Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 7


Yin Han looked at Yang Fei as if he was looking at a dead person, then turned his head to look at Shao Ci, and said softly: "Xiao Ci, don't worry about this kind of person anymore, don't care what he said, let's go out of the city first Bar."

Yin Han's subordinates looked at the person in charge who fell on the ground with pity. The others didn't know that those who had followed Yin Han for a long time were still very clear about his methods.

The heart-piercing pain was not the end, it was just the beginning. After the pain passes, the person will be unable to move and lie in bed to recuperate. And he will find that his abilities are passing away day by day, and this passing is irreversible. When he can stand up, he will find that his abilities have completely disappeared, and he has become a useless person ever since.

For those who are proud of their abilities, losing their proud abilities is the most terrifying thing. Most of the supernatural beings couldn't bear the process of their supernatural powers slowly disappearing, and almost became lunatics.

That is to say, these people in City S don't know Yin Han's methods, so they dare to be so arrogant in front of him. After this incident is over, they will probably know who can be messed with and who can't be messed with.

If the people in City S are not convinced, Yin Han has his own way to convince them. The later the ability goes, the more difficult it is for each level to be surpassed. However, the power increase is not the ordinary 1+1, but a geometric increase.

At Yin Han's level, even if all the supernatural beings in the entire city of S couldn't deal with him, Chu Jin still had a little bit of strength to fight him, but only a little.

Several other staff members wanted to say something, but seeing Yang Fei's miserable appearance, they were too scared to say a word, and watched the group leave helplessly.

Afterwards, Yang Fei, who was carried to the bed by the staff to rest, was still cursing constantly, vowing to make Shao Ci look good, completely unaware of what tragedy would happen to him.

Not long after Yin Han left, Chu Jin came late. Although he experienced such a profound blow yesterday, he recovered quickly, his expression and behavior were not a little bit different, and he was going to go on a mission today. .

Seeing Chu Jin, Yang Fei endured the pain and couldn't wait to complain, saying how rude Yin Han and his party were, how they didn't take S City seriously, especially that Shao Ci, who was so picky, was simply a traitor in S City.

Because he was so angry, Yang Fei insisted on repeating what Shao Ci asked him to tell him before.

The other staff members were all watching, even though they didn't agree with Yang Fei's words in their hearts, they didn't say a word on their faces. In fact, most of the supernatural beings in the base came from other places, and they were not bound by the S city base. It would be very common for them to leave because of poor treatment at the base, but according to Yang Fei, It is an unforgivable crime like treason.

"Oh?" Chu Jin looked down at Yang Fei who was in a state of embarrassment, and it took a lot of effort to conceal the contempt in his heart, and said gently: "It's okay, Xiao Yang, I will avenge your revenge." , you rest now."

Only after receiving Chu Jin's assurance did Yang Fei relax completely, another burst of severe pain hit him, and he couldn't stop struggling on the bed.

And where others couldn't see, Chu Jin's eyes flashed coldly, and he sneered lowly, "Since you have done such a thing, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After passing the inspection, Yin Han and his party left the base in a modified vehicle.

Shao Ci has been out of the base to do missions countless times, but this time he was extremely nervous, and he couldn't calm down even sitting in the car.

After all, he is now going out to do missions with the hero of the original text, Yin Han! !

We all know that the protagonist's halo can pull monsters, and it is impossible for the protagonist to go out without accidents. This mission will definitely not be as peaceful as before.

Shao Cide was always vigilant in order to save this little life as much as possible, otherwise he would not even know how he died.

At the beginning, it was relatively normal. The zombies near the base were almost dead. Occasionally encountered a few, but they were easily dealt with by Yin Han's men.

Just like that, the sky became dark, and everyone planned to find an open place to set up a tent to rest for the night, but a person with the power of vision enhancement stared in one direction, and then his face changed, "No, there is a corpse The tide is coming, there are at least a few thousand... No, there are more, there is no end in sight!"

Shao Ci stayed in the S city base for several months, and it was the first time he saw so many zombies. Zombies are the limit, and now Yin Han encounters so many as soon as he comes out.

It's really embarrassing that his subordinates can still persist until now.

"Damn it, it stands to reason that this place is far away from the center of City S, how come there are so many zombies, let's go quickly! It will be troublesome if we are surrounded!" Xiao Zheng, one of Yin Han's subordinates, said anxiously .

Shao Ci: "!" Hey, don't set the FLAG!

Almost immediately after these words were spoken, shadows of zombies began to appear in other directions.

Everyone in the car was startled, and hurriedly drove in the opposite direction. Just kidding, although they came out this time to kill zombies, wouldn't they be courting death by rushing into a group of tens of thousands of zombies

There were also many zombies on both sides of the car's forward direction. They surrounded them from time to time, rushed to the front of the road, and then were easily killed by the supernatural beings on the car, and then crushed by the modified car.

The atmosphere became very tense for a while, but everyone was still calm. After all, as long as Yin Han was the backbone in the car, they didn't need to worry about falling to the point of group destruction.

Shao Ci also cheered up. If there are more zombies later, mutant zombies with particularly high force values will also jump out. At that time, someone will definitely be injured while fighting against zombies, and that's when he will come in handy.

Yin Han was the only one in the car with a lazy look. It didn't look like he was facing a crisis of corpses at all. Instead, he was like when he was at home. Bring out the cake.

Shao Ci stared blankly at Yin Han: " there are obviously so many zombies." Why did he suddenly feel a little silly for being so serious about saving people.

Yin Han inserted a piece of cake, brought it to Shao Ci, and said affectionately, "If you don't eat something right now, you won't be able to heal yourself when you're hungry, come and eat it. Ah. "

Why is it so reasonable! He even forgot how to complain!

Shao Ci opened his mouth subconsciously. At this time, the modified car just ran over the corpse of a zombie and bumped slightly, causing part of the cream to rub against his mouth.

The taste of the cake was so delicious that Shao Ci couldn't remember when was the last time he ate a cake. For a moment, he felt moved. He stretched out his hand to wipe the cream, but Yin Han held down his wrist up.

"It's not good to waste food." Yin Han leaned over as he said that, and gently rolled the cream on Shao Ci's mouth into his own mouth with the tip of his tongue, as if to clean it up for him, and kissed his lips several times .

Shao Ci was stunned: "????"

Wait, what development is this? !

At the critical moment of being besieged by zombies, he was actually kissed by the male lead of x-point text... For Shao Ci, the latter is a hundred times more powerful than the former!

"Xiao Ci is similar to the rabbit I raised back then." Yin Han put the rest of the cake into Shao Ci's mouth, but he didn't eat much.

Shao Ci felt relieved while eating.

... The system also said before that Yin Han treats him as a pet. In that case, kissing a pet is no big deal, and cream is really precious in the last days.

Shao Ci completely escaped reality and found a reason for this matter.

"There should be no problem with this, but they are just ordinary zombies, and they can be thrown away after a while." Xiao Zheng, who had set up FLAG before, wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "As long as there are no accidents." occur… "

The next moment, four or five refitted cars drove out from a fork next to the road, and squeezed into the road with a swish.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, Xiao Zheng, you are actually the protagonist.

The supernatural beings in the four or five cars were fighting against the surrounding zombies. The colorful supernatural powers were thrown out in a mess, and several of them failed to throw any zombies. It was obvious that their people were very tired.

After all, the ability is not infinite. If it is used for too long, the power will be exhausted, and the person with the ability will also pass out directly. It is impossible to use the ability without four or five days of recuperation. Therefore, general supernatural power users try not to use up all their supernatural powers, or take out crystal nuclei to absorb energy.

These four or five vehicles also attracted many zombies from the side road, and there were actually two mutated zombies among them!

You must know that mutant zombies are zombies with outstanding speed or strength, and their quality in all aspects is several times that of ordinary zombies, making them extremely difficult to deal with.

Mutated zombies that focus on speed are more terrifying than mutant zombies that focus on strength, and their speed can even surpass most supernatural beings. Many supernatural beings with relatively slow reaction speeds may not have time to react to what happened when they were fighting, and they were bitten to death by mutant zombies.

As for the Zombie King in the original work, his strength is no longer ordinary and terrifying. Even Yin Han spent a lot of money to kill the zombie king at the end, and he almost died.

"There are mutated zombies, and both of them are speed-type. What kind of luck is this?" Everyone's faces became much uglier, and they were full of disgust for the person in the car next to the mutated zombie. , if it wasn't for the critical situation now, he would have rushed over to fight the people behind him.

The two mutated zombies followed the convoy not too far away, and the attacks of the supernatural beings in the car could hardly hit them, and they were dodged every time they tried to hit them.

Yin Han's subordinates are okay, they have struggled to survive several times, and they also have experience in dealing with mutated zombies. Although they can't kill mutated zombies directly, they can still be prevented from approaching.

But the supernatural beings in the cars next to them are not so good. They haven’t had much experience in normal times. Facing ordinary zombies is as simple as cutting melons, but when they encounter mutant zombies, they panic and completely lose their minds. ability to cope.

And these two mutated zombies are intelligent. They can kill everyone in one go, but they seem to be playing with their prey.

When everyone's vigilance was slightly lowered, a mutated zombie rushed over suddenly, and there was a very shrill scream from the car next to it. The throat of a person with supernatural powers was directly bitten open by the mutated zombies, and the blood sprayed out like a rain of blood.

Shao Ci saw the bloody scene with his own eyes, and his face turned pale. This was the first time he saw the tragic death of a supernatural being.

"What's the matter, are you scared?" Yin Han leaned over without knowing when, held Shao Ci's hand, looked at him with a pair of dark eyes, and asked: "After all, those people seem to be very pitiful, after all They are also on the same base as you, do you want to save them?"

"No, I don't want to." Shao Ci didn't know what Yin Han meant by asking himself this topic, but he just shook his head and said, "I don't even have the ability to protect myself, so how can I save others if I have nothing to do? I don't know how long I can live. .”

Originally, it is normal for people to die in the last days. Although Yin Han has the ability to save people, Shao Ci is not the kind of holy father who is generous to others. He is not shameless enough to ask Yin Han to save people for himself. Knowing that Yin Han even his own subordinates are herded...

And these strangers have nothing to do with him, if they were seriously injured by his side, Shao Ci would still use his abilities, but the situation is now very clear.

Yin Han held his hand and said with a smile: "With me here, you will definitely not die."

His tone was different from usual, he was gentle but also firm, which made Shao Ci a little dazed.

At this time, the person next to him didn't pay attention, and was grabbed by the mutated zombie's arm, and was immediately caught with a deep bone-deep gash, and immediately retracted his arm into the car with a distorted face.

Shao Ci immediately forgot what he just said, and rushed out to treat that person. The longer the wound dragged on, the greater the burden on the supernatural being.

Yin Han took a meaningful look at the modified car next door. With his strength, he could naturally feel the faint aura of a powerful supernatural being in the car behind him, and that person would definitely come out to do the same thing today. Chu Jin of the mission.

I don't know what happened to Chu Jin so he didn't stand up to deal with the mutated zombies, Yin Han was happy to watch.

As for helping, it would be good if he didn't cheat Chu Jin. If Chu Jin died like this, he wouldn't care, but worried that Shao Ci would be sad because of it...

Although Shao Ci has shown his attitude towards Chu Jin, Yin Han can't let go of his heart all the time. He always feels that Shao Ci who is following him affectionately now seems to be leaving at some point.

Suddenly, a mutated zombie jumped onto the car, scratching the roof with its sharp and hard nails, making a sharp and piercing sound. If it were an ordinary car, it might have been directly pierced by the zombie's nails.

The refitted car is much stronger than ordinary cars after refitting, so it can last, but I'm afraid it won't last long.

"What should I do?" Shao Ci's mood became tense, and he quickly looked at the other people in the carriage, only to find that everyone was not as vigilant as before, and instead looked relieved, continuing to do what they had to do what.

In the next moment, Shao Ci understood why they reacted.

Yin Han, who was leaning lazily on his seat, frowned, and said in a low voice, "It's so noisy."

Almost the moment he spoke, a cold current swept across the compartment, and then there was a huge movement on the roof, as if something was struggling, and the next moment there was a loud bang.

Shao Ci could see from the window that there were broken pieces of ice scattered on the roof of the car, and pieces of broken flesh were still frozen in those ice pieces.

There is no doubt that the mutated zombie that made everyone extremely troubled and scared just now was killed in just one blow from Yin Han's hands, and it was still torn apart without dignity.

Even after reading the original text, Shao Ci couldn't help but be surprised at this time, "!" Fuck it, Yin Han's force value is simply against the sky, and I don't know how much the zombie king in the legend is higher than Yin Han's force value Terrible presence.

And the other mutated zombie seemed to be frightened by this scene, and changed to attack the cars next to it, not even daring to touch the cars here. Only those ordinary zombies who had no thoughts at all continued to surround them.

The people in the cars next to him saw this scene more thoroughly, and were all so frightened by Yin Han's force value that they couldn't speak for a while.

Fortunately, there was only one mutated zombie left, and their pressure was a little less than before, but those people's abilities were also much weaker, and they still couldn't deal with that mutated zombie.

The mutated zombie finally got tired of playing, and when it saw it, it wanted to rush into the car and kill all the supernatural beings in it, and suddenly a mournful cry for help came out.

Before the people here could react, a burst of powerful energy suddenly burst out from the modified car next to it. The next moment, a huge ball of water suddenly appeared in the air, trapping the mutated zombies in it.

The mutated zombie was startled and struggled frantically, but the mass of water tightly wrapped it, and it remained unchanged no matter what.

"Wait, water ability?" Shao Ci was surprised. According to his memory, Chu Jin was the only one with such a powerful water ability in all the nearby bases... No, this ability seems to be stronger than Chu Jin before. To be stronger, it is impossible that such a powerful character was not mentioned in the original work. Could it be that Chu Jin just advanced

Shao Ci's guess was correct. After Chu Jin led the team out today, he happened to encounter a wave of corpses.

At that time, Chu Jin didn't take it seriously. Anyway, as long as he has enough abilities, these ordinary zombies can't do anything to him, and as long as he has the crystal core, his abilities cannot be exhausted.

However, an accident happened. Chu Jin killed a wave of zombies again and asked his men to get the crystal nucleus. Then he frantically absorbed the power in the crystal nucleus in order to restore his abilities, but he was caught off guard that his abilities had begun to advance.

It is a good thing to advance in abilities, but when advancing, people will fall into a coma uncontrollably, and will not wake up until the complete advancement is successful. Many supernatural beings belch when they suddenly advanced in the middle of beating zombies.

After Chu Jin fell into a coma, the rest of the people were at a loss as to what to do. They planned to bring Chu Jin back to the base. But unexpectedly, he ran into two mutated zombies with bad luck.

Normally, when encountering mutated zombies, Chu Jin would solve them all at once. Whenever they needed to face them, those people who dared not face the mutated zombies had to flee in the opposite direction, and happened to meet Yin Han. .

To a certain extent, they were quite lucky. If they hadn't met Yin Han, they would have been killed by mutant zombies before Chu Jin advanced.

After Chu Jin successfully advanced, he felt that he was many times stronger than before, and his whole body became excited. With just a thought, the mutated zombies in the air were directly smashed into pieces by the turbulent water.

The next moment, the blood-stained red water polo exploded directly, like a bomb, blasting countless zombies around into pieces.

All of a sudden, this area became empty, only the zombies who had escaped in twos and threes were walking staggeringly, posing no threat at all.

Everyone watched this scene in astonishment, and finally realized that another strong man with a seventh-level ability was born.

And Chu Jin also understood what happened after listening to his subordinates' report, straightened his clothes, opened the door and got out of the car, looking at the modified car in front of him with a smile on his face, "Yin Han, listen Thank you so much for saying that it was with your help that I was able to overcome the difficulty of advancing."

His voice is not very loud, but it can be heard clearly by the people around him.

Chu Jin looked at the modified car next door with some pride in his eyes. He thought that what was inferior to Yin Han was just a supernatural ability, but now his supernatural ability is also at the seventh level, there is no difference between the two, and he no longer needs to look at Yin Han's face, nor does he need to swallow his anger up.

And that Shao Ci who abandoned him and chose Yin Han, after seeing himself now, should also regret it to the point of being at a loss, crying and begging to come back to him.

Thinking of the scene of Shao Ci hugging his thigh and crying, the smile on Chu Jin's face deepened a bit. Look, God is still on his side.

Just like what Chu Jin thought, Shao Ci was really at a loss now, he huddled in his seat, his face was extremely ugly, and he was in a bad mood.

Now that Chu Jin has advanced, his ability is at the same level as Yin Han... If he happens to be a little bit stronger than Yin Han, this unscrupulous system of making friends with the strong will definitely make him embrace Chu again Sincere thighs! !

He also kicked Chu Jin's neck and the indescribable parts yesterday, if the target of the attack changed back today... Shao Ci felt that he might as well just die.