Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 41: Demon world


Ye Yang's experience in walking in the world of immortality is still insufficient! Of course, he had only entered the world of immortality for a month or two, and he had been in Ye's house for more than ten years before that, and he had never left.

Moreover, this kind of experience cannot be learned from books. You must accumulate experience yourself.

The two purple electric swords whizzed and quickly sank into the invisible abyss of the Demon Race. And those flying monsters didn't know how many there were, but they were electrocuted before they got close.

Soon after, the two had fallen into the abyss of the Demon Race. There is no sunlight here, and the sight is dim, like being in a hole in the ground. Unconsciously, people feel a little oppressive. As far as Ye Yang knows, most of the demons world is like this.

However, after landing on the ground, those flying monsters disappeared. It seems that those flying monsters exist in the Demon Abyss.

After landing, Ye Qinglan withdrew the Zidian Great Sword.

"This place has entered the world of the Demon Race, and it is full of demon races of various races. We need to go deep into the Demon Race world to avoid getting rid of the grass and startling snakes." Ye Qinglan said, already unfolding her figure, and flew forward.

Ye Yang didn't speak, but followed Ye Qinglan's back, walking in the world of the demons. As he walked, Ye Yang looked at the world of the demon curiously. There is no sun, sun, moon, and stars in the world of the Demon Race, but I don't know what treasures are emitting a faint light like stars above the sky, and my vision is a bit blurred.

The earth in the world of the demons appeared black, as if it was stained red with blood. The surrounding vegetation is similar to the outside world, but looks weird, generally low and low, and even some vegetation is actually black, which looks very weird.

Soon after, Ye Yang discovered that Ye Qinglan seemed to have a very good understanding of the world of the demons, and seemed to be familiar with where he should go and how to go.

"Senior Sister? Have you been to this demons world before?" Ye Yang walked a few steps quickly, approached Ye Qinglan, and finally couldn't help asking.

Ye Qinglan nodded slightly: "Yes, before becoming a true disciple, I have been to the world of the demon a few times to experience."

"The world of the demon race, although it is full of all kinds of demons and beasts, and all kinds of dangerous places, full of danger. But here is an opportunity for experience. Because of the danger, you can exercise your reaction. And survivability. Because there are too many demons and fierce beasts, you can encounter and fight at any time. Therefore, you can also greatly improve your combat experience."

"Fighting is the best way to improve your cultivation. Ye Yang, this time I will take you to see the world of the Demon Race. In the future, you can come alone to experience and increase your strength." Ye Qinglan said coldly.

"Yes, Senior Sister." Ye Yang replied nonchalantly. Ye Qinglan's mind is too hard to guess. Although she seems to care about and take care of herself, who knows

However, Ye Qinglan was right. The Demon World is indeed the best place for them to experience in the Immortal World. The human race and the demons are dead enemies, and their enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

If the two sides encounter it, it must be a fierce fight. By killing the demons, you can take the opportunity to improve your cultivation. And you can also complete martial arts missions by the way, why not

In addition, there are many kinds of heaven and earth treasures, refining materials and the like in the demons world. These are all resources. Therefore, many disciples in the world of immortality will enter the world of demons, not only because of the experience, but also because of the treasures here.

Even the Demon World will have some special treasures that only the Demon World have, such as the Black Demon Crystal, which is even more precious material for refining than Xinghai Shensha. Even the existence of the Immortal Venerable and the Great Emperor is jealous, and they will fight for it.

"Senior Sister, what is going on going deep into hell this time?" Ye Yang couldn't help asking after walking for a while.

"Go to the blood demon clan! This time the Star Sand Nation's chaos should be caused by the two demon ways and the demon clan. And the blood demon clan and the blood cloud demon clan are relatively close. Let's go to the blood demon clan to find out the news. ."

"Previously, when I encountered Young Master Fengyun of the Blood Cloud Demon Sect, I heard him mention that this time the two demon Dao and the Demon Clan joined forces to annihilate our Immortal Dao world." Ye Yang gave a rough overview of what happened that day. One sentence.

"Young Master Fengyun?" Ye Qinglan's indifferent face finally changed color, and a look of disgust passed by. Presumably, she also hates Young Master Fengyun, a perverted demon disciple.

"Young Master Fengyun is sloppy, but he also has a certain identity in the Blood Cloud Demon Sect. What he said should be good. This time, if we can find out what news is, and rewarded by the sect, you should be able to become an inner disciple. As for Fengyun Young Master, if I meet him, just kill it!"

"Senior sister has to take care of it a lot." Ye Yang smiled with joy. Becoming an inner disciple was the main purpose of his experience this time. After all, the sect welfare of inner disciples is not comparable to that of outer disciples.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and Ye Yang's footsteps suddenly stopped while they were walking. He paused for a moment, and when he felt something, he looked to the dim side.

In the dim corner, a pair of bloody eyes were staring at Ye Yang like a poisonous snake. It was these eyes that made Ye Yang's mind aware of it.


With a roar, a huge figure suddenly jumped over from the dim corner. The speed was extremely fast, and it rushed over Ye Yang's head in the blink of an eye. A big bloody hand is like a blood moon, suppressing it in the air!

An extremely strong, pungent smell of blood came out, almost fainting Ye Yangxun.

"Looking for death!" Ye Yang yelled, stepping on a hundred steps of lost steps, and his figure shook, he had already retreated violently. Immediately, he stepped on the ground, and the whole person rose into the air, and the magic sword that had been on his back was grabbed by his backhand.


The sword light swept past, slashing and cutting on the figure that had been slaughtered swiftly and violently.

With a sound of "poof", the sword fell with his hand, and the huge black shadow was directly cut off at the waist, dying.

Click! Click!

The corpse fell to the ground, and Ye Yang could see clearly that it was a blood demon who attacked him, a blood demon whose strength reached the realm of Xiaoding.

Seeing that Ye Yang was clean and tidy, and he killed the sneak attack Gorefiend, Ye Qinglan couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.

If he were to be a monk at the realm of Ye Yang and he would be attacked by a blood demon in this dim world of demons, he would not be as calm as Ye Yang, and would be a little panicked.

But Ye Yang has always remained calm, from evading the attack to shooting back, the rhythm is even more precise. Even if the blood demon was killed, his face would not blush and his heart would not beat.

This spiritual skill has long surpassed many disciples of Fei Xianmen. How could this minion be so calm? Ye Qinglan was a little surprised, and she felt as if he would treat Ye Yang with respect.

"I heard that there will be magic crystals in the heads of demons who have reached the realm of Ding Ding." Ye Yang said, the sword in his hand had already split the head of the blood demon. Suddenly, a crystal-clear spar the size of a pigeon egg appeared.

Crystal clear, cold but slippery.

This is the source of the power of the Demon Race, and the power of the Demon Race is stored here. Moreover, the power of these magic crystals can also be directly absorbed by the monks, refining them into their own vitality. The effect is even better than some medicines like Pei Yuan Dan.

Ye Yang unceremoniously took the magic crystal into his arms, which was his trophy. Moreover, Ye Qinglan was also not interested in these low-level magic crystals. Because the vitality contained in these low-level magic crystals is too little to have any effect on her.

"Ye Yang, the response is good. From now on you will walk in front of me."

Ye Yang didn't say a word, and stepped on Baili Mizuo steps and walked in front of Ye Qinglan.

In fact, Ye Yang had already discovered the blood demon lying nearby. With Ye Qinglan's strength, how could he not find it

She was afraid that she had discovered it a long time ago, but she didn't make a move, let alone reminded.

To experience Ye Yang? Maybe it is. Or maybe you want to see through Ye Yang's secret from Ye Yang's battle

"This woman, the scheming is really extraordinary." Ye Yang walked in front of Ye Qinglan, feeling Ye Qinglan's eyes constantly sweeping around on her body, and her scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb.

"The technique of the Star Palace cannot be used, otherwise it would be bad if Ye Qinglan found out that his relationship with Master Shuiyue was bad. But in addition to the technique of the Star Palace, I would only be able to use the Baili Mizuo step of the Flying Immortal Gate, Xianhe Wujiang Boxing, and basic swordsmanship."

Not only that, in addition to the fact that the Xing Palace cannot be used, the magical power of "Hell, Heaven and Sorrow and Thunder" cannot be used. As for "Yuanshi Psychic Art", it can be used. After all, as long as it is not too obvious, Ye Qinglan will not be able to see her own mind.

But if he couldn't use these combat skills and magical powers, Ye Yang's combat power would be weakened too much and he couldn't use it to his heart's content. But in order not to reveal the secret, Ye Yang had no choice but to do nothing.

Next, Ye Yang encountered multiple attacks. Gorefiends, various unknown beasts and so on.

However, fortunately, Ye Yang is always running the "Principle of the Originator" at any time, elevating his perception to the extreme. Although these blood demons and fierce beasts are powerful, they can't hurt Ye Yang. Instead, they were all killed by Ye Yang. However, along the way, Ye Yang also had a lot of scars on his body. But his gains are also huge, and his cultivation is growing day by day.

As they gradually deepened, both the blood demons and the fierce beasts became stronger and stronger. A blood demon with a realm similar to his own, Ye Yang was able to kill the opponent with his quick response and combat skills. But if the realm is higher, he will not be an opponent.

However, Ye Yang's long-term mental tension was in a dangerous situation. His perception, reaction ability, and even his ability to move, the speed of his shots, etc., were all improved a lot. Moreover, this is just the beginning.

If he had some experience in the world of demons this time, and then went out to the world of immortality, he would definitely undergo an earth-shaking transformation. However, Ye Qinglan has been staring from behind, making him unable to give full play to what he has learned, which makes him feel depressed that he is about to suffocate his internal injuries.

Along the way, Ye Yang tried his best not to show his feet. But the more so, the more surprised Ye Qinglan and the more curious about Ye Yang.

However, Ye Qinglan wasn't watching it all the time. When Ye Yang was fighting, she occasionally gave some advice, which benefited Ye Yang a lot.