."

There are also human beings living in the desert of death. They are all isolated villages, and only occasionally communicate with outsiders.

Shao Ci felt that he should go to the village to rest first, and if he went to the underground palace to face a group of monsters in this way, he would be looking for death.

"Master Brave doesn't believe me?" Ewings smiled. "As a nightmare, I know where food is...?"

After all, for Nightmare, only human dreams can count as food. Low-level monsters don't even have consciousness, and they can't dream at all. High-level monsters must be very troublesome to deal with.

"Okay, then let's hurry up..." Shao Ci said with difficulty. He felt that even speaking was a burden now. The sun on his head almost melted him away. Even if he used magic to cover it, he insisted. Not too long.

Shao Ci felt that he was going to die, and suddenly he saw a faint green in front of him, and he immediately lifted his spirits, "There! Ewings, look at that place!"

"Oh? It seems that Mr. Brave is lucky. Originally, the nearest village still had to be walked for several hours, but I didn't expect to encounter an oasis here." Ewings smiled, but then changed his tone. , "However, if no one lives in an oasis like this, then there must be some bad things living in it."

Shao Ci: "..." Isn't it a monster? ! It's nothing at all!

He would rather fight monsters than die of thirst here!

Ewing's speed was very fast, and the two of them approached in a short time. It was indeed an oasis. Shao Ci was relieved that there were no monsters in it except for some ordinary animals.

It is estimated that Ewings' breath scared away the low-level monsters that might have been entrenched here.

Shao Ci got off Ewings' back, ran to the water source quickly, picked up the water and splashed it on his face, took a few more sips, and finally felt relieved.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shao Ci made a decisive decision, "Let's rest here tonight."

The next thing to do is to start the fire, and in this magical time, you only have to worry about the fuel. Shao Ci ran to collect some hay, and when he turned around, he saw that Ewings had set up the bonfire and lit the fire.

"So fast...?" Shao Ci was a little frightened, usually Ewings wouldn't care about such things.

"Master Brave, come here quickly." Ewings looked at him with a smile, and patted the ground next to him, "I've packed up here."

Shao Ci looked at Ewings with astonished eyes, then walked over slowly, and saw that the floor had indeed been tidied up and covered with a layer of fabric, which looked quite comfortable.

After Shao Ci sat down, Ewings walked quickly to the lake, caught several fish with magic, and picked some fruits from the nearby bushes.

"This, this..." Shao Ci looked at him in shock, how could he not know that Ewings is still such a virtuous person.

"Master Brave, don't worry, these are not poisonous." Ewings thought that Shao Ci was worried about this, so he quickly comforted him, then skewered the fish with clean branches and grilled it, and even seasoned it with berry juice .

Shao Ci stared blankly at Ewings after all this was done, and then the food was brought directly to his mouth. He opened his mouth subconsciously, and almost moved to tears after biting off a piece of fish.

What a bliss to eat this delicacy after a long day of hunger!

He thought he could just eat something and make do with it.

After eating the food, Ewings still looked at Shao Ci tenderly, and said, "If you don't mind, just lie on me, it will be more comfortable to sleep in this way."

Shao Ci: "... You, are you a little different today than usual?"

It reminded Shao Ci that when he met Ewings for the first time, the other party was still pretending to be Wendell... Could it be that such a vulgar plot will happen again

"Is there?" Ewings looked at Shao Ci, smiled and said, "I just suddenly realized that I was too immature in the past, I should be more gentle, after all, I am the only one who signed a contract with Lord Brave Isn't it a monster?"

Shao Ci nodded, "Yes, is that so..."

Although he doubted whether this was the real Ewings, but the other party said so many things that only two people said at once, which made Shao Ci hesitate again.

Shao Ci walked over, Ewings looked at him with some doubts, then Shao Ci lowered his head and leaned over, held the other's cheek, and then kissed him lightly on the lips.

Ewings' pale skin turned red in an instant, he looked a little shocked, and lowered his head in a panic, "Master Brave, are you going to do such a thing here... If you want, I don't care …”

Shao Ci: "..." Damn it, this is definitely not the real Ewings, hey! !

Really, how could Ewings blush after being kissed by him at this time! But speaking of it this way, it really feels like heaven is reincarnating... So Ewings, who likes to pretend to be someone else, was actually disguised by someone.

Although the method of this test is a bit shameful, it is really useful.

Shao Ci pretended to be nonchalant and moved his head away, and seeing that the other party was about to take off his clothes, he hurriedly said: "No need! I just wanted to kiss you because you look good, and I didn't have to do anything else mean!"

... After explaining this way, I feel more like a hooligan. But this monster can pretend to be Ewings to deceive himself, so it didn't become the target of the strategy? Could it be that something happened in the spiritual world

"Yes, is that so?" 'Ewings' looked a little disappointed when he heard Shao Ci's words, "Don't tell me that Lord Brave doesn't like me? I can definitely make Lord Brave very comfortable..."

"No need!" Shao Ci hurriedly stopped him, "It's fine now, you've done a good job!"

Shao Ci was also a little depressed, did he look like someone who was so hungry and wanted to have sex with others!

Is this monster trying to use this to lure him to let him be careless before doing it

Various messy thoughts flashed through Shao Ci's mind, and then he said, "You wait here first, and I'll go and stroll around."

After saying Shao Ci, he walked towards the other direction of the oasis.

If it was just an illusion, it would be too real, such a thought flashed through Shao Ci's mind.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind him, and Shao Ci's heart became vigilant. He stopped and was about to turn around and have a showdown with the other party, when the vines on the ground suddenly shook.

"What?" Shao Ci's face changed, and he quickly wanted to use magic, but at this critical moment, his strength seemed to be restricted, and he couldn't move.

Shao Ci immediately changed his mind and was about to run away, but accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, and was immediately bound tightly by vines.

"Who are you?" Shao Ci knew that the other party probably wouldn't continue to pretend now, and he didn't bother to pretend to be with him anymore, "What exactly do you want to do?"

'Ewings' walked over slowly, his figure slowly changed, and he turned into a person Shao Ci was very familiar with.

Hmm... very familiar, not only have I seen it before, but I also saw the memory inheritance of how the other party ruthlessly and coolly killed the brave man a few days ago. It's the devil!

Shao Ci's face turned pale in an instant. If it was the Demon King, no wonder he was able to fall into the spiritual world without even Ewings noticing, and the system didn't remind him at all.

Although he escaped by sexually harassing the other party last time, Shao Ci himself doesn't know what will happen this time!

"I didn't expect to be noticed by you." The devil said lightly, "I thought it was safe."

Shao Ci couldn't help complaining at such a time, "No, it's obviously a lot worse!" In the heart of the devil, what kind of image is Ewings as a daughter-in-law!

Shao Ci didn't bother to think about how the Demon King knew about the existence of Ewings. The other party was such a powerful villain boss, and he could create illusions of the spiritual world at will. There must be various means to understand his affairs.

"Hmph." The Demon King snorted coldly, "Your reaction is barely passable, you have passed the first test."

"What is the first test..." Shao Ci's face was full of confusion, did something happen that could be called a test just now

"Naturally, it's a test to become my fiancé." The Demon King said coldly.

Shao Ci: "..." So if he couldn't resist the seduction just now, would it be considered a failure in the test? ! If you fail this test, you will definitely be killed!

"Are you going to say that you forgot?" The Demon King walked over slowly, and the strange-colored pupil looked at Shao Ci firmly, "Or do you regret doing that kind of thing?". ,

"Of course not!" How could Shao Ci court death, "How could I regret it! I, I just didn't expect that you would actually consider me..."

He was just touching it casually!