Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 467: Evil Heart Race


So the people continued to move forward, but before they had gone far, a group of people killed them. More people were killed this time, and the strength was stronger!

However, even if the saint king ancestor came over, he couldn't stop Ye Yang and the others. Naturally, Ye Yang and others would not be polite to these cultivators who would kill without asking for reasons.

Especially the three saints of Taiyi were even more murderous, and they rushed straight up, killing them!

After killing this wave, the Great Demon Venerable in the flying shuttle began to contact Ye Yang. Immediately, Ye Yang let the Great Demon Venerable come out.

After the Great Demon Venerable came out, he immediately passed a piece of memory directly to Ye Yang.

It is a related memory from that great sage's questioning.

Ye Yang took a deep look at the Great Demon Venerable. The Great Demon Venerable seemed to be very good at forcing a confession! In the realm of a saint, in such a short period of time, he was forced to ask what he wanted from a great saint.

Evil Heart Race!

It is not a sect that dominates the cave world, but a race, a race called the Evil Heart Race. Of course, the name is like this, but the evil heart race is still a human race.

In fact, the Evil Heart Race is a family, like the Ye family. Evil Heart is actually a surname.

The Evil Heart Clan is not an aboriginal of Dongtianfudi, but also the Dongtianfudi unintentionally discovered hundreds of years ago. At that time, a strong person from the Evil Heart Race inadvertently broke into this place, and found the heaven and the blessed land.

Later, they moved their clan to Dongtianfudi and regarded Dongtianfudi as a mountain gate.

The sacred aura of Dongtianfudi is very rich, and practicing here has a multiplier effect. Therefore, in just a few hundred years, the strength of the Evil Heart Race has increased several times!

However, compared with the top families and sects of the outside world, the strength of the Evil Heart Race is still not enough, and there is no foundation.

And the existence value of Dongtianfudi is always well known. If it is known by others, even people from the top ten sects will rob it! Therefore, it is for this reason that the memories of all members of the Evil Heart Race have been banned.

Whenever someone wants to read the memory forcibly, then these memories will be destroyed automatically, and no one can know everything in the heaven and the blessed land.

It's just that the Evil Heart Clan can prevent others from reading their memories, but it cannot prevent their clan members from being forced to confess.

It was like the Great Demon Venerable asking the Great Sage, didn't Ye Yang know what they wanted to know

"Besides, there seems to be a big secret hidden in this hole of heaven and blessing! However, the great sage doesn't know what secrets are hidden." Finally, the Great Demon Venerable Voice Transmission said to Ye Yang.

"Big secret?" Ye Yang frowned slightly, he thought from the beginning that there was a big secret hidden in the heaven and fortune. It's just that I didn't expect that even the Great Demon Venerable didn't even know

"Whose Evil Heart Clan has the highest strength? What realm has it reached?"

"A hidden clan elder, it is said that he has reached the realm of the fifth-order holy king ancestor!" The Great Demon Venerable said with some worry.

The ancestor of the fifth-order holy king!

Ye Yang's strength is improving every day, but the deity's combat power is also comparable to the level of the third-order saint king ancestor. If you meet the fifth-order Saint King ancestor, then there is only one to escape.

However, this time he came here not only the deity, but also the real dragon clone! The strength of the true dragon clone is still higher than that of the deity. If you fight with the real dragon avatar, even if the opponent is the fifth-order ancestor, it will have the power to fight.

"By the way, besides us, there are alien visitors in the cave. There are two people who have been suppressed by them! Moreover, those two people seem to be from the world of immortality." The Great Demon Venerable added.

"It's also in the world of immortality?" Ye Yang's heart moved, and the appearance of two people emerged in his mind for the first time-Yan Duoer and the young master of Fei Xianmen.

When the Fei Xianmen was destroyed, the two of them were forced to escape from the fairy world and into the endless starry sky. Later, Ye Yang also tried to find them, but there was no news about them.

Since the four of Da Mozun and the others have been involved in Dongtianfudi, have Yan Duoer been involved in Dongtianfudi

"Let's go, let's go to the Evil Heart Clan." Ye Yang immediately took the Big Demon Venerable and went straight to the Evil Heart Clan.

The two saints of Taiyi and the barbarian tribe were uneasy. Ye Yang was so confident and went straight to the base camp? Isn't that looking for death

Not just the two of them, even the holy demon saints are extremely worried. Only the Great Demon Lord seemed very calm. I wonder why he has so much confidence in Ye Yang

However, even if they were worried, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and go with Ye Yang. Otherwise, let them be alone in Dongtianfudi? The chance of being killed is even greater, it would be better to follow Ye Yang all the time.

Perhaps it was because he knew that Ye Yang went straight to the Evil Heart Clan. On the way, Ye Yang and others did not meet any monk of the Evil Heart Clan again.

Perhaps the evil-hearted people have lined up in the base camp to "welcome" them.

Dongtianfudi is huge, but Ye Yang and the others are not slow. It didn't take long for Ye Yang to appear outside the Xiexin Clan.

Sure enough, just as Ye Yang had guessed, there were already many cultivators waiting in line outside the Evil Heart Race. There are many people, including ordinary people, saints, and even great saints. There is even a saint king and ancestor in the back.

"You guys, don't you hurry up and die?" Before Ye Yang and the others approached, a great sage pointed at them and shouted.

Seeing such a battle, Taiyi saint and barbarian saint trembled in their hearts. They saw their figures moved slightly, moved without a trace under their feet, and landed beside Ye Yang.

Although their strength is good, they are nothing compared to the Evil Heart Clan. If we start, we will be killed directly! Therefore, they were unwilling to be this early bird, but hid behind Ye Yang. Although this is a bit too scary, it's better than losing your life, right

Only the Saint Demon Saint and the Great Demon Venerable stood on both sides of Ye Yang, directly facing the powerhouses of the Evil Heart Race.

Ye Yang snorted: "Tell your strongest clan elder to come out and talk to me!"

"Bold! A trivial saint is so arrogant!" The great sage was furious, and while speaking, he shot his hand with anger, and blasted Ye Yang with a punch.

A cold light flashed across Ye Yang's eyes, and he also blasted out a punch.


Between the lightning and the fire, the fists of both sides have already smashed together in the void! There was a loud noise.

Ye Yang stood still in place, but the fist of the great sage was directly shattered. And the terrifying force rushed straight towards his body along the path of his arm. Wherever he went, the big hand was shaken into powder.

The great sage was terrified, and quickly retreated violently. However, Ye Yang deliberately wanted to kill him, how could he escape? Just when his figure moved slightly and he was about to retreat violently, Ye Yang's power had already come out of the air and hit him directly.


After a muffled sound, the whole body of the Great Sage burst to pieces. Not only that, but his mind and soul have been shaken into powder, and he can't die anymore.

All this happened so quickly, even the Saint King Patriarch did not react. Can only watch Ye Yang beating that great sage to death.

"I don't know, am I qualified to talk directly with your fifth-order Saint King Patriarch?" Ye Yang closed his hand, calmly watching the Evil Heart Race powerhouses.

"Foreigner, you broke into the territory of my evil-hearted race and killed my evil-hearted race. When my evil-hearted race has no one? I will kill you with my own hands today!" The saint king ancestor who was guarding outside shouted loudly.

"I am a great kind person. If you didn't want to kill us first, how could I kill your evil-hearted people? I warn you, you'd better not attack me. Otherwise, the end will be the same as the great saint! "Ye Yang said lightly.

Although the opponent is the ancestor of the Saint King, it is only the ancestor of the first-order Saint King, and is not Ye Yang's opponent at all. If he dared to make a move, Ye Yang would also dare to suppress him! Even shot it to death on the spot.


The ancestor of the first-order holy king was angry, and saw him shout violently, and his big hand slammed out, shattering the clouds in the sky, and grabbed it straight from above the nine heavens.

The power exploded, the void was shattered, and large tracts were broken.

The holy light shocked **, rushing straight out of the nine heavens, the aura of ruining the heavens and the earth exploded, impacting the hearts of the Great Demon Venerable and others, and the souls were almost shattered.

This is the breath of the saint king ancestor! Before the big hand came down, they had almost been suppressed and crawled on the ground. Although they are all genius powerhouses from the world of immortality, there is a huge gap between the realms of the two sides.

Just the breath of the saint king and ancestor can easily kill them, let alone the big hands that were photographed.

The four of them felt frightened and all looked at Ye Yang. If Ye Yang couldn't resist the blow of the Saint King Patriarch, they would have to confess here.

"The ancestor of the first-order holy king, dare to be mad at me?" Ye Yang snorted, and his big hand slowly reached out.

"It's just a saint, his tone is so big, I really don't know what to say." Seeing that Ye Yang actually dared to fight against the ancestors of the saint king, someone from the evil heart tribe sneered.

Ye Yang's strength is very powerful, he can kill the Great Sage! But after all, the shot was the ancestor of the saint king, and there was a gap of two big realms with Ye Yang.

Can Ye Yang contend against the saint king and ancestor? No one of them believes it at all! Not just them, even the holy demon saints don't believe it!


Ye Yang's big hand came first later, with five fingers spreading, and in mid-air he grabbed the big hand of the Xiexin Clan's first-order saint king ancestor.

The ancestor of the first-order holy king was shocked and angry, and his big hand violently shook, trying to smash Ye Yang's big hand. It's just that the void was wiped out by really big movies, but Ye Yang's big hands were still motionless!