Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 160: Another World (44)


"I thought sending you out of here would keep you away from these quarrels, but I never asked you what you think." Shao Ci looked at Erek in front of him, knowing that the estimation was over, but he still had to explain! Just bite the bullet and continued: "That's why you made such a mistake, but I didn't..."

"The teacher is not wrong." Erek said so immediately.

Shao Ci: "..."

"If the teacher didn't do this, how could I arouse the strength in my body?" Erek pressed his chest, with a refreshing smile on his face, "How can I understand what I should do to get my own strength?" Want something? I'm fine now."

It's hopeless! !

Shao Ci's expression changed, he turned around and wanted to run, when suddenly something rolled down from his arms and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Shao Ci lowered his head and saw that it was actually the pocket watch he picked up after he came to this place—

Too bad, without this, he wouldn't be able to go back. Shao Ci immediately wanted to pick it up, but Erek was already close at hand, and he even reached out his hand first.

Shao Ci's face twisted for a moment, and he ran out first, but what he saw later made him freeze in place immediately.

I saw that the outside was already surrounded by demons, and everyone's faces were dazed, their eyes were absent-minded, like walking corpses... If it wasn't for these people's Western fantasy looks, Shao Ci almost thought he had gone to the end of the world by mistake up.

Outside the city, it was also surrounded by darkness, and the sky could not be seen at all. This place must have fallen into a curse.

Shao Ci's complexion couldn't help but look ugly: "..."

Is this the truth behind the curse on this place? So can he leave now

After those people saw Shao Ci, they all came over one by one, red light appeared in their eyes as if they wanted to catch him, the picture was enough to make everyone's scalp tingle when they saw it.

Shao Ci subconsciously stretched out his hand and released a shield to stop these demons, then turned around, just in time to meet Erek who was slowly pacing out.

Undoubtedly, Erek knew very well that Shao Ci couldn't leave anymore, that's why he looked so leisurely.

"You did all of this." There was no doubt in Shao Ci's words, because he was quite sure.

"Yes. Teacher, you guessed right. Because of my power, I caused the previous plague." Erek said, "So they all have the idea of wanting to live, and they don't want to die like this... in such a situation In any case, just a hint of their power will be part of my plan to get it done."

Shao Ci: "..." This growth is too great!

"Now this place has been completely separated from the outside world. No one can leave easily, but in return... they no longer have to worry about their own death."

Shao Ci: "Yeah..." From now on, these people will cycle forever until the day when their souls fly away.

"Of course, the same is true for you, teacher. Please forgive my offense." Erek looked over again, "As long as the teacher stays with me obediently, I will not do anything."

If it was before, Shao Ci might have pretended to be a disguise, but in the current situation, if he said something soft, he might be influenced by the power of the curse and be directly involved.

In that case, maybe he will really stay in this time and space, Shao Ci will never let such a thing happen.

"Even if you say so, I won't stay." Shao Ci said coldly, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Of course I won't hurt the teacher." Erek sighed, looked at Shao Ci with fixed eyes, and said with a smile, "It's just a little uncomfortable, as long as the teacher endures it, it will pass. Then there will be no other thoughts."

Sure enough, they wanted to arrest him and brainwash him forcibly.

Shao Ci thought for a while, if he fights with the other party, the power aroused might be able to pull him out of this space.

Although he may not be an opponent who is like cheating at all now, it is still enough to support for a period of time.

The two fought immediately, and Shao Ci was almost powerless to fight back from the forbidden curses thrown by the opponent one after another. He could only use defensive magic to protect himself. If it was in his heyday, he might be able to fight against Erek...

"This, this is too strong." Shao Ci thought for a while, and this is probably related to the surrounding environment... After all, almost all the power in the city can be controlled by Erek now...

Wait... so? !

Shao Ci suddenly realized something, but it was too late. A huge magic circle emerged out of thin air from the ground and in the air, like a prison, instantly isolating the magic elements in the middle. When a gust of wind hit, Shao Ci staggered instantly He fell to the ground and couldn't even stand up.

"Damn..." Shao Ci's face turned pale for a while, he knew that he was in a bad situation now.

Erek, who was outside, walked slowly, stood in front of Shao Ci and smiled, stretching out his hand as if to pull him up.

"Teacher, now, you have nowhere to go." Erek said: "Just stay, I will treat you well..."

Shao Ci clenched his palms tightly. If he really met the other party, he would probably fall into the curse, and he wouldn't be able to leave if he wanted to get away!

At this moment, Erek suddenly covered his face, as if he had encountered something very painful, his face turned ugly.

Shao Ci was stunned immediately.

"Damn... you... how did you do it..."

Erek seemed to be struggling with other things in his body, and he could see the dark shadow twisting around him, and he himself seemed to be imprisoned by something.

"No, no... I absolutely won't allow it, no—"

The voice stopped abruptly, and Shao Ci suddenly saw Erek's appearance change rapidly, turning into the familiar appearance of Julius.


Shao Ci was stunned. But after thinking about it, Julius and Erek were originally one person, and it was normal for him to be able to use this body temporarily.

Julius's expression was still somewhat painful, as if he had paid a lot for temporarily controlling this body. He looked at this side, walked forward a few steps, stretched out his hand to hold Shao Ci's hand, and bowed down. He opened his mouth low, "It's me..."

"I won't let his plan succeed..." Julius stared fixedly into Shao Ci's eyes, filled with sincere feelings, "I like you, so I hope you can be happy, and I don't want you to be trapped in Here...for such a purpose, it doesn't matter if I have to disappear."

Shao Ci was shocked, he hadn't seen such a good boy for a long time! Fortunately, he had always had subtle feelings about Julius in front of him because of the relationship with Julius in the future, but he didn't expect that he was the best one!

Shao Ci's heart was instantly touched, and he held Julius' hand instead, and was about to say something when the other party rushed over and hugged him.

"There is no time. If he doesn't hurry up, he will wake up." Julius's voice was a little anxious.

But Shao Ci, who was hugged, felt a burst of coldness coming from the other party, but unexpectedly did not make people feel uncomfortable, but with a cool and comfortable feeling, which made people feel instantly Relaxed.

"Hope to meet again in the future..."

Intermittent voices came to Shao Ci's ears.

The hand Shao Ci held also quickly became unreal. His vision went dark, and his body almost felt like it was about to be torn apart by the force of time and space. When he regained consciousness, he found that he had returned to that familiar place. In his tomb, even the fake lord's body was still lying nearby.

"Am I back? And it doesn't look like it's been a long time?" Shao Ci felt relieved. As for the pocket watch from before, he probably won't be able to come back... But now Shao Ci doesn't need it anymore. it's gone.

Shao Ci stood up and looked down at Julius in the coffin... No, it's time to call him Erek at this time. Now that I think about it, some things that I didn't understand before seem to be clear.

It turned out that the reason why this territory became cursed now was because of his relationship. But it can also be said that his appearance accelerated the occurrence of this matter.

After all, no matter how you look at Erek, there will be problems. If you don't have yourself, someone else will persecute him.

And the amnesiac Julius I saw when I first came here may be the Julius of the past... In fact, he has been an ordinary, even kind-hearted boy from before to now.

As for the lord, he must be Eric, he must have been like that from the very beginning! !

But I have to say that the current lord's appearance is much more handsome than before. This is the 18th male change... I guess he didn't eat very well when he lived in the slums, and he is too far away from the current aggressive temperament. I didn't recognize it all at once.

Shao Ci was really scared of Erek, he didn't expect that he would provoke such a monster-level character just by doing a good thing casually.

Now I don't care about being sad for Julius, but Julius let him go twice, and now that he finally came back here, he should quickly find the location of the lord's real body! Otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for Julius' sacrifice!

Now only when he finds the body of the lord can everyone truly be relieved.

As for the location of that body, Shao Ci already had some ideas in his mind.

Shao Ci hurriedly walked out of the secret room and walked directly towards his destination. Although the city has been turned into ruins, he still has some memories of the roads here. After all, Shao Ci has lived here for a period of time, no matter in the previous illusion, or back to hundreds of years ago.

I don't know the reason, but this time Shao Ci seemed to be very lucky, the road went smoothly, no one came to stop him, and he reached the end point - the building where he once lived with Erek for a while.

After all, if you want to choose a place to put your body, according to Erek's obsession with him... there is a great possibility here.

After coming here, Shao Ci also found that this building was relatively well preserved compared to other dilapidated buildings, which further proved his guess.

"It should be here..." Shao Ci took a deep breath and opened the door directly.


In the illusion.

In the pitch-dark lord's mansion, Eric, who was standing in front of the huge portrait, turned around abruptly, looking at a certain place in the city, and there was a flash of strange emotion in it.

"Where did you go... did you finally remember it?"

"...I've been waiting for a long time, teacher."