Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 162: Another World (forty-six)


When Shao Ci woke up, he found himself in a dark space.

Shao Ci immediately realized that his body was different from the past. Compared with the past, the strength he possessed now was even stronger. That formidable power is hidden in the body, no matter who owns it, it is afraid that it will produce a feeling of invincibility.

"Eric..." Shao Ci clenched his hands subconsciously, his face pale, "Is this your wish?"

He had no idea that Eric would be willing to do this...

But what Shao Ci got was not just ordinary power, he also got a lot of Erek's abilities.

At this time, Shao Ci felt that he could gain the power of the person he killed, and even take other people's memories as his own.

Shao Ci was a little shocked, "Is this the power of Erek?"

This can be said to be a person chosen by the heavens. This kind of talent can be called a BUG. Anyone in this world who knows it will be jealous.

But Erek didn't pursue that kind of pursuit... Maybe this was doomed from the very beginning. Although he has such talent, he doesn't have the destiny to be the protagonist.

"But since I have already obtained the inheritance, I have come to the next lord now." Shao Ci found that he couldn't wake up from the dream, he couldn't help frowning, and stood up with vigilance .

In just a moment, Shao Ci's vision was blurred, and cheerful exotic music sounded from his ears, and the surrounding light gradually brightened. He just took a step forward, as if he had directly stepped into a luxurious hall.

And here, it seems that a dance is being held.

The melodious girl's laughter echoed all around, and the demons in gorgeous costumes danced around, their movements consistent and neat, and everyone's expressions were so focused, completely immersed in this world.

And Shao Ci, who was standing in the center, completely looked like a different kind who broke into it.

"This is...?" Shao Ci always felt that the scene in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling, but he had participated in such dances many times.

When he was about to leave, a girl next to him suddenly bumped into him. Shao Ci was about to say something, but when he looked down, he was stunned.

The demon girl he met only took an instant, and the skin and flesh had faded away, turning into a skeleton. The two big black holes in the eye sockets were staring at Shao Ci.

Shao Ci took a step back subconsciously, turned his head and looked at other places, all the demons in the dance scene had become like this.

They didn't mean to attack Shao Ci, they just stood there motionless, and all of them looked over.

If Shao Ci in the past might have been scared to death, although he can maintain his composure now, he still feels that this situation is too weird.

And this kind of dance constructed in his dream reminded him of a familiar person...

"This must be the one..."

Shao Ci was muttering, and suddenly heard footsteps, looked up, and saw a handsome young man standing on the second floor, his red crystal eyes were looking at Shao Ci with interest, he smiled He stretched out his hand to say hello, "Master Brave, we meet again."

"Ewings." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and he immediately felt relieved when he met an acquaintance, "You scared me again. Let me wake up quickly, I have to find the third lord."

"I'm not scaring you." Ewings said with a smile, "It's just Mr. Brave, here is the territory of the third lord. The dream world is also very important in the demons."

Shao Ci: "..."

Shao Ci: "..."

"You, you are the third lord?!"

"Did you just guess now?" Ewings smiled.

"No, no." Shao Ci said, "The contract was signed so casually before!! Would the lord be restrained so casually!"

The fact that the hero's magic pet is actually the lord of the demon clan—well, it's not a problem if you think about it.

Ewings said: "What was there at the time was just a part of me, and I couldn't fully use my power... Plus, I quite like you."

Shao Ci: "..."

Is this okay too! !

After struggling for a long time, I thought that I was going to deal with a difficult demon lord, but after doing mental training, I found that this lord was an acquaintance who had helped me several times! !

Such a good thing will happen to him.

But if you think about it, it’s just that Ewing’s strength can so casually appear in various places of the human race. It was the same with the Dark Elf King before, and even the past has a story... and there was Erek before. Saved by him once too—

Shao Ci suddenly felt that Ewings was so kind to him, almost like an old father.

"However, even if it's you, Mr. Brave, I won't agree to it casually." Ewings said: "There should be tests that cannot be missed."

Shao Ci immediately became nervous, "Then, what kind of test do you want?"

That's right, Ewings is the lord after all, how could he let people open the back door openly... What he thought before was too good. It's better to think about how to pass the test. With the experience of facing Ewings before, it shouldn't be too difficult.

"Come and dance with me, how about it?" Ewings said with his face propped up, "Will it be too difficult for you?"

Shao Ci: "..." Is this worthy of his previous nervousness about construction? !

Sure enough, this is still just pouring water, hey!

"Of course it's not difficult!" Shao Ci said directly.

After the voice fell, the surrounding music sounded again, and the figures of the demons dancing around slowly dissipated, leaving only two people in the huge hall.

And Ewings walked down slowly, and stretched out his hand to Shao Ci, "If you can't complete the dance, the test is not complete."

"I know!" Shao Ci nodded, and put his hand on the opponent's.

Accompanied by melodious music, the two stepped onto the dance floor together.

Shao Ci felt that the atmosphere could be described as romantic, especially when there was such a beautiful demon youth staring at him affectionately.

Then Shao Ci stepped on the opponent.

Shao Ci: "..."

The atmosphere seemed to stiffen instantly.

Ewings stared at him with a smile, "If you make a mistake, it doesn't count?"


Shao Ci no longer knew how many times he had jumped.

If this is real, it will definitely be dawn! Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would have fainted from exhaustion.

But even so, he was very tired!

It's obviously not a difficult dance, so why did something go wrong at a critical moment! There have been several times when something happened when it was almost over... It's better to do other tasks.

"Congratulations, Mr. Brave, you have finally passed this test."

The voice sounded like the sounds of heaven in the dazed Shao Ci's ears, and he didn't react right away.

Ewings chuckled, bowed his head and kissed Shao Ci's forehead.

Shao Ci woke up in an instant, he took a step back abruptly, and then raised his head, as if he realized that he had actually finished a dance just now.

"I, did I really pass?"

"Although there are still some small problems... But, I am very happy." Ewings said, "Or, Mr. Brave wants to do it again?"

Shao Ci: "No, no, never come again!"

"Master Brave is like this, I am very sad." Ewings said, "Last night can be said to be the happiest night for me. Although I moved a little bit, that's all."

"Just now, you did it on purpose!" Shao Ci suddenly realized that even if he can't dance anymore, he can't dance well all night, right? It was Ewings who did it on purpose!

"It's too late to find out now." Ewings smiled, "But it doesn't matter if you are slow in front of me, I won't make fun of Mr. Brave."

Shao Ci: "You are already making fun of me!"

"Okay." Ewings held Shao Ci's hand and looked at him fixedly. There seemed to be some complex emotions in it, but with a bit of pride, he said softly, "I Now, admit your qualifications as the heir to the Demon King."

As the voice fell, a huge magic circle lit up from under the two people's feet, and a strong wind blew up around them, making their clothes rattle.

Shao Ci felt as if strands of power were pouring into his body, and the familiar drowsiness reappeared, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

At this moment, Shao Ci had only one thought in his mind.

So the ritual can be done without kissing or anything? ! So what was he doing before...

And Ewings hugged Shao Ci's body lying in his arms, and then saw his body gradually become transparent. After all, this is just a dream world.

"I will always be by your side for the rest of the road." He said softly, not caring if anyone heard it.

After Shao Ci routinely fell into a coma, he woke up and found himself lying on a luxurious big bed.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Is the treatment so good this time? !

He looked up and saw Ewings sitting beside him.

Shao Ci: "... so I haven't woken up yet..."

"Before you completely teleport, I still have something to tell you." With a smile in his eyes, Ewings reached out and stroked Shao Ci's hair.

"Huh?" Shao Ci said, "Go ahead."

"What I want to tell you is the weakness of the last lord."

Shao Ci: "...cough cough cough—"

Ewings is too fierce to sell his teammates!

"With your current strength, there is no need for any tests. It would be a waste to waste more time. You are already a sure thing to become the next Demon King. If that guy doesn't choose you, he is the one who will destroy the Demon Race Sinner." Ewings said casually.

Shao Ci: "..." Is it really okay to inflict such terrible crimes on your own people so casually!

"Still..." Ewings looked at him, "Do you still want to have something happen with the last lord? Huh?"

It was obviously a gentle tone, but Shao Ci could hear a gloomy feeling from it.

"I don't know! Am I that kind of person?!" He said like a stamp collector! He didn't want things to develop like this!

"Of course I believe in the brave man." Ewings said with a smile: "However, I prefer to believe what I see?"

Shao Ci: "...Of course, of course I will do as you said!"


The last lord unexpectedly turned out to be a boy who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, and his personality was quite arrogant. He even said that he would only be recognized as heir when Shao Ci hit his door.

By the way, the news that Shao Ci successfully captured the three lords also spread, and even the rumors said that Shao Ci conquered these lords with his own powerful charm to become his harem...

The Shao Ci in it is all portrayed as a flirtatious man, seeing one and falling in love with the other. Some people even said that Shao Ci used to be His Majesty the Demon King's fiancé, and that's why he got the heir's position, but he didn't expect to do such a thing, and His Majesty the Demon King's head turned green.

Shao Ci: "..." No! ! not like this! He is not such a person!

Although, although some parts of this rumor are true... Shao Ci didn't even have the confidence to refute it.

And the fourth lord also hated Shao Ci because of these rumors. Shao Ci felt that he was very innocent. Even if he was really as crazy as the rumors said, he wouldn't have shot at an elementary school student who looked like eleven or twelve years old!

This lord is indeed difficult to deal with. His defense is extremely strong, and the castle is also an extremely powerful fortress, making it difficult for outsiders to enter. Only in a certain period of time will the defense be reduced for a period of time because of its own weakness.

Originally, if this was really a toss, it could last ten days and a half months.

However, due to the weakness told by Ewings, it is not a problem to deal with it now.

Relying on the route map obtained by Ewings, Shao Ci sneaked into the castle directly, and then directly beat the lord when he was weak—probably the feeling of educating elementary school students.

Because of the shadow of failure in educating children before, now Shao Ci is merciless in dealing with elementary school students!

After the opponent who hit him burst into tears, he reluctantly admitted the position of Shao Ci's heir.

In this way, the shackles of power on Shao Ci were completely released. Having been recognized by the four lords, he is even stronger than before.

At this moment, a servant suddenly walked over anxiously, "It's not good... those people of the human race..."

"What's wrong?" Shao Ci felt something was wrong.

From the servant's words, Shao Ci understood the situation outside.

During the period when he worked hard to defeat the lord, the power of the human race rose sharply. Due to the almost personal presence of the gods, many human warriors gained divine power, and their strength increased by an unknown amount compared to the past.

The monsters that once wreaked havoc on the continent are now either hiding, or almost being besieged.

On the other hand, the Demon Race was afraid because the Demon King was sealed, and was beaten back to his hometown by the Human Race.

The human race even wanted to take this opportunity to directly attack the demon clan's lair, and drive all the demon race out of the way. Now the front line is almost lost.

[If he can also take the land of the Demon Race as his own, then the god will already be able to completely control the world, and will also wipe out all the consciousness that threatens him. At that time, the consciousness of the protagonist Wendell will completely disappear. The world is very likely to collapse.]

Shao Ci: "...!" Is the situation so urgent? ! Once again he felt the burden on his shoulders.

"What if the world collapses?"

[Because it is too complicated, it cannot be calculated according to the current information. The only thing that can be guessed is that the ending of the host will be miserable.]

Shao Ci: "...I see."

Ewings' figure suddenly appeared beside Shao Ci, and even he frowned slightly at this moment, "There is no time now, go and perform the final ceremony... Only you can stop this from happening. "

"Hmm..." Shao Ci nodded.

On the other side of the human race, there is also an unprecedented atmosphere full of joy. After all, they can be said to be moving forward now, and they are about to destroy the biggest threat, the demons.

But these people don't know at all that after the demons are destroyed, they will be the next to die.

That god didn't protect their existence, but regarded them as ants that got in the way.

At this time, in the holy capital of the human race, Silia was kneeling in front of the statue, her face as pale as paper.

Now, of course, the gods no longer need any avatars to issue orders in the human race instead of themselves. He has regained enough strength. What's more, this avatar is not that obedient.

"It seems... is it time to end..."

After all, he is just a doppelgänger, how can it be so easy to defy the will of the gods, it can be said to be a miracle that he can persist until now.

This ending was something he had expected a long time ago, and he wasn't afraid of anything.

It's just that at the end, Siria still felt a little regretful in his heart, and his ice blue eyes looked into the distance.

"If, finally... I can see you again..."