Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 145: Another World (29)


"Before fighting with you, there are other things to do." The devil said directly.

The next moment, Shao Ci felt the ring on his finger heat up, and then his body was moved to the innermost position of the palace, quite a distance away from the two people.

"Oops..." He knew that this ring would not be that simple.

"Just stand by and watch carefully." The demon king seemed not to regard Shao Ci as a threat at all, and murmured some spells, and Shao Ci's body was bound by vines that suddenly appeared on the ground, and he couldn't move. Moved.

If it were just ordinary vines, Shao Ci could still use divine magic to disperse them, but such vines actually have the effect of prohibiting magic, making him unable to use magic at all, and mental power is useless to this kind of vines.

Shao Ci: "!" Hey, there is such a powerful forbidden magic vine, why do others beat it!

Or is this the truth that the previous heroes were all fighters!

It would be dangerous for Wendell to deal with the Demon King alone! In the original text, it was also a narrow escape, and the dead teammates killed the demon king in the last explosion.

Shao Ci looked over nervously, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Wendell stood there calmly, closed his eyes, the sword in his hand lit up, and countless magic patterns emerged, and the powerful aura made the surrounding elements gather.

Shao Ci: "..." Wait, is this, this sword so powerful, or is it all made by Wendell out of thin air? !

No, speaking of which, why is the brave man tied up here watching others fight the Demon King

"It seems that you have decided not to hide your strength this time?" The Demon King said coldly. He didn't use the vines he used when fighting Shao Ci, but the places he stepped on turned into ink, and turned into black shadows and quickly moved towards Going in the direction of Wendell.

Even Shao Ci, who was tied here from afar, could feel the terrifying power contained in that black shadow.

"Sure enough...did you let the water go when you were fighting with me?" Shao Ci couldn't help shivering, thinking that if he met such a black shadow, he would probably eat lunch before touching the devil's horn.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of talking to dead people." Wendell smiled slightly, a huge and complicated magic circle emerged from the front of the sword, collided with the shadow, a huge light burst out, and the two forces collided and produced The fluctuations caused the ground to crack directly.

A strong wind was blown up all around, making Shao Ci's clothes rattle. He stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

The two actually stalemate like this, throwing out powerful magic spells one by one without asking for money. The degree of gorgeousness exploded a few streets away from the blockbuster special effects movies Shao Ci had seen in the past. The gorgeous light effects are dizzying. The magic circle was maintained, and it had already been turned into ruins under such an offensive.

Such a battle scene can't help but make Shao Ci start to think about what happened to Wendell when he was missing to have such strength.

Going on like this, maybe Wendell can really win if this goes on!

I don't know how long it took, but the two stopped suddenly, and saw that Wendell's arm was scratched by something, his clothes had been torn, and blood kept gushing from the wound.

"You are indeed much stronger this time." The Demon King said lightly, "But you are still far from defeating me."

"Who knows?" Wendell chuckled, and he didn't know what to say silently in his mouth. The blood from the wound turned into golden light, drifted around, and burst open when it reached a certain range , turning into a haze of light.

Under this light mist, the extremely strong devilish energy in the palace dissipated, replaced by an extremely strong sense of holiness.

"Damn it." The devil's face turned cold, and he took a few steps back.

Shao Ci squinted his eyes, and saw a vague shadow in the mist, which looked very familiar. It was he who had... seen many times...

After the light mist dissipated, a shadow appeared behind Wendell. It was a god with three pairs of wings. His long silver hair fluttered behind him. There seemed to be gentle kindness in those light blue eyes, but It also gives people a sense of indifference and alienation.

Just by standing there, he can make countless people feel a sense of surrender and worship.

However, the only person who could see this miraculous scene was Shao Ci, so he was just astonished for a moment. Considering what he saw in the inheritance, he became a little more vigilant.

Moreover, does God look a bit like the current Pope... Could it be that there is some relationship between them...

After summoning this phantom, Wendell staggered and knelt down on the ground, his face extremely pale, as if most of the strength in his body had been drained.

"I didn't expect you to use such a method." The devil said coldly.

The phantom of the god just looked at the other party indifferently, a longbow made of light emerged out of thin air in his hand, and an arrow condensed by pure power of light appeared in the other hand.

Shao Ci seemed to see those light blue eyes looking at him with a smile. The next moment, there was a dazzling white light. Time seemed to freeze in this instant, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

Then he heard the sound of stones falling beside his ears. He seemed to be crushed by some heavy object, his body fell to the ground uncontrollably, and he lost consciousness at random.

When I opened my eyes again, it was pitch black.

"Eh?" Shao Ci hurriedly got up from the ground, only to realize that he seemed to be in a dream again.

What happened just now is really terrible, that kind of powerful force is already an existence that makes people feel irresistible. If he had been the one who suffered that blow, he would have been smashed to pieces and turned into ashes long ago.

But in this case, the result of the battle is... Wendell won? !

Then why hasn't he left this world yet? Could it be that Wendell didn't win? This is impossible... and where is he now.

Shao Ci's head was full of messy thoughts.

"Do you think that everything you did was right?" A low voice sounded.

"What?" Shao Ci was startled, raised his head, and saw the figure of the Demon King appearing in front of him at some point, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"After watching the scene just now, haven't you found out yet?" The Demon King didn't care, but continued: "Is he still the one you know?"

"What do you mean..." Shao Ci hesitated for a moment, then remembered something, and his expression became more and more flustered, "Wendell, could he... But, he shouldn't... No..."

Although it seems a bit weird after receiving the inheritance from Wendell, he is the protagonist, isn't he? ! If something goes wrong with the protagonist, won't the world be over? !

So Shao Ci has been subconsciously ignoring these problems, thinking that he can leave immediately anyway.

But just now, even he can see that there are too many abnormalities in Wendell... Could it be that he was really manipulated or replaced by someone

Could this be the reason why the Demon Lord seems to be defeated and he cannot leave this world

"It seems that you still don't understand, that companion of yours has already lost his personal will... Rather, he just fulfilled his destiny." The Demon King walked over slowly, and said coldly: "All this , was originally a conspiracy of the gods of this world."

"What..." Shao Ci was startled. What shocked him wasn't the content of the other party's words, but he didn't expect that the person who explained these issues to him at this time was actually the Demon King. I always feel that the role of the other party has changed.

"When you were sent to the maze before, you also knew that these two worlds are now tending to merge into one."

Shao Ci: "Yes..." It seems that the devil sent him to that maze on purpose, and everyone else was sent to other places.

"It is precisely because of this that the devilish energy came to your continent and caused countless deaths." Obviously the devil thought it was just an insignificant thing, and his tone was cold with a hint of sarcasm, "And what caused all this Yes, do you know who it is? That... is the god you all believe in."

"What?!" Shao Ci was startled, he thought it was just a random incident.

The Demon King sneered, "But no one can notice this, and still regard him as the last savior, it's really ridiculous."

"He, what is he doing all this for?" Shao Ci was a little confused, "If this world is eroded by demonic energy, wouldn't no one be able to believe in God?"

"He doesn't need these beliefs at all." The Demon King said lightly: "He is the existence that you and your world were born together, and can be called the incarnation of this world."

"And as time goes by, this 'God'," he sneered at this point, "let's call him that, when the power of most human beings and creatures is getting stronger, the power of gods will be getting stronger and stronger. Weaker."

"Is that so..." Shao Ci was a little surprised.

"If this continues, sooner or later, the 'god' will disappear, and the human beings in this world will develop close to the realm of the gods." The devil said: "But will he be willing? Obviously, your gods don't want to Things like this happen."

Shao Ci: "Well..."

"That's why he planned the current conspiracy to summon another world with a powerful force, so that he can kill a large number of human beings, and at the same time he can recover a lot of power." The devil said: "And not only that, he He also sent a part of himself to the mainland, was born as an ordinary person, and then became a so-called brave man."

"..." Shao Ci couldn't say a single word.

"On the road of growth, these brave men can get most of the power of this continent, forming an extremely powerful individual, and when they are close to death, they will return to their original body." The devil said: "This is also the ' A way for the gods to take back their power. But I only figured it out in recent years."

"But I..." Shao Ci felt that his three views had been severely impacted, "I have nothing to do with God..." It would be better to say that Wendell's identity has become a very troublesome situation.

"That's right, you are not the avatar of that god." The Demon King smiled, stretched out his hand to gently stroke Shao Ci's cheek, his strange eyes shone with light, "You are not even from this world."

Shao Ci: "... Can you see this too!"

"At least, in the eyes of the 'God', you are the unique existence in this world." The devil said: "That's why he chose you as a brave man this time. Speaking of it, I have to thank him, otherwise how could you be with me? I meet."

Shao Ci: "..." I always feel that being chosen by God to be a brave man is like a conspiracy.

What happened to him? Can he leave this world intact!

"And this time, for some unknown reason, he actually made a different choice than before." The Demon King looked straight at Shao Ci.

"That's why." Shao Ci sighed, "Wendel... that is, God's doppelgänger..."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that many things that I didn't understand before have been clarified, and the setting of the protagonist's halo, the child of destiny, seems more logical... Wait, what is the logic of his thinking in this cool article? What are you doing

"I don't know what is the relationship between him and you." The Demon King seemed a little dissatisfied in his tone, and became more indifferent, "But he is indeed not someone you can trust, at least after accepting the inheritance."

"Then what should I do?" Shao Ci was in a daze. Could it be that he was going to deal with God now

"Although he has great power, he still can't kill me completely." The devil said lightly: "And my body is not outside."

Shao Ci: "..." Yes, is that so? No wonder the system didn't remind him of the change of the attack target at all. It turned out that it wasn't the main body at all.

"But I can't hide it for long, and because I have suffered too much damage, I will temporarily fall into a deep sleep, and it will be difficult to wake up." The demon king pinched Shao Ci's chin, staring at him with strange eyes, "Therefore, I decided to give you a gift in the end."

"What?" Before Shao Ci could react, the other party leaned over and kissed him.

After being kissed, Shao Ci only felt that his body was getting hot, as if something was pushed in by the other party's tongue, and before he could notice what it was, the thing had already slipped down his throat.

"... I'm really not reconciled... When you... go to the devil world... If it's you... you can..."

Shao Ci seemed to vaguely hear what the other party said, but because he was unconscious, he didn't hear the last few words clearly, and only heard a few key words.

In the next moment, the surrounding darkness faded away, and he woke up from the dream.

Seeing that the originally gorgeous palace had almost turned into ruins, Shao Ci moved a little, and the black vines that were originally tied to his body turned into ashes and completely burned out.

On the opposite side stood 'Wendel', he was still the same as usual, showing a faint gentle smile to Shao Ci, but that face made Shao Ci feel a little strange.

Even Shao Ci no longer knew what to call him.

The dark clouds in the sky have dispersed, and all the demon energy has disappeared. The sun is pouring down, the breeze is blowing, and under the power of a lot of light, green grass still grows on the ground.

All this is like the calm after defeating the final villain boss.

"Okay, everything is over, come here." The other party said this, and walked slowly in the direction of Shao Ci.

However, Shao Ci felt that the whole person was not well, and his heart was extremely heavy, so he stood up with difficulty.

[Because of the butterfly effect caused by the host's crossing, the plot has been greatly deviated. Now it is necessary to awaken the consciousness of the hero in the original text before he can leave this world, otherwise the world will collapse.]

"Hey! This is not what I want!" Shao Ci quickly replied to the system in his mind, "And you mean... Wendell has his own consciousness?"

[Although the hero Wendell in the original text is the avatar of God, he had his own consciousness when he was born. But God's inheritance is to let his consciousness merge with God's consciousness in advance, but as long as he inflicts fatal damage to God, there is still a chance to wake him up.]

Shao Ci: "..." He knew it, he knew that things would develop to the point where he had to deal with the strongest and most terrifying character in the end! !

"Why did you come here?" 'Wendel' looked sad, "Don't you believe me?"

Shao Ci looked at Wendell again, feeling that he couldn't even maintain his usual expression. He couldn't see his own face, but he always felt that his face was not good-looking, " return Wendell to me. I… "

"Do you know all about it?" 'Wendel' sighed, looking at Shao Ci with light blue eyes, "Can't you accept me?"

"Of course not! Wendell is Wendell." Shao Ci gritted his teeth, "I can't accept him disappearing like this."

"Is that so?" 'Wendel' said: "But, I am him, he is me, we are one, I also have his memory, have his feelings, I am no different from him. "

"..." Shao Ci: "Sorry, I can't accept it. In my heart, you are just not alone."

Even with the same face and memory, Wendell gave him a different feeling from the person in front of him.

...not to mention the system doesn't recognize it yet!

It seems that it is useless to talk nonsense here, it is better to leave quickly and find a way to upgrade and come to slaughter God.

Shao Ci certainly doesn't think that he has someone who can deal with God now! Just by watching the previous battles, one can already know how big the gap between the two is, not to mention that this god is only leaning over Wendell and exerting part of his strength.

When he was about to wake up, he heard what the Demon King said about going to the Demon Realm. Maybe there is a way to go to the Demon Realm...

So Shao Ci bit the bullet and said: "...In short, since the Demon King has been defeated, then my task is also completed, let's part here."

"You want to leave?" The other party's expression turned cold in an instant, even though there was still a smile on his face, but that smile made one's hair stand on end.

"Wait..." He is just a passer-by who was forced to become a brave man. Could it be that he wants to silence him! ! That's right, he must be trying to silence him, he already knows so many secrets that he can't know.

Shao Ci wanted to run as fast as he could, but he forgot that he was not good at sports, so when he turned around, he tripped over the broken stones on the ground and fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, Shao Ci almost wanted to give himself a punch. It would be too unreliable to fall at such a critical moment!

What's even more frightening is that Shao Ci also recalled that such things had happened to him many times in the past...

Shao Ci could even clearly hear the footsteps getting closer and closer to him. Then, the other party came in front of him, stretched out his hand, and gently hugged Shao Ci. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and easily took off the ring that Shao Ci couldn't even tear off.

After the ring was in his hands, it was directly dyed into a ball of fire, and it burned up in a moment.

Shao Ci looked at him tremblingly, and met those light blue eyes, with a faint, soft smile inside, but in that deeper place, there was bottomless paranoia, cold and daunting.

"You..." Before Shao Ci could say anything, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He subconsciously wanted to lower his head, but the other party held his cheek.

There seemed to be some warm liquid on the opponent's hand, and Shao Ci could see it was bright red—blood from the corner of his eye.

... It's his blood.

"Don't look." The other party whispered, his voice seemed to be stained with honey, he reached out to caress Shao Ci's cheek, lowered his head and kissed his forehead, "It will be over soon...the pain will be gone soon. "

Shao Ci: "..." Is it because you are dead that you don't feel pain? !

And why is he still complaining here at such a critical time, obviously he already wants to eat bento...

"'re not going to die."

When Shao Ci heard this sentence, he thought that the other party was teasing him, but he suddenly remembered what he had heard while lying in the ice coffin after completing two tests.

-etc? !

It's just that there was no time for Shao Ci to think about anything, so he lost consciousness.

Among the holy capitals.

Under the high dome, the crystal coffin is placed in the very center, and circles of strange golden patterns extend below it. If you look carefully, you can find that the patterns actually constitute a delicate and complicated magic circle.

The delicate boy with long silver hair bowed his head in prayer, suddenly realized something, opened his ice blue eyes, and looked into the ice coffin.

"You're here." He whispered.