Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 161: Another World (45)


After opening the door, what appeared before Shao Ci's eyes was not the ruins he thought, but an extremely tidy hall. For a moment, he thought he had returned to the past.

Obviously hundreds of years have passed, but the time here seems to be frozen, and nothing has changed.

"Is he still setting up a magic circle here..." Shao Ci's mood was slightly complicated.

He is not a very hard-hearted person, but he is more soft-hearted than hard-hearted. And because of the past, Shao Ci especially dislikes the kind of person who insists on forcing him to do something.

What's more, when he was with Erek before, Shao Ci had the idea of leaving sooner or later and didn't have any affection... Of course he felt sorry for the other party, but he didn't mean to sacrifice his happiness for the happiness of the other party. !

If this is the case, according to the love debts he has encountered... this f*cking sacrifice is not worth it. It's so unfair to say a nice word to someone else!

Run away without sympathy, this is Shao Ci's approach.

So Shao Ci was stunned at the door for a moment, and rushed to Erek's room. After pushing the door open, his eyes were empty, and there was nothing inside except furniture.

"Did I guess wrong..." Shao Ci took a step back, but suddenly remembered something, rushed up from the stairs beside him, and came to the door of his own bedroom.

After opening the door this time, he immediately saw the black-haired young man lying quietly on the bed. He was sleeping very peacefully, and everything seemed very simple.

But this is of course an illusion.

"Finally found it, it's actually here..." Having gone through so many things and finally reached this point, Shao Ci didn't dare to let go of his heart. He was vigilant about his surroundings and walked slowly towards the bed.

When he walked to the bed without seeing anything, he felt unbelievable, and reached out to touch Erek's cheek.

The moment Shao Ci touched the other party, the surroundings suddenly spun, and everything in front of him was replaced by darkness in an instant.

... Sure enough, he knew that things would not be so simple! !

Erek actually cast a spell on himself that would allow people to enter the illusion, which is impossible to guard against.

After the picture in front of him became clearer, Shao Ci found himself in the illusion again.

It's like a lord's mansion here, but it's all shrouded in fog, giving people an uneasy feeling.

As if welcoming him, the fog cleared, and a road appeared in front of Shao Ci.

Shao Ci could only bite the bullet and walked over. It can be said that this is completely Erek's world, and where he can escape to, Ewings may not come out to rescue him this time. It's better to face it honestly and look for an opportunity to leave.

Only hasty footsteps sounded in the mist, and when Shao Ci walked to the door, the door opened by itself, revealing the dimly lit hall.

When Shao Ci looked up, he could see the huge portrait hanging on the wall in the middle of the hall, and the handsome black-haired young man standing in front of him. He was reaching out to caress the portrait in front of him, with fascination in his eyes.

If the person in that portrait wasn't himself, Shao Ci felt that he would be happier.

Compared with the last time he came to the illusion, now Shao Ci is no longer as dazed as before. He is very clear in his heart that everything is because of something... Now it is time to end all this.

"Teacher, you're here. Should I say long time no see?" The lord turned his head, his gestures were elegant, and he looked like a nobleman.

In these hundreds of years, no one can remain unchanged.

Erek was looking at Shao Ci with a smile, his eyes full of joy and respect.

"It's been a long time..." Shao Ci opened his mouth, thinking of something, and asked, " is it?"

"It seems that the teacher is very worried about him. But it doesn't matter, he is me, so I won't be sad." Erek said with a smile, "Similarly, I can't do anything to him, teacher, you can rest assured No... maybe now, you should be more worried about yourself?"

"It's been so long, haven't you figured it out yet..." Shao Ci felt like he was talking nonsense.

"I don't think there is anything that needs to be figured out?" Erek said, "I only have one purpose, and I am working hard for it. Although it is a few hundred years late, but now my wish will come true, and the teacher will Are you happy for me?"

Shao Ci felt that he could no longer communicate with this person.

"If it weren't for divination with the prophecy that you will appear in the future, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to wait so long." Erek said.

That's... If it was him who stayed in the illusion for so long, he would definitely go crazy. But Erek's three views are completely different from ordinary people, so Shao Ci doesn't know how he is.

"...I'm here, but I'm not going to stay. I have more important things to do." Shao Ci looked over determinedly, "That is a matter of life and death in this world."

Shao Ci also feels very ashamed to say such a second grade, but it is indeed the truth!

Before he knew it, he took the script of the male protagonist... If he was left here by Erek, the world would probably collapse in a short time.

"The life and death of other people, what does it matter to me?" Erek murmured, walking slowly towards Shao Ci, "But if it's the teacher's wish, I can also..."

Shao Ci knew that conventional methods could no longer deal with Erek. He couldn't deal with him hundreds of years ago, let alone now! In these hundreds of years, Erek's strength does not know how much he can improve.

Only use the method he was thinking before!

So Shao Ci gritted his teeth, rushed over, hesitated for a moment, and hugged Erek's body—only then did he realize that the height difference between himself and Erek was still a bit large.

The hall suddenly fell into silence.

Shao Ci froze for a moment before raising his head, and saw Erek's beautiful face turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously before, he looked like a villain big boss who planned everything and everything was not a problem, but now, he blushed? !

There seemed to be stars twinkling in Erek's eyes, his body was trembling undetectably, and he didn't seem to know where to put his hands, "Old, teacher, why, why are you so sudden..."

Shao Ci: "..."

Shao Ci: "... ?!"

So you are so innocent? !

Shao Ci's affection for Erek was greatly increased in an instant, anyway, he is the kind of person who eats soft but not tough (.)

"I, I haven't..." Erek said, seemingly in a little confusion: "I still want to..."

However, things have come to this point, even if the goodwill is greatly increased, it is too late.

Shao Ci silently said sorry in his heart, and then directly attacked with mental power.

In fact, he didn't mean to kill Erek, but just wanted to use this opportunity to shake himself out of this illusion.

Things went well, Erek was slightly stunned, and the illusion around him became unstable, as if he could see space cracks appearing around him.

"Sorry, I still have something to do." Shao Ci said, and pushed Erek's body away. With this strength, his consciousness also left this space.

He saw Erek's expression in a daze, and he didn't seem to be as unhappy as he imagined...


Everything went well, and Shao Ci woke up.

"It's really not easy."

There is no time left. Shao Ci couldn't take care of that much, Erek's body shaking while holding down on the bed.

Although he is no match for Erek in illusions and dreams, as long as he is awakened, Erek will temporarily fall into a weak state, unable to exert his full strength.

After all, it was an illusion that had been maintained for so long, and it was not very suitable for being awake all of a sudden.

And this is Shao Ci's only chance. If you miss this time, it is almost impossible to leave again.

The other party quickly opened his eyes.

As if he was really just sleeping, Erek's eyes were a little dazed, but after seeing Shao Ci in front of him, he smiled, and he didn't have the mentality of his plan being destroyed by others at all. It looks broken.

"Teacher, good morning? This dream... It's been too long."

Shao Ci: "Yes. It's been too long..."

"You have finally come this far, you are indeed my teacher." Erek looked proud, "It took such a short time to wake me up, it's really amazing."

Shao Ci: "... On this point, I took advantage of your feelings, sorry."

"It's okay, I knew it very well from the beginning." Erek said, "After all, from the first time we met, the teacher looked worried, as if he was always thinking about something... probably from that From then on, I began to fear that you would leave me completely."

"I never thought that I would stay here for such a long time." Shao Ci said.

"About the identity of your heir, teacher..." Erek spoke again.

"Will you admit me?" Shao Ci himself was not very confident.

"Of course I would." Erek quickly agreed, sitting up and looking at Shao Ci tenderly.

"You...why?" Shao Ci didn't understand. If he was Erek, he might not even agree to death.

Erek: "How could I refuse the teacher's request?"

Shao Ci: "..." I wasn't so obedient before!

"But I still have a small request." Erek said in a low voice.

Shao Ci said: "Just tell me. I will definitely do my best."

"Let me hug you." Erek said, "I won't do anything..."

"Huh? Since you want it." Although Shao Ci felt that he might be cheating, he thought for a while that Erek had never cheated him before, so he nodded.

It was just such a small request, of course he couldn't refuse.

Erek immediately hugged the person in front of him, and he closed his eyes slightly, feeling that everything was so peaceful. Ah, yes... Isn't the time when he was the happiest when he was with the teacher

What he pursues is nothing more than that... Compared to making the teacher unhappy, he has other ways to achieve the best of both worlds.

Shao Ci couldn't believe that things were going well again. After the hug was over, the ceremony began.

"I admit you..." The black-haired lord lowered his head and kissed the back of Shao Ci's hand. His expression was somewhat devout, and his eyes were gently closed.

Immediately, complex imprints lit up from the back of Shao Ci's hand, and a scorching feeling rushed from the back of his hand to his whole body.

Shao Ci can also feel the long-lost power returning to his body, he can use most of his power now, if it is him now, he will not be as helpless as before when facing Erek .

That was how the ceremony should have ended.

But Shao Ci suddenly found that he couldn't move. He looked at the person in front of him in astonishment, and saw Erek raised his head with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Shao Ci felt that something was wrong, but subconsciously he didn't feel any danger, so he just looked at Erek with some doubts.

Then he saw that Erek's body became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the back of Shao Ci's hand became hotter and hotter, and the power that should have stopped growing continued to rise, to the point where he was a little afraid.

"No, wait, what are you going to do?!" Shao Ci didn't feel happy at all, after all, the situation in front of him didn't look right, "Don't be overwhelmed!"

"I don't have one." Erek said, "I just do what I want to do."

"But if this goes on, you're going to die—"

It would be fine if it was just to give the strength, but Erek's body is still in a weak period. If this continues, he probably will lose most of his life if he doesn't die.

No matter what Shao Ci did, it was impossible for him to watch Erek die for him like this!

"It's a good thing, it's good for everyone." Erek said: "The cycle of hundreds of years is finally coming to an end... When my father died, didn't he just hope that Teacher, you can stop me? "

Shao Ci: "But now it's already..."

"Also, I didn't die either. I just want to be with the teacher. This is something that has been decided before..." Erek smiled and said, "The teacher has important things to do now, right? There is no way to stay Come down, and it also needs strength."

Shao Ci: "No, no, wait a minute..."

This development is too intense! !

"So, I thought, I will give my power to you." Erek said: "In this way, no matter where I go, the teacher will remember me, and when I use this power, I will also remember me. In this way, my wish will be fulfilled."

"Wait..." Shao Ci wanted to say something more, but felt a strong sense of dizziness, and soon fell on the bed beside him, unwillingly falling into a dream.

A hand gently brushed his cheek, seemingly with nostalgia, but it didn't stay too long, and finally pulled Shao Ci's loose hair behind his head.

"good night, teacher."