Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 205: Meet


"Brother Ye Yang, are you really leaving?"

At the head of the small mountain village, a group of friends looked at Ye Yang, a little reluctant.

Ye Yang is not only their benefactor, but also their teacher, but also their very good friend. Over the past few months, Ye Yang has been guiding them in their cultivation, and has a very good relationship with the Golden Crow clan. Especially these little friends have extremely deep friendship.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Yang's face turned black: "You guys, don't pretend to be like this. Whether you can leave the small mountain village or not is not my decision. The village chief won't let you leave now. It’s for your good."

All the friends suddenly looked depressed.

A few days ago, after they learned that Ye Yang was leaving, they went to beg the old village chief. But the old village chief was unmoved, he just didn't let them leave the small mountain village ahead of time. After all, these guys have no experience at all, and now the world of Immortal Dao is chaotic and dangerous, and it is easy for them to lose money when they go out.

Therefore, the old village chief stipulated that they must reach the fetal resting state before they can leave the small mountain village. They also hoped that Ye Yang could intercede with the old village chief for them, but Ye Yang was also indifferent. He came into the small mountain village from the outside world, and he knew the dangers of the outside world.

"Big brother, I want to go out too." The nasal boy held Ye Yang's thigh, secretly wiped his snot-stained hands on Ye Yang's pants, and begged Ye Yang at the same time.

Ye Yang's face darkened: "Well, after you reach the fetal breath state, you can leave the village and look for me outside. Or, after I go to finish the work, I will come back here."

Ye Yang was going to save his old father this time. Before, he didn't go to Tongtian Island immediately because his strength was not enough to make him kill back and forth on Tongtian Island.

But now it's different, he has a certain degree of certainty to rescue his old father.

Now that he had the strength, Ye Yang didn't want to delay any longer. After all, the longer the delay, the stronger the crisis. Once the old father was rescued, Ye Cheng would not be able to follow Ye Yang. Ye Yang must find a safe place to settle his old father.

The small mountain village is naturally the best place.

Here is the protection of the great god Hou Yi, and ordinary people cannot enter the small mountain village at all. And there is the hibiscus tree, a sacred tree that protects the small mountain villages, and most people don't dare to go wild nearby.

It is best to arrange the old father here. Even, if possible, Ye Yang didn't think about the outside, but practiced in a quiet mountain village.

"Okay, let's all leave! If you want to leave as soon as possible, hurry up and practice." The old village chief and others appeared, and drank a kind of friends back.

"Brother Ye Yang, don't become immortal so fast! Remember to wait for us. At that time, we will be together in the immortal world, the endless starry sky outside the domain, we are going to build an empire!" The little partner reluctantly went back to practice.

"Okay! I'm waiting for you, and I will lay down a world with you!" Ye Yang waved his hand.

What neither Ye Yang nor the friends of the Golden Crow clan had expected is that today's unintentional sentence would actually come true after many years, and they had truly laid down an invincible empire with endless starry sky outside the vertical and horizontal domains!

At that time, Ye Yang was also named Emperor Yuanshi! It is invincible and prestigious, suppressing the heavens and the world!

Of course, these are all things to do, so I won't mention them for the time being.

"Ye Yang, be careful!" The old village chief and others told Ye Yang.

Ye Yang nodded, and then he stepped out, and in a flash, he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already left the small mountain village hundreds of miles away.

Turning and looking over, the mountains are steep, the peaks are steep, and the beasts roar and roar again and again. But the soaring hibiscus tree is no longer visible.

Perhaps this is the restriction left by the Great God Hou Yi that suppressed this time and space. Unless someone is predestined, other people can't enter the small mountain village at all.

Ye Yang couldn't see the hibiscus tree before he felt relieved. Then he left the speed and quickly flew towards the east.

Tongtian Island is not on the mainland, but on the endless sea to the east.

At this time, it had been several months since Feixianmen was destroyed. The action of chasing and killing the disciples of Fei Xianmen had already ended.

Ye Yang learned that most of the disciples of the Fei Xianmen had been killed by the various sects. Only a few of them escaped and disappeared.

The young supreme head and female bullies have also disappeared in the world of immortality. It is said that at that time, the two of them suffered heavy injuries behind them, and they were directly beaten into the depths of the endless starry sky outside the territory.

But Lao Xianzun did indeed fall, leaving only a strand of remnant soul attached to Ye Yang's ten-star purple mansion. Even if Ye Yang used Divine Fire to temper the Ten-Star Purple Mansion, the remnant soul of Old Immortal Venerable did not respond.

Little Wonderland has already flown away. And all the resources, supernatural powers and exercises of Feixianmen didn't stay in place. Therefore, those who attacked and killed Feixianmen didn't get much benefit at all.

On the contrary, they even offended Feixianmen, offended Ye Yang and others, and laid the groundwork for their future demise.


Ye Yang stopped suddenly, frowning slightly. The next moment, he stepped out one step at a time, his figure shook, and immediately turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared in place.

Not far behind him, a look of doubt appeared on the faces of several figures, while constantly looking around.


A figure appeared in front of them out of thin air, and a terrible aura radiated from this person, like an ancient fierce beast, extremely terrifying.

These people were shocked, and they were so scared that they regressed again and again. This breath is too terrifying, just now, they felt like a lone boat in the raging waves, they would be torn apart by the huge waves at any time!

"Are you looking for me?" Ye Yang took a step forward, and the terrifying aura spread out, covering the world. The world was shocked, the world changed color, the stars trembled, and visions continued.

"Ah? No! Yes!" Several people quickly replied.

Ye Yang frowned, his murderous intent burst out, and straight into the sky, the shocking nine-day Milky Way shook.

The few people who followed Ye Yang trembled all over, and were almost suppressed by the terrible aura. "Excuse me, are you Uncle Ye Yang? We are disciples of the Holy Demon Pure Land, and we are ordered to find the uncle." One of them. The person said quickly. If they continue not to speak, they might be slapped to death by Ye Yang.


Before their voices fell, the terrifying breath disappeared in an instant.

"I am Ye Yang, are you really disciples of the Holy Demon Pure Land?" Ye Yang calmly looked at these demon disciples. I'm not afraid of them making ghosts. If they had any small actions, Ye Yang was confident that he could kill them all with one move.

"Yes, many disciples of our Holy Demon Pure Land are outside to inquire about your uncle. After we met you, we were not sure, so we followed behind and wanted to find out clearly. We are masters of the Holy Demon Pure Land. , Very good at tracking and tracking, but I did not expect to be discovered by your uncle."

The leading Saint Demon disciple secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said carefully.

As they said, their group is a good tracker, in charge of intelligence work in the Holy Demon Pure Land. Those with the lowest strength of the few of them are the Wangwu Realm, and the strongest leader has reached the Wangtian Realm!

But when facing Ye Yang, they felt that they were like a little sheep and Ye Yang was terrifying like a primitive beast.

"The young lady is nearby. She has always been worried about you, uncle, or should I notify the young lady to come over now?" the leader said.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, then nodded. He did not seriously determine the identity of these people, even if they were not from the Holy Demon Pure Land, he was not afraid. As long as the opponent is not a powerhouse at the Immortal Venerable or Great Emperor level, it is not easy to kill him.

Therefore, the leading Saint Demon disciple crushed a piece of talisman and informed the witch that he had gone.

Ye Yang didn't leave, he walked to the side and stood quietly on a small hill, hunting and hunting, with a peerless master demeanor.

"Uncle's strength seems to have improved again. It's terrifying! Even those old monsters in the state of selflessness are not as terrifying as him."

After Ye Yang left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Yang put too much pressure on them, standing in front of them, they were almost out of breath.

"Hua Qingluo, the young first person in the magic way, is also terrifying, but it seems to be a little worse than my uncle. If you estimate that the realm is higher, the Jedi Juvenile Supreme, the Immortal Venerable, and the Great Emperor are invincible." Another person Said.

"He is the uncle of our Holy Demon Pure Land! The young supreme that the great emperor admires! The supreme of the immortal world in the future!" said the leading disciple with a proud look.

The voices of several people were very small, but they were all heard clearly by Ye Yang. However, Ye Yang is neither sad nor happy, neither arrogant nor impatient.

"Husband!" Not long after, a voice with endless surprises came from afar. At the same time, a body shaped like a meteor, tore through the void, and shot from a distance.

It is the witch Meng Zhiyan.

Seeing Meng Zhiyan, Ye Yang also showed a smile on his face. Now, apart from his old father, it is the witch who treats him best.

"Husband, you'll be fine if you are fine!" The witch plunged into Ye Yang's arms, trembling with excitement.

Ye Yang couldn't help but hugged the witch in his arms, feeling the witch's body temperature, smelling the witch's faint fragrance, and Ye Yang's heart became more calm.

"Witch, I'm sorry, I've worried you during this period of time." Ye Yang said softly, very sorry.

"I went to Feixianmen with my father, but we were too late and could not find you. At that time, I heard that you had fallen, I was so scared!" said the witch, trembling all over.

Ye Yang felt even more guilty.