Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 4


Shao Ci didn't know why, after the banquet, he and Yin Han went back to the villa's room so naturally... and Yin Han went to take a bath even more naturally.

What kind of strange development is this! Speaking of which, he had known Chu Jin for so long and hadn't entered Chu Jin's room yet.

Shao Ci sitting on the sofa in the room felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, although the decoration of this room was many times more luxurious than his small apartment (after all, before the end of the world, it was the villa where the rich in S City lived), and it was preserved after the end of the world. Very good, even some simple movies can be watched.

Shao Ci wanted to leave very much, but it was too impolite to leave while others were taking a bath, so he had to continue to wait. He only felt that the short ten minutes were terribly long. When the bathroom door finally opened, he looked up and was stunned before he could speak.

Yin Han, who had just taken a shower, had drops of water still hanging from his hair. He gently brushed it behind his ears, revealing his beautiful face more completely. If he looked down, he was wearing a bathrobe casually. Most of her white jade-like chest was exposed.

Shao Ci: "!" Even if he's not gay, he feels like he's going to be blinded!

"Now you can go in and wash." Yin Han said with a smile.

"I'm not here to take a shower!!" Although Shao Ci really wanted to answer this way, when he looked directly at Yin Han's face, he didn't have the courage to refute at all, and he opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word , and finally had to hide directly in the bathroom.

"Why!" Shao Ci supported the bathroom wall, wishing to slap himself just now.

Then he took a shower as fast as he could, only to realize that he had no change of clothes. At this moment, Shao Ci felt that he was abandoned by the world, so he had to put on another bathrobe hanging on the wall... So who is the one who prepared two yukatas in the bathroom from the beginning!

Out of the bathroom, Shao Ci bit the bullet and said: "Well, can I go back now? After all, it's so late, it's not good for me to stay here..."

While talking, Shao Ci walked slowly towards the door. The next moment, a cluster of sharp ice cones suddenly emerged from the ground, with a cold light shining at the top, completely blocking his way out.

As someone who has read the original work, Shao Ci doesn't know that this is Yin Han's ice ability, which can easily kill a mutant zombie. And a healer like him who fights the five scum, is afraid that he will get frostbite if he touches it.

Is it necessary to do this! Shao Ci turned his head in confusion.

At this moment, Yin Han was sitting on the bed, stretched out his hand to pat the place next to him, looked over with a smile, and said, "I happen to be short of a pillow..."

What the hell is a pillow!

Shao Ci was startled, tried to find an excuse, and stammered: "Well, that, I don't sleep well, if it disturbs your sleep, then..."

"But if I don't have a pillow, I won't be able to sleep." Yin Han frowned, looking very troubled, "In that case, if you don't have energy, the power of the power will be greatly weakened, and I'm afraid I won't be able to help your base. it's..."

This is a threat! This is completely a threat! There is no such setting that the power of the ability will be weakened if you don't sleep well.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth. If he slept with Yin Han for one night, he wouldn't be overwhelmed by his protagonist's halo the next day, but now that it's already like this, there is no way to refuse.

After all, Yin Han is now the target of the attack, and looking at the whole world, except for the villain boss Zombie King, there is basically no one with a higher force than Yin Han, and it is more important to have a good relationship... Although I don’t know if I will die someday .

Shao Ci had no choice but to continue to bite the bullet and walked over, facing Yin Han's gaze, carefully lying on the edge of the soft bed, trying his best to keep the farthest position from Yin Han, not even daring to move.

"If the pillow is so far away, how can I sleep?" Yin Han's voice came from the side with a smile.

"I, I'll go over right now..." Shao Ci's face was already blushing, and he moved over at a slow speed.

Lying beside Yin Han like this, Shao Ci thought he would be so scared that he couldn't sleep all night. However, because the bed was so soft and comfortable, he fell asleep within ten minutes, and hugged Yin Han tightly in a very bad sleeping position.

Early the next morning, Chu Jin arrived at Shao Ci's residence.

After all, there was something wrong with his attitude at the banquet yesterday, although Shao Ci didn't care about him in the past, but now Chu Jin always feels that he should coax him.

Knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Chu Jin frowned slightly, usually seeing Shao Ci when he woke up, but he couldn't remember when Shao Ci usually woke up.

However, the supernatural person's senses are very keen. Although there is no movement inside yet, Shao Ci must have woken up.

Chu Jin said in a gentle tone: "Xiaoci, are you awake? I know you are still angry with me. It was my fault last night. Can you let me in?"

After a few breaths, there was no sound, Chu Jin had a bad association in his mind, reached out and pressed on the door, violently broke the lock with supernatural powers, and opened the door in an instant.

Shao Ci's residence in the base is not very big, it's just an ordinary room, which can be seen from the door. Now, there is no one in this room.

"He didn't come back at night." Chu Jin clenched his hands subconsciously. Even if he didn't look in the mirror, he knew how distorted his expression was at this time. It was completely different from the gentle personality he had portrayed in the past. If those acquaintances saw it, they would definitely be shocked Startled.

Chu Jin took several deep breaths before calming down, only to realize that he had twisted the doorknob so badly that he closed the door, his eyes were much colder, "It doesn't matter how powerful that Yin Han is, I will let him stay forever." In City S."

At this time, Shao Ci was walking around the base with Yin Han, introducing what each place does.

Now the tide of corpses is still relatively far away, so I have time to visit the base. After a few days, I am afraid that I will live a life of non-stop killing zombies.

"This is the bazaar of our base. Many people with supernatural powers will bring back the things they searched outside. These things are very cheap. You only need to use the crystal nuclei of ten first-level zombies to exchange them." Shao Ci was there anyway. After spending so long in the base, being a tour guide is no problem at all.

But Yin Han has already let his subordinates go shopping by themselves, and now he is the only one following Shao Ci.

Yin Han nodded slightly, but his eyes were on Shao Ci from the beginning to the end, his eyes were smiling, as if he was admiring some beautiful scenery.

With such eyes on Shao Ci, the psychological pressure was enormous. Thinking of the scene when they woke up together this morning and found that he was hugging Yin Han so tightly that the other party couldn't get up, Shao Ci wanted to pat himself to death last night.

Even though his mind was overwhelmed by the barrage, Shao Ci still stubbornly maintained a calm demeanor and introduced the situation of the base.

At noon, the two of them sat down in a high-end restaurant specially provided for supernatural beings.

The raw materials of the food in these restaurants are cultivated by the people of the research institute through special methods, and the dishes made are no different from those before the end of the world. Of course, the price is also very expensive, and a meal costs five yuan for the crystal nucleus of a third-level zombie.

A crystal nucleus of a third-level zombie is enough for an ordinary person to live for more than half a year. Of course, this is nothing to the strong.

Most of the time, Shao Ci treated Chu Jin and his subordinates for free, and only occasionally healed others and saved some crystal nuclei. Although not too many, it was enough to treat Yin Han to a meal. of.

When entering the door, Shao Ci naturally handed the crystal nucleus for two people to the waiter. Yin Han noticed this scene, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"The food here is definitely not as good as that in City B, but the taste is still very good!" Shao Ci looked at the menu on the table, his eyes sparkling. Usually he just eats fast food noodles to fill his stomach, and he hasn't eaten normal food for a long time.

"After the end of the world, this is the first time someone invited me to eat." Yin Han looked at Shao Ci with those dark eyes that could not see the bottom, and said softly: "These crystal nuclei are not small numbers to you. Come on. Why are you being so nice to me?"

Although his tone is very casual, Shao Ci always has the feeling that if he doesn't answer well, he will break into the BE ending.

Shao Ci hesitated for a moment, his fair cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, although he was very shy, he still tried his best to look into Yin Han's eyes, and said in a very sincere tone: "I just... want, want you to Eat the best things... After all, after all, you are a guest of our S city! How can you eat random food for guests!"

Thank you for the system's blush hanging without any sense of disobedience.

In fact, Shao Ci just tried to make Chu Jin happy in various aspects just in order to hug Chu Jin's thigh better. Sometimes some tricky tasks of the system can't be done without getting close!

But Chu Jin, a scumbag, has been indifferent all this time. After a long time, Shao Ci got used to it. Now that he has changed another target, he still subconsciously uses the previous method to gain favor. Fortunately, Yin Han still has a conscience...

After hearing this, Yin Han obviously became in a very good mood, his brows and eyes stretched, and he said, "If it's not for S City but for me, I will be happier."

Shao Ci's head was so low that it couldn't be lowered, "Of course, it's mainly for your sake..."

At this time, there was the sound of opening the door, and the waiter said respectfully, "Mr. Chu, would you like to choose the usual seat?"

"No need." A gentle male voice said, "Today, I want to have dinner with an acquaintance."

Shao Ci looked up, and saw Chu Jin walking slowly towards this side.
