Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 141: Another World (25)


Although Shao Ci doesn't know how the spiritual world of this world is set up, after all, he has seen many similar things, so he can probably guess it.

According to Shao Ci's inference, this spiritual world should be similar to Ewings' dream, and if there is no mental instability, it will definitely be a gloomy place like a horror novel.

As a result, after being sent to Wendell's spiritual world, Shao Ci was stunned.

Contrary to what he imagined, this spiritual world, not only does not have any gloomy atmosphere, but also gives people a sunny and positive feeling, and even the wind that blows seems to be warm.

The surrounding environment is exactly a mansion. He was quite familiar with this mansion, it was the place where Wendell lived after being brought home by Wendell when he first came to this world.

Shao Ci walked forward vigilantly.

Ewings said that in the spiritual world, you can see the most undisguised heart of the other party, as well as the most desired things. The use of healing can only work when you see what the other person desires most.

Of course, the average person will protect the deepest self in his heart, so there will be quite a lot of dangers on the road.

The most troublesome thing is that when you are in danger, you can't do it directly, otherwise Wendell's soul will be even more damaged.

"However, this place is much more dreamy than I remember." Shao Ci looked at the surrounding environment, and it was full of dreamy and colorful colors, as if a filter had been added, "Could it be because Wendell It is the attribute of the Holy Father, so there is no dark place in his spiritual world?"

Not long after walking, Shao Ci entered the building and finally saw something extremely unrealistic.

The building was actually pitch black, and there was only a small path in the middle to walk on, and there were huge mirrors on both sides, on which various images emerged.

It can be seen that this is exactly the memory of Wendell's past. On the screen, he was only four or five years old, and he was a delicate young lady with blond hair and blue eyes.

That appears to be several fragments. It can be seen that Wendell has been a very perfect person since he was a child, gentle and strong. He seems to have never shown any crying expression since he was a child, and he can be perfect no matter what.

Wendell is indeed a genius, like a person who is loved by God.

Everyone around him has high hopes for him, and everyone treats him with great respect.

It's just that there are no playmates of the same age in the screen, after all, those people are far behind Wendell. While other children were still playing with stones, Wendell already knew some basic magic.

What's more, people who are considered to be brave in the future are not allowed to play with other people at will. Of course, Wendell himself didn't express his meaning in this regard.

Shao Ci looked at it, and suddenly felt that he was a sinner through the ages.

He felt that what Wendell desires most now is probably the position of the brave.

Walking slowly forward, the road suddenly changed. Blood-red thorns suddenly grew on the ground, and the surrounding mirrors became broken, and the color tone of the picture became cold, even Wendell's smile that appeared occasionally. It's getting a little darker.

... So the dark place is waiting here!

Shao Ci couldn't help holding his breath, feeling that he might encounter some troubles next.

As for the thorns and the like, it doesn't matter at all. They have the function of shielding the pain sensation systematically. For him, he just walks over them casually, as if he was bitten by a mosquito.

Shao Ci pushed aside the thorns in front of him, and walked through the dense thorns, but what was playing in the mirrors on both sides could no longer be seen clearly, only the dark ink was smudged.

—That’s amazing, you will definitely become the strongest hero.

—The only one who can kill the Demon King is you.

—Learning magic is the most important thing, other things will only hinder your future.

Such a voice suddenly sounded from all around, the tone was very cold, and when listening to it, it made people feel a little more pressure invisibly.

"Is the position of the brave really important..." Shao Ci thought to himself.

Shao Ci, who was paying attention to these voices, didn't notice at all that the blood-stained thorns grew wildly where he walked, and cut off the back road.

After walking a certain distance, Shao Ci saw a pitch-black mist in front of him, and he could no longer see the road ahead.

"Let's go back."

It was Wendell's voice that sounded this time.

It was as gentle as Shao Ci's memory, but with a sense of alienation.

Shao Ci continued walking as if he didn't hear it.

Now it is no longer a situation where you can go back if you want to go back! And it has come to the present, he must heal Wendell.

A questioning voice sounded, "Do you have to keep going?"

"Of course." Shao Ci's tone was firm, and if nothing else happened, this was his goal ahead.

"Even if you will see something that makes you regret what you saw?"

"... um..." Shao Ci said, "When you say that, I want to watch it even more..." He is such a gossip, damn it!

"..." Hearing Shao Ci's shameless words, even the other party fell into silence for a moment.

After a long time, the voice sounded again.

"You have no chance to regret it."

I don't know if it's Shao Ci's illusion, but I always feel that Wendell's voice seems a little cheerful this time.

The next moment, the mist dissipated directly, and the stairs erected in midair appeared in front of Shao Ci. At the top of the stairs is an irregular room made up of black and white bricks. Scarlet thorns and roses are blooming on the building.

"This looks like a place to fight villain bosses..." Shao Ci thought.

Shao Ci walked up step by step. Every step he took, the steps under his feet would dissipate directly, and the scenes he had seen before had been covered by the black mist, and he could no longer see them at all.

As the voice said, he has no chance of turning back.

When Shao Ci walked to the top, he felt that the air had turned cold. Even Shao Ci couldn't help taking a deep breath at this moment before walking into the dark building.

When he walked to what seemed to be the center, a dim light suddenly lit up in the room.

Shao Ci also saw clearly what was in this room, and at that moment, his heart skipped a beat.


There are pictures on all the walls. The protagonist of all portraits is a person.

And that person was himself.

"Fuck..." Shao Ci subconsciously turned around.

It's just that no matter which angle he looks at, all he sees is densely packed with himself. Such a visual impact is a bit too strong for him.

"This, this is... wait, this development is not right at all!"

"That is exactly what is most important to me." A voice came from behind, "It is also the existence that I most desire and want to monopolize."

"... Wendell?" Shao Ci turned around, and saw a blond young man who appeared behind him at some point.

He is still so handsome, like the only light in this dim room. He was gazing at Shao Ci tenderly with those blue eyes.

Normally, Shao Ci would have rushed over. But now, in this strange room, Shao Ci subconsciously took a step back.

"That, that, long time no see."

Shao Ci suddenly realized that his view of Wendell was completely different from Wendell's view of him!

He thought that Wendell was a holy father who wanted to save everyone, and he was so gentle to him only because the relationship between the two of them was better than ordinary people... However, it seemed that things were not that simple anymore.

"Isn't it exactly for this that you came here? Why do you back off?" Wendell smiled slightly and walked over slowly, "Do you want to know what I think, but don't want to pay the price?"

"I, I thought what you wanted was the position of the brave!" Shao Ci still felt unbelievable, "But..."

"The position of the brave?" Wendell said lightly: "I never cared about that kind of thing."

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, this matter has made him entangled for so long, but it turns out that the right owner doesn't care at all, what is this!

Shao Ci still wanted to continue to retreat, but his body was suddenly entangled by vines that spread to his body.

... Is it really this kind of development? Hey!

At the moment Shao Ci hesitated, the other party's cold hand had already touched his cheek.

"What are you afraid of?" Wendell said softly.

Shao Ci said stiffly: "That, that, I'm just not ready all of a sudden... No, I don't mean to dislike you..."

He wasn't ready to accept that the holy father he had always thought was actually a sickly thing! Is there really a gentle and kind little brother in this world!

"Really?" Wendell leaned down and hugged Shao Ci into his arms, "Every time I have to act that perfect in front of you and others, I really feel sick to myself. But if I don't, I'm even more afraid that you will leave me."

"But you are so gentle and considerate of everyone." Shao Ci also wanted to call back Wendell's reason, after all, he is the holy father who stamped in the original work, "You just got carried away for a while. meeting… "

"Oh?" Wendell said: "The life and death of those people has nothing to do with me? It might be a good thing to destroy a world like this."

Shao Ci: "...!" Hey, this Wendell has completely collapsed!

This character is not to mention the Holy Father, it is already anti-social. Is this because the soul has been damaged and the temperament has changed drastically

It's been too long and I can't take it anymore... Even if the author of the original work is dead, he will crawl out of the coffin in anger after seeing this scene!

As for what was the opportunity for Wendell to blacken, Shao Ci really didn't want to admit that it was him.

"Yeah, even you can't accept me like this."

"No!" Shao Ci: "Everyone, everyone likes you very much. If you make it clear, it must be okay..."

It's just that Shao Ci himself doesn't have the confidence to say this.

"Do you believe what you say?" Wendell said: "That's impossible. Every moment, I am afraid, afraid that you will see what kind of person I am."

Shao Ci: "Hmm...?" Is there anything more explosive that hasn't been said

"You can't think of it." Wendell said: "The person who treats you so tenderly, in fact, is extremely jealous every day, jealous of the person who can have close contact with you. He wants to monopolize you, he just wants you to see Look at him alone, touch him alone."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and gently bit Shao Ci's fragile neck with his teeth.

Shao Ci was stunned when he heard his words.

Wendell reached out to grab Shao Ci's hand, pressed it directly on his chest, and said in a low voice, "Under his calm surface, there is crazy greed. He wants too much, but he is afraid of losing. I can keep suppressing myself."

"He knows that the day of the outbreak will come. At that time, he will definitely do things he can't imagine."

Shao Ci: "...wait, wait..." Give him some time to accept it! !

However, at this critical moment, everything cannot go as Shao Ci wishes.

"Yes, that day has finally come."

Wendell smiled slightly, black thorns had already climbed up the bodies of the two of them, he lowered his head and kissed Shao Ci.

- Be with me forever.

After opening his eyes, seeing the blue sky and white clouds again, Shao Ci felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Shao Ci was very fortunate. Fortunately, at that time, he used the healing technique on Wendell in time and successfully healed Wendell's soul.

Then, at the moment when the other party was stunned, he directly used the method Ewings told him to withdraw and leave.

Otherwise, who knows what will happen!

"Are you all right? Master Brave." Ewings was sitting next to him, holding a teacup in his hand, with a relaxed look, not like he was worried about others at all.

Shao Ci looked around, only to realize that he was not directly awake, but was pulled into the world of Ewings' dream.

"It's okay." After Shao Ci spoke, he picked up the teacup in front of him, only to realize that his hands were still trembling a little.

Although he has experienced many battles, he has seen many sick girls... But this kind of thing is not something you can get used to! If you really encounter it, you will still be afraid!

After all, he is just an ordinary person... huh? Maybe a normal guy.

"Master Brave, listen to me, it's good that you came out safely this time." Ewings looked serious, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "That guy is not an ordinary person at all, he... very dangerous."

"I have already deeply realized this point..." Shao Ci felt that no one knew better than him now.

What the hell, Wendell grabbed his hand, and then said the deepest words in his heart face to face.

Moreover, Shao Ci also found that he really regretted it. It would be better not to listen to these words from the beginning, and tell him how to look directly at Wendell now.

If someone else did such a thing, it's fine to run away. And Wendell is different, although it can't be said that he likes each other. But for Shao Ci, he is indeed an important partner.

"Besides, the matter is not over yet," Ewings said.

"Ah?" Shao Ci looked at him in bewilderment.

Ewings: "Although Mr. Brave has cured his soul. However, being cured under such circumstances, how do you think he will react when he wakes up?"

Shao Ci: "..." Damn it!

That's right, it's not like you can pretend nothing happened after waking up! When Wendell woke up at that time, whether he blackened or left, he felt something was wrong. Hey.

"So now, Mr. Brave, you have to enter again, and then you can untie the opponent's knot." Ewings said lightly.

"Can I really do this kind of thing..." Shao Ci almost dropped the cup in his hand to the ground.

"It doesn't matter." Ewings said with a smile: "You are not an ordinary person, you are a brave man, as long as it is you, you can definitely complete it."

Shao Ci: "Uh, thank you for having such confidence in me."

"After all, Lord Brave has already conquered me, hasn't he?" Ewings reached out to hold Shao Ci's hand, lowered his head and kissed lightly on the back of his hand.

Having said that, Shao Ci's heart suddenly surged with confidence.

"Of course, if you don't want to, you can just give up. No one will blame you." Ewings said.

"How is it possible!" Shao Ci's expression became firm, "It's already come to this point, I have to finish it no matter what."

Shao Ci re-entered Wendell's spiritual world this time, and when he opened his eyes, he saw darkness.

There is no light, as if it is a world that exists in the void.

"Are you back?" A familiar voice sounded.

The next moment, the surrounding darkness faded away, and it was the young Wendell when they met for the first time who appeared in front of Shao Ci.

After Shao Ci took a step, he realized that his body had shrunk to the size he had just worn. He was wearing the tattered clothes he had worn in the slums, and he was even hungry.

And the surrounding environment also restored the scene of the king's capital back then.

"Come on, will you come with me?" Wendell came over and held Shao Ci's hand.

This hand is so warm.

With this strength, Shao Ci stood up suddenly and held Wendell's hand instead.

Wendell was not surprised, just smiled gently at him.

The attendants behind hurried over, as if they were worried that Shao Ci would do something unfavorable to Wendell.

It's just that Shao Ci has no time to care about these characters on the background board restored by hallucinations. He stared at Wendell, "Come with me!"

"Oh?" Wendell looked at him, "Why."

"Although, although I don't know what you are thinking now, if you keep worrying about these things, you can't do anything." Shao Ci didn't even know what he was talking about, "I , I just can't accept it all at once, but I won't leave you because of this kind of thing! Do you have no confidence in yourself? Do you not believe me that much?"

Wendell was taken aback, "Really?"

"Yeah." Shao Ci gritted his teeth, "Although I am that kind of person... But, I also have things that I will never abandon. If you want something, just say it, even if those people used to I will leave you, but what those people once liked is not you at all, and there is no point in keeping such a person by my side!"

Wendell was stunned, and said: "I didn't expect that you would say such a thing."

Shao Ci felt ashamed for a moment, "..." Accidentally uttered some messy thoughts, it was too bad, is this some kind of talk from the male protagonist of the boy manga...

"Forget it, forget it... If you don't want to..."

"I didn't refuse." Wendell said, "I just didn't expect that you would care about me."

Shao Ci: "... Hey! What is this, am I such a heartless person?" Wendell and him have been friends for such a long time, okay

Although he seems to have done many unconscionable things before...

"I'm just too scared." Wendell whispered: "Your light is so dazzling, everyone is attracted by you, but I am getting farther and farther away from you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider your thoughts." Shao Ci also felt that he had neglected Wendell when he was attacking others. Hey, after all, he didn't care what the target was thinking before, "Because I thought our relationship was unshakable by others."

"Well, I can tell you now, of course I am willing." The young man in front of him smiled, leaned over and kissed Shao Ci's cheek, "Let's leave together."

"Ah, um." Shao Ci was not used to Wendell who smiled so brightly.

After the voice fell, Wendell's figure gradually faded away, and Shao Ci's eyes became more and more blurred.

But at the moment when it was about to completely darken. Shao Ci was in a trance, but he saw that a more intense light burst out from the fading figure of the other party.

Although he couldn't concentrate, Shao Ci subconsciously felt that there was something in that light that he had to pay attention to.

The next moment, his eyes were completely darkened.