Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 21: Interstellar Zerg (3)


In fact, the Zerg is a very unscrupulous race, and there are many people who mess around outside the estrus period. When the estrus comes, it becomes an animal that completely thinks about the lower body, because although many nobles despise the low-level Zerg, they still have some illegitimate children with the low-level Zerg...

In short, they are so unscrupulous, Israel is so moral and insists on not messing around before marriage, it is a clear stream in the Zerg.

But now, this Qingliu is about to turn into a mudslide because of his ability!

Just when Shao Ci thought he was going to be trapped to death by the system, Israel finally woke up, and the first thing he did was to let go of Shao Ci, the red tide on his face faded instantly, and he explained in a panic: "Yes , I'm sorry, it seems that because I was so happy sleeping with Xiaoci... so I accidentally fell into heat... "

Shao Ci felt guilty, "It's okay, nothing happened anyway, and I won't care."

"No." Israel bit his lower lip, and carefully stroked the bruised place that he had just bitten, "I almost made an irreparable mistake."

Shao Ci: "..." Is this matter so serious... No, this matter is really serious!

"Actually, I didn't say anything before because I was afraid of your random thinking." Israel sighed, "Actually... the bodies of low-level Zerg cannot withstand mating with higher-level Zerg. The lower Zerg's body is harmed, and it will even affect the lifespan."

Shao Ci: "!" Not only do low-level Zerg have no human rights, they don't even have the right to mate! But after thinking about it, the low-level Zerg was originally born to make tools, and it seems that they don't even have a estrus period... After all, it would be troublesome if a group of tools messed around.

Speaking of which, the protagonist in "The Counterattack of the Low Zerg" also used some method to improve his genes before taking the harem. Shao Ci suddenly felt that it was too miserable for him to be dressed as a low-level Zerg.

But judging from the current situation, it's not that there are no benefits... Shao Ci tried hard to find the benefits, and finally found... At least he doesn't have to worry about losing his virginity.

"Don't be sad." Seeing Shao Ci's gloomy expression, Israel quickly grabbed Shao Ci's hand and comforted him, "Even so, I won't give up on you. Ten years ago, a low-level Zerg saved the life of the prince on the battlefield, and was given the status of a nobleman and a genetic improvement potion."

Shao Ci: "..." Why does it sound like the low-level Zerg is more like the hero of this article!

This kind of genetic improvement potion is a heaven-defying existence that can upgrade the Zerg. It is only available in the palace, and occasionally a bottle appears on the black market, and it will be sold at a sky-high price in an instant.

"Although we can't achieve the same level as the low-level Zerg back then, I think His Majesty will give me face thanks to the family's achievements over the years." Israel said slowly, "Just wait for a while That's enough... until then, I will definitely hold a wedding with you that attracts the attention of the whole empire."

When talking about the latter part, pink bubbles seemed to appear beside Israel, and he smiled and stared at Shao Ci, "Xiao Ci, do you think so too?"

How could Shao Ci say no, he could only nod his head, "Well..."

Although in fact Shao Ci has no expression, but with the addition of the system plug-in and Israel's love brain filter, no matter how shy Shao Ci looks, he is immediately elated, and he directly leans over and kisses Shao Ci on the face After several mouthfuls, he fell asleep again.

Unlike Israel, who was sleeping peacefully, Shao Ci fell into confusion about the future. Not to mention anything else, just doing the task of healing every day is enough to cause serious problems. Hey!

However, because the bed was so comfortable, Shao Ci only struggled halfway and fell asleep.

In the following time, Shao Ci will be taken care of by Israel every day when he wakes up. Food and drink are delivered directly to his mouth. He doesn’t have to do anything he wants to do. He can also experience some future holograms on Starnet. games and watching movies. It's just that every night when Israel was asleep, he had to complete the task, which made Israel feel guilty every time he woke up, but he didn't wonder why he was in heat so frequently...

Those robot maids didn't even show their faces at all, and they didn't know where they went.

This kind of life is actually very beautiful, except that the faces of the characters appearing in games and movies are all mosaiced.

Shao Ci really wanted to ask Israel if he seemed so unreliable! Just like a color control! Does it seem like a person who can change his mind every minute!

But he didn't dare to ask, because thinking about what he did in the past, he is indeed the kind of person who changes the target of the strategy every minute→_→

After several days of sailing, the spacecraft finally arrived outside the capital city. Looking out from the window, you can see that this is a very beautiful planet.

There are countless checkpoints on the capital star outside the planet. Zerg without noble status can't even enter it, and civilians need a special invitation letter to come here.

Israel's family is extremely powerful. He is only the heir in name, but in fact he has already controlled most of the family's power. No one dared to check his spaceship at all, and all checkpoints were released directly.

So Shao Ci easily came to this planet that other ordinary people could only look up to on the star net all their lives.

But he was under more pressure... It can be said that the low-level Zerg actually mixed into the capital star, which can almost be said to be something that no one can believe will happen. If someone finds out, they will probably be put in prison and executed.

In other words, as long as Shao Ci is on this planet, he can only stay by Israel's side, and if he escapes, there will be only one death... Perhaps, this is the result Israel wants.

After the spaceship landed, Israel took the passage dedicated to the family, and there was no one on the road, which made Shao Ci a little regretful.

Shao Ci didn't particularly want to see other people's faces, but the more he was not allowed to see them, the more he wanted to see them. This is the nature of human beings!

Until he came to the front of the private aircraft, Shao Ci did not see anyone.

The private aircraft is also self-piloted, and the seat above is quite spacious, but Israel insisted on pulling Shao Ci to sit on him as soon as he got up, saying that it was for the convenience of the introduction, and then he blushed, with a look of Very embarrassed look.

Shao Ci: "!" I always feel that the person who should be ashamed is not you!

The aircraft passed many places along the way, and Israel introduced these places to Shao Ci, saying that he could take Shao Ci to go shopping together in the future.

But Shao Ci saw the buildings on the mountain peaks in the distance at a glance.

It was a huge building, and half of it was floating in the air. The appearance was very tall, and flowers like colorful clouds were planted in the mid-air. A waterfall hung down from the high school, reflecting the sunlight. The beauty is like a building that only appears in a movie with a fantasy background.

Shao Ci couldn't help taking a few more glances. Israel noticed his gaze and said, "That's the center of Capital Star, the palace where the royal family lives. You can see a beautiful view at night from the highest point. Well... I will send you in in a few days."

Shao Ci, who hadn't paid much attention to it at first, was shocked and looked over in astonishment, "Wait?" He seemed to have heard something that wanted to send him in

Israel's tone was full of reluctance, "I don't want to be separated from Xiaoci either... But I need some reasons to give you the status of a commoner. You have to go to the palace for a while."

Shao Ci continued to be shocked, "But, no one would wonder how a lowly Zerg could work in the palace?"

"Actually, there are quite a few illegitimate children of nobles in the palace." Israel explained: "Most of them were born of nobles and low-level insect races. Although their genes are similar to those of ordinary people, they have no official status. I will use this method to send them into the palace as servants, and after a while, they will be able to obtain a commoner status. I also plan to do so... and after taking the potion, who would know that you were once a low-level Zerg."

You Zerg are really messing around! This illegitimate child is on the bright side.

Shao Ci suddenly remembered a very important thing. What Israel said sounded reasonable... But if he left Israel, how would he do his daily tasks? !

He quickly grabbed Israel's hand, and said nervously: "Then if I leave, can we still meet every day?"

Israel suddenly stopped talking, and Shao Ci turned his head to look, only to see that his eye circles were red, and suddenly he was at a loss, "Wait, don't cry..."

"I won't cry..." Israel's voice was a little choked up, and he buried his head directly in Shao Ci's shoulder, "I will pick you up every night... Time passes quickly, as long as you bear If you bear it, I can bring you back."

He didn't know whether he said this to Shao Ci or to himself.

Only then did Shao Ci heave a sigh of relief, but he still had a question, "Then what am I going to do?" He only learned one skill of mining in this world (. Obviously it was hard to travel to the future world!

Israel was distracted by this sentence, and said, "Just water the flowers in a very remote place. As long as you stay there properly, you won't meet other people at all." ..." Israel suddenly changed his voice, stared at Shao Ci and said, "Xiao Ci, you will stay well, right?"

Just now, Shao Ci was thinking that Israel would actually let him meet those beautiful royals this time, but now he realizes that it is almost the same as before... I am really worried that one day he will get sick enough to goug people's eyes what.

In Shao Ci's heart, Israel is like an unstable bomb that will explode at any time. If he doesn't comfort him well, he will be injured in a few minutes. He nodded quickly and said, "Of course, I will stay in that place well." .”

"I'm so sorry." Israel heaved a sigh of relief and then hugged Shao Ci tightly, "My Xiao Ci actually has to be sent to another place, what if someone else takes a fancy to it..."

"Others probably won't fall in love with me casually." Shao Ci felt that Israel was thinking too much.

"Xiaoci is so cute, how could anyone not like it? He must be blind." Israel said angrily, and then said: "In the previous four years, I was worried about Xiaoci every day. Will Ci will be snatched away by others, fortunately Xiaoci has been waiting for me... Otherwise I might go crazy."

Shao Ci: "!" No, your current situation is very abnormal! !

Before Israel said something even more terrifying, the aircraft finally reached the destination, which was a suburban manor not far from the palace.

Not all nobles can settle in the capital star, and most of them only have a small villa in the capital star. There are only a handful of people like Israel who have such a large manor in the capital star.

This manor occupies a huge area, but what is a little scary is that there is no one in it except the robot servant, and it is very quiet.

Israel's explanation for this was that he didn't want to see other people in their love nest, so he sent the butler and other servants to a private planet.

Shao Ci automatically ignored the words "love nest" and felt a little touched. Israel probably did this for his own good. After all, not everyone can use the eyes of a normal person like Israel Look at the low-level Zerg.

If the people here have not left, from the family situation that Israel roughly described before, Shao Ci can completely make up his mind, "You are not worthy of our young master at all, I will take this money for you and get out of here." A planet, or I will send you to jail' and other plots, thinking about it, I feel that the whole person is not good.

Because Shao Ci will be sent to work in the palace in a few days, and Israel is even more annoying than the one on the spaceship. If he has family affairs to deal with, Shao Ci thinks that he might really be with him. Go to the palace and stare at yourself.

Finally, when the day came, Israel took a bunch of food and stuffed it into the space button and gave it to Shao Ci. He couldn't stop asking, and finally said, "You must not wander around?"

Shao Ci could almost hear the cocoon when he heard this sentence, and nodded, expressing that he would definitely stay where he was, and Israel was reluctantly relieved.

After taking the aircraft to the palace, under the reluctant gaze of Israel, Shao Ci was led in by the attendants.

This time Shao Ci really only saw a few attendants at the door, and the road became more and more remote, and finally came to an extremely remote garden, and he could see the beautiful palace in the sky when he looked up. .

Most of the other people stayed in the mid-air buildings, and there really weren't many people coming to the corners of the ground floor.

After all, Israel personally sent the person, and the attitude of the attendant was good, and he introduced what Shao Ci should do.

Shao Ci's task is to prune the flowers and plants in this garden. It doesn't matter if the skills are not good, anyway, just don't prune the flowers and plants. Everything else is optional, and there are no requirements.

Shao Ci: "..." It's really casual.

After the attendants left, Shao Ci casually trimmed the garden with scissors, and his eyes drifted unconsciously to the wall beside him.

In the original text, after capturing a certain princess, the male protagonist was taken to the underground of the palace by the other party, and saw an ore treasured by the royal family. That ore has the power to improve the genes of the Zerg, and it instantly upgraded the hero in the original text.

The genetic modification agent mentioned outside was also researched based on the structure of that ore, but the effect was only less than one-tenth of that of the ore.

But now, Shao Ci is so close to the ore, but there is no way to get there... Hey, after all, he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist to make the princess fall in love with him.

Even though Shao Ci didn't seem to have a very positive attitude when Israel said it before, in fact he also wanted to get rid of his status as a low-level Zerg. Who can bear that he will always be a low-level existence.

Speaking of which, there may not be a few of those royal families who can surpass Israel's force value. Although he is so in love with the brain now, he has easily won the power of the family, and he will become the villain of the regent king in the future. ... Now probably only His Majesty the Emperor César's force value can surpass Israel.

At the beginning of the original text, the former emperor César had passed away, and because he had no descendants, it caused a scuffle for the throne. In the end, Israel helped a child of the royal family to take the throne.

But in the original text, there are often passages describing how powerful César was during his lifetime. He can be said to be a legend of the empire. He was born with congenital defects, and his eyes cannot see. cure.

In contrast to other lively princes, no one was optimistic about César at that time. But he suddenly showed his demeanor when he became an adult. Even if he has flaws, his every move is impeccable, his appearance is so perfect, and his force value can crush everyone. Other brothers can only look up to his existence.

Then the old emperor died suddenly when he was in his prime, and César naturally ascended to the throne. Some people speculated that the death of the old emperor had something to do with him, but no one dared to say it.

However, for some unknown reason, César passed away when he was young... Anyway, this has nothing to do with Shao Ci, and the emperor would not come to such a poor place for nothing, so he probably would not have the chance to meet him .

After trimming the flowers and plants casually, Shao Ci sat in the pavilion openly and lazily, since no one came to this crappy place anyway.

The next moment, there was a rustling sound not far away from the place blocked by the bushes. Shao Ci stood up quickly. After a long time, he didn't see any movement over there, so he walked over cautiously.

After pushing aside the broken branches, a young man who fell into the weeds appeared in front of Shao Ci.

This boy looked about eleven or twelve years old, with a very slender figure, and his golden hair looked very soft. Coupled with his delicate, human-like appearance, he looked like an elf.

It's just that his eyes are covered with a piece of cloth... It seems that this young man's eyes are also invisible... The reason why I say it is of course because His Majesty the Emperor is also like this. I didn't expect this to be some kind of royal genetic disease.

Shao Ci: "!?" Wait a minute, why does he always meet beautiful boys lying in the wild!