Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 67: Comprehension (sixteen)


In fact, Shao Ci didn't want to sleep with Si Wuyue at first, this kind of mysterious ice bed would freeze to death at all, okay? And there are all kinds of icy breaths... Shao Ci just fell asleep once and felt that he was about to freeze to death.

So Si Wuyue arranged a room for Shao Ci in the side hall, maybe he also knew that his room was not easy to live in...

The side hall is very normal, Shao Ci has been sleeping here these days. Although he didn't go to Si Wuyue's side, Si Wuyue came here every day.

Obviously, people with a cultivation level like Si Wuyue don't need to sleep anymore, and they insist on sleeping with Shao Ci.

Shao Ci thought it was okay before, and it was very convenient to do the task. He could complete the secret treatment at night and so on casually.

However... Now it was directly captured.

That's how things are now! How can he explain it!

Of course it is impossible to speak directly, but Shao Ci racked his brains and couldn't think of a way to explain it, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "I, I don't know very well... I just fell asleep normally."

Anyway, he is just a monk in the Qi training period, and according to normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to be able to do the big move of soul separation... And Shao Ci really can't!

Even if Si Wuyue didn't believe it, there was nothing he could do.

However, what Shao Ci didn't know was that Si Wuyue was very clear about the fact that he was not the owner of this body...

Si Wuyue smiled slightly, then reached out to caress Shao Ci's cheek.

Because the target of the attack has been changed, Shao Ci suddenly felt a pain from the place where he was touched, and subconsciously avoided it. Then he realized what he had done, and looked up tremblingly.

The smile on Si Wuyue's face has disappeared.

Shao Ci: "!!" Wow, why does he have such a short memory! If one is not good, he may die now and go to the target of the attack.

Shao Ci looked at Si Wuyue nervously, "No, no, I just accidentally..."

He can't even explain it anymore.

"It's okay. I don't care. After all, everyone has their own secrets, right?" Of course, one day, he will figure out everything about Shao Ci.

Si Wuyue said so, and then took Shao Ci's hand.

Shao Ci tried his best to control himself so that he didn't directly shake off Si Wuyue's hand, but his movements were also extremely stiff, and his hands were trembling slightly.

System, don't you really want to get rid of this cheating skill quickly!

Si Wuyue naturally noticed this, her eyes darkened a little immediately, and she said, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Of course not..." Shao Ci said hastily: "Why would I be afraid... I'm just too nervous."

I don't know if Si Wuyue believed his words or not, but her appearance has returned to her usual appearance, she said softly, "Go to sleep."

Shao Ci could only nod his head, and quickly lay back down.

Even though the situation was so bad, Shao Ci still fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Si Wuyue sat aside and stared at him.

Si Wuyue originally thought that everything was under his control, but after what happened today, he suddenly discovered that as long as Shao Ci wanted to leave, he could leave her side at any time.

When she found out that Shao Ci's soul was not in his body, Si Wuyue felt like she was going crazy.

But he still waited calmly, and he didn't know how long he waited until Shao Ci came back.

And this time Shao Ci will come back, what about next time

And after disappearing for so long, he has no idea what Shao Ci did.

Not being able to fully grasp the actions of her beloved makes Si Wuyue feel extremely uneasy.

Even, he didn't even know what method the other party used to get the soul out of the body.

For the first time in her life, she felt this feeling of worrying about gains and losses, Si Wuyue subconsciously held Shao Ci's hand.

It seems that he can't just go on like this.


When Shao Ci was about to wake up in a daze in the morning, he was entangled in Si Wuyue's affairs.

As long as he meets Si Wuyue, he will feel that kind of electric shock, but he can't avoid Si Wuyue... what should he do

Now that things have come to an end, should he do it himself before Si Wuyue wants to kill him, and it would be better to reincarnate directly to Ling Wangchen's body.

But there are no living people in the abyss at all, and I don't know who the system will put him on to revive him. If he just finds a rotten corpse from some grave to revive him...

And that place is so dangerous, every minute is the rhythm of eating bento, Shao Ci feels that he is not mentally prepared yet.

After thinking about it randomly, when he opened his eyes, Shao Ci found that he had no strength and was stunned.

And Si Wuyue was sitting at the side, looking at him with a smile.

Shao Ci moved with difficulty, and then he heard the sound of chains colliding, and at some point, he was tied with a thin silver chain on his ankle.

After all this, what kind of prison play is still going on? !

And before imprisoning Play, people have to cast spells on them, so that they can't move at all... So that chain is superfluous!

He just left his body a little bit last night, and he didn't do anything too extreme, is it necessary!

Shao Ci looked at Si Wuyue in astonishment, "Why?"

Si Wuyue looked at Shao Ci, and said softly: "I said it before, I hate people cheating on me the most.

Shao Ci: "...but I don't know why..."

Wow, should he start preparing for the funeral

"I actually don't want to do that either." Si Wuyue stretched out her hand to caress Shao Ci's cheek, and said, "I wanted to give you a period of time to get used to it, but now it seems that I have to move forward."

Originally, when Si Wuyue reached out his hand, Shao Ci was ready to be shocked, but when he touched him, in addition to the pain of the electric shock, there was also a faint thrill of pleasure, and this This feeling is not superficial, but from a deeper level...

Shao Ci was in a bad mood: "???"

What the hell? ! What good things has Si Wuyue, a snake spirit, done!

"Do you feel very comfortable?" Si Wuyue whispered: "This is all the effect of the elixir given to you during this period... Now your soul is very close to me, as long as I touch it, you will feel it." Excited."

Then he looked regretful again, "If you directly use the state of the soul, the effect can be doubled..."

Shao Ci: "..." System! It's going to be okay, hey!

[It's okay, when the host goes to the next world, he will naturally not meet the previous target, so he won't feel anything.]

So it will always be like this in this world!

Shao Ci felt that it was really not easy for him.

If he stayed by Si Wuyue's side any longer, he might be driven mad.

However, because of being unable to move, Shao Ci wanted to commit suicide or could not do anything.

Shao Ci had no choice but to say: "I won't leave, but lying on the bed like this is inconvenient for many things..."

"It's okay, I will help you." Si Wuyue said.

"...!" Shao Ci: "But, I also want to be able to move myself..."

"Because you are a very dangerous person, I am worried." Si Wuyue sighed, "If you could move, I don't know what you would do."

Shao Ci: "But I'm only in the Qi training period..."

Don't Si Wuyue think it's wrong to say such things to a person in the Qi training period

"Really... When we met for the first time, you proposed to me in such a passionate way. It's the first time I've seen someone like you." Si Wuyue held Shao Ci's hand and posted it on On his own chest, "Until now, when I think about what happened that day again, I feel my chest getting hot."

Shao Ci looked at him in shock: " know everything?"

He thought his cover-up was flawless, hey!

No wonder Si Wuyue had such a good attitude when they met for the first time and didn't directly kill him. So it's because he knew about his vest.

It was too much to not dismantle it before!

Fortunately, he has been acting as Si Wuyue's idiotic fan during this period of time, which made the whole person almost crazy!

"Of course I know." Si Wuyue said: "I just saw that you were very happy, so I didn't want to say it... But after you came to me, your attitude was so cold, I was really sad. "

Shao Ci: "!" She has already pretended to be so stupid, and even said that her attitude is cold, so what can be called enthusiasm!

In short, let's appease Si Wuyue first, then Shao Ci said: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have kept it from you... I was just afraid that you would hate me because of the previous incident."

Anyway, at this time, let's coax Si Wuyue first, although I don't know if Si Wuyue will take this trick.

"I want to believe you too." Si Wuyue helped Shao Ci up, and slowly helped him get dressed.

Wherever he was touched, there was an indescribable feeling, just putting on clothes, Shao Ci felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and he had to concentrate his mind to listen to Si Wuyue's words.

"It's just that you don't even say what happened before, how can I trust you." Si Wuyue said, pulled Shao Ci's clothes, leaned towards him and said: "But it's okay, wait until the big wedding Then everything will be fine.”

Shao Ci: "!" Damn it, by then he will be paralyzed from lying on the bed for a long time!

"Don't be afraid, I've already moved up the date of the big wedding. It's tomorrow." Si Wuyue said.

Shao Ci: "..." This, this is too fast, and he hasn't even reached the foundation building stage.

And I always feel that Si Wuyue will do terrible things when she gets married!

Si Wuyue said: "Anyway, most of the guests have already arrived, and... I can't bear it any longer."

Shao Ci: "..." Didn't you think that Si Wuyue is still a very innocent person, and it's unexpected to have sex after the wedding

No, who cares how cute he is, such a snake spirit disease is unbearable!

After helping Shao Ci get dressed, Si Wuyue carried Shao Ci to the outside world.

But the thin chain is extremely long, and can even pass through the wall, making it look translucent.

Shao Ci was a little surprised. At first, he thought Si Wuyue did it just to play some kind of prison game... But now it seems that it is a very troublesome thing.

In the past, Si Wuyue basically didn't know how to eat spiritual food, but now after having Shao Ci, he began to ask his subordinates to bring up spiritual food.

When the servant saw Si Wuyue approaching with Shao Ci in his arms, he felt a burst of envy in his heart, he did not expect Lord Mozun to have such a gentle side.

If Shao Ci knew what they were thinking, he would be full of old blood, and Si Wuyue and Ruan Wen would not be involved at all.

And Si Wuyue didn't need to be black at all, he was a bottomless character from the beginning.

Then Si Wuyue hugged Shao Ci, picked up the food on the table, and brought it to his mouth.

Even if you are in a bad mood, you have to eat food. You have to eat before the foundation is established. Shao Ci doesn't want to stop eating now and then get a hungry stomachache later.

Shao Ci cheered up and ate in small bites just like Si Wuyue's movements, and finally forgot what was going on with the current situation, looking very satisfied.

Si Wuyue looked at the scene in front of her, smiled, leaned down and kissed Shao Ci's forehead lightly.

Si Wuyue still has things to deal with every day, after he leaves. Shao Ci nervously asked the system if he could teleport himself again.

The system said [No, the last time it was an emergency, it was temporarily used, and there is no permission to open it at ordinary times.]

Shao Ci: "!" Ah, the situation is urgent now, okay

[And there was an accident last time, which made it almost impossible for the host's soul to return to the body.]

Shao Ci: "..." What the hell, no matter what the accident is, it's better than staying by Si Wuyue's side!

But the system was indeed helpless, so Shao Ci had no choice but to continue lying on the bed, because he was too bored and fell asleep again.

After an unknown amount of time, Shao Ci suddenly realized that he could move.

Although the body is still a little sluggish, it is obviously much better than before.

It seems that the spells Si Wuyue gave him also had a time limit.

Let's just run away now, Shao Ci gritted his teeth and moved to the bed, then fell to the ground, his ankle was pulled by the chain, leaving a red mark immediately.

Shao Ci lay on the ground panting for a few breaths, and when he was about to stand up, the door was opened.

Shao Ci's body stiffened immediately, and he looked up tremblingly.

Si Wuyue was standing at the door, looking at him with a smile, and said, "You're really not good."

Shao Ci: "I, I..."

Would it be okay if he said he just wanted to get out of bed and get a glass of water...

Si Wuyue walked over slowly, hugged Shao Ci in her arms, then lowered her head and whispered in his ear, "Do you know that Ghost Xiu has a technique that can completely trap his lover by his side?"

Shao Ci lay in his arms and said, "... I don't know."

What kind of terrible spells are these, can't you guys have a good relationship!

"For ghost cultivators, the most important thing is the soul. I think you are very clear about this." Si Wuyue said again: "But this technique requires the other party to be a human being."

Shao Ci: "?!"

Why don't you ghost cultivators have a good internal digestion and insist on getting it on others? Hey!

"As long as this technique is used, the human side can also become a ghost cultivator, and it can only stay with the caster. If it is far away, it will lose all strength." Si Wuyue said .

Shao Ci quickly took a look inside, and he was relieved to see that he was still an ordinary human being. He almost thought that Si Wuyue had given him such a spell.

"This spell is the same for the caster. If the other party is far away, the caster will not even be able to survive." Si Wuyue said.

Shao Ci: "..." Let's not talk about anything else, this is very troublesome! And if the relationship between the two of them breaks up one day, if they want to divorce, it will be over...

No, the premise of this technique is not to be in love... It must be used by many snake spirits like Si Wuyue on ordinary people.

"I think this technique is very suitable for us." Si Wuyue smiled slightly, and continued: "In addition to those things, two people who have such a technique, when they have sex, the pleasure is also doubled..."

No, no, this is not suitable for him, okay!

Shao Ci was already scared to death by Si Wuyue, but luckily he is not a ghost cultivator yet.

If he is really turned into a ghost cultivator by Si Wuyue, then everything will be in the rhythm of pills.

If it was possible to engage Si Wuyue, it must have been done long ago, and nothing has happened yet, which proves that this technique should not be easy to succeed.

Thinking of this, Shao Ci heaved a sigh of relief, the matter is still within the scope of salvaging.

But thinking of the big wedding that Si Wuyue kept mentioning, Shao Ci felt that it was not very good. Could it be that the magic technique that Si Wuyue said was to be done on the day of the big wedding...

Then Si Wuyue looked at Shao Ci's ankle, and said with some distress: "It's all broken, I really don't know how to take care of myself."

The moment Si Wuyue's finger touched him, Shao Ci hissed subconsciously.

It's not because the material of this chain is too special. Originally, the skin of a monk would not be so easily damaged, but I don't know what happened to this chain. It just turned into this...

Then Si Wuyue lowered her head with a smile, and kissed the wounded ankle. Shao Ci suddenly felt a thrill of trembling, and subconsciously gasped.

Shao Ci was terrified, and looked at Si Wuyue in shock.

What happened just now! QQ

Si Wuyue smiled and said: "This is not an ordinary healing spell... As long as I treat you for a long time, you will feel more excited."

Shao Ci: "" You know that villains like Si Wuyue don't have such normal healing skills...

I don't know why Shao Ci actually has the feeling that this is the case, and he is a little used to the shitty things Si Wuyue does.

After the treatment was over, Si Wuyue cast another spell on Shao Ci.

Shao Ci felt that he had no strength in his body, he couldn't even scold him, he couldn't believe that Si Wuyue would do the same when he got married!

Then Si Wuyue hugged Shao Ci and took a bath, because it was too hard, Shao Ci fell asleep directly, and when he woke up the next day, the big wedding was already going to start.

After all, it was the Demon Lord's wedding, and almost half of the demon world was in a festive atmosphere. No one dared to fight privately at this time. After all, this represented disrespect to Lord Demon Lord.

And most of the guests this time have arrived early, so it is not a problem for Si Wuyue to directly advance the wedding.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, I was early, otherwise it would be very bad to think about missing Lord Mozun's wedding. If Master Mozun misunderstood that he didn't attend on purpose, it would be troublesome.

The wedding was held on the mountainside, and it had been arranged long ago, with a banquet that could seat thousands of people.

Surroundings are even more extravagantly using high-grade spirit stones to set up formations, so that the spirit energy in the banquet is always kept sufficient. Although it is not as thick as on the mountain peaks and can be turned into mist, it is far more abundant than most lands in the devil world.

Tables and tables of spiritual food were also brought up. Just looking at these foods, almost no one would have guessed that this place is actually in the devil world where spiritual vegetables are extremely scarce.

All the guests had arrived early, who would dare to be late for Lord Mozun's wedding banquet.

At this time, everyone was constantly communicating, waiting for Lord Mozun and his Taoist companion to arrive.

To be honest, no one thinks that these two people will stay together forever. After all, the status of a middle-level servant is too low, and this level of cultivation can't even do the furnace. Maybe it will be disgusted by Lord Mozun in a few days .

Maybe it is this middle-level servant who is pestering Lord Mozun to death or life.

Everyone thought so, and finally saw Si Wuyue walking out slowly.

What is shocking is that his Taoist companion, that middle-level servant who is considered a legend by the entire demon world, was actually carried out by the demon lord. He didn't even wear shoes on his feet, and he could still see the A long silver chain was fastened to her thin white ankle.

Moreover, Master Mozun looked at the Taoist couple with a gentle look, while the middle servant had a tangled look on his face.

Could it be that the truth of the matter is different from what they thought!

No matter how you look at it, this is not the legendary middle servant who dedicated himself to seduce Lord Mozun. On the contrary, Lord Mozun insists on being with the other party, and the other party is not very willing.

Everyone looked sideways, already extremely shocked in their hearts, but on the surface they wanted to pretend to be quite normal.

Let alone marrying a normal person with chains on his feet, even if Lord Mozun marries a dead person, they can't have any strange expressions.

Lying in Si Wuyue's arms, Shao Ci was in a bad state.

He thought that on the day of his wedding, Si Wuyue would remove the spell from him... If not, at least the chain should be removed.

In the end... Si Wuyue actually brought him out just like that!

Aren't you afraid that others will see your random thoughts

In short, Shao Ci couldn't bear to look at other people's expressions.

Afterwards, Shao Ci was placed by Si Wuyue on the seat on the high platform. This seat was huge and covered with soft cushions. As soon as Shao Ci sat on it, he fell into it, feeling so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

[Detection completed... The effect of this chain has been detected.]

"Ah, really!" Shao Ci suddenly became excited.

He asked the system to check this chain before... because he felt that Si Wuyue would never do anything meaningless, and the system, which usually ignores such requests, actually agreed, but the detection speed was extremely slow, Shao Ci Almost forgot about it.

[The function of this chain is not to bind the body, it is made of an extremely rare material that can bind the soul.]

Shao Ci: "??!" Damn, this... I didn't expect Si Wuyue to do such a thing... No, I didn't expect such a magic weapon to exist in this world at all.

But it doesn't matter... Anyway, he can't teleport his soul away or anything.

Then Si Wuyue sat aside, let Shao Ci lie on her lap, and then gently stroked Shao Ci's hair.

Shao Ci: "..." Is it really okay to do such a thing in front of so many people


Seeing that the big wedding is about to begin, the atmosphere is not quite right.

Afterwards, the expressions of the guests at the tables next to him suddenly changed, and they directly took out their weapons, and began to fight with the surrounding guards.

This time Si Wuyue didn't check the guests thoroughly, and let them in very loosely, no matter how you think about it, he did it on purpose.

The other guests were startled, and these people were not at the golden elixir level, but they took a few pills directly.

This elixir is obviously the kind of elixir that overdraws the body and lifespan to forcibly improve people's cultivation base. After taking it, the cultivation base of these monks forcibly reached the Nascent Soul stage, and quickly wounded the surrounding guards, and then went to Si Attacked from the direction of no moon.

So many monks at the Nascent Soul level besieged them, even if they were only promoted by pills... even Lord Mozun would have difficulty parrying them.

Everyone can't help but think so.

Si Wuyue looked at these people, but just smiled, without even raising her hand.

Afterwards, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and even the sky darkened a bit. Those cultivators who wanted to attack Si Wuyue stopped in succession.

The next moment, bloody hands came out of these people's dantians one after another, and directly squeezed and exploded the Nascent Soul that had just been born with difficulty.

These menacing monks died in an instant and couldn't die anymore.

The guests were all stunned.

I knew that this Lord Mozun was extremely powerful, but I didn't expect that he could kill these pseudo-infant monks face to face... You know, even the previous Mozun was far from capable of such a level.

A question could not help appearing in everyone's minds, what kind of cultivation level is Lord Mozun

And this is not the end, but then many people suddenly started fighting with the people around them, and a few Nascent Soul cultivators who were considered neutral by others stood up with a sneer, "Si Wuyue, today is Your time of death!" "It's time for someone else to take the position of Demon Venerable."

For a while, everyone fell silent.

These people are really in the Nascent Soul stage. I didn't expect these neutral families and sects to be won over by the Qin family at some point. This is a troublesome situation.

"It seems that you are very confident." Si Wuyue said lightly.

"Si Wuyue, you're relying on your secret technique." An old man said coldly, "It means that those people at the Jindan stage only fell into your way, and you can't deal with the real Nascent Soul stage. "

"Oh?" Si Wuyue raised her eyebrows, while reaching out to put the snacks into Shao Ci's mouth,

The others did not expect such a serious situation, and Si Wuyue was still so relaxed, feeling extremely upset, and said: "We have already studied it... This secret method can only be practiced after passing a level. And you are no more than Nascent Soul Peak, how can you kill us."

Shao Ci began to sympathize with these people in his heart, "..."

Back then, Ling Wangchen could easily kill Nascent Soul cultivator, but Si Wuyue, who was stronger than Ling could he not be able to deal with them.

Si Wuyue must have investigated it clearly long ago, but he just waited for these people to defect before dealing with them... Obviously treating these people as playthings.

"That's right, you seldom use this trick against people in the Nascent Soul stage, obviously you don't have confidence. And we have a large number of people, so we can put you to death no matter what."

These monks sneered again, not to mention that they had the support of the Qin family this time, and they had countless powerful magic weapons, so they would never lose no matter what they thought.

No matter how strong the Demon Lord is, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a monk, and he will lose to others.

"If you want to kill me, come here." Si Wuyue said.

"Hmph, let me see how long you can be arrogant."

The headed old man looked cold, and then a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators all flew towards the stage, but the moment they stepped into that space, they all showed stunned expressions.

Then their eyes became more and more terrified, as if they saw something extremely frightening, but they struggled hard but couldn't escape, and finally they all let out miserable screams.

The guests were horrified to hear these sounds.

But within half a stick of incense, those monks were tortured by invisible things, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed, leaving only a cloud of blood mist to dissipate away.

All the other onlookers were silent, to be able to kill Nascent Soul cultivator so easily... Si Wuyue's strength was probably far beyond their imagination.

Then there was another burst of excitement in their hearts. They had chosen the right person this time. If they had chosen the Qin family or something, they would have died by now.

And those Qin family's subordinates, after seeing the Nascent Soul monks die so easily, were frightened, and they didn't dare to make trouble anymore, so they were arrested by the guards.

Everything returned to calm again.

These Nascent Soul cultivators, who were supposed to overthrow everything, didn't make any waves at the wedding banquet, which was enough to make people see Si Wuyue's horror.

Afterwards, everyone came forward to compliment Si Wuyue, expressing their praise for his strength. Of course, everyone did not forget that this time was actually a wedding banquet, and sent blessings one after another.

Si Wuyue smiled and said: "Thank you for coming to this wedding banquet. I am very grateful to you all. I accept all your blessings."

"However, in fact, this wedding banquet has another purpose."

Shao Ci's heart tightened, sure enough Si Wuyue would not let the matter pass so easily.

"Actually, I have been troubled." Si Wuyue said: "In fact, in order to complete a spell, a large number of high-level monks are required to sacrifice, but there are no high-level monks around here."

Everyone in the audience suddenly had a bad association.

"But today, everyone is here, I'm really happy." Si Wuyue said with a smile: "In order to complete my spell... everyone, let's all die."

After saying these words, the surrounding formation immediately turned blood-colored, and the temperature was so low that it was almost freezing.

The entire venue fell into a deathly silence.

Shao Ci: "!!" Damn it, the degree of Si Wuyue's death has far exceeded his imagination...