Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 84: Western Fantasy (12)


After a few days.

When Sier walked into the room, he saw the boy lying on the bed curled up on the soft bed, with gorgeous marks on his body and undeveloped wings on his back.

Sier stepped forward and kissed him awake, and the other party opened his eyes blankly, as if he hadn't realized what happened now because he just woke up.

Then Sier put clothes on Shao Ci, carried him to the seat, and carefully fed the food into his mouth.

Shao Ci was very obedient, he didn't resist at all, he would do whatever he wanted, and ate in small bites.

After all, he has lost all his memory.

Brother Shao like this is finally completely his.

It doesn't matter if there is no memory of the past.

Sier looked at Shao Ci with a smile, as long as he could create new memories from now on.

Shao Ci lowered his head, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

After a few days like this, Sier was completely relieved, and taught Shao Ci to learn to speak and write again.

In his mouth, he and Shao Ci are naturally very close people.

Shao Ci seemed to believe this too.

A few days later, in the middle of the night, Shao Ci sat up.

He cast a sleep spell on Sear, and then placed a lot of magic around to seal off the area, and then came to the open space outside.

Shao Ci naturally did not lose his memory this time with the help of the system... Besides, he has lost his memory so many times that he will have resistance.

After such a long rest this time, he has been able to completely draw the magic circle.

Although Rafal's body and place of residence were gone, he had been with Shao Ci for such a long time, so Shao Ci could use this magic only by relying on his own body.

But the price is of course sacrificing his own body.

Shao Ci felt that he was really in a daze. He actually wanted to do such a thing. He would definitely regret it when the effect of black magic was completely lost.

But even if he regrets it, he will do it now.

Because he had secretly practiced many times, now Shao Ci drew the magic circle very easily. By the way, he also drew the magic circle for teleportation, but the next thing is the most important part.

He gritted his teeth, but Sier suddenly woke up and ran out quickly, but was trapped by many magic circles. He gritted his teeth and broke these magic circles.

Even though Siair had already used the fastest speed, Shao Ci still pressed his hand on the magic circle, and a lot of strength and vitality in his body were sucked into the magic circle.

"No, Brother Shao..." Siair's expression was extremely ugly. He could certainly see that Shao Ci used it this time differently from the previous ones. If this magic circle was really successfully used, Shao Ci would definitely die immediately. of.

Shao Ci was exhausted and fell to his knees on the ground, his mouth was filled with the smell of blood, and he suddenly coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, feeling as if his whole body was about to be drained.

But then, light spots floated out of the magic circle, gradually condensing into a body.

Shao Ci stared blankly.

The body slowly took shape, and the other party's blue eyes slightly opened, looking at Shao Ci with some doubts.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth, stretched out his arms and hugged him, and said with a choked tone, "From now on, we must live well..."

Of course he wasn't going to let Rafal stay here, otherwise he would definitely end up being killed by Sair.

Rafal seemed to reach out to hug Shao Ci, but Shao Ci directly pushed him into the teleportation magic circle.

With the previous successful experience of teleporting Boyce, this time it will not fail. With a flash of light, the other party's body disappears.

However, Shao Ci fell to the ground and had no strength to get up, and his consciousness gradually faded away.

Sier finally came out, hugged Shao Ci tightly, and gritted his teeth: "If you die, I will definitely kill Rafal, no matter where he goes, I will kill him..."

If he had known that Shao Ci would do such a thing to revive Rafal, would he have killed him

Sier doesn't know either, maybe he only regrets that he didn't erase the memory completely.

"So, don't die..."

"Even if you say that, I also..." Shao Ci coughed a few times, and a lot of blood overflowed from his mouth.

Sier grabbed Shao Ci's hand and put it on his face, tears streaming down his face, "Brother Shao...Brother Shao..."

Shao Ci directly closed his eyes.

Hugging Shao Ci, whose body was already cold, in his arms, Sier couldn't say a word.

Then a few feathers fell to the ground, and the white feathers turned into light spots and dissipated the moment they landed.

Sier raised his head in astonishment and saw the person in front of him, "You are..."

[Due to the influence of external factors, the host has thought that it should not have. All of this also has a systematic problem. Now, in order to compensate, the host is resurrected.]

Shao Ci felt a pain in his forehead, and his body seemed to have turned into a hairball, "Well..."

That kind of black magic is so depressing, Shao Ci still has lingering fears when he thinks about it now, he actually made him do such a terrible thing!

However, after being reborn once, the effect of black magic seemed to have completely disappeared. Shao Ci finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that there should be no problem.

But... where is he now

[Because there was a small problem when collecting the host's soul for resurrection, the host's soul was involved in the turbulence of time and space.]

Shao Ci: "???" Wait, is this a small problem? It's obviously very serious.

[Generally speaking... it is to bring the host back to ten years ago.]

Although Shao Ci didn't know how old the original owner was, but based on the appearance of the human figure, the original owner was only seven or eight years old ten years ago.

Shao Ci: "Then when will I be able to go back..."

After finally persisting for so many years, it seems that the male protagonist in the original text is about to become a big boss, but in the end he goes back to ten years ago?

[Because the power is not enough, the host must first complete the task here before he can accumulate enough power to return to the normal timeline.]

Shao Ci: "Wow..."

Shao Ci opened his eyes and looked around. It was an extremely dilapidated room with simple furniture and very dim light.

And a beautiful female Celestial Clan was sitting beside her. She looked haggard, her wings were dull, and she was mending something in her hand.

[Collecting surrounding data... Analyzing... The analysis is complete.]

Then a piece of information flooded into Shao Ci's mind.

After being silent for a long time, Shao Ci finally knew his background.

Here is the Celestial Clan. The original text didn't say much about the Celestial Clan, but the system has been analyzed in great detail.

There are also nobles and commoners in the Celestial Clan, and nobles can only marry nobles, otherwise it will be considered as destroying the noble blood. As for the marriage between humans and Celestial Clan, don't even think about it.

Even nobles and commoners live on separate islands. Several large islands are where nobles live. There are huge temples built on them, and there are many shops and places to play. Basically, only nobles can enjoy them.

The other scattered small islands are the residences of the common people, who can only enter the main island during festivals.

The original owner's mother, Sophia, was the daughter of a small family, and she was going to marry someone from another big family branch.

However, before getting married, Sophia was pregnant, which immediately aroused the anger of the whole family, and she did not say who the father of the child was at all.

And when the child was born, although his appearance was no different from that of the Celestial Clan, his strength was half that of the ordinary Celestial Clan, his wings were pitifully small, and his affinity for the light element was even worse than that of ordinary people.

Everyone thought of the humans who had come to the Celestial Clan before, and immediately thought that this was the child born of Sophia and humans.

This child was immediately regarded as a disgrace to the family. The family members wanted to abandon him to the outside world, but under Sophia's begging, they temporarily kept him. Afterwards, the family severed ties with Sophia. drove it to the place where the civilians lived,

Sophia was originally a noble lady, but now she can only make some miscellaneous things to maintain her daily life, and she often has no enough to eat.

Shao Ci finally understood why he was called the disgrace of the Celestial Clan.

After all, this kind of intermarriage between nobles and civilians is regarded as a shameful place, and it is good that intermarriage with humans is not burned to death...

At this time, Sophia found that Shao Ci woke up, and immediately wiped the tears on her face, picked up the food on the side, soaked it in spring water, and carefully stuffed it for Shao Ci to eat.

The food was very rough, even if soaked in water, it was hard to swallow. Shao Ci ate it with difficulty, not wanting Sophia to worry about him.

If it was a human child, ten years old would be able to do something... But for the Celestial Clan, who had a long lifespan and couldn't maintain a human form for a long time when they were young, ten years old was nothing at all.

It is really hard to imagine that the former noble lady is living such a life now. If she had given up on this child, she would be a noble now. Although Sophia has some deficiencies in various aspects and her personality is still very weak, she can be said to be a good mother .

Shao Ci used to think that the original owner was discarded at birth, but unexpectedly, he lived here for several years, so why did he drive the original owner away in the end

After eating, Sophia stood up holding Shao Ci, put on the hood, and carefully carried Shao Ci out of the door.

There are many Celestial Clans outside, it can be seen that these are commoners, but all of them are good-looking, none of them are ugly, they look very seductive.

Creatures like the Celestial Clan can be said to be favored by the goddess. They almost maintain their youthful appearance throughout their lives, and only when they are about to die in the end will they age rapidly.

Today is the Holy Light Day. At this time, civilians can also go to the main island to be illuminated by the Holy Light of the Goddess of Light.

In this way, pain can be avoided, and the body can be made healthier, and the cubs of SkyClan can grow better.

That's why Sophia cheered up and went to places she didn't want to go.

The main island is very tall, with countless beautiful buildings on the street, and many floating buildings. And the most central place is the huge temple, which also has a huge statue of the goddess of light, exuding holy light.

Of course, civilians cannot enter the temple, they can only kneel outside.

Sophia hugged Shao Ci and knelt outside the temple like everyone else, she was a little restless and very nervous.

And soon the nobles came over. They all had beautiful appearances and noble temperaments, and they seemed to exude brilliance. They entered the temple talking and laughing without even looking at the civilians next to them.

And soon a person from a big family came over, the most powerful among the nobles were people from several big families, and they were even able to intermarry with the royal family.

Then came an extremely handsome young man. He was holding the hand of a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament and an extremely indifferent expression. The woman had light silver hair and white skin, and looked extremely noble and elegant. In the arms of the two Also holding a furball, apparently their child.

"It's Mrs. Lister of the Perry family!" "Oh my God, then the one next to him is His Highness Dolores." "I didn't expect to be able to see Your Highness here. It's a great honor."

The light silver hair is the symbol of the royal family in the Celestial Clan, and the royal family is the most noble existence in the Celestial Clan, whether it is in terms of strength or religion, it is the most noble. Doting, will personally bestow blessings on each royal family when they are born.

Moreover, the blood of the royal family is very difficult to reproduce, usually only one or two children in hundreds of years.

Dolores is not actually a member of the royal family. Her royal blood is already very thin, but she inherited this silver hair. Therefore, she is very favored at home and her status is quite high.

Shao Ci felt that Sophia's body seemed to be trembling slightly, and the hand holding him was a little tighter.

Yes, this is actually a very bloody plot.

In fact, Sophia's original lover was Riester, the heir of the Perry family, but Riester is a real scumbag. It's just for entertainment, he even has more than a dozen lovers like this.

After Rist spent some time with Sophia with sweet words, he left directly. He never even inquired about his old lover since then, nor did he know that the other party had conceived a child for him.

And Sophia has always believed that the scumbag must have a hard time, and she didn't even reveal the identity of the other party... It can be said that it is because of her naivety that she has fallen to this point.

After that, Sophia thought that Rist would definitely come to pick her up, but she didn't expect to hear the news of the other party's marriage.

When she hugged Shao and resigned from the Perry family, she was kicked out directly from the side door, and saw how well-matched Rist was with the noble and generous Her Majesty Dolores. Raise Shao Ci well.

Shao Ci: "..." Such a bloody life experience can almost be compared with the original hero.

As for why the two nobles gave birth to such children who were inferior to ordinary people, Shao Ci was not very clear...

Rist glanced casually and noticed Sophia, his eyes turned a little cold, and then turned his head as if nothing had happened.

And then, there was a man surrounded by countless people. It was a young man with silver hair. His appearance was too beautiful to describe in words. His eyes were also light silver. With holy light.

He looked extremely indifferent, wearing complicated robes, and the people around him looked extremely respectful and even fanatical.

After seeing the young man, Dolores and Rist's expressions were a little bit flattering, as if they wanted to have a good relationship with each other.

Obviously this young man's status is extremely noble.

Moreover, it is very difficult for the general Celestial Clan to transform into a human form when they are growing up. Only the most powerful Celestial Clan can maintain their human form for a long time in their youth.

[Beep beep... A character with a higher force value was detected... According to the rules of the system, the attack target began to be replaced... After the replacement, the current attack target is Ymir.]

Shao Ci: "!!" Damn it, obviously the other party is a very fraudulent person, what kind of mission does he have to do.

Ymir seemed to glance at this side intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your Highness, is there anything over there?" Dolores asked immediately.

Lister suddenly became a little anxious, for fear that Sophia would be noticed.

"Nothing." Ymir turned his head and walked towards the temple.

The others also followed him in.

Shao Ci suddenly felt that his future was very worrying...

Then came the time when the goddess of light shone with divine light, emitting light from the statue.

Shao Ci was illuminated by the holy light, and suddenly felt warm in his body, and a large amount of light elements poured into his body, even the originally dry hair became shiny.

If other people know that Shao Ci has such an effect, they will be very surprised. Usually, this is the treatment only available in the center of the temple. The civilians standing outside just feel a little warm.

At night, the two returned to their residence,

Sophia looked at the hairball that was obviously much better than before, and felt very relieved, "You must grow up well."

Shao Ci arched in her arms.

Then someone knocked on the door. After Sophia opened the door, she saw a few Celestial Clans with very indifferent expressions standing at the door. They were tattooed with the pattern of the Perry family.

Sophia was startled, and carefully hugged Shao Ci, "May I ask what you want to do?"

The attitude of those people was very indifferent, expressing Rist's displeasure, expressing the hope that Sophia, mother and son would move out of here quickly, and go to a residence farther away from the main island. Of course, there is still a large sum of money to compensate the two of them.

Shao Ci was shocked, this scumbag can be so scumbag.

Sophia's smile could hardly be maintained, she hugged Shao Ci tightly, and said in a low voice: "I will leave when the Holy Light Festival is over."

With this money she can give her children a better life, that's all.

The other party nodded and left. They obviously disdain Sophia, thinking that she is just a woman who insists on pestering the Patriarch for money.

After closing the door, Sophia hugged Shao Ci and sighed. She thought of the noble Mrs. Dolores she saw today, and wondered if what she had done was wrong. Maybe she should have sent this child to Perry in the first place. If you go to the Li family, even if the other party grows up as a child of a branch, it's better than being raised by yourself like this.

Shao Ci rubbed against her arms comfortingly, and then she smiled.

The next day's festival of light was similar to the previous one.

But on the second night, Shao Ci started to feel hot all over because he absorbed too many bright elements.

Sophia immediately became anxious, and went to the doctor with Shao Ci, who was hot all over, but the other party could not give any conclusions, but said: "Maybe this cub is too weak and has absorbed too much holy light, unless the temple priest , no one can save him."

With Sophia's current status, it is naturally impossible to enter the temple.

Shao Ci also heard what the doctor said. He felt that there should be nothing serious about him, but because the hairball couldn't talk, he could only worry.

Sophia panicked immediately, so she had no choice but to carry Shao Ci to the place where the family hadn't set foot in a few years, and knelt in front of the door, wanting to meet the head of the family.

But no one let her in. After all, Sophia was regarded as a disgrace to the family, and the head of the family wished he had never had this daughter.

Realizing that there was really no other way, Sophia staggered back home with Shao Ci in her arms, and made a decision in her heart.

Even if she doesn't want to have any entanglement with that person again, there is nothing she can do now.

On the third day, the Feast of Lights, everything was much the same as before.

Sophia hugged Shao Ci and squeezed to the front with difficulty. It was very close to the avenue where the nobles entered the temple. There were guards on both sides, but in fact it was the magic circles on both sides of the road that worked.

Such a magic circle can block real civilians, but Sophia, who was originally a nobleman, can squeeze in.

She knelt on the ground and waited silently.

Shao Ci felt his body getting hotter, and his mind was groggy, and he couldn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Soon, people from the Perry family came over, and Dolores was holding a five or six-year-old boy with pale blond hair by her hand. The other boy had small wings behind his back, and his expression was very arrogant.

Obviously, after absorbing the light elements for two days, the opponent already has the power to transform into a human form.

Noble cubs naturally have priests to unblock their power, while commoner cubs generally cannot absorb so many bright elements, so naturally there are not so many problems.

There may not have been one like Shao Ci in hundreds of years.

It is also a child of one person, the other party can have everything so easily, but Shao Ci will die because of absorbing too much power, if it is someone else, it will definitely feel very unfair.

However, Shao Ci felt okay... Anyway, he also believed in his own spiritual power, even if he couldn't do it now, he might not be able to succeed if he worked hard in the future.

... But for what reason was he kicked out afterwards

Seeing Rist and feeling the hot hairball in her arms, Sophia finally made up her mind and rushed directly to the road in front of the temple, stopping in front of the two.

Seeing Sophia, Rist's expression suddenly turned cold, with a bit of disgust in it.

Naturally, he didn't care about the woman of this small family, he just wanted to play with her, and he didn't expect to cause so much trouble.

Sophia gritted her teeth and begged: "Please... This is your child anyway, save him, I know you don't want to admit it... But as long as he is fine, I will take him out of here immediately."

Her tears kept falling, even though her self-esteem made her never do such a thing, she couldn't care less about Shao Ci's safety at this time.

Dolores' expression changed suddenly, and she asked Rist, "What's going on?"

She knew that Rist was very flirtatious before marriage, but she never knew that the other party had a child outside.

What Rist was most afraid of was that his wife would find out about it. He immediately looked at Sophia and sneered, "I don't know you at all. Who knows where you came from... Guard, drive this woman away."

He naturally knew that Sophia had a child of his own, but so what, it was just a child who did not inherit his talent at all, it must be because this woman's own blood was too low to give birth to such a child... Bringing it to his own family is a disgrace.

Dolores also kept her mouth shut. She had doubts in her heart, but she also knew that now was not the time to ask.

"You..." Sophia didn't expect that Rist could be so ruthless. She hugged Shao Ci tightly while being pushed by the guards, but she still accidentally fell to the ground, and Shao Ci also fell from her arms. Rolled out.

Shao Ci rolled on the ground, and suddenly heard a gasp from around him.

He opened his eyes with great difficulty, but saw a pair of white boots appearing in front of his eyes, and then he was hugged by a beautiful hand.

The moment he was touched by the other party, Shao Ci felt that his hot body was much better, and he seemed to be able to smell some faint fragrance.

It was only then that Shao Ci saw the other party's extremely good-looking face, and those pale silver eyes that seemed to be filled with holiness were staring at him.

Shao Ci felt very familiar with this scene, as if he had seen... that person with long silver hair in a dream.

The people around were already stunned, and Rist even hurriedly said: "Your Highness, let go quickly, your hands will be dirty if you hold such a thing."

Sophia was also so nervous that she could hardly breathe. She wanted to do something, but she was pinned aside and unable to move.

Ymir didn't listen to Rist's words at all, but gently brushed off the dust on Shao Ci's body. He seemed to have rarely done such a thing, and his movements were a little awkward, and then he hugged the clean Shao Ci in his arms naturally , said lightly: "What's the matter?"