Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 473: Wormhole


God's eyes opened, the light of God shocked the world, and went straight to the nine heavens.

With the help of the power of God's Eye, Ye Yang looked at this void.

There is no formation or restriction, at least now Ye Yang can't see anything related to formation or restriction. However, Yan Duoer, the Great Demon Zun and others will certainly not appear here inexplicably.

Unless the storm directly tore the void open, there must be something similar to a teleportation channel here. However, maybe these passages are so secret that Ye Yang couldn't find it.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry, sitting cross-legged in the void, constantly investigating what's here. At the same time, he was also cultivating, and his strength slowly improved his cultivation.

The witch, Yan Duoer and others were not by Ye Yang's side.

The holy spirit in the heaven and the blessed land is too strong, and it is great for them. Therefore, almost everyone seized the opportunity to practice. Everyone wants to take advantage of this great opportunity to improve their realm.

And these cultivators in Dongtianfudi were all the geniuses of Yuanshi Divine Sect. In particular, the witch, Ye Qinglan, Yan Duoer and others are even more talented evildoers. With the help of the rich holy energy here, their cultivation level has improved extremely quickly.

Of course, Ye Yang's cultivation was gradually improving. With the improvement of his cultivation level, his control of the Divine Eye has become stronger and stronger, and the power that the Divine Eye has exploded has become stronger.


On this day, Ye Yang suddenly let out a cry.

Just now, he saw a tiny cave in the void! The cave is not big, as if it had been eaten by an insect. In fact, Ye Yang had discovered this cave long ago.

However, at the beginning, he didn't notice the strangeness of the cave. Therefore, Ye Yang only thought that the cave was just a crack in the space. After all, the void was not static, and sometimes changed, such as cracks.

However, this time when Ye Yang looked at the cave again, Ye Yang vaguely felt an inexplicable force emanating from the cave.

Moreover, this wormhole has always been fixed in place, without any change-if it is some cracks or a blasted void, it will soon be restored with the void's recovery ability.

But this wormhole has not been repaired. It seems that there is an inexplicable force in the wormhole that is frozen and will not be automatically restored by the void.

"They won't be brought in from this cave, right? Ye Yang thought about it, and then his heart moved.

The Great Demon Venerable, Yan Duoer and others were all involved in the storm after leaving the world of Immortal Dao, and then teleported here. So, does this wormhole extend beyond the fairy world

If this is the case, then the people of Yuanshi Divine Sect will not need to walk through the channel that Ye Yang opened up in the hundreds of millions of formations and prohibitions.

After all, what if the black hand finds out behind the scenes? Will change the formation and prohibition. At that time, unless Ye Yang reopened a heart channel, the disciples of the Immortal Dao World would not be able to come out of the endless starry sky.

However, if this wormhole really leads outside the world of immortality, then unless this passage is also blocked by the black hand behind the scenes, the people of the original sect can pass through the wormhole and directly enter the heaven and blessed land, simple and rude!

Immediately, Ye Yang observed the void with his divine eyes again, but after excluding the wormhole, Ye Yang found nothing else. Therefore, he was even more sure that Yan Duoer, Great Demon Zun and others had come in from here.

Therefore, he arranged some restrictions and formations outside the wormhole. With his knowledge of formations and restraints, even if the Saint King Patriarch came, he couldn't crack it. In this way, even if someone strays into the wormhole, they will not directly enter the cave, or even see the cave.

Immediately, Ye Yang got up, turned into a thunder and lightning, and went straight into the wormhole.

The wormhole is not big, it winds into the distance in the void, really like being eaten by a worm. Moreover, Ye Yang also discovered that there is always an inexplicable power in the wormhole. It is precisely because of this power that the entire wormhole is fixed in the void, not squeezed or repaired by the void!

Ye Yang studied this inexplicable power carefully, and found that this power was very advanced and lasting for a long time. He estimated that in the void where he is now, these forces can last at least hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years or more!

After drawing this conclusion, Ye Yang was a little surprised. What kind of bug has this ability? The remaining power really lasts for a long time.

Ye Yang guessed that even if the immortal left behind his strength, it is estimated that he would not be able to support it for millions of years. After all, power will always dissipate, but the power in the wormhole hardly dissipates.

While shocked, Ye Yang did not stop, but flew forward quickly.

This worm seemed to treat the void as food, gnawing the void out of wormholes. Going around in the void. Sometimes it's a big circle.

However, in order to explore the truth, Ye Yang could only patiently walk along the wormhole. Moreover, he turned into a thunder and lightning, even in a small passage, but also fast forward.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days, or even a few months. Finally, Ye Yang's "shoo" sound appeared in the endless starry sky outside.

A huge star was suspended in the void in front of him—it was the world of immortality!

This should be the place where the Great Demon Lord, Yan Duoer and the others were drawn into the wormhole by the storm.

However, why did Yan Duoer arrive at Dongtianfudi at the end before the Great Demon Venerable and the others

Ye Yang guessed that it should have something to do with the storm.

The Great Demon Venerable and the others may have been brought directly through the wormhole by the storm and entered the blessed land of the cave. However, Yan Duoer had been in the storm for many years before being rushed into the wormhole and entering the blessed land. Or maybe the storm that Yan Duoer encountered was not here.

Only the moving storm finally threw them into the heaven and earth.

However, no matter what, Ye Yang has at least determined that this wormhole can indeed penetrate directly through the cave heaven and blessed land from here. In the future, the people of the Yuanshi God Sect can enter Dongtianfudi from here. And the disciples of the gods in Dongtianfudi can also return to the world of immortality without alarming the black hand behind the scenes.

However, this wormhole should be used as a secret passage! Under normal circumstances, the disciples of Yuanshishenjiao still had to enter and exit here through the passage opened by Ye Yang.

"Scholar, do you know what exactly gnawed the void out of such a wormhole?" Ye Yang was puzzled, so he asked the scholar.

"Time Worm!" The scholar did not answer, but Broken Purple Mansion took the lead in answering.

"Time insects?" Ye Yang asked a little puzzled.

"The space-time insect is a kind of strange beast between heaven and earth. It can also be said to be a kind of divine beast. It specializes in time and space as food. And the void eaten by him will not be repaired even for hundreds of millions of years!"

Hundreds of millions of years! Ye Yang couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath. He still underestimated the time bug. He previously estimated that these channels could exist for millions of years, but he did not expect that they could support hundreds of millions of years.

Space-time bugs are terrible! What kind of beast is this

"Space-time worms, their attack power is not strong, but their life-saving, escape ability is one of the best. Moreover, you have also seen that the wormholes they gnaw out last for a long time, sometimes even better than the transmission channel! The most important thing is! The thing is, the space-time worm can directly gnaw an impulse in the formation and prohibition. No formation or prohibition can stop the time-space worm."

"In other words, does any sect of guarding the mountains and the like have no effect on the space-time insects?" Ye Yang asked in shock.

"Yes!" Broken Purple Mansion replied.

Any formation. The prohibition is in vain! If there is a worm, wouldn’t it be possible to go wherever you want? treasure house? Forbidden areas and so on can't stop the pace of the time bug

This is also terrible! If he owns a Time Worm, he can definitely empty the treasure house of Ye Family and others! Even, he can sneak in and kill near the enemy!

"If you can surrender a space-time insect..." Ye Yang felt a move in his heart and blurted out.

"Surrender the space-time insects? Want to be beautiful!" Broken Purple Mansion sneered.

"Is it hard to surrender?" Ye Yang asked in astonishment.

Broken Purple Mansion sneered: "Space-time insects are divine beasts! And extremely rare. Even if a strong person of the same realm encounters space-time insects, it is difficult to subdue them. Since ancient times, no one has heard of anyone surrendering space-time insects! Because of space-time insects His ability to escape and save his life is too bad."

Ye Yang suddenly felt depressed. It’s just that I didn’t expect the style of Broken Purple Mansion to change suddenly: “However, in this low-level world, there are also time-space worms? If I am not wrong, the time-space worm should be just a larva. You might be OK. Surrender it."

Hope suddenly appeared in Ye Yang's heart!

However, since ancient times, no one has surrendered the time-space bug, can he? Ye Yang didn't have much confidence. Of course, all of this is based on the premise that he can discover the space-time insects. Now, he has no trace of the time and space bug, let alone surrendered.

After groaning for a while, he once again offered his divine eyes and began to shoot the void. Sure enough, it didn't take long before he found a wormhole again not far away.

Without any hesitation, Ye Yang rushed into the wormhole.

Become an incoming call and fly quickly through the wormhole. Not long after, he appeared from the wormhole.

This wormhole is much shorter than the first wormhole. However, when Ye Yang appeared on the other side of the wormhole, he was surprised to find that he had actually appeared in another star field.

Far away from the Celestial Domain, and even separated from the Celestial Domain by several star domains!