Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 153: Another world (thirty-seven)


Julius' voice sounded, "What the hell is here...?"

After Shao Ci heard the voice, he subconsciously looked at Julius who was at the side, but the other party looked a little dazed, and stretched out a hand to cover his forehead.

"Fuck, no way..." In Shao Ci Yuewen's countless minds, all kinds of bloody plots appeared in an instant, and he even started to imagine, whether Julius is the lord's long-lost son or something the plot.

"Welcome to come here." The voice sounded with a bit of coldness, and it brought a great sense of oppression in an instant.

Everyone only felt as if their bodies were under tremendous pressure, and they couldn't move in an instant. They could only look at the scene in front of them with pale faces, and realized that there was a fundamental gap between their own strength and the lord's. kill them all.

And a person with high spiritual power like Shao Ci can easily feel how powerful it is, and even the magic power in this space is drawn by it.

He had felt this kind of power from the previous lord, Freire. It is completely possible to instantly kill the existence of these passers-by here.

"Absolutely." Shao Ci's mood became tense, "This person is definitely the lord."

The next moment, an illusory shadow appeared on the stairs. He stood there and looked over from a distance, with a cold and proud expression, and his appearance was absolutely beautiful. "It's really hard for you to come here."

What makes him different from others is that his body seems to be illusory, appearing and disappearing from time to time, as if there is no entity... Does he really deserve to be the legendary Lord of the Undead

The others were stunned when they saw his appearance, not because the lord was stunningly beautiful, but because he looked very similar to a person.

That's right, that person is Julius, and the two of them have six or seven points of similar appearance, and no one will believe that they are not related!

At this moment, Shao Ci also felt the pocket watch in his arms warm up slightly.

Shao Ci hurriedly asked the system, "How about it, system, is this the lord?"

[Although it looks like it is on the test, it is not considered... re-test, test error... test error...]

"Hey, what kind of answer is this!"

However, Shao Ci also realized that the key to this problem probably lies with Julius.

Julius also couldn't believe it. He never thought that he would have anything to do with the lord.

"What the hell is going on?" "How could this be... Could it be that these are all plots of the lord?"

Everyone panicked immediately. After all, the matter would develop to this point, all under the leadership of Julius. As a result, they all suspected that it was some kind of fishing law enforcement when they encountered such a thing now.

In this dazed situation, Julius couldn't help but grasp Shao Ci's hand tightly. He turned his head to look but found that Shao Ci's expression was still calm, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Shao Ci is by his side, it doesn't matter how things will develop...

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." The lord over there seemed to appreciate their panic enough, and finally said, "After all, you are also my people, so why would I kill you casually? "

"My lord..." "My lord, we were wrong!" "We shouldn't have come here..."

Everyone has fallen into a panic under the pressure, and even knelt down directly to beg for mercy.

"It doesn't matter." The lord said lightly: "You guys did these things out of helplessness. In the final analysis, it was my lack of strength that made you recover the memories of those times. It was very hard, right?"

These people had no idea that the lord not only didn't blame them, but cared for them, and was almost moved to tears.

Shao Ci: "..." It's over, now Julius's teammates have all defected.

He quickly turned his head to look at Julius, but found that the other party was also in a state of silence, but grabbed Shao Ci's hand a little harder.

"Are you really willing to go back to that past?" Shao Ci couldn't help opening his mouth, feeling that what he said was quite secondary, but this was also the doubt in his heart.

"Anyway, aren't other people living happily?" "Yeah, anyway, I won't know about this kind of thing myself." Many people said one after another.

"I can free everyone from this curse." The lord smiled.

Shao Ci always felt that this smile made people feel a little cold, but after the other party noticed him, he turned his head and gave him a deep look.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they couldn't believe that things would be so simple.

"Let's go, you go back directly, everything will change." After the lord said this, the others left in a hurry, and they didn't dare to stay in this terrifying place any longer. Anyway, their goals had been achieved.

Immediately, the only people present were Shao Ci and Julius. Shao Ci always felt that things would not be so easy.

The lord looked at Julius again, and walked down slowly, "I didn't expect you to come here, fragment of my soul."

"...soul fragments?" Julius was slightly startled.

Shao Ci: "..." It really is such a bloody development, although it is not a son or something, it is almost the same!

[After testing, it's still quite a bit worse.]

Shao Ci: "..." Don't be so serious at a time like this!

But it's no wonder that the lord can't do it to complete the task. It turns out that other people's souls are not complete at all.

"Yes." The lord said lightly, "After all, it takes a lot of strength to support the operation of this place, and it's too boring, and it fell into a deep sleep at some point, and even a part of the soul no longer knows where to go. "

Julius' face turned ugly in an instant.

Shao Ci can also understand, after all, he has no memory all the time, and when he wants to find his past and the meaning of living in this world, it really ruins the three views when he finds out that he is just a part of others.

But if Shao Ci encountered such a thing, he wouldn't care so much.

"Come, come back to my body." The lord said, "This is your home."

This is no different from asking someone to die.

"No..." Julius took a few steps back subconsciously. Although his face was ugly, he still said coldly, "I have my own will and my own thoughts now, and I am no longer a part of you. "

"Really?" The lord sighed, but his expression did not change, as if he had expected it a long time ago, "It seems that you are not willing to give up your past life, but this is also predictable, then I will let you go .”

Julius froze.

"But you will soon realize that it is too difficult for you to live in this world... After all, you are not a complete person." The lord's tone was extremely firm, which made people feel uneasy.

Shao Ci felt as if everything in front of him was planned by the other party... Perhaps such a thing had happened countless times before.

"What about you?" The lord looked at Shao Ci again, "Outsider, how did you get here?"

"I… "

Before Shao Ci finished speaking, the other party said flatly: "But since you have already entered, it is impossible for you to leave again."

Shao Ci: "..." Your place is still so domineering? !

"For the sake of my soul fragment's good impression of you, let you think about it for a while, and then you have to make a decision." The lord smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I am a peace-loving person , won’t do it easily.”

The more you do this, the more dangerous you feel! And it doesn't say what the decision is.

"Now, let's send you away."

After hearing this sentence, Shao Ci felt dizzy for a while.

When he woke up again, he was lying on the bed, and Julius was sitting next to him.

"Are you finally awake?" Julius hurriedly leaned over.

"Well, how are you doing now?" Shao Ci still felt a little dizzy.

And the decoration here is completely different from the previous ruins, obviously brand new.

"Now, the situation should be good." Julius's expression was not very good. He helped Shao Ci to the window, and saw people outside were celebrating, as if some kind of festival was being held.

"Everyone has come to their senses." Julius said, with an unavoidably lonely expression, "Everyone has found their relatives and friends, and they are very happy now."

But he alone was out of tune with these characters.

Shao Ci felt that although Julius looked quite mature, his state was actually similar to that of a child. His life expectancy was estimated to be less than one year old, and he didn't have any relatives or friends... It was miserable to say the least.

So Shao Ci patted Julius on the shoulder with the idea of encouraging the children, and said softly: "No matter what happened in the past, as long as you are you now. Friends, what is the meaning of life, what is the future? They will all be found. The world outside is much bigger than here."

The background of this place is mainly residents, which is more difficult to deal with, otherwise it would not be so troublesome.

"Yeah." Julius was comforted by Shao Ciyi, and he immediately lifted his spirits, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter. Other people don't care..."

Just having you by my side is enough.

But things are not that simple.

At the beginning, after everyone regained their memories, they felt very fortunate that they finally got rid of the endless cycle of the past, and they still regarded those people as heroes.

But after only a few days, the problem appeared.

Everyone gets old too fast, which perfectly explains what it means to wake up ten years old.

You must know that the lifespan of the demons is hundreds of years, but they can't bear the speed of aging.

The original festive atmosphere changed in an instant, and everyone seemed to become depressed. Soon, they all began to regret it. At this time, nobles began to ask the lord.

The lord sighed, "There is no way to do this. After all, everyone's souls have been reincarnated here for hundreds of years. If the curse is lifted now, they will probably die within a few years."

"However, I have lived for such a long time, even if I am going to die, can I feel satisfied recalling those memories of the past?"

As the lord's words spread, the atmosphere became even more strange.

For the demons with a lifespan of hundreds of years, a few years passed in the blink of an eye, and most of them thought that they were still in their prime, so how could they accept such a thing.

In comparison, if you go back to your original life, although you will lose your memory every day, it is better than dying completely.

Under such circumstances, they couldn't help but hate those who they regarded as heroes at the beginning.

After the death of an old demon, it blew up everyone's emotions. They knelt in front of the lord's mansion hoping to return to their past lives. They had no intention of returning to normal. Cursed man's fault.

And Julius would have been arrested and killed if it wasn't for his resemblance to the lord.

Under such circumstances, the lord finally stood up and said that since everyone wishes so much, then I will answer your wish.

At this time, everyone regarded the lord as the holy father, and tears of gratitude flowed down their faces, as long as they could continue the life that was repeated every day as before, they would do anything.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, if it was someone else, they might have left for freedom or something.

But the people here made it very clear from the very beginning that they themselves prayed to the lord for eternal life, and it was obvious from a glance that they were extremely afraid of death, and their attitude now is quite normal.

In this way, the place was restored to its previous appearance, only Shao Ci and Julius seemed to be excluded.

In fact, Shao Ci was very suspicious that this was some kind of game played by the lord when he was bored. Seeing that he was enjoying himself, everyone was actually enjoying it... Only an outsider like him seemed too far behind.

Shao Ci had no choice but to comfort Julius. Seeing that it was getting dark, he went out to find food. Anyway, no one will arrest them now, and they can go anywhere.

At this time, the lord appeared in front of Julius again.

"Are you willing to return to my body now?" the lord asked.

"I don't want to." Julius said.

"The choice this time is different from the previous ones. It really is because of the relationship with this outsider." The lord said lightly: "But have you ever thought about it, wouldn't he leave you?"

Julius was taken aback immediately.

"After all, he is an outsider, how could he stay here forever." The lord said: "Do you have that power, can you keep him?"

"I..." Julius couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"You don't have it at all, not only that, you don't even have the power to control yourself." The lord sneered.

As soon as the words fell, his body disappeared and he returned to the Lord's Mansion.

Standing in front of the huge portrait, the lord sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to slowly touch the person on the portrait.

"As expected, it is my soul fragment." When seeing the other party, it was like seeing the former self, and he couldn't help but want to see what else he could do.

But it is clear that the outcome of everything has long been doomed.


Over there, Shao Ci also found food, but found that Julius was a little absent-minded.

"Are you going?" Julius couldn't help asking. After all, he was still too young to hide his thoughts.

"Of course I will leave." Shao Ci said, "However, if I leave, I will definitely take you with me."

In the worst case, let's not pass on the lord's inheritance... Anyway, it doesn't have to follow the process.

Julius immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he believed in Shao Ci, since Shao Ci said he would not leave alone, he would definitely not abandon him.

He also realized that his only reliance here is Shao Ci. He didn't know what the outside world would be like, and he wasn't interested.

As for the people in this city, he didn't care at all. It would be better to say that from the very beginning, they were not of the same kind at all, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't regard these people as his companions.

Taking those people into his subordinates before was entirely for the purpose of using them.

But Shao Ci always thought of him in a good direction, so Julius didn't want to reveal his true thoughts in front of him, anyway, he just had to pretend to be the other person's favorite, wouldn't it be fine

Anyway, there is only Shao Ci now, and he will never leave his side again.

Julius couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to hold Shao Ci's.

At this time, the pocket watch in Shao Ci's arms suddenly became hot again.

At the same time, the sound of the system also sounded.

[It is detected that this pocket watch has the power to leave this space, and it is about to send the host to another place.]

Shao Ci: "... ?!" What, wait, can't this be eased, it's still a critical time, hey.

[This is something that cannot be controlled. If something goes wrong, the host may even stay here forever.]

"..." Then let him send it.

So Shao Ci's body became a little transparent in an instant, and Julius looked over in astonishment, "What's wrong?"

"I probably have to leave." Shao Ci couldn't help smiling bitterly, "This power is out of my control..."

"Why, how could this happen..." Julius wanted to grab Shao Ci's hand, but he could only grab the air. Although he could still see it, Shao Ci's body was obviously no longer here.

"Sorry, if I could I would..." came back.

Before Shao Ci could finish his words, his body had already disappeared.

Julius stared blankly at the empty space in front of him.

And his hands caught nothing.

He couldn't help but think of what the lord had said, yes, in the end, he didn't even have the strength to keep the other party.


On the other side, when Shao Ci was halfway through the teleportation, he lightened his body, opened his eyes and found himself in a strange space.

It seems that the previous teleportation was forcibly interrupted, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

But this place is not like the previous world, but more like a dream or illusion. The surrounding area is filled with fog, and everything can't be seen clearly.

"It's not so easy to leave." The voice came from the mist, it was the voice of the lord.

The next moment, the ground collapsed, revealing the pitch-black outer space.

If you think about it, you know that nothing good will happen if you fall, and there are some golden sands floating in the mist.

Shao Ci had no choice but to turn around and run along the safe road. At the same time, he used his mental power to detect the surroundings, but he couldn't see anything... After all, this space is too different from the outside world, and those golden sands can actually isolate the spiritual power from probing.

Now the lord doesn't seem to want to kill him, maybe he can find a chance to escape.

In the lord's mansion, the lord stood in front of the portrait, with a smile on his pale and beautiful face, "No matter how you escape, you can't leave... In the end, you can only come back to me."

"It is impossible for me to make the same mistakes as in the past."

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"Some kind of bug broke in..."


On the other side, Shao Ci was still running along the long road, in order to avoid the collapsed space behind him.

"Speaking of it, I always feel that such a picture is very familiar..." It seems that it has happened to him several times.

It caused him to get used to it, damn it, why do he have to get used to such things!

And I also met Ewings in a dream before, and I don’t know what happened to Ewings after his lunch, after all, the contract is automatically terminated after he dies...

Hey, Ewings also helped him a lot in the past, which made him miss it a little now.

If Ewings was here, it wouldn't be so troublesome now.

At this moment, Shao Ci finally lost his strength, and fell to the ground with a stagger. Seeing that the ground behind him was about to crack, he tried to stand up with difficulty, but one hand grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

Shao Ci stared in astonishment, staring blankly at the person in front of him, almost suspecting that he was dreaming.

The black-haired and strange young man with beautiful red eyes was looking at him with a faint smile.

"Master Brave is indeed so clumsy. If I weren't by my side, I don't know how many times I would have died."

"Ah, that's not right." He came closer and hugged Shao Ci, his tone was still as casual as before, "Master Brave has already died once, otherwise, I wouldn't have found you just now."

When he said this, his eyes were a little colder, as if he was remembering the past.

"You, Ewings?" Shao Ci was stunned, "Why are you here..."

"This is a dream, of course it can't stop me."

It turned out to be like this... But the point is that Ewings will come to save him? ! Shao Ci thought that if a person like Ewings was free, he would never see him again in his life.