Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 461: Dark angel


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Ye Yang was extracting Fu Xuechen's memory.

Although Fu Xuechen's strength is strong, there is still a big gap compared with Ye Yang, and he is not Ye Yang's opponent at all. Even Ye Yang hadn't used the power of the immortal world's origin at that time.

After all, he is the supreme of the immortal world, let alone Fu Xuechen, even if the saint king ancestor came to the immortal world, he was not Ye Yang's opponent.

In the world of immortality, Ye Yang is an invincible existence.

Dark angel!

When reading Fu Xuechen's memory, Ye Yang couldn't help being a little surprised. He finally knew what bloodline Fu Xuechen refined. It turned out to be a dark angel.

Dark angels are also a fairly advanced race, also called fallen angels. According to legend, the dark angels were originally split from the angel race, and the high-level races formed and multiplied by those fallen angels are extremely powerful.

Fu Xuechen's refining bloodline, or the bloodline that Fu Xuechen possesses, is the dark angel. However, the blood of the dark angels in Fu Xuechen's body was not much, and it was not pure, it was only the blood of the lowest-level dark angels.

But even so, his combat power soared dozens of times! It is conceivable how terrifying the combat power of the dark angels is!

Regarding the dark angel, it should be a race similar to the dragon clan. Because there is no trace of angels or dark angels in the endless starry sky.

As for the angels or dark angels, the hallmark is the pair of wings behind them. The more wings, the stronger the strength, and the higher the natural status within the race.

Two-winged angel, dark angel, four-winged angel, seraph... Fu Xuechen is the lowest level two-winged dark angel.

Extinguish the shadow magic!

This is the magical power of shadow attack, the name is very simple, but the power is not to be underestimated. If it weren't for Ye Yang to reverse reincarnation, otherwise he would really not be able to quickly break free from the attack of "Shadow Destroying Supernatural Ability".

With his strength, even if the shadow is pinned, it is impossible for Fu Xuechen to kill him. However, the witch, Ye Qinglan, and Nangong Zitong did not have his strength, and they could not withstand Fu Xuechen's attack.

Ye Yang finally extracted relevant memories from Fu Xuechen's memory! This surprised him, but he was a little speechless. Although Mieying's supernatural power is not the talented supernatural power of the dark angel. But only people with the blood of dark angels can practice successfully.

In other words, the "shadow-killing supernatural power" that Fu Xuechen cultivates is actually based on the blood of the dark angel, and can be inspired by the special power of the blood of the dark angel! Otherwise, even if it is displayed, there is no power.

This supernatural power is too defying, Ye Yang originally planned to cultivate. If he can successfully cultivate and cooperate with the "reincarnation" magical powers, then he will truly be invincible in the world.

However, Ye Yang already had the blood of the true dragon himself, so it was naturally impossible to refine the blood of the dark angel. Moreover, the dark angel is too evil, he doesn't like this race.

But even so, he made a careful reference. Although the chances of this kind of supernatural powers appearing are extremely rare, you are not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. What if you encounter a dark angel with this kind of supernatural power again in the future? It would be extremely detrimental to him if he didn't know the flaws in the "Shadow Extinguishing Supernatural Ability".

"Haha, Ye Yang, you also want to cultivate this supernatural power? Did you know that it took me nine deaths before I finally succeeded in cultivating. You also want to practice? It's just a idiot dream!" Upon seeing this, Fu Xuechen laughed loudly. His face was savage, and his expression was extremely resentful.

"Don't be so proud, I will extract the blood of the dark angel in your body later. As long as the blood of the dark angel is refined, why can't you be unable to cultivate the supernatural power of Shadow Extinguishment?" Ye Yang looked at him and laughed triumphantly. Fu Xuechen said coldly.

Fu Xuechen's laughter stopped abruptly, and the laughter on his face condensed in an instant. He simply forgot that Ye Yang could refine the blood in his body. And now he doesn't even have the ability to resist.

It's too early to be proud! Fu Xuechen was very resentful, only glaring at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Fu Xuechen, and finally knocked him out with a punch. Immediately, he began to comprehend the "Shadow Extinguishing Supernatural Ability" and looking for the flaws in the Extinguishing Shadow Supernatural Ability.

With Ye Yang's comprehension, there is no problem in comprehending this supernatural power. Soon he gradually understood this supernatural power, although he could not cultivate.

"That's it!"

With the in-depth understanding, Ye Yang finally knew the principle of this magical power.

Shadow-killing magical powers, if you cultivate to great accomplishment and even perfection, it is more than just nailing the shadow. At that time, you can directly damage the deity by attacking the shadow. Even, you can directly kill the shadow and kill the deity.

This is a supernatural power that is quite against the sky, weird but terrifying.

And the distance of this supernatural power is a special power that appears through the blood of dark angels. This power connects a person's shadow with the deity, in order to achieve the purpose of attacking the shadow to harm the deity.

"There is actually the power to connect the deity and the shadow. It's really weird." Ye Yang felt his mind, and his heart became more shocked.

However, even those who can comprehend that power among the dark angels are extremely rare. Fu Xuechen's power was not what he understood, and his talent was not enough!

That power was inherited from him. The dark angel who left the blood of the dark angel understood this power before his death, so Fu Xuechen inherited it by the way when refining the blood of the dark angel.

Therefore, he successfully cultivated the "Shadow Destroying Supernatural Ability" logically.

As long as the connection between oneself and the shadow is cut off, the "Shadow Extinguishing Supernatural Ability" will not have any effect.

After several days, Ye Yang finally figured out this shadow-killing magical power.

"Even if I encounter related supernatural powers in the future, I won't be able to trap me." On that day, Ye Yang woke up from his practice and smiled.

If he encounters this kind of supernatural power again in the future, he can cut off the connection between the deity and the shadow according to his own understanding. Of course, he has "reincarnation" supernatural powers, which can reverse reincarnation, and he is not afraid of this supernatural power at all.

But, like other people, they don't have the magical power of "reincarnation". It's fine if you haven't encountered this kind of magical powers, but if you do, you may still encounter similar magical powers in the future. Therefore, he must help the witch and others understand this magical power, and prevent it in case.

He slapped Fu Xuechen, who was in a coma, and Ye Yang looked at him with a sneer on his face: "Fu Xuechen, your talent is pretty good. But unfortunately you used the wrong place. If you didn't suppress me everywhere, you want to put me on Death; if it wasn't for you to cause the destruction of Feixianmen, you wouldn't have fallen to where you are now!"

Fu Xuechen could already predict what would happen in the future, so he sneered again and again: "Ye Yang, if it weren't for your appearance, Ye Qinglan would be my woman. And Fei Xianmen is mine, and I am the master of the world of immortality. ! But because of you, all of this has been taken away by you! You are not dead, how can I have a place in the world of immortality?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang suddenly laughed.

"Fu Xuechen, in the final analysis, you are still jealous of me. Your little chicken belly can not tolerate others. Your qualifications are just like that, and you are not allowed to be more talented than you? It's ridiculous!"

While speaking, Ye Yang slapped Fu Xuechen's head with a slap.

Suddenly, an immense power burst out from his palm, and quickly penetrated into Fu Xuechen's body like a poisonous snake.

Ye Yang began to directly refine Fu Xuechen's blood.


Blood is not actually blood or essence blood, but runs through the whole person. Ye Yang wanted to extract it, in fact, it was to refine its essence, like refining medicine, to refine the essence inside.

Such a process must be very painful. Moreover, Fu Xuechen didn't have the slightest strength at this time, and the pain was even greater.

The extraction process went smoothly, but Fu Xuechen suffered. When Ye Yang extracted the last drop of blood, Fu Xuechen had also collapsed to the ground completely. At this time, he returned to his original appearance again, still that talent, but he was already far from Ye Yang.

That's it!

At this moment, Ye Yang's hand was about the size of a baby's fist, and the whole body was shining with evil aura of blood. This is the blood of the dark angel.

Next to this bloodline, there is a small light group. Inside the light group is the "Shadow Extinguishing Supernatural Ability", which was sealed by Ye Yang and sealed with the dark angel bloodline.

"See if anyone is suitable for refining the blood of this dark angel?" Ye Yang thought in his heart. Although the dark angels are a bit evil, not everyone is evil. There are good and bad people in every race.

Moreover, the dark angels are a high-level race after all. If they have this kind of blood, the skyrocketing strength is second, and their future achievements will be extremely high.

But this matters a lot, after all, you need to find a reliable talent to practice.

"Fu Xuechen, goodbye forever!" Ye Yang said lightly, already stepping out. Right after his body disappeared, Fu Xuechen also slowly annihilated, and finally disappeared between the heavens and the earth, his soul flew away, the true spirit died, and the dead could no longer die.

At this time, the Deity Sect had been disbanded, and the disciples of Deshen Sect were like a tree falling down and scattered, which was not a cause for concern.

On this day, Ye Yang gathered some of the great figures of Yuanshi Sect and the Holy Demon Pure Land to gather at the temple of Yuanshi Sect.

"You all have the resources of the Holy Demon Pure Land to join the Yuanshi Sect and become a disciple of the Yuanshi Sect?" Ye Yang frowned slightly and looked at the people of the Holy Demon Pure Land.

The Holy Demon Pure Land was a sect created by the Holy Demon Great Emperor, and the Holy Demon Great Emperor was of great help to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang is grateful!

It is precisely because of this that Ye Yang has always retained the Holy Demon Pure Land and the orthodoxy of the Holy Demon Great Emperor, and he is unwilling to let it disappear into the world of immortality.