Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 95: Holographic tour (2)


But isn't this just a game, and it's not like he's going to see a ghost, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Shao Ci got up, found a nutrient and took a sip.

This nutritional supplement is the cheapest food, it can only fill one's stomach and provide basic nutrition, who would have thought that a young master like the original owner would be so downcast.

Shao Ci hasn't tasted this kind of food for a long time, thinking about it, he ate it last time when he was in the interstellar Zerg world... He felt a sense of nostalgia for it, of course, if he had to eat it every day, it would be fine.

After eating, Shao Ci hesitated for a while, but decided to go to the game first to test the depth of the game.

Fortunately, although the original owner was down and out, there were still such things as holographic helmets. Shao Ci put the helmet on and closed his eyes.

Then there was a pitch-black space in front of him.

There was no response for a long time, Shao Ci was stunned, wondering if the helmet was in disrepair for a long time (...), but the next moment he was suddenly caught by a hand, and his body sank suddenly.

What the hell

Shao Ci struggled subconsciously, "!!"

However, after being pulled down, he was in a blank space, and there were still many screens floating in the air in front of him.

Shao Ci: "..." So even coming in will scare you!

Shao Ci quickly regained his composure, and walked to the screen, on which were various data of the original owner.

The original owner is only at level ten, and the level is still very important in the game, which affects the stamina value during the game.

The highest difficulty of the dungeon is s, followed by abcd.

Since the original owner's mental power was damaged, it was very difficult for the original owner to pass even the d-level dungeon, and if he died in the game once, he would lose one level, so he quickly dropped from the original level 30 to the current level 10.

The college exam had to pass the C-level dungeon anyway, so Shao Ci was going to go to the C-level dungeon first to have a look, anyway, it was just a game, and if he died, he would drop a level at most.

Considering that the spiritual power between himself and the original owner is quite different now, in order not to cause too much trouble, Shao Ci changed the original owner's game name to Little Prince Latiao (really a familiar name).

As for the appearance, Shao Ci has also set the permissions. Others can see his face in the dungeon, but if other people are watching the game, or if the player wants to record the game process, Shao Ci's face It's just a mosaic.

It's a pity that there is no option such as mosaicing the horror screen in the settings... After all, the main purpose of this game is to train people's mental strength.

If players above level 15 can enter a space, they can communicate and conduct various transactions.

This point is similar to the previous virtual world. If you get the qualifications, you can have your own house in this game, and various benefits can also be improved.

But below the fifteenth level, you can only start directly on this initial page.

After finishing all this, Shao Ci clicked Start.

[It has been detected that your spiritual talent is extremely high, and it will be automatically assigned to dungeons above level b.]

[Start to form a team, the team is successful.]

[enter the game.]

Such a voice appeared in Shao Ci's ears.

Shao Ci: "!!" Damn it, so the allocation of dungeons is directly based on mental strength!

If this is the case, people will not have the fun of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

The next moment, a movie-like picture appeared in front of Shao Ci's eyes.

It was a dilapidated manor, overgrown with weeds and vines climbing the walls, it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time.

This copy seems to be something of an overhead western background.

According to the introduction of the system, the manor in front of me used to be the residence of a nobleman, but after the nobleman died, many people disappeared in it, and even if someone else bought it and moved in, they would disappear within a few days .

[Main task: survive.]

[Sub-task: Investigate the truth of everything.]

Shao Ci has read the rules of the game. Completing the main quests will give you guaranteed experience, while completing side quests will give you experience bonuses and even item rewards.

As for this kind of haunted manor, Shao Ci's mind suddenly flashed the horror story of Xiang Wen that he had seen thousands of times before, and he felt terrified, but he had to bite the bullet.

After reading the introduction, Shao Ci's eyes blurred, and he found himself standing in an extremely dilapidated hall, and there were three people standing beside him.

This hall is extremely dilapidated, with passages leading to other directions and stairs leading to the second floor. Most of the furniture inside is dilapidated, most of the glass on the windows is broken, and most of the portraits hanging on the walls are stained with dirt. The dirt is unclear.

These three people are two men and one woman, and the most conspicuous of them is a young man.

His appearance has the feeling of a mixed race, extremely handsome, his eyes are light green, his expression is extremely indifferent, he doesn't even look at other people.

Shao Ci wanted to check the other party's news, but found that he didn't have enough authority... The original owner's authority can only watch some newcomers.

Although the other two had good looks, they looked much mediocre in comparison with that young man.

The eyes of the two of them lit up immediately after seeing the young man, and the man said excitedly, "You are Master Uitt, right? I, I am your fan!"

The woman was also very excited and pressed her heart, and stammered: "I didn't expect to be able to share a copy with you today."

The person named Youit didn't even look at them, and said coldly: "You guys better not get in the way."

As he spoke, he went straight up.

Shao Ci: "..." Holy crap, isn't this Uitt one of the villains in the original text? He's a member of a big family, with a high level of mental talent, great strength, and a very handsome appearance.

Because of the reality, he became enemies with Jiang Qinghan, and opposed the hero of the original text everywhere, and was finally plotted to death by Jiang Qinghan before the ending.

Speaking of it is also because it is in the game now, otherwise if it is encountered in reality, it will be bound immediately.

The two were excited for a long time before they calmed down and began to introduce themselves. One of them was named Anna and the other was named Damons. They were a couple, and they seemed to be students of some college.

Shao Ci threw out his nickname, and the other two immediately cast contemptuous glances, and their attitudes were much colder than when they were treating Uitt before.

Generally speaking, ordinary people use their real names, and those who use such names like Shao Ci will be regarded as some kind of Shamat by others, not to mention that Shao Ci doesn't seem like a powerful character, and he is immediately dismissed. The other two are like cannon fodder.

After all, the two of them were able to play A-level dungeons. After calming down, they began to discuss what to do. After all, acting rashly now may cause danger.

Anna took out a worn-out newspaper from her body, "I just found this on my body. You can also see if there are any hints on your body."

What was recorded in the newspaper was the news that a certain nouveau riche disappeared within a few days after taking his wife to live in this long-abandoned manor.

Shao Ci also found a notebook on his body, which seemed to contain some information.

The former owner of this house was the Duke of Stuart, who was born extremely noble and handsome, but his body was very weak. He died of a long illness at the age of twenty, and he was never married.

After his death, the Stuart family also lost in just a few years, to the point where they had to sell the manor.

Shao Ci: "..." If the boss of this place wasn't the Duke, he would have eaten this notebook.

Apparently the other two also guessed the same way, but staying where they are is not an option, they still have to go to other places to investigate.

The next moment, there was a flash of light outside the window, followed by the roar of thunder, and the heavy rain fell on the ground, slapping on most of the broken windows, and a lot of rainwater poured in.

The cold wind blowing made several people couldn't help getting goosebumps, and the two even took out weapons directly from the system space.

These weapons are basically rewards for completing side missions. Occasionally, some weapons are taken out from dungeons, and weapons that can be purchased in the system store (you can use the points you get after completing missions to buy weapons here, or simply Rough kryptonite).

The stronger the weapon, the more powerful the mental power is required to control it.

And like some monsters or ghosts, there is a difference between strong and weak. If the person has many weapons, he can choose the weapon according to the target of the attack.

The use of weapons requires the consumption of mental power, so it is not invincible.

And Anna's is a pistol, and Damones' is a long knife.

Shao Ci looked down at the kitchen knife in his hand.

What the hell can this kill! Although this kitchen knife can play a good role in c-level and d-level dungeons, but in a-level dungeons... at least it can kill mobs.

In fact, the original owner had been brilliant at any rate, and had many good weapons, but later sold them all to buy potions to heal mental power... The result was very miserable, and the spiritual power was not recovered at all.

When the other two saw Shao Ci's weapon, they couldn't help laughing out loud, and their expressions became more and more contemptuous.

They have never seen anyone using a kitchen knife in such an advanced dungeon, and they are increasingly suspicious of how this little spicy prince randomly joined the team.

Obviously, most of the information can be collected in the bedroom or study room, and the few people walked upstairs quickly.


But in an extremely dark place, a person slowly opened his eyes.

He could clearly see all the places in the manor, and when he saw one of them, he immediately smiled.

"Is it finally here?"


The three of them went upstairs, and there was a violent sound from the side, and many dark monsters suddenly appeared from the shadows, attacking the three of them suddenly.

Shao Ci: "Damn it!" Although I had expected it a long time ago, it was too sudden.

If this is really some supernatural text, of course they can only run away in fright at this time, but this is just a game after all, and they generally don't need to run away unless they encounter an enemy with a terrifyingly high force value.

"It's just some little monsters who give points."

Anna and Dammons didn't take it seriously, and immediately started to fight against the monster. After killing such a monster, points will be counted.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth and took out his kitchen knife. Anyway, it wasn't a ghost, but some shadowy monsters, which he had seen in the last world.

These monsters are not too strong, but there are too many of them.

And the kitchen knife in Shao Ci's hand has reached the cooldown period, and it will take a while to continue to use it... Shao Ci was shocked by this setting. If it was a powerful weapon, it would definitely not be such a tragedy.

And when the couple saw this scene, they had an idea in their minds, so Damons pushed Shao Ci directly, and when Shao Ci attracted most of the monsters' ideas, the two ran in opposite directions go.

Anyway, cannon fodder like Shao Ci will die sooner or later, and now it's just the difference between early death and late death.

Shao Ci: "!!" He was cheated the moment he entered the game

The monsters attacked one by one, and Shao Ci had many wounds on his body. He gritted his teeth and could only put the kitchen knife back into the system space. He ran wildly in the corridor, and the old wooden floor creaked from time to time.

At this moment, he didn't care about anything else, Shao Ci just opened a door and entered it, and then closed the door immediately, thus avoiding the ending of being killed by mobs.

This room seemed to be a servant's bedroom. There were two beds and some furniture in it. They were all very dilapidated, but they were still well preserved.

Shao Ci looked at the huge cabinet that could hold one person, and felt that he was not well.

If it is in an rpg game, such a cabinet means that there will be a crisis later and people will hide in it.

Even if Shao Ci usually watched some up host live broadcast a horror game, he would be terrified at this time, let alone when he was in the game.

"Calm down, calm down." Shao Ci supported his forehead, "There must be some clues here."

He walked to the side table, the things on the table were very messy, Shao Ci flipped through, and soon found what he was looking for - a diary.

Although it is said that the diaries here are only left by the servants of the nouveau riche who moved in later, maybe some clues can be found.

The handwriting on the diary is obviously not Chinese, but Shao Ci can still see what the other party wrote under the action of the system.

The front is full of insignificant things, Shao Ci quickly turned to the last few pages, and saw that the handwriting on it had obviously become messy.

'Recently, the number of servants is getting smaller and smaller. The housekeeper said that they all resigned and left, but everyone was still talking together the day before. '

"The lady's necklace is missing today, she told me to find it, but I can't find it anywhere, the lady seems to be angry..."

'what is that? Only the corner of the southeast staircase has not been checked, but in that place... I seem to see something wrong, is that? '

The diary came to an abrupt end here, and the last handwriting was very messy, obviously written when I was in a panic.

Sure enough, it's the kind of routine that doesn't exist in the most important place, and he will definitely be asked to go to that southeast corner later...

Although Shao Ci felt his ass hurt, he had watched so many horror game live broadcasts anyway, and he probably knew some of these routines.

The next moment, there were clear footsteps and the sound of metal colliding outside.

Shao Ci was startled to hear footsteps through such a heavy door. If it was the other two people, they would definitely make a sound. If it was that kind of little monster, there would be no footsteps.

So is it a ghost outside

Damn it, even though he knew it was just a ghost in the game, Shao Ci's face turned pale quickly, and he was about to lose his footing. It seemed that this was the plot he was most afraid of.

Now Shao Ci's kitchen knife has not passed the cooling time (and even if it is a spiritual weapon, it is very difficult to stab a ghost with a kitchen knife), so all he can do is hide in the cabinet.

Although Shao Ci knew that this kind of thing would happen early on, he was still very unwilling to face it. He gritted his teeth, opened the door of the cabinet, hid in it, curled up inside, and took out a kitchen knife.

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, and the sound of the doorknob turning could almost be heard.

Shao Ci's heartbeat became extremely fast. In such a quiet room, others must have heard it, whether they will be discovered or not.

Shao Ci was almost frightened by his own brain supply. If he had known this, he might as well have taken a kitchen knife and punched that ghost, maybe he wouldn't be as passive as he is now.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and then the footsteps moved around in the room, and came close several times, and the sound of metal clashing was also very disturbing.

At this time, Shao Ci's heartbeat jumped into his throat.

And the footsteps were still a little messy, and gradually faded away.

Just as Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, he remembered... It's not good, isn't that kind of horror-oriented game the most like to scare you at such a time? !

This idea just popped into his mind, the next moment, the door of the cabinet was opened a gap, in the darkness, only one cold eye looked at Shao Ci coldly.

Shao Ci's body froze, and then there was another flash of lightning outside the window, clearly illuminating the person in front of him.

The person in front of her was a maid, her face was pale, her clothes were tattered, and she had a bunch of keys hanging around her waist.

Apart from the complexion, it was almost impossible to tell that it was a ghost.

Seeing the opponent's face, Shao Ci regained his composure, and moved his gaze to the key on the opponent's waist.

Since there is a key, it should not be a monster that can kill, but an npc that needs to solve a problem.

"Look... find... no... find it." Sure enough, the maid said in a hoarse voice: "...can you... help... me...?"

[Trigger side missions, complete to get points.]

Shao Ci recalled the diary he just saw, and immediately asked, "Is what you're looking for a necklace?"

"Yes..." the maid said.

Shao Ci nodded immediately, "I will help you find it."

Although he didn't know what those keys were used for, according to his experience, they must be able to open the door of some important place.

With Shao Ci's assurance, the maid's figure faded away.

Shao Ci came out of the bookcase and walked outside. At this time, all the monsters in the outside corridor had disappeared.

The manor is huge, and there are quite a lot of rooms, but most of them are locked, Shao Ci didn't dare to walk around, and walked straight along the corridor, not knowing where the two people just went now.

If I could walk with that Uitt, no matter what, I wouldn't be in such a frightening situation.

It's just that Uitt is a well-known lone ranger even in the original text, and he can complete the copy with only one person, which is why he is famous.

The sound of stepping on the wooden floor in the extremely long corridor, as well as the constant thunder from the outside world, Shao Ci's spirit was in an extremely tense state.

He walked for a long time before he found the corner in the southeast. There was a cabinet there, and he said, come and find my things in it.

Shao Ci remembered what was said in the diary, the maid seemed to have seen something nearby, and she probably ran away in fear after that, so she failed to check this place successfully.

Could it be some monster? Shao Ci clenched the kitchen knife in his hand again.

Although it looks unusable in various ways, this kitchen knife is his only weapon.

He took a step forward slowly, and suddenly more than a dozen black shadow monsters emerged from the black shadows in the corner.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the monster. The unknown is the scariest thing, and knowing it is nothing.

Shao Ci picked up the kitchen knife and slashed wildly, killing all the mobs without consuming much mental power... If it was the original owner, he might not be able to do it just by waving it two or three times.

These monsters disappeared immediately after being hacked to death, and there was no blood splashed out.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Shao Ci directly opened the cabinet, and sure enough, there were many sundries inside, all of which were not worth mentioning, and they were very dilapidated.

Shao Ci originally thought about whether he could find any weapons inside, but now he has completely given up... The only thing with a little attack power inside is probably the broom.

He rummaged through it, and finally found the necklace in a corner.

Putting the necklace into the system space, Shao Ci heaved a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt an extremely cold aura coming from behind him.

Shao Ci's body froze immediately, and he didn't dare to move.

Wait, could it be that what the maid saw in this place was not a mob, but something else

It seemed that a cold hand touched Shao Ci's neck, and he couldn't help shivering.

And that hand still wanted to slide down Shao Ci's neck.

It doesn't matter, even if you stand here now, there is nothing you can do.

The big deal is death.

Shao Ci suddenly turned around, but saw no one.

There was a flash of lightning outside the window, illuminating the wall opposite the corridor. Shao Ci could see clearly that there was an extra portrait on the originally empty wall, and it was very brand new, as if it had just been hung up.

What was painted on it was a young man with a pale face but an unusually delicate appearance. He had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, was wearing a formal dress, and was holding a book in his hand.

This painting is lifelike, those eyes seem to be looking at Shao Ci.

Shao Ci was in a daze for a moment, as if he was being controlled, his body walked forward slowly.

The next moment, countless black hands stretched out from the painting, and suddenly pulled Shao Ci into it.

Then only a string of necklaces fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The door of the side cabinet was also closed directly, and no one could see that there was a person here.