Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 359: Tianyuan Star Field


"Brother Ye Yang, you really got a good baby!" The girl looked at Ye Yang, her face full of excitement.

It should be noted that ordinary flying shuttles can travel through time and space, but the distance of the shuttle is generally not too long. Generally, they can only travel short distances in time and space, and the range is even within a star field.

Can shuttle directly from one star field to another star field, that is definitely an advanced shuttle! This kind of shuttle is a valuable and non-marketable existence in the endless starry sky. It is definitely a good helper for crossing long distances and adventures!

Not only this flying shuttle, Ye Yang also got a star map from the starry robber. Like the shuttle, the star map is hierarchical. The general star map has a very small range, even the size of dozens of stars near the star.

The girl's family runs a chamber of commerce, which is considered a good power on the Celestial Star. But the star map they master is not advanced, not even half of the star field.

Just now, she had seen the star map that Ye Yang obtained from the Star Bandit, which spanned several, even dozens of star regions. This kind of star chart is quite advanced, and it is definitely not something you can buy with money.

High-level shuttles and star maps are generally in the hands of some big forces or peerless powerhouses.

But Ye Yang only entered the endless starry sky and obtained these high-level treasures, which will greatly help him to walk in the endless starry sky in the future.

However, the main problem they are facing now is how to leave the Celestial Origin Star Territory and return to the Celestial Pole Star. After all, there may be news from Ye Yang's parents, and he must go there.

Now, Ye Yang has a flying shuttle, a star map, and a large number of sacred stones. There is no problem returning to the Celestial Star. Moreover, he doesn't need a girl to navigate now.

"I plan to go back to Tianji Star, do you want to go back?" Ye Yang looked at the girl. The girl had lost her family and died, and there was almost no difference between returning to the Celestial Star and staying in the Celestial Star Territory.

However, Ye Yang couldn't decide whether the girl would go or stay, so he wanted to ask the girl's opinion.

"I still want to go back to Celestial Star." The girl said without hesitation. Although she is the realm of Xianzun, but this realm is not strong in the endless starry sky. If she chooses to stay in the Tianyuan Star Territory, it will be very difficult to start again in this unaccompanied place.

Although his family was ruined, there are still some relatives and friends in Tianji Star after all. Besides, Celestial Star is her hometown after all, and her foundation lies in Celestial Star.

Ye Yang nodded slightly, and with a thought, Feisuo was sacrificed by him. At this time, he had already studied the star map, and was about to follow the navigation of the star map to start the time and space shuttle.


At this moment, a big hand quickly probed from the distant void, and grabbed the flying shuttle who had just been sacrificed by Ye Yang!

"Nice shuttle, I want it." At the same time, a voice came with a commanding tone.

Ye Yang frowned slightly, so someone dared to steal something from him? Can't find death

Immediately, he flicked his fingers.

With a sound of "咻", a ray of light flashed across, directly hitting the big hand that was grabbed. But seeing a muffled "bang" sound, the big hand was directly shattered.

At this time, a figure rushed from far away and appeared in front of the two of them. This is a young sage, full of breath, looking at Ye Yang with surprise on his face.

"Boy, you actually shattered my big hand? Do you know who I am?" The young man was more surprised, looking at Ye Yang with a gloomy expression.

"I care who you are, I advise you not to offend me! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!" Ye Yang said indifferently. The other party wanted to snatch his treasure for no reason, which had already angered Ye Yang.

However, Ye Yang didn't want to cause trouble when he first came here. So he just shot and warned the saint. Otherwise, he would have killed the opponent with a killer.

"In my place, it's even more horizontal than me. You are really looking for death!" The young man sneered, took a step forward, his whole body flickered, and his breath was shocking, sweeping towards Ye Yang like a violent wave. At the same time, he put out his big hand again and grabbed Ye Yang right away.

Ye Yang frowned slightly, this young man was too self-righteous, could it be that he couldn't see that his strength was still above him

"Boy, I'm a disciple of the Ye family! It's fine for you to obediently give Feishuo to me. Otherwise, if you offend my Ye family, I will let you survive and die!" At the same time, the young man said in a cold voice. Said.

"People from the Ye Family?" Ye Yang's eyes flashed sharply.

The Tianyuan Star Region is one of the star regions ruled by the Ye Family. And these star regions, even the controllers of each planet are Ye Yang's people.

Of course, the Ye family has a lot of clansmen. As for the youth, although he is also a member of the Ye family, he should only be a branch of the Ye family. After all, it is impossible for Ye Family's main school to spread across countless star regions.

According to Ye Yang's understanding, these branches and collateral lines of the Ye family are far less dense than the original sect. But after all, it is a branch, and Ye Family's blood is also flowing in his body.

Therefore, every once in a while, the geniuses of these branches will be sent to this school to accept the key cultivation of this school. It is precisely because of this that the Ye family can maintain the name of the largest family in the endless starry sky, standing in the endless starry sky for many years without falling.

Not only the Ye family, but other families and forces do the same.

Obviously, the youth should be a branch of the Ye family. I just don't know if he is the Ye Family branch that controls Ye Yang's planet, or the Ye Family that controls the Tianyuan Star Territory

"I think you're the one who's going to die!" Ye Yang already had some opinions on the Ye Family in his heart. At this time, seeing the youth even more arrogantly and unreasonably wanted to kill him, which completely angered him.


But seeing Ye Yang slapped him, he shot the young man to the ground. Although the youth strength is not bad, Ye Yang is a peerless evildoer who even the Great Sage has the power to fight. How can he be Ye Yang's opponent

When Ye Yang slapped him to the ground, the young man was immediately stunned.

"Xiao Za..." Immediately, the young man became furious and was about to swear at Ye Yang. However, he only cursed two words, and he swallowed the latter words again.

Because at this time, Ye Yang had already stepped his head into the depths of the earth with one foot, causing him to eat a mouthful of mud!

It was at this time that Ye Yang's spiritual power pierced into the opponent's brain and began to forcefully read his memory. Ye Yang needs to be familiar with it when he first arrived.

Originally, he was going to leave, and he didn't have time to get acquainted with it. But this disciple of the Ye family suddenly jumped out and gave Ye Yang a chance to understand the Tianyuan Star Region.

Moreover, Ye Yang also wanted to know about the Ye family's situation during this period.

Seeing that Ye Yang was forcibly reading his own memory, the Ye Family struggled with anger. However, Ye Yang's big feet are like a fairy mountain, firmly suppressed on him, making him unable to move.

"No wonder this is so arrogant and unreasonable. It turns out to be the disciple of the Ye Family who controls the Tianyuan Star Region." After reading the memory of the other party, Ye Yang sneered.

It is also the branch of the Ye Family that controls the Tianyuan star field. However, this branch is not comparable to the Ye Family who controls one planet or several planets.

Among these Ye Clan, the strength is extremely strong, and even the Holy King and Patriarch are in charge. It is the powerful force of the Ye Family second only to this sect! It is an important part of the Ye family.

This young man is the son of an elder of the Ye Family in the Tianyuan Star Territory. He is arrogant and domineering. Relying on the power of the Ye Family, he is a typical second-generation ancestor in the Tianyuan Star Territory.

"Get off!" After Ye Yang read the opponent's memory, he kicked the opponent away. He didn't get any useful news from the other party's memory. Presumably, as a young man, it is impossible to know what is hidden. Only when you encounter Ye Chen's level of evildoers, will you know some of Ye Family's secrets.

However, Ye Yang is not without gain. In the memory of the youth, Ye Yang learned that the Ye family was not monolithic, and that the forces in the Ye family were complicated and the struggle was very fierce.

Especially more than ten or twenty years ago, a major event happened in the Ye Family Benzong, which caused the fall of some of the strong players in one of the factions, which eventually led to the rapid decline of that faction and was suppressed by other factions. At this time, he was even exiled to the ancestral land of the Ye family, guarding the ancestral land.

Ye Yang's face was a little gloomy.

Although the memory of this part of the youth is only heard from the past, it is very vague. But he can keenly feel that the suppressed faction is very likely to be related to his parents. It may even be a member of his faction.

Moreover, although the youth's memory of the aspect was vague, he knew clearly that the faction that was suppressed was originally one of the strongest factions in the Ye Family, the strongest branch!

The young man kicked away by Ye Yang no longer spoke harshly, but expanded his speed and quickly left. But after being far away from Ye Yang, he finally couldn't help but put down his cruel words and threatened Ye Yang: "Little bastard, you have a seed for me to wait! I will kill you!"

"Brother Ye Yang, should we set off right away?" The girl looked at Ye Yang. Although she was not a member of the Tianyuan Star Territory, she also knew that the Ye Family was not easy to provoke. Ye Yang suppressed the disciples of the Ye family, and even forcibly read the memory of the other party, which made her very worried.

After all, the Ye Family is not a poisonous scorpion. If this behemoth intended to kill Ye Yang, Ye ** would not have the strength to fight back.

"Yes, we have to set off immediately. However, we are not going back to Tianji Star. Before that, I must go to a place." Ye Yang groaned and said slowly.

Celestial Star may have news of his parents, and the other party even used this news to threaten Ye Yang. Ye Yang felt that if Celestial Star really had news of his parents, his parents should be safe before he went to Celestial Star. After all, the other party's purpose is him, not his parents.