Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 74: Western Fantasy (2)


Boyce looked down at the furball in his hand.

Because of being pressed by the wolf's claws just now, most of the hairball's body was scratched, and the blood dyed the white fur red.

Obviously he was still alive and kicking before, but now he shrinks into his hands as if he has no strength at all, and there is no light in his eyes.

It was as if his heart had been cut by a sharp knife, and gloomy emotions poured out of his heart, wishing to torture the culprit who caused the other party's injury to death.

Boyce immediately sent power to the hairball's body continuously, and he didn't know how to do it, but he vaguely felt that this could heal the opponent's wounds.

Mao Qiu's body was already very fragile, and Shao Ci was almost dying at this time. He could heal it casually with his healing ability, but now he was afraid of being discovered by Boyce, so he could only continue to maintain this life. status.

It just so happened that Boyce sent the power over, but the opponent's power was useless... Most of it was dark elements, if it was a normal fur ball, it would probably be killed if it was not dead.

Shao Ci had no choice but to follow the opponent's rhythm and continuously use the healing ability on himself, and the wound was mostly healed immediately.

But during this process, he felt his body heat up again, as if some strange power was flowing in his body.

Seeing all this, Marvin was stunned, but then realized that this person was his brother whom he hadn't seen for many years. Although he didn't know how the other party had such strength, since he could remember, his impression of this brother It's just useless trash, and it won't change for a while now.

Marvin immediately looked at Boyce angrily, "What are you doing here, you trash? How dare you kill my Demon Pet, father will definitely not let you go!"

After hearing what he said, Boyce raised his head, and a smile slowly appeared on his face, which was prettier than anyone Marvin had ever seen.

That smile was extremely gentle, but there was no emotion in his light blue eyes.

For some reason, a feeling of fear surged in Marvin's heart, but then he shook his head, he was just a waste, even his father didn't want him, what else could he do

Looking at the ball of hair that was caught out of the wound in the opponent's arms, Marvin sneered again, "It seems that you have been raising this hair ball all these years? That's right, a waste like you , so you can only raise such a small waste."

"Really?" Boyce said softly, "No one ever said, are you noisy?"

"What did you say..." Before Marvin could finish his sentence, he felt a burst of great force crushing him, which pushed him directly to the ground.

Looking up, he saw a huge translucent turquoise claw holding his body in mid-air. If you look closely, you can find that this claw is exactly the same as the claw of the demon wolf before.

If you look closely, you can see that this claw is very unstable, and it is actually composed of countless small wind blades.

Marvin was terrified, and he recognized it immediately because he was very familiar with magic, "This, this... is wind magic?"

Even Marvin, who is known as a genius, can only condense a few small wind blades. If he can make a huge claw like this, even the magician hired by his father with a lot of money can't do it... No, I'm afraid even my father can't do it himself.

So, could it be that this good-for-nothing brother is more talented than himself? how is this possible! He just didn't want to believe this kind of thing.

Marvin looked at Boyce in horror and disgust, gritted his teeth and said, "You monster!" If you weren't a monster, how could you have such strength

And Shao Ci's body became hotter and hotter under that force, and his consciousness was not very clear... It was obviously just being grabbed, and the situation seemed to be getting worse.

Looking at the hairball that seemed to be in great pain struggling in his hand, Boyce's eyes became colder and he said, "Let you also taste his pain."

After the words fell, the giant claws grabbed Marvin firmly, and the wind blade approached the skin, creating many small wounds.

The thin-skinned and tender-skinned Marvin couldn't stand this kind of torture, and immediately cried out, "You are a monster, monster, I will let my father kill you!"

Boyce said lightly: "Until then, you should worry about yourself."

The next moment, a huge mouth appeared in front of Marvin. It was not a wind blade, but the resentful soul of the demon wolf.

Marvin was stunned. He always let these demonic wolves catch and bite others. He had never seen the fangs of this demonic wolf pointing at him. Under the fright, he was unable to speak a word up.

"Goodbye." Boyce smiled slightly.

The next moment, the resentful soul swallowed it in one gulp. Marvin struggled a few times, and suddenly there was no sound. He didn't die, but passed out from fright.

Boyce watched coldly, completely unaware of what he had done.

He didn't envy his younger brother's life like that, anyway, he didn't regard that person as his father.

But he dared to attack his fur ball. If it wasn't useful to keep him, he would be sent to hell right now.

As for Shao Ci lying in his palm, he had completely lost consciousness.


Drowsy, Shao Ci dreamed of many things.

There are things before time travel, things that happened in previous worlds, and things about this body.

Even though it's just a furball, it still has memories.

He vaguely remembered that when this body was born, there seemed to be crying sounds from around, and it seemed that several people's faces could be vaguely seen.

"Our Celestial Clan..." "This kind of... completely... is a shame..." "Can't stay."

Shao Ci vaguely heard such a conversation, as well as the sound of a woman crying, and there were several people arguing in the background.

Wait, Celestial Clan

In the setting of this world, the Celestial Clan is a winged race similar to angels, but they live on floating islands in mid-air, away from the creatures on the ground.

And they are also extremely holy existences, their devotion to the Goddess of Light is unmatched by anyone, and every Celestial Clan has extraordinary beauty.

At the same time, they are also very xenophobic, and have little communication with other races.

In the original text, these Celestial Clans are naturally like cannon fodder.

Shao Ci associated these memories with himself, and suddenly came up with a not-so-good idea.

Is he a Celestial Clan...

Come to think of it, it was mentioned in the original text that the Celestial Clan was not in human form when they were young, and they will not take on a fully human form until they grow up completely.

But the main body is actually a fur ball or something, which is too weird!

Shao Ci couldn't realize at once that he was not wearing an ordinary fur ball, but a larva of the Celestial Clan.

Now that I think about the fact that there are little wings on the back of this fur ball, it didn't feel right at the beginning.

For a moment, Shao Ci didn't know whether it was good or bad.

It is of course good to be a human being, but judging from memory, he was probably sent away because of some flaws (Shao Ci hopes that this flaw is not something that will never become a human being).

Boyce is the reincarnation of the God of Darkness. If he turns black in the future and finds out that he is actually a Celestial Clan or something, he won't just tear himself apart.

It seems that he has to work harder to improve his favorability.

With such thoughts in mind, Shao Ci's consciousness gradually faded away.


After waking up, Shao Ci found that Boyce was lying on the side and fell asleep, with black and blue under his eyes, which seemed to be related to staying up all night beside him.

Although it is sad to some extent, Boyce is really kind to him.

The other party woke up and saw that Shao Ci was fine, so he immediately hugged him in his arms.

" finally woke up, I was so afraid that you would leave me." He spoke softly.

Shao Ci rubbed against the palm of his hand, and Boyce smiled.

"But... you actually sneaked out by yourself. If something like this happens next time, I'll put you in a cage." He said softly.

Shao Ci brainstormed the picture of himself being locked in a cage, and suddenly he was in a bad mood, and quickly doubled his cuteness.

Boyce touched the fur ball and said, "As long as you stay by my side, I won't do anything."

On the other hand, the fact that Marvin was missing for a day also made the Earl and Countess extremely anxious, mobilizing all the servants to look for it.

Wait until it gets dark again.

"It seems that the time has come." Boyce chuckled.

And in front of him, standing there was Marvin with blank eyes.

"Tomorrow, you have to behave well in front of your father," Boyce said.

Ma Wen's eyes slowly recovered, and they were completely the same as usual. No one could see that he was being controlled by someone.

Shao Ci huddled in Boyce's arms and heaved a sigh of relief again.

It's also a good thing that he wore it early, otherwise, if he met Boyce a few days later, don't think about trying to get a good impression, it's good that he didn't get killed.

On the second day, Marvin appeared in front of the count alive and well, but behind him was Boyce with a timid expression.

"What are you doing here?" The count was very displeased. He disliked the elder son quite a bit. The other party's lack of talent was like a mockery of his insistence on marrying a peasant woman back then. .

Boyce looked terrified, afraid to speak.

"Father, it was my brother who saved me." Ma Wen said hastily, "I went to play in the back mountain before, and accidentally fell into the pit. It was my brother who pulled me out."

Hearing this, the Earl's expression eased a bit, and he looked at Boyce displeasedly, and said, "Why didn't you just say that?"

Boyce whispered: "I, I dare not say..."

"It's really useless." The count looked disgusted.

"Father, my elder brother saved me, please ask him to live with us." Marvin begged and looked at the Earl and his wife.

"What did you say..." The count was a little taken aback, obviously never thinking about such a thing.

The countess glanced at Boyce coldly. He had a good appearance, but his manner was worse than that of a servant. Obviously, he couldn't make trouble. It must be good for such a person to marry those noble ladies in the future.

And he also saved Marvin once, as long as he treats him a little better, he will be grateful to Marvin.

She immediately grabbed the earl and said softly, "This is your child after all. Even if he doesn't have the talent for magic, you can let him practice martial arts... and he can help Marvin when he grows up."

"It's just a waste, how can I help you?" The count looked at the expectant eyes of his younger son, and finally snorted, "Then let him come, if I don't study hard, I won't Give him a second chance."

"Father, you are so kind!" Marvin immediately plunged into the earl's arms.

When Boyce looked at the picture of their father and son's affection, there was a bit of envy in his eyes.

This is of course false, as early as a few years ago, he had no feelings for the people in the Earl's Mansion.


In this way, Boyce moved out of the small building and lived in the Earl's main house.

The conditions here are many times better than before, and there are magic fireplaces to keep warm in winter.

The winter here is extremely cold. In previous years, Boyce would burn firewood to keep warm. Later, he relied on magic to keep warm, and he was able to sleep with Shao Ci once in his arms.

He didn't look happy at all, he just sat on the chair casually, flipping through the books, with meaningful eyes.

"Soon, father, you can die."

Shao Ci huddled in his arms. Since the previous incident, he is now more likely to feel tired. He spends most of the day sleeping, and his body is getting bigger every day, as if he has entered a growth period.

Boyce pretended to be a good boy who admired his father in front of the earl, and then he acted very hardworking but had no talent when practicing martial arts. The teacher could only shake his head and tell the earl that he really couldn’t teach this child .

This made the countess completely let go of her guard. Such a waste would not pose any threat to Marvin's status, and her attitude towards Boyce immediately became better.

And the count was even more disappointed with the eldest son after he knew about it. If the countess hadn't pleaded for mercy, he almost wanted to drive the child out directly.

In fact, it was easy for Boyce to kill the Earl, but he didn't do so, not because he still had any father-son affection for the Earl, but because he hadn't fully gained the Earl's power.

He is a very cautious person, and he will not act easily before many things are clarified.

And half a month later, it would be Marvin's fifteenth birthday.

In this world, fifteen years old is considered an adult. The Earl planned to hold a grand banquet to celebrate, and carefully wrote a letter to the Garcia family.

Although he is only an earl, the Garcia family is a huge family in the empire. There have been many great magicians of the seventh and eighth ranks, and they have a very high status in the empire. The daughter of the head of the family even married the emperor. The most gifted prince was born, and now he is very favored by the emperor.

Although Ma Wen is considered a genius, if it is considered a genius in the entire empire, it is only considered a powerful figure in the surrounding territory.

The earl was almost kicked out by the family because of marrying the dark saint who was pretending to be a peasant woman. Although he insisted on staying in the end, he had no future. Now that he has put so much effort into cultivating Marvin, he also wants to take this opportunity to regain the family's approval.

And the Garcia family also seemed to appreciate his attitude of admitting his mistakes, and casually sent a member of the family who barely had a status.

After all, he is only the son of an earl, and this is already the limit.

As for the other people at the banquet, most of them were the Earl's friends and subordinates.

Marvin has been very obedient these days, not making trouble every day like before, and occasionally killing a few people, which made the Earl and his wife very pleased.

Boyce even pretended to be a good brother and went out to buy gifts.

Others thought that he only had dozens of silver coins given by the earl during this period, but in fact, almost the entire finance of the earl's mansion was in his hands.

Finally, after buying a lot of delicious Shao Ci, Boyce casually bought a knee pad worth dozens of silver coins.

Even though he knew that everyone despised this knee pad, he still pretended to love his brother very much on the surface.

After all, the Earl and his wife have been paying attention to whether they have done their best for their young son.

Before the birthday banquet started, many guests had already arrived at the Earl's Mansion.

Boyce had long been ordered to stay in the room and was not allowed to go out, and he would not go out of his way to study magic while watching Shao Ci sleep.

And the magic ball in front of him showed all the outside world.

In fact, almost everything in this Earl's Mansion is under his control.

And when the banquet started, the guests gathered in the hall, the melodious music played, and everyone was dressed gorgeously and exquisitely.

And the most honored guests at this banquet were naturally the people sent by the Garcia family, and then there were several fourth-order magicians.

Their strength is about the same as the earl's. Naturally, they are not enough to be seen in the capital, but they are all highly respected figures nearby, and they are figures that even the nobles want to pursue.

Everyone looked very respectful when facing these magicians.

Then the count brought Marvin out, and said proudly, "This kid is fifteen years old, but he has already become a second-level magician. I plan to send him to the Imperial Academy of Magic next year."

The members of the Garcia family nodded in satisfaction after seeing Marvin.

The Imperial Academy of Magic is the most powerful academy in the entire empire. Naturally, not everyone can get in. Most of them are from some big families, and there are some real geniuses, including people from the royal family.

The earl's son was not qualified to enter, but it would be fine if he was recommended by the Garcia family.

Seeing that Marvin was recognized by the Garcia family, the earl breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Marvin lives up to the challenge and makes friends with a few nobles or princes in the Imperial Academy of Magic, his future will not be a problem.

Everyone was amazed, but at the age of fifteen, he was already a second-level magician, and he would definitely become a fourth-level magician in the future, and maybe he could become a very powerful fifth-level magician.

Fifth-level magicians are those who can be awarded titles directly, so they naturally want to please them now.

At this very lively time, one person saw a person standing on the stairs with sharp eyes, and immediately asked, "Who is that?"

Everyone's eyes were drawn to him. It was a tall boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. He had black hair and light blue eyes. He had an extremely delicate appearance. On the second floor, he smiled and stared at everyone.

Everyone was shocked, how could someone with such a bearing and appearance be an ordinary person, and they all started discussing

And many people have met the previous countess. After all, although the countess came from a humble background, she was extremely beautiful, making it hard for people to forget.

Immediately, many people guessed that this was probably the child left by the former countess. Many people immediately sighed. They had heard that the child had no talent for magic. No matter how good-looking he was, without talent, his future was already very slim.

The count suddenly became furious, and looked at Boyce with disgust, "What are you doing standing there, who allowed you to come out?"

This is like showing his shame in front of everyone, making the Earl very ugly.

Boyce walked down slowly, and said with some grievances: "Father, I just want to take a look."

The count's face darkened. There were so many people around, and it was not easy for them to see the joke, so he said coldly: "Then you can do whatever you want."

When everyone saw this, they all understood that the eldest son was still not liked by the earl. At first, he thought that even if he had no talent for magic, he would be able to be a warrior, but now... the idea of getting married because of the other party's appearance is gone. Mostly.

The Earl's face was sinking like water, and Boyce didn't like it, "Why did you bring this hairball out?"

Boyce just hugged Shao Ci without saying a word. Seeing him like this, the Count was even more annoyed.

The others hurried out to smooth things over, "The banquet will continue."

The count's expression eased a little, and then he asked his servants to present the gift.

On the top was a shining golden sword. The earl handed the sword to Marvin with a fatherly smile on his face, "This is a gift from my father, although you will become a great magician in the future Yes, but using this sword for self-defense is also good."

"Thank you, father." Marvin seemed very happy, pulled out the long sword, and slashed in the air casually.

This was originally rude, but he is the protagonist of this birthday party, and he is a child, so no one cares about it, and everyone is smiling and staring.

However, the next moment, his sword suddenly stabbed in the earl's direction.

The earl was startled, he was a noble after all, and the protective necklace around his neck lit up, and immediately a mask appeared around him.

This was an item bestowed by the head of the Garcia family back then, and was kept as an extremely precious item by the earl.

However, the mask was pierced directly, and Marvin's sword directly pierced the earl's abdomen, and blood splashed out immediately.

This scene happened so fast, it took a long time for everyone to react, and then they were stunned for a while, unable to believe what they saw.

The count even looked at Marvin with disbelief. How could he have thought that one day he would be stabbed by his beloved son.

But Marvin was expressionless, staring at the earl coldly, he didn't seem like a living person.

Boyce came over and stroked his hair, "What a good boy."

Then looking at the earl's position, Boyce smiled slightly: "Father, how does it feel to be stabbed by your favorite child?"

"What have you done to your brother?!" The earl covered the wound on his abdomen, and looked at Boyce angrily.

He regretted so much in his heart that he shouldn't have let this child stay with Marvin in the first place, and now he doesn't know what concepts he has instilled in Marvin.

Someone in the crowd suddenly said, "This is black magic! Black magic that can control people!"

Everyone was shocked. This black magic had disappeared for more than ten years after the Dark Holy See was removed. How could it appear here today.

You must know that all people who have anything to do with black magic were removed by the people of the Holy See. After all, black magic is really terrible.

However, while black magic is extremely powerful, it is very difficult to learn, which shows that Boyce still has magical talent.

The earl immediately wanted to get rid of his relationship with Boyce. If the Holy See came to clean him up because of Boyce's relationship, it would be over. He raised his staff and said in a cold voice: "You naughty son, I don't know where you learned some crooked things, and you actually use them here. I'm going to kill you today."

He regretted to the extreme, he knew that he should have strangled the child to death when he was born.

"Oh?" Boyce smiled slightly, without any fear on his face, "If you can kill, just come."

Only then did the count realize that the wound on his abdomen was constantly being eroded by dark elements, and he couldn't use any magic at all. His face instantly became extremely ugly.

Then, Boyce looked at other people, whose eyes were full of horror and disgust, as if they were looking at some monster.

Ah... yeah, maybe he really is a monster.

So what? He doesn't care what these people think.

As long as the existence he values is still by his side, that's enough.

"Today, I will give you a big gift." Boyce smiled at everyone.

After his words fell, countless dark magic circles suddenly appeared on the ground.

Everyone was shocked and wanted to escape, but they were grabbed by the hand stretched out from the magic circle. Almost none of the people present could get rid of it, so they could only struggle continuously.

Most of these nobles are pampered and pampered. When have they faced such a situation, and those magicians have nothing to do with such powerful black magic.

Countless begging voices sounded, but he acted as if he didn't hear them. He gently stroked the fur ball in his hand and handed the food to his mouth.

And Shao Ci felt that his body started to heat up again, and he also felt some subtle pain, but he didn't dare to show it under such circumstances.

The man from the Garcia family looked towards Boyce in astonishment, and he recalled in his mind the scene when he was young and saw people from the dark church fighting against the great magician and others.

That person just cast a simple spell, and countless soldiers on the battlefield were manipulated by him, turning against each other and fighting with his companions.

And this boy is only sixteen years old now, and he actually has such strength.

This person must not survive. With such a person, the entire empire may be in danger in the future.

It's just that people with such talent have not been discovered before. It seems that the earl's concept is still too narrow, just because the other party's mother is so humble that she doesn't even care about her children.

The members of the Garcia family wanted to send the news to the family, but found that they could not use any strength, and were shocked to find that the shadow had covered most of their bodies.

The Earl and his wife were even more shocked. When did this child, whom they ignored, possess such powerful power. The earl gritted his teeth, forced a loving expression, "Boys, I know you are blaming your father for not paying attention to you these years, in fact, I feel very guilty..."

"Be quiet." Boyce gave him a cold look.

The count couldn't make a sound for a while, he could only look unwillingly at the young man sitting on the chair in front of him, his wife's extremely beautiful face appeared in his mind, and he felt extremely regretful.

If his wife hadn't died, maybe he wouldn't...

On the other side, Boyce looked at the hellish scene in front of him indifferently, without the slightest expression on his face.

Not sad, not joyful, just bored.

And Shao Ci's body finally hurt to an unbearable level, and he kept struggling in Boyce's arms.

Seeing the hot hairball all over his body, Boyston panicked, and quickly hugged Shao Ci tightly, sending a lot of strength directly into his body like last time. But after he sent the power, the opponent's body suddenly burst into light.

Boyce suddenly felt the weight of the fur ball in his arms suddenly sink.

But Shao Ci only felt the pain in his body as if he had been crushed, and he couldn't use any strength in his limbs... Wait, limbs

His mind suddenly remembered the description of the Celestial Clan in the original text.

After entering the growth period, the Celestial Clan will occasionally transform into a human form, most of the time because of too much power.

... He was not ready to appear in front of Boyce in human form like this!